Japan Today
U.S. Marine Corps MV-22 Osprey aircraft are seen at the U.S. Marine Corps' Air Station in Futenma, Ginowan. Image: REUTERS file

U.S. base in Okinawa confirms 32 more coronavirus cases; Iwakuni base reports several


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Let me guess. Lock it down for 6 weeks? Or what?

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Pretty soon the military is going to have more cases alone than all of Okinawa had in total, if they havent already hit and surpassed that mark that is.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

Total lockdown for 6 weeks. Then reevaluate.

2 ( +9 / -7 )

These personnel are in Japan. They are not a foreign country. They should have been followed up on from before. Military bases with foreigners should have been a focus in Japan as a possible danger from the start.

And by the way, where do these cases get listed? I don’t see them in the daily COVID prefectural counts.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

And by the way, where do these cases get listed? I don’t see them in the daily COVID prefectural counts

Perhaps because the base is considered part of America?

Total lockdown for 6 weeks. Then reevaluate.

Predictable to the point it has gotten very boring.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

The US military needs to treat where they are with respect, consideration and due intelligence. They have not done this in Okinawa (again) and treat the locals like second class citizens (again) in their own country. The whole approach, the COs, the hierarchy are an absolute disgrace. Utter incompetence, lack of due care and appalling disregard for the health of the local community.

If you don’t wear mask, sanitise your hands, and social distance, you’re a covidiot and need to read up on cognitive dissonance. Shame this publication will not allow me and thousands more of us to truly speak our minds, the are would be on fire. Stay safe. Keep others safe. Don’t be a selfish idiot.

16 ( +22 / -6 )

Military intelligence? Don’t count on it. The very LEAST the USMC has to be doing is screening ALL personnel and families PRIOR (as in BEFORE) to UDP or PCS-ing to Okinawa (That is O-ki-na-wa not O-kla-hom-a). Anything else is the same old arrogance, irresponsible boneheaded approach of the... Treat Okinawa with respect you... !!!

8 ( +13 / -5 )


The US military needs to treat where they are with respect, consideration and due intelligence.

I agree wholeheartedly... but given that the commander-in-chief doesn't display anything remotely resembling the qualities you mention, we would be naive to expect anything different to exactly what we're getting.

5 ( +10 / -5 )



-1 ( +3 / -4 )


Predictable to the point it has gotten very boring.

Except that in countries that did it right the first time, they have pretty much returned to a semblance of normalcy.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

So in a sense ~ America is bringing a fresh new batch of COVID ~19 to Japan? Is this right?

4 ( +9 / -5 )

And by the way, where do these cases get listed? I don’t see them in the daily COVID prefectural counts.

Ya know? I agree they SHOULD be included in the prefectural counts, but they are not. Here is another thing about "numbers" here in Japan. The only one's that get included in the prefectural counts are the one's who actually tested positive here. And even then, that is not accurate, as people who get tested outside of the "official" or authorized hospitals are not counted in the numbers either, unless they are positive. And even then they have to be tested positive at an authorized hospital.

> Perhaps because the base is considered part of America?

Right, then why is the government paying rent to the land owners? It isnt "America" it's because they didnt test positive here in the prefecture by prefectural authorities.

THese are just more examples of the screwed up numbers here.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

When they have recovered, send the occupiers home.

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

re article: "Of the total number of cases, 71 are linked to Futenma and 22 to Camp Hansen. Another three were confirmed at Kadena Air Base, and one each at Camp McTureous and Camp Kinser."

Interesting insert as clearly sounds like propaganda, why, simply it matches their primary complaints in order. This statement has no basis to included in this manner within the article and pointless the way it is reported and an editor should have done a more thorough job.

Can someone explain this comment from the article: "As for the infections involving the Iwakuni base, the U.S. military was informed by the Japanese Foreign Ministry of the cases." It seems that the military is not even concerned the slightest with their ongoing within the bases. hmmm. Shouldn't it have been the other way around?

