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© KYODOVaccination site for younger people to open in Tokyo's Shibuya district
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providing shots without prior reservations
Very nice!
The only problem I see is how to convince the young people to take the vaccine.
They should set up in Starbucks near the eki. Give the kiddies a free coffee plus vacs, they'll come.
Finally they learnt that they need to make people easire in getting vaccines with less complicated reservation like they did in the begining. Like in US people just can walk in, even in US people can get their shot in pharmacy.
The Tokyo metropolitan government said it plans for people aged 39 or younger to receive U.S. pharmaceutical company Pfizer Inc's vaccine at the site to be set up near JR Shibuya Station in the popular shopping district that attracts young people.
The LDP is too stingy when it comes to doling out money to anyone but themselves,cronies and corporate partners; but what about a 100 dollar (10,000 yen) gift for getting vaccinated like in the US? The young people can get their shot then have a night on the town. Economic stimulus.
If they'd done this from the start we'd be much further along by now. A good move, but like most things the j-gov do, too little too late.
Curious to know the details of these "stations". A good move assuming these are field hospital type setups where people can recuperate for as long as needed, and have sufficient medical supervision.
Cute mascot or two (Vacky-chan), talent couple in heart-breaking vaccine drama and CMs, new app, TikTok intro, catchy vaccination song, AKB-256 dance moves...
That will double the number of patients.
@Burning Bush: No shortage of demand? Actually I think there is plenty of demand, if you actually read the posts on this website! The problem is the bureaucratic way you get your vaccine. Take that layer away and no reason why Japan can't be jabbing 1.6 willing people a day.
@Tristis - That's made me laugh re Battle Royale rules explanation - Ironically enough, WOULD probably work.
How about you use that money to set up makeshift hospitals to properly treat them like the US and many other countries did? No patients with severe symptoms should be “recuperating” at home.
What next? Earmarking another 4 billion to train regular people on how to put their neighbors on ventilators or ECMO while they’re “recuperating” (aka dying) at home?
A woman in only her 40s just died at home in Tokyo. She, her husband, and her kid were all “recuperating” at home. Other people in their 30s have also died at home in Tokyo this week. They need to open more hospital beds.
Will they take people from surrounding prefectures? Ones without those vaccine tickets yet? (some of my coworkers around Omiya in Saitama still don't have theirs)
Since I am over 39 I was going to say I am SOL but my first shot was reserved for this weekend anyway so that works out.
I don’t think the kids have the patience to sit in a long line just for a vaccine they should also pay them to get the jab or I just see very few willing to take time out of their day
I beg to wonder what else is in that vaccine they want them to recieve the vaccine without force
@Burning Bush
I both agree and disagree with you on this.
I agree there is no shortage of supply.
And, sorry I realize it doesn’t fit your narrative, but there is no shortage of demand either.
It’s purely the government’s incompetence in getting thing distributed and shots supplied.
I have a feeling this is not going to work as planned. Otemachi was run extremely well. It had an appointment system. I imagine the lack of an appointment system, will result in large queues, close contact and a crowded place.
My bet is that appointments will soon be introduced as a result of chaotically large crowds.
Will people over 39 who are unable to get a vaccination through their city office such as many of the commuters who travel on overcrowded trains from outside the Tokyo area to work in Tokyo, be turned away?
Just vaccinate the sick and elderly then allocate more hospital beds.
No need to vaccinate all!
Stefan Drapeaufaux
Otemachi was run extremely well.
If you're referring to the actual site, I'll take your word for it, but if you're referring to the online reservation system for it, the impression I get is quite the opposite.
What is an "oxygen station" ?
Burning BushToday 06:51 am JST
Really! Well Tell that to my earl 30s sister in law who has her first "tentative" appointment set for late October, or my son that couldn't even make an appointment because our ward doesn't have vaccine for under 30s. All my daughter's friends that can't get any appointments and keep saying how lucky she is to be working for a large company that got her vaccinated.
Most of my friends are my age with children in their 20s and very few can even get an appointment and then want the vaccine.
n1k1Today 09:36 am JST
What is an "oxygen station" ?
Just like a petrol station. Drive in top up your O2 levels and drive away....
