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© KYODOJapan's 1st case of monkeypox confirmed in Tokyo
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Stay your butt home
Japan should require a negative test for Monkeypox and/or vaccine for entry. Japan has a chance to nip in the bud.
Tom San
Get your smallpox vaccines while they last.
No official instruction yet as to how to identify and avoid the risk of infection. Keep social distance?
"Japan should require a negative test for Monkeypox and/or vaccine for entry. Japan has a chance to nip in the bud."
And Japanese government should distribute two reusable boxer briefs per household.
Japanese are now going abroad and bringing diseases home to Japan-outrageous!
Tom San
Was the man Japanese or...
sodomy punishment. This will soon be all on over those liberals?
You are approaching genius level, Yrral!
My dear wife, an intelligent, mature woman of many years with two children, nevertheless didn’t know exactly what sodomy is. I explained. (No, not what you think.)
Perhaps our gay friends here can weigh in on the appropriateness of the use of this word within or outside their community. However, the Monkeypox outbreak in Spain was highly likely due to this sexual practice.
Let no one forget that AIDS initially spread so rapidly among this demographic via the same vector. Jumping next to bi-sexuals infecting woman, use of tainted needles by addicts, and botched blood tests for donors and a “perfect storm” was created.
Most of the gay men a good friend of mine, himself gay, went to school with (at an elite East Coast university) in the early 1970s were dead by decade’s end due to complications from AIDS.
No one should be surprised by the coming spread of Monkeypox in Japan. As Yrral might say, just keep it tight.
Tom San
Merely suggesting that "gay" sexual practices spreads Monkeypox earns you the title of bigot these days, doesn't it?
""Symptoms of the disease, spread through close physical contact""
Close? How close, is sex too close or just about right?
*spread through close physical contact*
Means exactly what?
They did not say the nationality of the man. But the rule of thumb is if they omit the nationality, it is a foreigner.
Japan should release the nationality of the man.
Monkeypox spreads in different ways. The virus can spread from person to person through:
*direct contact with the infectious rash, scabs, or body fluids
*respiratory secretions during prolonged, face-to-face contact, or during intimate physical contact, such as kissing, cuddling, or sex
*touching items (such as clothing or linens) that previously touched the infectious rash or body fluids
*pregnant people can spread the virus to their fetus through the placenta
*It’s also possible for people to get monkeypox from infected animals, either by being scratched or bitten by the animal or by preparing or eating meat or using products from an infected animal.
*Monkeypox can spread from the time symptoms start until the rash has fully healed and a fresh layer of skin has formed. The illness typically lasts 2-4 weeks. People who do not have monkeypox symptoms cannot spread the virus to others. At this time, it is not known if monkeypox can spread through semen or vaginal fluids.
Tom San
I'm relieved to know that it wasn't a monkey, but a man.
Keep the boxes, but starting testing and require monkeypox vaccine for entry into Japan.
99% or current cases are in Gay men! Why isn't this reported in the media? Is it political correctness gone too far?? Surely you would want to let the most vunerable cohort know they are at risk so they can take measures??
Monkeypox spreads in different ways. The virus can spread from person to person through:
a good reason to start testing for monkeypox for entry.
The Avenger
We know how it's spread. Those that engage in such activities, act accordingly, or not. Up to you.
Everyone else, worry about the cost of groceries and gas. The things that actually matter.
too late, the USA has already bought all.
to be more factual, where it originated in central/Western Africa, it wasn’t only “gay men”. When it transitioned to western countries it was spread by gay AND bisexual men first. Bisexual men have wives and girlfriends, and some wives and girlfriends have other lovers. So it is not a “gay” virus.
finally rich
日本で初確認 欧州から帰国 30代男性
A japanese man in his 30s just back from Europe
I am being factual that is how it was reported on the news last night but most news articles omit that crucial fact! And a quick search on the net for "99% of monkeypox gay men" will bring up supporting evidence....
I'm not a homophobe but think this is a pretty crucial part of the equation that should be reported!
Tom San
Does it really say a "Japanese" man?
I don't read the language very well.
Japan Immigration authorities and the MOHW should work together to immediately close Japan borders until the full situation can be assessed. Then border reopening can be phased back on according the results of the assessment. Unlike coronavirus, Japan can nip this in the bud if they move quickly.
Let's go with the new wave of hysteria.
thankfullly the commute on the Yamanote is quite spacious.
El Rata
This should only concern a very specific sector of people who practice certain activities, gnomesayin'?
SanjinosebleedToday 09:53 am JST
This is factually true.
Along with monkeys spreading it.
cover your entire body from head to toe in tinfoil and never leave the house. survive on insect protein, and dont use any electricity. That is the only way to avoid certain death.
Ok by the comments it is no wonder this spread worldwide.
The reason governments especially in the west kept quiet at first was not to get the same "gay plague" type reaction as AIDS did.
Yes it is for the moment mostly males mostly homosexual or Bisexual, but sorry to say it is also now in the heterosexual world.
The good news is it is easily prevented.
Not exchanging bodily fluids or touching open scabs on people is fairly simple. ( It is not airborne transmitting).
So all of us in monogamous relationships are safe, the rest where protection and skip the kissing for a while.
finally rich
they use the verb 帰国 which means to return to someone's original country (not country of residence), it can't be used for a foreigner resident coming back to Japan or a japanese going back to Europe, etc, in these cases they use 戻る instead
Unless you are rubbing up on open pic scans and with bare skin and you also have open wounds or sores in that area you are safe.