Finally this article statement is fake news: " Those infected arrived in Iwakuni on Monday after taking virus tests upon their arrival at Haneda airport in Tokyo, the base said, without disclosing their nationalities." When anyone coming into Japan from a foreign country the manifest on the airplane provides the nationality of the person boarding and departing the aircraft. A copy of that manifest is on the arriving immigration PC as reference tool when coming in checking it against the person's passport. In regards to the disclosing of their nationalities to the one's conducting the tests upon arrival seems like a failure by the airport and agent responsible for conducting the tests not the arrivals. Japan in this case as the host nation is to blame for their own weak policies period.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

We need stricter social distancing. When you’re walking down the street and you see US military personnel coming up, just cross to the other side.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

Who needs enemies when you have allies like the US. Korea, and undoubtably Germany, the UK, Australia, Diego Garcia and others too:


Get your house in order US military!

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Military intelligence


3 ( +9 / -6 )

When they have recovered, send the occupiers home

how tiresome. Don’t u understand yet that the bases are US TERRITORY? They are home boy

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

When they have recovered, send the occupiers home

Occupiers? Huh? Anyway, that’ll never happen. I don’t know what, why or what the answer is, but people need to calm down, there should be an investigation and there should be a strict lockdown until further notice, someone dropped the ball here, but liberals jumping on the military or people commenting outside of the military that have no idea shouldn’t speculate. Rational heads always prevail.

-10 ( +5 / -15 )

The commentators here are correct. Either protocol was not followed or it didn't exist. Why is the US Military sending replacing troops in a foreign country during a pandemic? Why weren't these soldiers tested thoroughly before they were sent to an island that was basically COVID-free? The Japan Central Govt. uses Okinawa as a sacrificial lamb to the US Military and now the unthinkable has occurred. Not to mention that this latest outbreak has screwed up my Okinawa camping plans now that White Beach has been closed. I believe it is lack of leadership from the top. Anyone want to buy a used Orange Man?

6 ( +7 / -1 )

The military don’t wear masks in many cases due to cultural norms or because masks don’t allow effective communication.

More cases are coming ...

3 ( +5 / -2 )

is this being included in the national tally?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

It sounds like the USMC, was negligent in not reporting cases it knew about to the host government. If so, it’s politically stupid and not being a good ally.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

The only option now is to lock down all US military personnel and all their family members on their bases until the outbreak is under control. If it takes 6 weeks or 3 months, no problem. The virus must be contained as much as possible from the general population, and the US gov't is incapable of dealing with the virus.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

how tiresome. Don’t u understand yet that the bases are US TERRITORY? They are home boy

As if they were isolated in US territorial boundary, surrounded by US soil and were not allowed into Japan, out a front gate, to spread the coronavirus. Gaslight much?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

It seems to me more and more soldiers will get infected sooner or later in the base and maybe other bases. Bases are already very densely populated place.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

These American military in Okinawa should have been under strict observation since....since when? Since the beginning of the US outbreak in the spring! THAT’S since when!

So stupid, people!

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Who are these “nationalities” that “arrived in Haneda” early in the week?? I can’t go out of Japan and “arrive” back in Haneda. And I live here. I’m a permanent resident! What IS this?

6 ( +6 / -0 )

My question is this: How are they entering, exiting and transiting Japan?

For those that don't know. Most military personnel travel by commercial flights paid for by the U.S Government. This would mean that every international airport in Japan would receive military personnel coming in and out of Japan.

Are they being screened and tested before they transit to Japan to their posts?

There are military flights they can use to fly directly to their bases, however most personnel at some point must use public transportation.

Furthermore, you would not recognize them as they are asked to fly in civilian clothes. Until they grab that green seabag at the baggage claim, only those military haircuts will give them away.

Yeah, you could restrict them to base for 6 weeks, BUT if they are discharging from the military or reporting for their first tour of duty at some point they will be allowed to exit the base.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The prefecture on Sunday conducted polymerase chain reaction tests on 130 people including employees who were in contact with U.S. service personnel.