Yes and no,
there is something wrong with the organization and distribution of vaccine.
It's really totally different from province to province.
In some places people are lining up for vaccination, but there is a problem with supply, in other places there is plenty of vaccine available, but only a few people are showing up for the shots.
However comparing the number of infected people and reported deaths in Japan with many countries worldwide, Japan is still doing fine, relatively of course.
Regarding the oxygen station :
I get the feeling it is going to be a make shift hospital they just do not want to call it this way.
Regarding Sweeden :
Considering they still have lot of measure to slow down the spread, I have big doubt they are not caring so much anymore. (did not bother reading past that)
Regarding the vaccination station :
I am wondering if we will get the world record of the longer waiting line in the world.
Regarding the waste of money :
No just no.
Too expensive and if companies want to give discount or whatever they are free to set a shared app by themselves.
If they really want to do something a basic website with a list of all discount as the US did, will do for no money as any of their IT staff can program it easily.
Seriously : STOP wasting money
I would have put this comment in the article pointing out that half of the population has received 1 jab. The article doesn't break down what part of the population has been vaccinated. According to NHK only 10M people under the age of 64 have had 1 shot. That is a paltry 8% of the total population, of which age group are the most active, and out and about. The other 92% are the ones all commuting on crowded trains, at coffee shops, dining out, thinking they are 'safe' since they are young. This group also includes the most hesitant to get a shot. Without more testing, it is these people that have a false sense of 'I'm OK', (carriers with no symptoms), that continue to go out....
We kept hearing anti vaxxers say that the Japanese don't trust or want the vaccine.
Well despite the poorly planned rollout and slow start once things got going Japan reached over 50% with at least one dose now, which clearly shows the demand is high!
Now it is obvious that the cities/wards places like Tokyo, Osaka, Saitama, Kanagawa have done a poor job, this was obvious by the need for the National/prefecture governments to step in with mass vaccination centres like this.
One big problem that is rarely pointed out but I hear regularly from my mid 20s children is that their friends employers will not give them time off to go get vaccinated even if they could get an appointment.
The government needs to quickly pass a law forcing employers to give time off for Vaccination and NO weekends only are not an option as there is no way everyone can get vaccinated all on weekends!
It kind of makes sense doesn't it. Go there breathe for 3 days get better go back home. Better then just die home i suppose
How will they track shots if there is no reservation? Will they still require the coupons? What if the person needs a travel certificate? How will they stop people from getting the shot before the 3 weeks?
If there is no tracking, people could game the system and get the shot a week or two apart. This is also means that the workers in these stations could be extremely overworked!
Like always, they'll get on that when the actual problem occurs. They have too much going on to think about 'what if's'....
Oxygen stations - how will they work?
You generally need specialist training to deal with medical gases, and administer them?
Flow rates, duration of treatment, type of mask, connections, cleaning, refilling, storage, etc..
Can't see Taro and Kumiko being given tanks freely.
Sports stores here sell small aerosol cans of oxygen, which can last 2-3 minutes! Not much use.
For medical use, @2L/min, a fairly lowish rate, you'll need a 12L tank each day (24 hours) for a patient needing continuous oxygen, and they are heavy - 13kg or more, with a pressure of 3000 psi or approx 200 bar.
Maybe let the diving community help; tech divers are well-versed with compressed air, oxygen enriched, helium and trimix.
So where is your data that lets you contradict the experts of the world that say the opposite of your recommendation, it is not like you think this would be ok without any evidence, right?
Big news, declaring something do not make it real, it would be completely ridiculous to declare herd immunity is reached with an ever increasing number of cases, complications and deaths. It would be like declaring a fire controlled even when it is beginning to expand to other buildings.
You keep blaming the media because you know you can't contradict the experts, even when the media is only repeating what they say. That is a terribly obvious way to falsely represent the situation. The same with your false representation of the vaccines, that are not qualified as experimental in Japan, even if you believe it really really much. Nor they are falling anywhere according to the huge differences in complications and deaths between vaccinated and unvaccinated people.
