Japan Today

Japan to repatriate citizens from virus-hit Wuhan in chartered plane


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WTH would you want to transport a load of possibly exposed and or ill people from the center of the outbreak and plant them in a petri dish known as Tokyo? How about just making them stay in their hotels for a week or two. Like mr. Spock said the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few

15 ( +35 / -20 )

The problem with sending an aircraft over to get them is first it will need to make at least two trips because of the total number of Japanese there that might wish to leave. This means you will most likely need two complete sets of crew unless they manage to turn the aircraft around fast enough that they can do both flights back to back but that will really be pushing it. Each flight leg is around 4 hours gate to gate with no wait priority. You still need to load all PAX and then unload two times plus all their luggage and fuel the aircraft on the return. So now what about that flight and cabin crew? What about the baggage handlers dealing with their luggage? What about the extra medical staff that will be required on board that flying Petri dish? Then what are they going to do with that aircraft afterwards because at minimum, we know that the virus can live on things like door knobs for at least 24 hours? What about places where someone who might be ill will be festering in for 3.5 to 4 hours? Then will everyone be put in quarantine for at least a week up to two which can be the incubation period? Many issues not answered in this article.

11 ( +25 / -14 )

I guess it's the right thing to do, but lets' just hope they don't bring the virus with them.

-2 ( +15 / -17 )

Does it really make sense to bring these folks into Japan now with a much higher chance to expose a higher population? Keep them there in a safe quarantine facility. What is the incubation period of this virus once exposed. The reports have been changing from immediately to up to 2 weeks upon exposed before symptoms occur. That is something to really think about before bringing anyone home to any country.

5 ( +19 / -14 )

One guy was interviewed on TV last night live, and things were getting a bit desperate, as all he had to eat was a cup of ramen and 5 dried packs of ramen.

The hotel he was at had no stores open, and all he could get from them was some bottled water. On the street, literally everything was shut down.

I hope any and all people living there stay safe!

22 ( +25 / -3 )

It is the right thing to do as a government as long as they consider the potential consequences. Given the incubation period of this virus there should be a stipulation such as if people want to fly they must agree to a 14 day quarantine. I believe that is a reasonable compromise.

32 ( +33 / -1 )

The Japanese government is always slow to take action but finally they’ve decided to evacuate the Japanese citizens stranded in Wuhan. Of course the evacuees will be quarantined for a certain period of time to see if they have not been infected with the deadly virus?

13 ( +15 / -2 )

@Yubaru You know, that really touched on something else that I wanted to say. I actually didn’t even know this, but you made a very good point about the lack of adequate supplies for those remaining in Wuhan.

So for all those on here for saying that they shouldn’t be returned, go back and read what Yubaru I did his comment. You’re essentially leaving these people not only to die, but the starve to death as well. Gee, not exactly compassionate now isn’t it?

And don’t give me this whole line about spreading the virus. As a few other people have already commented, you can quarantine these people for a while, just to make sure that they do have the virus, it can be contained and dealt with, before they go back to their homes. But to leave these people to die, I mean geez, talk about heartless!

17 ( +22 / -5 )

PM Abe has promised to get them out of that disaster- men, women and kids - and he will. They will be quarantine for 1-2 weeks in medical facilities in Japan until its safe to leave. This is what responsible governments do.

As others are stating, the other option is leave them there to starve or freeze to death. Unthinkable.

7 ( +18 / -11 )

...you made a very good point about the lack of adequate supplies for those remaining in Wuhan.

I remember how quickly stores were depleted of goods here in Kumamoto after the quakes severed our transportation links - and we're a hamlet compared with Wuhan. I can't imagine which would be more frightening: the virus itself, or being trapped in a city of 11 million.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

China health Minister say Japanese can be contagious, before they fall ill.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

The people being brought back will be under supervision, they won't be allowed to move around freely until it's confirm they don't have the virus.

This is the right thing to do, we cannot abandoned our people especially if they want to return back. Wuhan might end up being closed down for many months.

I would like the government to send more aid and help to China, working together on issues like this should be obvious.

9 ( +16 / -7 )


The people being brought back will be under supervision, they won't be allowed to move around freely until it's confirm they don't have the virus.

Well, lets see - the last patient identified in Japan was told to go back to her hotel and just stay there.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

So the people who think this is still just a common cold and is nothing to be concerned about grasp the fact that a govt does not lock down 50 million people for a cold, nor do other countries look to evacuate their citizens for a cold.