Today is tuesday and the results are not yet out. It is a mere 130 test. It should be out the same sunday, Where is the seriousness? What happened to the alarmist mode of the governor.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

While this should be treated seriously, we all know this is already blown out of proportion and will be big news forever. Don't worry about Tokyo or the tally from anywhere else in Japan just lead with this and follow-up constantly, making sure to get the governor's outrage, etc. The playbook here since whenever.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I use a green military bag

I am a permanent resident of Japan

I have been here for 30 years

Please take care during your witch hunt

0 ( +5 / -5 )


Pretty soon the military is going to have more cases alone than all of Okinawa had in total, if they havent already hit and surpassed that mark that is.

Your statement will hold if Okinawa tested on the same scale with the military but like anywhere else in the nation that is never going to happen. Judging from the embarrassingly low rate of pcr test performed nationwide, makes me to think that they believe the virus doesn't spread here at the pace it does in other countries. Maybe helped by that we are special factor.

Which alot of us know is not true.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

While this should be treated seriously, we all know this is already blown out of proportion and will be big news forever.

How is that blown out of proportion? If anything, it tells us how the DOD in the US are doing an extremely poor job at screening their own people and their relatives on home soil before they are deployed. Furthermore, deploying troops is supposed to be done through tightly controlled military flights and nothing else. Honestly, I believe that rotating troops by bringing fresh faces from the US should have been postponed because of the hazard posed by the virus at home. At best, they should have rotated among overseas units only where COVID is better kept in check.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

"Gov Denny Tamaki said on the weekend that some American military personnel held parties in downtown areas and beaches around July 4 to celebrate Independence Day."

If some of them caught the virus outside of the base, what does that tell you that might be possible? Could they have been exposed to the virus by being with local Japanese people at the beach? If you disagree that that is possible I have to think you are simply prejudiced against the military in Okinawa and do not have an open mind concerning the virus.

Is it possible that the Japanese government in Tokyo was initially informed about the Marine infections?

Whatever the causation, I hope the Marines, Japanese or others who are sick will get well soon and that the virus will be contained in Okinawa.

It is wrong to think that the U.S. military authorities are promoting the mirroring of U.S. politicians. Not long ago I was on a military installation picking up some medicine at the pharmacy and I overheard the leading petty officer addressing his sailors. He told them that they should not call Covid 19 the Chinese virus or the Asian virus because it showed disrespect for their fellow sailors who are of Asian heritage.

I hope that what I have said will not cause anger or divisiveness. I am just pointing out another viewpoint. I love Japan and America. Not so much the Brits... just kidding.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

When they have recovered, send the occupiers home.

You don’t seem to understand, they are home.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Note that US Military bases are NOT considered US territory, though US Embassies (but not Consulates) ARE. The Panama Canal Zone was explicitly included (by a US Law passed by Congress) to be "sovereign US soil"

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Our U.S. military are invited guests of the people of Japan through agreements set up between the U.S. and the Japanese governments. Of course, they are not occupiers.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

I might be technically wrong using the words "invited guests" but if the Japanese government decided the U.S. was no longer welcome, they would have to leave. I think I am right about the gist of that.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I might be technically wrong using the words "invited guests" but if the Japanese government decided the U.S. was no longer welcome, they would have to leave. I think I am right about the gist of that.

On a technical level that’s true, but Japan would never do that. Never going to happen regardless of who the US President is.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

How about the many living off base ? Seems like those are excluded from the lockdown and a free to spread wherever they go. Again, the US Army with their halfbreed protocols, lots of words, no action.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

@bass4funk: I disagree about who the president is not mattering. Give some thought as to the origins of the first strike option in regards to an attack from a hostile country. Trust is very important.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I disagree about who the president is not mattering. Give some thought as to the origins of the first strike option in regards to an attack from a hostile country. Trust is very important.

