Japan Today

Whalers blast activists with water cannons in Antarctic Ocean


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Let’s be clear who the violent ones are.

Yes, let's be clear. Sea Sheperd are criminals. Sea Sheperd are stalking a whaling fleet that is legally engaged in whaling whether abnyone likes it or not. Sea Sheperd are deliberately ramming ships, and they have a long history of doing so. Sea Sheperd are classified as Eco-Terrorists by the FBI.

"Since 1977, when disaffected members of the ecological preservation group Greenpeace formed the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and attacked commercial fishing operations by cutting drift nets, acts of "eco-terrorism" have occurred around the globe. The FBI defines eco-terrorism as the use or threatened use of violence of a criminal nature against innocent victims or property by an environmentally-oriented, subnational group for environmental-political reasons, or aimed at an audience beyond the target, often of a symbolic nature."


Sea Sheperd are in violaton of the U.N. - Convention for the Supression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation (1988)


Sea Sheperd are undeniably eco-terrorists who resort to violent criminal actions to further their cause.

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To 'bushlover'. All animals deserve respect, the same as we human animals believe that we do. Why should any species arrogantly think they can lord it over others? We have to share this planet, not plunder it.

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Water cannons and LRADS, along with, in some instances tasers and rubber bullets are often used in crowd control and riot control and are used in many parts of the world, including the US, as effective NON_LETHAL means of defence.

"The ramming happened as a result of the Steve Irwin being chased into the Nisshin Maru and was not intentional."

Then it was grossly negligent and ultimately very stupid to not follow the international standards of sea faring. One should always maintain a safe distance between craft and provoking it with the larger ships and zodiacs are resulting in placing both the SS ships and the whalers in harms way.

Simply put, if the SS stays away from the Nisshin Maru, it would not collide with it.

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Japanese whalers are using military weapons not permitted for civilian use. LRAD was beamed to Sea Shepherd by three harpoon boats and the Nisshin Maru factory ship. Not only was their ship beamed but also their helicopter. The pilot and photography crew both began to feel dizzy and nauseated. Had they not escaped they would have crashed into the ocean and died.

Zodiac boats used to intercept the whalers and whales were also beamed by LRAD as they approached to stop a minke whale being loaded (along with water cannons and steel balls).

This kind of tactic is totally illegally. Last year Captain Paul Watson was shot by an illegal bullet, according to the Geneva Convention, and flash grenades were thrown at the crew, yet wimpy Australian investigation showed no cause to prosecute in spite off the fact that there was video footage, a mangled badge which covered his heart, and the bullet lodged in his vest to prove it.

Japan is killing endangered whales in a whale sanctuary, in Australian waters in contravention to the IWC moratorium on commercial whaling, CITES, an Australian Federal High Court Order, the Antarctic Treaty, the U.S. Dept. of Commerce. Sea Shepherd is the only one with the courage to enforce the laws Japan is breaking.

Let’s be clear who the violent ones are. Sea Shepherd have never used military-grade ammunition like the whalers are using. Throwing bottles of butyric acid on the whalers' ships (which is less acidic than orange juice and has never harmed a single person) is only a deterrant and not a weapon. No paint was hurled. Japan Today is the only one making this accusation. The ramming happened as a result of the Steve Irwin being chased into the Nisshin Maru and was not intentional.

Sea Shepherd's tactics are an attempt to interfere in the profits of the illegal whaling ships owned by the Japanese government and they are highly successful since Japan has been unable to meet their quota for years.

For those who don’t care about whales being killed, all I can say is not only are you without compassion but also ignorant of the incredibly important role whales play in the marine ecosystem. And for those who justify Japan’s violence and threat to human life you are traitors not only to your own species but to the whole planet, which needs whales a heck of a lot more than it needs people.

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Great comment Ossan. I'll second that one. The hypocrites will hate you for it. Somehow they think the whales deserve special treatment over the other animals.

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Ossan - Thanks also for your honesty. At least it seems that I have an opinion and am prepared to voice it without resort to personal insult and futile name calling.

We all accept the western powers with the eager participation of other sea faring nations did bring the whale population to the brink of extinction. But accident of birth does not mean I cannot support a change for the better. As yours doesn't mean you have to continue to spout the same frustrated circular billious rant when your argumant fails.

Thanks for wishing me luck it means a lot. I look forward to your posts decrying the violent criminal behaviour of the whalers.

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Thank you for your honest answer. Permit me to respond likewise. I couldn't give a flying duck about whales one way or the other. Whether whales are hunted for scientific research or the dinner table doesn't matter to me. I do know that whales were brought to the brink of exinction by the "western" powers for their oil and their meat was thrown away so I can't help sensing hypocrisy when anyone from a former whaling nation starts yacking about save the whales. Whatever. I also believe that any human who puts the value of any animal above other humans is in serious need of mental therapy. True, whaling is barbaric, but check out slaughthouses on youtube. They are no less barbaric, and unlike the whales don't have ANY CHANCE at all of escape. But be it whales, cows, chickens, pigs, well that's the way it is. It's gruesome so if you don't wanna eat it, then don't. But don't be pushing your own beliefs onto others with some delusional sense of self rightiousness. Free societies and law doesn't support it. There are plenty of cultures that I could really harp on (hint: I like dogs) but I know my POV is differerent from theirs. Likewise, I believe that anyone who openly cheers on criminal conduct is no better than the criminals themselves. Well actually less because at least the criminals are putting their lives on the line for their inane cause. So good luck with your efforts to stop ALL WHALING on the planet. I will likewise continue to speak out against violent criminal behavior.