If you are exchanging bodily fluids on the train you have more to worry about that catching monkeypox,
Doesn't "monkeypox" sound discriminatory towards monkeys?
At this time, it is not known if monkeypox can spread through semen or vaginal fluids.
Since 1 January and as of 22 June 2022, 3413 laboratory-confirmed cases and one death have been reported to WHO from 50 countries/territories in five WHO Regions. Since the previous Disease Outbreak News of 17 June was published, 1310 new cases have been reported and eight new countries have reported cases.
Covid kills more.
OMG no! Close the borders for 250 years! Long live Sakoku!!
Any source for this? because the experts explicitly contradicts this as the normal/usual/frequent route to transmission to humans.
Might be why the monkeys up in Yamaguchi are going nuts....
Yes, close borders again. Filthy tourists.......
Hervé L'Eisa
Must have had some male-male contact including exchange of bodily liquids...
Joe Blow
I think the bud is where monkeypox cums from ;)~
More reason to not trust the WHO:
Over the weekend, a committee from the World Health Organization met to determine whether or not this monkeypox outbreak constitutes a “public health emergency of international concern” or ‘PHEIC’.
After deliberating for several hours, the committee did NOT decide that monkeypox is a PHEIC.
Now, this is a committee of ‘experts’, i.e. people who have been specifically chosen by the World Health Organization to serve on this committee because of their renown and expertise in the fields of public health and infectious disease.
And the committee of experts did not deem monkeypox to be a public health emergency.
We’ve been told for more than two years to trust the science, trust the experts. So in theory, that should have been the end of the story.
But the Director General of the World Health Organization, Dr. Tedros Adhanom, released his own order, overriding the committee of experts.
*“I have decided,” Dr. Tedros told the world on Saturday, “that the global monkeypox outbreak represents a public health emergency of international concern.”*
So… forget everything they said about trusting the experts. Apparently we should only trust the experts until a higher ranking politician settles the science for all of us. He has decided.
It really is extraordinary that these people still think they have any credibility.
Japan has another good excuse to close the borders again...
So can Japan impose entry restrictions on homosexuals entering the country to stop the spread of this disease?
So everyone please stay at home and don't have sex! Make Jesus proud.
So if the evidence points towards one decision at one point in time, but newer evidence points towards a different conclusion later, you think it is a rational criticism to pretend the scientific authorities to have the newer evidence before it was possible to obtain it?
Time machine arguments are illogical. The main purpose of a scientifically based decision is that it requires objective evidence (available at the time) to make a conclusion, and that means those conclusions can be changed if newer information justifies it.
This is precisely why the WHO is a trusted scientific authority, because instead of persisting in a conclusion that should change it actually takes into account the evidence and adapts their conclusions to it, as it should be.
The decision was changed after a new meeting of the committee of experts, there was no "overriding" just the normal, expected and positive change of conclusions when the evidence justifys it.
Misrepresenting this as if one single person decided it against the opinion of the experts is plain disinformation.
You assume there was evidence pointing towards one decision.
Let's see a source for that "evidence", otherwise, it is merely your opinion.
Your link shows nothing to support your claim.
I do have evidence of another WHO error; can you counter it with evidence in any scientific study concluding wearing masks increased the spread of Covid? No, you cannot. So, you just have to accept the fact the "experts" that advised the WHO agency were wrong:
In both cases the announcement was done after a meeting of experts, that is what they do on those meetings.
Do you have any reference that even indicate the available evidence did not justified the decisions? It is not my opinion but the one of the experts you are trying to refute here.
Of course it does, it shows the results of the meeting of experts that are completely in line with the announcement. Nothing is contradicted nor "overriding" was done as you mistakenly said.
Your source actually contradict what you say, the available evidence at the beginning of the pandemic clearly pointed to an effect of masks... on symptomatic patients and in the place where they were being treated, which means the recommendation to prioritize masks to hospitals (something that not only the WHO recommended but so all other important scientific institutions like the CDC) is perfectly justified.
If your argument is that his was an error you need to provide evidence (available at that time) that contradicts it. You have been asked for this evidence every time you put that link, you have never been able to provide anything, for someone honest this would clearly prove there was no error, the evidence was just not available.
Usually I accept your knowledge and expertise but not on this.
The WHO is now a joke, far too much political interference over science and facts.
They could have issued far more guidelines long ago as this started to spread but politics stopped them.
In the UK and Canada all but 2 or 3 ( meaning 2 or 3 were women that caught it from their bisexual partners) cases were gay or bisexual men, this was several months back.
But because of political worries the cap was keeped on public information as they worried about another AIDS scenario and stigmatizing the gay community.
So instead of issuing warnings long ago, they all let it continue spreading until it couldn't be hidden anymore and enough non gay people caught it.
These are facts, you can look them up, Quebec, Canada and UK health ministers all have openly said the decision to delay warning people was based on not "stereotyping" the gay community!
Still today it is a controversial situation, when the question of gender of those infected, a sudden wall of silence is raised.
If you have a bad batch of heroin on the streets, you direct the warning to the heroin users not the public that doesn't use heroin and you do it fast to avoid few people dying.
You don't delay to avoid "stigmatizing" the heroine user community.
The WHO delayed notifying the vulnerable groups in order to avoid political fallout.
Here is more evidence Tedros overrode the "experts":
Ghebreyesus made the decision despite a lack of consensus among experts,
It was the first time a U.N. health agency chief has unilaterally made such a decision without an expert recommendation.