Sorry, but it won’t matter who the President is, you can take that to the bank. The US is not going anywhere, there is just No way on God’s green Earth that will happen.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

I think this problem stems for a few reasons. The U.S. Military must be viewed and assessed for more than what it is. Its not just Marines, Sailors, Some Army and Air-force. We have to look a the community as whole on each base. And each base has a different feel and a different set of rules. Depending on the XO of the base. Please take into consideration a few things. You have DODEA, DECA, AAFES, DOD, Homeland, and a host of contractors coming and going from all over the world and also with Japanese borders right? Some are using a bit different set of rules. I commend the XO at CFAS Sasebo for taking such a hard stance for containing the Virus and setting down rules if not followed your gone. I think Marines all the way up to the command structure do not fully understand this Virus. And that the though vital positions on the base need to be filled. It maybe a better option at this time to keep everyone here in Japan until more is known. Pause the PCS'ing for while. And I now that is going to upset allot of folks. Kind of like the hotel California. "We are programmed to receive

You can check out any time you like. But you can never leave!" Not until there is a cure. That is going to anger allot of those serving here in Japan. But more so over We need to be ever so vigilant

So simple.-

Anyone leaving the base to go anywhere at all. Is a big No for now. Just do the right thing. Wash your hands. I think all base XO's really need to have a meeting. Everyone come together and just layout plan. Stick to it. The answer is isolation. Its unfortunate but need to come together with Japan too devise a solid plan to convey. More consideration is needed and better planning.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

SEND the offenders back to trump-land.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Personally speaking I give the military a TON of credit for the amount of testing it is doing. Japan could learn a thing or two.

I find it hypocritical that Deny or anyone else complain so loudly about "numbers" when it is ONLY because the military is literally testing "everyone and their mother"

Japan is not, and Deny is hypocritical to complain about numbers when people in the prefecture CAN NOT get tested even though they have symptoms that scream COVID.

My friend could not get tested here at the end of April, into early May, he is in the prime category age wise, that makes corona a serious and potentially deadly thing. He never got tested, but he had "walking pneumonia" and symptoms that say COVID all along, but never tested even once.

Talked about stress for him and his family...He is fortunately doing much better, but it would have been a hell of a lot less stressful for everyone, if the prefecture would have tested him and told them he was negative.

THe military would probably have tested him 10 times!

THe Okinawa Times newspaper is spreading a bunch of guano about the military and everyone is eating it up as fact, when it's mostly conjecture and BS!

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Deep in the stories from Okinawa there is news there was also 3 cases in Okinawa from visitors from Tokyo. Funny that how 3 visitors from 20000000 people in Tokyo, where only 200 people a day have the virus , 3 just happened to visit Okinawa. What are the odds of that! Meanwhile travel Japan program starts soon so who knows those rare odds might start coming up all over the country!

Furthermore how many tests are the US military doing in Okinawa and how many are the Japanese government doing on Okinawans. One can wonder what this result s would be if there were more tests on the Japanese side and also who gave the virus to who.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Deep in the stories from Okinawa there is news there was also 3 cases in Okinawa from visitors from Tokyo. Funny that how 3 visitors from 20000000 people in Tokyo, where only 200 people a day have the virus , 3 just happened to visit Okinawa.

Wrong....one person who visited Okinawa and returned to Tokyo tested positive there, the other two cases in Okinawa are from people from HERE who went to mainland, caught the virus there, not in Tokyo but in Kyushu and tested positive here.

Furthermore how many tests are the US military doing in Okinawa and how many are the Japanese government doing on Okinawans. One can wonder what this result s would be if there were more tests on the Japanese side and also who gave the virus to who.

Get your guano straight please, Japanese government testing JAPANESE in Okinawa. Your wording here leaves a lot to be desired!

The question of testing in Japan has been brought up MONTHS ago, and it's not just about Okinawa, but the entire country as well!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

So easy. Lockdown all bases for three months. Ban all flights and ships from entering Okinawa for 3 months. Remember Yokohama cruise boat?

military families must be quarantined on base for two weeks. Japanese contractors must be barred entry for 3 months.

Contract tracing.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

@Goodluck...and would you support that for all of Japan? What about the servicemen that has been serving in Japan for more than a year? What you are putting forward would be the same as Japan saying that foreigners should be locked down for 3 months, regardless of how long they have been in country. Not practical in my opinion.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

"Don’t u understand yet that the bases are US TERRITORY?"