The situation over there is not good, when you wake up from your stupor and realize the extent of this situation lets hope you are not surrounded by sick people.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Guys, they can be quarantined here in Japan. They are just going to let them walk off the plane and go home.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

What a stupid idea, the city is quarantined for a reason. The UK first said they could not evacuate UK citizens due ti the risk of spreading the virus, now they have succumbed to the internet mob and are now looking at evacuation. It's insane.

Those silly paper masks don't help.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

With proper precautions and a mandatory quarantine period this is likely a necessary mercy mission. However, without due diligence this could backfire big time. Do the right thing but do it properly--and don't trust people enough to release them on their own word. Release them only when it can be ascertained that they are free of the disease. No carelessness whatsoever.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Maybe they should first be transported to a one of the islands for observation to make sure that there is no incubating virus for 2-3 weeks before bringing them in the main land.

To be safe.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

They can drop supplies from the air to Wuhan to avoid contamination.

a doctor in Wuhan already died.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

The USA also, and no doubt many other nations will want to fly their folks home, BUT, this is foolhardy, unless they all have them go into QUARANTINE, flight crew included, all into quarantine for at least two weeks, probably longer.

The virus is mutating as it spreads, perfectly healthy people are passing it on without intimate contact!

And just think... every aeroplane, for how long we do not know, has been unwittingly carrying the carriers of the virus, and airplanes RECIRCULATE THE CABIN AIR, because it costs less in fuel.

It remains to be seen how much more costly that policy will turn out to be...

0 ( +5 / -5 )

They will be quarantined and monitored on the plane, then stay in a safe zone close to the airport for about a week.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Osaka City mayor yesterday announced that the city will provide quarantine facilities and medical care for those evacuees if requested by J gov. Osaka is big they should have what’s necessary.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

The United States is also evacuating of of its citizens right now, well at least the developed nations are. Foreigners in China that comes from poorer countries are left alone to fend for themselves.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

France is repatriating as well but people have to stay 2 weeks in quarantine at their arrival.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

So for all those on here for saying that they shouldn’t be returned, go back and read what Yubaru I did his comment.

Yes a good point but it is much easier to drop them supplies for an incubation period than bring them to possibly contaminate a more heavy population right?

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

So the people who think this is still just a common cold and is nothing to be concerned about grasp the fact that a govt does not lock down 50 million people for a cold, nor do other countries look to evacuate their citizens for a cold.

I have not seen anybody saying that this is like a cold, I have seen people that say that the numbers make it comparable with known coronavirus infections including influenza (that also kills a percentage of the patients)

Countries are perfectly justified to use emergency measures like isolation and evacuation of people even for something comparable to influenza because it is something new with a risk of actually being or becoming worse, the reaction is not for how dangerous it has demonstrated to be but about how dangerous it can realistically become up to the point where this possibility can be discarded. This happened with the 2009 swine influenza and will happen with every new emerging epidemic independently of how dangerous it is compared with the usual epidemics.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Yes a good point but it is much easier to drop them supplies for an incubation period than bring them to possibly contaminate a more heavy population right?

Are you suggesting that foreign govts drop their foreign communities supplies in Wuhan? In an area where there is now well reported chronic shortages in food and supplies? The likelihood of those dropped supplies actually getting in the hands of the foreign residents is somewhere between nil and zero.

Whilst there is some risk involved, repatriation is simply the ONLY option now. Bring them home!

4 ( +6 / -2 )

I hope they take proper quarantine steps!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Fighto!Today 12:06 pm JST

Yes a good point but it is much easier to drop them supplies for an incubation period than bring them to possibly contaminate a more heavy population right?

Are you suggesting that foreign govts drop their foreign communities supplies in Wuhan? In an area where there is now well reported chronic shortages in food and supplies? The likelihood of those dropped supplies actually getting in the hands of the foreign residents is somewhere between nil and zero.

Whilst there is some risk involved, repatriation is simply the ONLY option now. Bring them home!

The chinese govt should be the ones air dropping in supplies to the people in lockdown, they boast how great their military is so lets see it in action. Air Supply to the ones on the ground stricken with the isolation.

There are stories coming out that there is no food, no gasoline, no face masks, no medical supplies and people are becoming desperate, it is starting to look grim.

The internet is also locked down which is pretty much normal for china anyway so hard for people to get the information out.

If people are sick they can call a 120 number but no one answers, the hospitals cant cope and there is not enough ambulances to carry the sick.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Are you suggesting that foreign govts drop their foreign communities supplies in Wuhan? In an area where there is now well reported chronic shortages in food and supplies? The likelihood of those dropped supplies actually getting in the hands of the foreign residents is somewhere between nil and zero.