Why keep focusing on the clinical trials if you well know the data from millions of vaccinated people is there to confirm the safety and efficacy of the vaccines? The ivermectin conspiracy is not believable either, at this point the evidence keeps piling up showing less and less of a positive effect the better the studies are, and the reports where it showed to be effective are now being retracted when evidence of manipulation and false information are proved.
Choosing false or old information because the real/recent one proves you wrong only makes obvious your interest is not accurately represent the situation but mislead people into making your same mistakes, that is not productive, nor intellectually honest.
wanderlustToday 10:30 am JST
You do know that most of these machines don't use tanks and are oxygen concentrator machines.
Millions of elderly Japanese ( as well as the rest of the developed world) use such machines daily.
People with problems such as emphysema, severe asthma, lung damage, cancer, etc ..
And the fact you don't know the difference between and oxygen tank ( pure or near pure O2) and diving tanks ( compressed air) tells use you have no idea what you are talking about.
virusrexToday 10:30 am JST
So where is your data that lets you contradict the experts of the world that say the opposite of your recommendation, it is not like you think this would be ok without any evidence, right?
How about the WHO?
Your sky is falling rhetoric is just hypochondriac babble. The major cohort dying from the virus are the elderly over 70s and those with underlying health conditions or both. Scientific FACT! By vaccinating this cohort deaths will be much lower than even the usual flu season deaths which a in a heavy year close to Covid anyway. Young healthy people aren't at risk of dying from corona but by the increase in suicide levels they are more likely to go from suicide because of these stupid lock down SOE rules!
With the current infection rates a very large part of the japanese population and the world now have natural immunity to this Virus...meaning it is no longer NOVEL but soon to be just an also ran.
With is 40% efficay against the current strain and most likely even less against the lambda the Pfizer vaccine is more likely to create a MORE Vaccine resistant strain as people vaccinated with it contract and pass on the virus to others.
Finally on another point your comment
"Big news, declaring something do not make it real,"
Pot meet ask for facts or evidence but present none your self...
NumanToday 10:21 am JST
Wow you are really trying to find non existent problems!
This is Japan of course they will still need the vouchers.
And I am taking a shot in the dark here but I am guessing you are not vaccinated and didn't even look at your vouchers.
It is all explained in the envelope the vouchers came in.
But I will help.
Even if you walk in no appointment and can get vaccinated the place will fill in half the vouchers with all the needed information and proof.
Then when you go for your next dose you need to present the vouchers if the previous dose was not long enough ago they will refuse to vaccinate you if the vaccine in that facility is not the same as your first dose they will refuse to vaccinate you, etc...
Not rocket science!
As for the travel part that is again your vouchers you keep and Japan is issuing vaccine passports already.
The WHO has explicitly said that your strategy is flawed and anti-scientific, your link do NOT support it at all
If you want to impose your opinion on a topic it is better if you can at least understand the terminology, if not you may just fail to understand why you are wrong as in this case.
The experts say your position is wrong, morally unacceptable and counterproductive, just saying they are all wrong just because you must be right is not an argument. All your supposed arguments can only be used by supporting them with evidence but instead of it people are just supposed to believe you? even if the people that know more than anybody else about infections, epidemics, health say you are terribly wrong?
That is the beauty of being on the side of science, when all is supported by the best available data it is extremely easy to link to anything you may think is not true, on the other hand when your position is that science is wrong you end up having a really hard time proving things, as you are doing now, precisely because the evidence is on the opposite side. Ask away, anti scientific people usually run away from the evidence, that is why they never ask for it.
with locals closing at 20:00 I would hardly say "a night on the town"
I check my oxygen SPo2 all the time Nude to asthma. Sometimes hits 89. I just go to sleep.
Where did all of these vaccines suddenly come from? No Narita photo sessions with Koike or Suga nor Abe?
virusrexToday 11:02 am JST
So a newspaper article has more weight than the WHO pullleassee...
Here we go the kicker! CFR (confirmed fatality rate) vs IFR(actual Infection fatality rate) a very important distinction and the true flaw in the "everyone get vaccinated" hypochondriac babble..
Covid is age specific in that the older you get the worse it can be (who would have thought...) the 50-60 cohort have a 99.7% chance of surviving Covid. the 35-39 cohort have a 99.96% chance of surviving Covid. the 20-24 cohort have a 99.994% chance of surviving Covid. If you added the case of those dying also usually have underlying conditions these numbers would be even less. Yet the sky is falling brigade want to vaccinate the world including children??? Absolutely ludicrous!