Actually they aren't. I haven't been to Okinawa but at other overseas US bases I have visited the host nation's flag flies and the host nation's national anthem is played alongside the US national anthem during morning colors. There is a senior officer from the host nation's military in command of the base itself alongside a US counterpart. Each squadron, batallion, maintenance activity or whathaveyou has their own commander and are called "tenant commands" with their own reporting chains. The US base commanders usually make a point of informing their troops they are guests on foreign soil, or at least that has been my experience and are deferential to the hose nation's senior officer on the same base.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

"Furthermore, deploying troops is supposed to be done through tightly controlled military flights and nothing else."

Not necessarily. In many cases service members have the option of paying the difference in cost out of pocket to fly commercial. Airline seats used to be a lot more comfortable than a nylon troop seat in a C-141 for a ten hour flight across the Pacific. Today the troop seat might actually be more comfortable than the pinche little seats airlines provide in their economy class. In addition the US military charters civilian airliners with civilian crews to fly troops around the world. 475 people crammed into a very vintage 747 operated by an airline you never heard of. Lovely.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

A copy of that manifest is on the arriving immigration PC as reference tool when coming in checking it against the person's passport. -- rgcivilian1

It was a long comment, but I isolated this part because you wrote with such a declarative voice, but unfortunately you don't know what the heck you're talking about.

Active duty US military enter and exit Japan with only their Military ID card and a copy of their orders. They do not need a passport.

Plus, quite a few Permanent Resident, non-US citizens serve in the enlisted ranks of the US military. The Japanese have no idea of the citizenship of the US military people from the ID card.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

We need stricter social distancing. When you’re walking down the street and you see US military personnel coming up, just cross to the other side.

Sadly, locals have been doing this for decades before COVID-19.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Contrary to what's posted here, the military is not testing everyone (SOFA), not even all active duty. No, they are not testing people at random, only those who have been in contact with someone who tested postive. A person I work with tried to get tested at USNH, but was told to stay home and quarantine himself (it wasn't COVID). The military is telling their folks the same thing local hospitals are.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Occupiers? Huh? Anyway, that’ll never happen.

Said every occupying force, ever.

And its only the imperialist dogs that need rehousing. Decent Americans who are not part of the criminal land grab, are always loved and welcomed.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

> Said every occupying force, ever.

Sorry, we are the ONLY thing that is blocking China, North Korea and to a lesser extent Russia from stomping a mudhole in this country.

And its only the imperialist dogs that need rehousing. Decent Americans who are not part of the criminal land grab, are always loved and welcomed.

We are always welcomed-period as long as we follow the rules and that applies to everyone, not only Americans. Love Okinawa, visit there a lot and it's a great place with great people.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Said every occupying force, ever.

Sorry, we are the ONLY thing that is blocking China, North Korea and to a lesser extent Russia from stomping a mudhole in this country.

’They’, not ‘we’. You are not part of nor have ever been part of the US armed forces.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Occupiers? Huh? Anyway, that’ll never happen. 

Said every occupying force, ever.

Im not sure if all or even most Japanese would share that perspective. In my experience, many Japanese see the US military presence in Japan as a necessary evil. Many Okinawans rely on the US military for their livelihoods.

Just make sure the idiots in this military without masks are dealt with. Morons.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Sorry, we are the ONLY thing that is blocking China, North Korea and to a lesser extent Russia from stomping a mudhole in this country.

You're not blocking anyone.

But such is the rhetoric of the occupying empires. Cajole, threaten of worse fates etc.

In the end, they all crumble.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

’They’, not ‘we’. You are not part of nor have ever been part of the US armed forces.

"We" or "they" and as an American, we, they are not going anywhere, that's a promise. Now if you want to make the argument on conduct or someone dropping the ball or someone being irresponsible, you can have those discussions, but between Iwakuna and Okinawa I conduct a lot of business with the branches as wel as the navel in Sasebo when I'm in Japan. I do think there is so much that we can discuss, but leaving is not an option and even if Biden becomes President, US forces will be here at least for the rest of our natural lives, again, that's a promise. 