Obviously you are not aware how humanitarian aid is operated. Many governments have stages of supplies at the ready to be delivered anywhere in the world. Given the crisis and circumstances in the affected area, agreements are already in place. The chances are a lot more than nil to zero and I speak from past boots on the ground experience.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

The chinese govt should be the ones air dropping in supplies to the people in lockdown, they boast how great their military is so lets see it in action. Air Supply to the ones on the ground stricken with the isolation.

While I would agree somewhat with sole responsibility lay with a host nation, however under these circumstances it is a crisis that concerns us all. This is where we as world should and need to come together for the goodness of our fellow man, despite the differences in governments aside. People are people but we must all do our part in what is best for the better good of the populace not just the one. This is about life not governments. They have their own issues aside in keeping what can be kept out of the media to keep a government functioning despite how any of us feel. Simple doesn't do anyone any good. But since you did bring up the military with the closing down of many roadways in that country, and posting fully armored military units, one can only hope that they don't have other alternatives to exterminate the virus by any means necessary if you get what I mean.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Evacuation to an virus that has no known incubation period to another country is perhaps a price the Abe administration will be risking as chance to be hero's or well tossed out next election or even before if the virus spreads. I just wonder why other strong allies of the point of origin have not been infected or exposed? I just saw the maps provided on both internet and new media and just happened to notice the strongest allies are not reporting any such cases in their countries. Pretty comfortable in saying that visitors from the origin country have been and were visiting those countries.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Japan isn't the only country sending "rescue flights". Heard it from France, Thailand, US, Sri Lanka... Nevertheless, it is China's decision to allow this. If there are people leaving the Wuhan quarantine area, then maybe they must wait the incubation period (which is 1-10 days, 5 medium, not exceeding 14 days) in a seperate quarantine until being allowed to proceed further. The other solution would be, people get on the plane directly and after landing in their home country quarantine takes place. Either way, a risky undertaking but up to the governments how to handle it. The worst thing they can do is to just fly them out and have no further quarantine like: If you start to feel ill, try to see a doctor (asap).

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Chinese tourists are entering freely to Japan every day even now.  No pont to quarantine only Japanese nationals.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Utterly ridiculous, as are the US and UK plans to transplant the disease, sorry repatriate their citizens.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

They will all be quarantined for 2 weeks according to Japanese news sources

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

They will all be quarantined for 2 weeks according to Japanese news sources

Japan better bring its citizens back to Japan as soon as possible from China. The US, France,,,etc would do same treatment for them.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

If you can escape a dangerous situation, of course you should take the opportunity.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

For those who return home on the chartered plane, the Tokyo metropolitan government said it will offer health consultation at hospitals., but if some of these experience problems knowing that the incubation is unknown for this virus, and Japanese citizens become infected as a result can Mr. Abe and his Diet politicos be held accountable?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Why not transport them to Hashima Island for Quarantine ?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

There is no robust debate at meetings in Japan so many issues are not considered. No questions asked and if no questions a are asked , of course no answers are provided. Two or 3 people get together and decide this is what we are going to do and how we are going to do it. They make a call and tell all the others this is what we have agreed on let's meet and rubber stamp it. Very good questions have been asked by many on this platform as to if this is the best reaction to the situation by the Japanese government.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The US is doing the same thing: https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/U-S-to-evacuate-staff-in-Wuhan-center-of-virus-15005737.php

0 ( +0 / -0 )

theres no vaccine. u taking people out from wuhan, the source of virus. australia fifth case, woman out from last flight of wuhan to australia, 2 weeks quarantined, first at home then to hospital. didnt u guys read. now reread my details. do u guys have logic at all to allow them to come mix. at least china tourist is not from wuhan. at least now got measurement to check them. but u bringing the sources to Japan. common

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Here's an inside the line news report from what sounds like a unbiased account of what going on in China's hot zone from a person who does have a reason to be very concerned but is reasonable collected in his account.


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Wow, this is one hellova rescue mission. Just like in the movies!

Can they get out of this inescapable city in time ... before the starving masses or before infected ones get them?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

hope they and everyone else is safe

0 ( +0 / -0 )

To rescue them that's a good signed of humanity. But let's think the Millions people in Japan. If one of them got a virus it will spread all over Japan. I think Japan have to build a temporally shelters for them untill the virus has gone, Don't let them to go somewhere or even contacting thier families for a visit.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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