Japan Today

Vietnamese boy killed in car-crane truck collision in Nagoya


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And was the wee fella wearing a seatbelt?

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Did the driver have a license? Very strange how most Vietnamese in Japan don’t have a license.

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

Other sources report that there was no child seat in the car.

Children under 6 are required by law to be in a child seat.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

HawkToday  08:34 pm JST

Other sources report that there was no child seat in the car. 

Children under 6 are required by law to be in a child seat.

Sadly the police probably don't do anything. If they sat outside a kindergarten they could fine hundreds of parents and grandparents. They'd rather stop people on bicycles. seat belts and child seats should be enforced. All the parents think, Oh it's just around the corner, and they are safe drivers. Hundreds of kids climb into those cars after school, and very few put the seat belts on, or have a child seat.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Shirokuma4812Nov. 11 07:42 pm JST

Did the driver have a license? Very strange how most Vietnamese in Japan don’t have a license

Let me guess... You went and asked all of them and they acknowledged your suspicion, right? Wrong.

9 ( +10 / -1 )


Did the driver have a license? Very strange how most Vietnamese in Japan don’t have a license.



And you know most Vietnamese or is your opinion based on nothing?

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Makes my blood boil seeing adults in the front securely fastened with their seatbelts on and airbags protecting them while their kids run around in the back of the car. I see this on every journey I make almost.

This poor little guy didn't have the knowledge to secure his own safety - so why do so many parents neglect to take this responsibility? A child should be the most valuable thing you own for goodness sake. I bet if they had been transporting a 100,000 yen TV in their car they'd have secured that safely. Common sense seems at a premium nowadays.

But I blame the government just as much - they need to step up an educate. In the UK we had regular and quite horrific adverts on seatbelt safety and it worked! As a really young kid I was allowed to run around on the back seat - mostly cos we didn't even have seatbelts in the back - but by the time I was a teen seatbelts and childseat culture had changed immeasurably - now there's much greater awareness in the UK. Japanese society seriously needs to catch up on this front. RIP little boy, you were let down.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Everyone's going to blame this to Japan again

-2 ( +0 / -2 )


That's why always fasten the seat belt to the child in the back. Exactly for those reasons.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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