You're not blocking anyone.

Of course not.

In the end, they all crumble.

The way the world is going, we will all crumble.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Im not sure if all or even most Japanese would share that perspective. That's ok, many do, some don't, the government does.

In my experience, many Japanese see the US military presence in Japan as a necessary evil. Many Okinawans rely on the US military for their livelihoods. And in mine, many are thankful that we are there.

Just make sure the idiots in this military without masks are dealt with. Morons. I don't make the decisions, I find wearing a mask moronic, but these yes, sir men and women need to understand and it should be made clear to them what the rules are in Japan and in the military and hash it out. if they are supposed to wear a mask then that is what they have to do. I was in Sasebo last week, we had to wear masks, didn't like it one bit, but had to and as for Iwakuni and Okinawa, they need to make it clear.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

And in mine, many are thankful that we are there.

’They’ are here. You are talking about the US military, not American civilians.

Just make sure the idiots in this military without masks are dealt with. Morons. I don't make the decisions, I find wearing a mask moronic, but these yes, sir men and women need to understand and it should be made clear to them what the rules are in Japan and in the military and hash it out. if they are supposed to wear a mask then that is what they have to do. I was in Sasebo last week, we had to wear masks, didn't like it one bit, but had to and as for Iwakuni and Okinawa, they need to make it clear.

Yes, make it clear to the morons that they need to wear masks. Don’t accept any deluded macho or political crap from boneheads on this issue.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

"We" or "they" and as an American, we, they are not going anywhere, that's a promise

Nobody wants American citizens kicked out.

Rather an end to American hegemony and by removing the occult forces, that is how "we" will reclaim this beloved land.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Rather an end to American hegemony and by removing the occult forces, that is how "we" will reclaim this beloved land.

Oh, boy...don’t know what that all means, but the US going anywhere.

‘They’ are here. You are talking about the US military, not American civilians.


Yes, make it clear to the morons that they need to wear masks. Don’t accept any deluded macho or political crap from boneheads on this issue.

I think the real morons are the people that don’t make it clear what the protocols are when it comes to the.....mask debacle.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

If the US left that is exactly what China and North Korea wants, there is No way on God’s green earth that will happen, rest assured. Even if Hillary were the President, it wouldn’t change one thing.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Oh, boy...don’t know what that all means, but the US going anywhere.

Correct. The US going anywhere is certainly a situation that needs addressing.

I meant occupying forces, not occult.

Although, come to think of it...

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I think the real morons are the people that don’t make it clear what the protocols are when it comes to the.....mask debacle

People need to make clear what the mask situation is. Wear them.

Morons who insist on not wearing one should be sent back to the US, a place with the highest number of covid cases in the world and where many morons refuse to wear them .

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Morons who insist on not wearing one should be sent back to the US, a place with the highest number of covid cases in the world and where many morons refuse to wear them .

Good point. I don't know exactly how commonplace it is, but there are a few eejits on various sites, boastings above how they don't wear masks over here.

Very selfish.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I meant occupying forces, not occult.

Although, come to think of it...

People are entitled to think what they want. No crime or shame in it.

People need to make clear what the mask situation is. Wear them. 

If that is the recommendation, if not, then it’s not.

Morons who insist on not wearing one should be sent back to the US, a place with the highest number of covid cases in the world and where many morons refuse to wear them

But if the moronic leaders don’t tell these people what the proper procedure or the protocols are they are the ones that are the idiots.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

> I'd very much like if they packed up and left us a fantasy. In the meantime, just start packing and get well, first of all.

If there’s no China or No North Korea, I can see it happening, but until then, the US is going to be here for a very long time.

Oh, merciful Satan. Are you kidding? The crimes you accused her of,

Yeah, it’s true, but She has nothing to do with wearing a mask.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

but until then, the US is going to be here for a very long time.

Doubt it. The world is changing, Japan is changing.

The US will have fragmented, if the Trump crime syndicate continue to use and abuse it.

Japan will be free.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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