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© KYODOJapan to expand, extend virus state of emergency
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Quasi, semi, partial lock downs, rules that have loop holes, no penalties, no financial assistance for workers just companies. People just sick of the wishy washy announcements while their incomes are reduced further from a low level to begin with. Insanity’s making the most insane decisions.
blue in green
A question for J-Gov:
These SoE hit businesses and people who work at night.
But utilities companies do not stop charging for their services, or landlords for their apartments. If you continue to penalize this section of society, what sort of assistance are you prepared to offer the people put out of work by this?
Asking for a fren.
Roll out the vaccines quicker then no need for any more SOE. It's that simple...............
Aly Rustom
Nothing. You are assuming the blue bloods here give a rat's butt about the people. They don't. Otherwise they would have cancelled the Olympics. And anyway, who can blame them? When the sheeple here don't rise up, don't complain and CONTINUE to vote the same pricks into office time and again, why would they care? Are they going to just develop a conscience out of the blue? of course not.
Japan in a nutshell
Tired of witnessing this corrupt government made of old ojisan that do not care about its people and next generations.
Ridiculous half measures and continuously same number of tests, or lower, confirming a policy of no contact tracing.
Do your part and sign the petition to CANCEL THE OLYMPICS that they are so proud of, costing people’s lives. Should this reach millions, it will be a strong message from all of us.
Link below, sign and share with as many as you can:
(Do not worry, it is a safe link, you can confirm in Japan Today’s article about this petition)人々の命と暮らしを守るために-東京五輪の開催中止を求めます-stoptokyoolympic?cs_tk=AvAxDuBhjNgzODZdmGAAAXicyyvNyQEABF8BvGTrW7T8dti1AYQk-3Aghk4%3D&utm_campaign=6dbbbad191214e8da4e7d547b2ccd829&utm_content=initial_v0_0_2&utm_medium=email&utm_source=guest_sign_login_link&utm_term=cs
There is now no point in further soe quasi or anything else. Stop with the silly messages in English . The 2nd best solution is vaccine for everyone. The 1st is for the J gov to resign or go to prisons for criminal neglect.
Kobe White Bar Owner
“Osaka and Hyogo, in particular, have struggled to free up hospital beds for COVID-19 patients, with several reports of people dying at home while waiting to be admitted.” Dear Japanese readers remember this next time you vote!
can you see the irony on that?
Michael Machida
"Japan to expand, extend virus state of emergency"
This means nothing anymore.
LOL! The rest of the world knows that Japan is fudging the numbers about infections and deaths! Incompetent Japanese government at its finest.
"This is Japan" has whole new meaning, now!
And actually as cases increase, they are planning a weaker version! Shouldn't it be something stronger, since cases are continuing to spiral out of control? If extending this ridiculous system of requests for businesses to close early, or not serve alcohol, perhaps get it right, eh? You had three chances already for god's sake. But no. Where is the end game here, Japan????
Ban on Alchol serving? Let’s blame beer for covid. Waiting where did covid 19 first appeared?
signed. Thanks for the link.
Hopefully the world is watching and seeing how unprepared and incompetent this administration is. The Olympics will be a disaster pandemic-wise if allowed to go forward.
This might be interesting for those debating the reliability of daily Covid related data ...
(reported on
Michael Machida
Wont this be a negative for the Japan Olympics?
"Japan to expand, extend virus state of emergency"
Hubert Gulletchip
Suga always has this face like he has no clue what he's doing and it was just "his turn" to be PM. This will be his legacy. This whole hand wringing and "doushiyou" attitude always come back and bite the people in the rear, while the ones doing it always skirt by and continue to do so.
This half measure in between stuff is worse than a full lockdown for a short time, or just not doing anything at all. It allows the virus to do its thing, while simultaneously destroying businesses and people's livelihoods in the process. Bravo!
Aly Rustom
EXACTLY! Well said. Its something for us living here knew all along.
Thx for the suggestion @AG 7:47am and others:
Much confusion now if foreign resident signatures are accepted due this ‘possible’ misinformation posted @Eisensch 8:38am:
Can someone please clarify that foreign resident signatures are, in fact, valid?
but cant sit next to 1 person at a bar and have a beer.
It has been reported on the morning news about calls to Health Centers in Tokyo from people with high fever, which have been running 2 - 3x the reported positve test cases since pandamic began. It was at 2,700 yesterday. Remember, those are symptomatic cases and likely going about daily life during this 'emergency' , asymptomtic cases would be orders of magnitude larger. Graph here -
confused by cinemas having to close at 8pm.
Agreed @Chabbawanga 10:45 Much confusion and misinformation. Can someone please clarify that foreign resident signatures are, in fact, valid?
According to The Diet’s House of Councillors website:
Pettions can be submitted but doesn’t really clarify IF the foreign residents’ ‘signatures’ are accepted as part of the total count.
Our confusion stems from some ‘possible’ misinformation posted by @Eisensch 8:38am:
Is this kind of additional prohibition is really a Japanese Law?
Maybe the politicians should take a pay and benefits cut by the same proportion that they enforce businesses to shorten their hors and restrict sales. And the sun will rise in the west tomorrow.
May 31 is convenient on the calendar as it ensures we get locked down for 3 more weekends after this one coming up.
Is it really rocket science to understand that craming people into shorter opening hours creates more crowded, not less crowded situations? In my local eateries it is shoulder-to-shoulder now plus waiting lines in the crush before 8, while before it was always possible to have enough space, with empty seats between people. Politicians and bright ideas.... what a mix.
It is great news they will limit rush hour trains, subways and buses to 30% capacity with 1.5m social distance.
Speed up the vaccine roll out? Good luck with that. My city (Setagaya) has already planned to vaccinate only 100,000 people until July 31st.
And round and round and round we go. A solid plan ladies and gentlemen.
in all this circus about the Olympics, I wouldn’t be surprised by the title of the article:
JSDF is likely to hit the streets, to prevent virus spread.
Boring. Not at all a good idea and does nothing for your survival rate of catching Covid. About 99%
If the best argument you could find about lockdowns not working is from an economist and not from an epidemiologist, that should make you think twice. How come he did not even discuss the available literature that indicates clearly the contrary? it is almost as if he had no experience or capacity to write a scientific paper on the subject.
So the idiocy continues for a few more weeks. At least some sense has been seen and department stores will reopen, this has inconvenienced my partner considerably. I shall continue to go out amd about faking adequate precautions of course. I hope they resume normal services on public transport, this increases congestion, it’s terribly stupid.