The vaccines are great for the vulnerable and the old...other than that there is absolutely zero reason to vaccinate anyone else unless they want it!
Though I am sure the big pharma companies would disagree
Antiquesaving - good to hear that they are using oxygen concentrators, however tanks are also used in some places, as well as distributed systems, such as used in the temporary faciltiies set up in the UK. (Source Airproducts UK)
Divers have been using pure oxygen, oxygen-enriched air (nitrox) as well as the standard compressed air for years now. Read again: * tech divers are well-versed with *compressed air, oxygen enriched ... trimix....they use pure oxygen to blend these mixtures. They know the difference very well.
Sven Asai
Does that really mean less bureaucracy is possible only under pressure and rising catastrophic infection numbers? Why not just from the beginning and not only as a temporary project in that model area? Very strange…
wanderlustToday 11:26 am JST
If you know so much then why bring it up?
The simple facts are people have been using home oxygen for decades, I used to see it all the time when I was still working as a paramedic and that was well over 30 years ago.
I watch every day several elderly taking their daily walk pulling their oxygen behind them.
Today's machines are fully automated, many can even be monitored remotely and adjust by medical staff.
If you are trying to say the idea of making people stay home on oxygen instead of a hospital where they should be then say that.
But acting like the Japanese are to stupid to use one of these machines is quite insulting.
Let me remind you what you wrote
@Numan - Picking holes for no reason. I was lucky enough to have a workplace vax - prior to my voucher coming. No problem. Different document, official Second shot date informed of at same time. - Both Bar Codes codes placed on this instead. Accepted by my ward office for Certificate/Vax Passport.
The newspaper reports an official declaration of the WHO explicitly contradicting your misrepresentation of an unrelated text, it clearly demonstrate the WHO do not support your failed "solution" even when you tried to use something that do not support at all what you wanted to say. So, anti-science deniers once again running away from the evidence, even when they ask for it.
If you have confrimed CFRs while only get assumed IFRs that still means the CFRs are much more easier to trust, after all assumptions can be wrong as demonstrated by the Ioannidis report that estimated IFRs that were completely wrong. In any of those cases vaccination of the population still makes a much better sense and it is much safer than exposing the population hoping all the experts are wrong.
Do you know what has a lethality rate much lower than COVID? the vaccines, if you consider COVID to be a risk not worth considering that can only mean you consider the vaccines a risk even less worth take into consideration. And since vaccines lower the risk of complication and death for all the age groups where it has been approved to use that still means vaccinating is the only rational option.
The problem with anti-scientific people is that they want people to believe that COVID with their much higher risks is nothing to worry about, while vaccines with their much lower risks is something that people should be worried about, this schizophrenia is why their conclusions end up being irrational.
Guess what, your own sources prove you mistaken, there is no "absolute zero" in any of the groups where risk is reported, that means saying so is wrong, disinformation. Vaccines reduce the risk on all those groups and that is a perfectly valid reason to vaccinate.
Don't listen to any pharmacological company, just the scientific consensus, which say vaccines are safe, effective and much better than risking the infection.
You think this is not the consensus? prove it by putting a reference where any institution of medicine or science in the world says the opposite. You can't? that is because there is no such thing, this is what scientific consensus means.
The govt needs to run some campaigns to encourage the vaccination among the youth if they want this to be successful.
We need a Japanese version of this:
They really need to incentivize the campaign for everyone with a cash payment of 20000yen. The cost savings is huge compared to the healthcare situation we have arrived at today.
Why they have not is beyond me.
Young people have been unable to get appointments for months now, that is why there’s low vaccination rate. This place is for pure propaganda purposes.
How much of an effect does a few hundred doses a day help when there are MILLIONs of young people who cannot have any access? Do they expect young people to wait in front of that center every day for the next year to hope for a 1/1000 chance that they arrived on time???
There’s zero shortage of demand. The national government simply banned access to the vaccine for the majority of the population. Go check the shinjuku-ku website and you’ll always see the vaccine appointments full, and it will always be full until 2Q of 2022, as the government simply refuse to vaccinate anyone until domestic vaccines come online and they can get their kick-backs
I realised the other day what anti vaxxers reminded me of.
I was driving by a station and a man was standing there with a bullhorn and a sign about Jesus and yelling about the Devil and something about Corona being gods punishment for those that don't follow Jesus.
About 20 minutes later driving by ( this is Tokyo more like crawling by in my car) I was passing another station with a woman and a man bullhorn in hand and big handmade signs, yelling about something.
I immediately thought politics or religion.
But as I got closer I could see it was anti vaxxers and listening to what they were saying I couldn't help making the connection with the previous religious guy preaching but instead of God and the Devil it was Not dangerous ( god) and Big Pharma ( the Devil).
So I understood even more what I already knew anti vaxxers are like a cult and it is interesting that all the anti vaxxers I personally know are either religious fundamentalist or Vegans ( another cult like group).
My daughter has already messaged me that nearly all her friends are looking forward to go get vaccinated as soon as possible in Shibuya if they still can't book in their wards.
Readers if all ages who live close enough to central Tokyo, if you are having trouble finding an appointment to get a vaccine, there is plenty of availability every day for free vaccination with Moderna vaccine at the Clinic For Tamachi, located in the building right at the Shibaura Exit of JR Tamachi Station. Just bring your city or ward issued ticket or voucher, and completed questionnaire For myself, I used the Shinjuku Home Clinic located near Yotsuya-3-chome Station, 20 min walk from JR Yotsuya Stn. Online calendar nit back up yet -- call 03 6273 2109 -- the doctor said he's expecting more doses soon. It's a tiny 1-doctor clinic. Private clinics accept tickets from any city or ward. Stay away from crowds and get vaccinated soon. Don't delay.
As we now know that the vaxxed can get and spread the virus, in what world does that make sense? We now know these vaccines are not sterilizing, i.e. they do not have an effect on the spread of the infection, yet all these articles and politician statements still are based on the assumption that they do. Is NOBODY paying attention?
People can still die from a hit on the head even with a helmet, does it make sense to wear it?
Yes it does, young people do not have zero risk of dying or having serious/long lasting complications if infected, so they do benefit from having those risks reduced. Also vaccination do have an effect on the rate of people that become symptomatic and heavily symptomatic, which are conditions correlated with transmission, so your conclusion that vaccination do not have any effect on stopping the spreading is mistaken.
Are you still claiming that the vaccinations prevent the infection?? Seriously?
Well apparently they are to the science that is not to the anti-vaxxers.
Why are you going to quote something if you are going to misrepresent it in any way?
First "breakthrough infections" are not 100% of the vaccinated people, which means that yes, for some people vaccines do prevent infection.
Second, being vaccinated importantly reduces the risks even if you get the infection afterwards. There is absolutely nothing wrong with saying that being vaccinated is much better than just risking the infection (without the vaccine obviously).
Excellent. Keep moving forward!
And the other 322.8 billion yen???
If I am judging by the comments in my daughter's Twitter with over 30,000 followers in Japan.
She posted the Japanese information on this and the response was massively positive with most saying they hope to be able to use it and get vaccinated.
If what her followers are saying they plan on doing becomes reality this place may end up being swamped when it opens.
(She has this weird subculture anime/manga thing she created as a side gig don't ask me much about it I don't get it or understand it but that is why she has that many followers)
Just get the free testing stations up and running, the vaccine will help, but we need to test, test and more test, people are running around spreading oblivious to the fact its them
Unfortunately, I heard a disappointing comment from one young man through the interview broadcasted on TV news. Answering the question "are you afraid of being infected with the virus?", he said to the interviewer "I do not care about it since it's like getting cold. When I get infected, I'll go see a doctor."
A few percentages of young adults have such attitude toward current situation throughout the nation, though majority of them pays attention to it. In my opinion, reservation free vaccination opportunity will soon face a dead end because of such people. Therefore, the first thing to facilitate vaccination is to have them be aware of the danger of the virus and watch the news to get enough knowledge of it.
there is plenty of demand for the vaccination !!!! just so much red tape and hassle to get one!