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Japan is wrong with the whaling. If they want to they could send in the Japan Self Defense Force and see how the anti whaling forces respond. It would force Australia to do something or renounce its claim to these waters.

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I would very much welcome a political decision to stop whaling. But its obvious one is not coming soon. Hence my support for the robust action that is making many sit up and take notice.

I should have been clearer, Im against commercial whaling in its current form. One for the obvious ecological reasons and the arguments youve made are a long way from convincing me that Japan is able, or even willing to maintain a sustainable whaling policy. Japans reputation for sucking up the worlds marine life is second to none.

Secondly the current methods of killing whales are simply barbaric. Food needs much more respect than a grenade in the back and a slow agonising, terrified death. That stands for all the whaling nations, yes I oppose their whaling too. Does that spoil your feeble attempt to make this a racial issue?

Thirdly Im against Japans 'scientific' whaling as it is simply an lie.

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Because the Japanese authorities are not idiots and would not operate >that kind of mission without international agreement.

Wrong. Japanese Coast Guard could arrest anyone in those antarctic waters wjo has attacking a Japanese flag ship. Austraia could do the very same if someone attached an Australian flag ship. Nobody needs to get any kind of "International Agreement" to implement law enforcement action under these circumstances.

So what? If Japan did choose to hunt their local waters you would >complain?" Actually I would. You see Im against whaling.

In other words you have no interest in resolving this issue from a political or diplomatic point of view. Your interest is simply to stop "whaling" in the absolute sense. Do you spend as much time on Norwegian and Icelandic internet sites making a big doo about whaling? How about the Native American or Inuit Sites? Be honest-

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"Why? Australia has no jurisdiction over Japanese flag ships that are not in Australian waters"

Because the Japanese authorities are not idiots and would not operate that kind of mission without international agreement.

"So what? If Japan did choose to hunt their local waters you would complain?"

Actually I would. You see Im against whaling.

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Without Australia's agreement Japan wont be sending it's forces to fend >off Sea Shepherd.

Why? Australia has no jurisdiction over Japanese flag ships that are not in Australian waters.

Bearing in mind Japans immediate rebuttal of very recent proposals we >know Japans position on limiting itself to coastal whaling.

So what? If Japan did choose to hunt their local waters you would complain?

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Ossan - "The JCG, is not military. It is law enforcement" Military, paramilitary, law enforcement, self defense force, mislabel it all you want, it doesnt change my point though? Without Australia's agreement Japan wont be sending it's forces to fend off Sea Shepherd.

"You don't know and I don't know. Irrevelant speculation either way" Speculation certainly, but not irrelevent. Bearing in mind Japans immediate rebuttal of very recent proposals we know Japans position on limiting itself to coastal whaling. QED.

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Ossan, you're on the wrong thread.



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The saying it takes one to know one rings quite true.

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The whalers aren't innocent.

Only in the minds of fanatics. The Whalers are not breaking any laws. The Whalers are not breaking any territorial sovereignty, as evidenced by Austalia's refusal to bring a legal claim. The Whalers are not breaking any IWC rules as evidenced by the term "loophole".

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The US is powerful and influential, but not that much. Nor, as is >actually relevent here, are the Japanese. Japan could never gain support >for deploying its military in support of a fleet performing questionable >acts in the name of science.

The JCG, is not military. It is law enforcement. THe JMSDF is military.

Only if Japan agrees to operate its factory ships solely in its own >waters will the JCG have any grounds for intercepting Sea Shepherd.

Wrong. Law Enforcement jurisdiction extends to vessels of the nation's flag.

But of course thats not going to happen is it?

You don't know and I don't know. Irrevelant speculation either way.

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"The USCG could easily arrest anyone harassing a US flag vessel in the antarctic or anywhere"

The US is powerful and influential, but not that much. Nor, as is actually relevent here, are the Japanese. Japan could never gain support for deploying its military in support of a fleet performing questionable acts in the name of science.

Only if Japan agrees to operate its factory ships solely in its own waters will the JCG have any grounds for intercepting Sea Shepherd. But of course thats not going to happen is it?

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I like whale meat and they are in a legit business. I would blast the righteous swine with water canon too...and even tubs of sticky gooey natto. Fight rancid butter with rancid natto!

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No, the spirit of the IWC moratorium on commercial whaling.

But wasn't there a resolution that called for normalization of IWC (i.e. ban the moratorium) that was passed in 2006?


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bebert: Ever the compassionate animal lover, aint you.

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IT's about time they started using self-defence! Good shooting!

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And yes. The "spirit" of IWC

No, the spirit of the IWC moratorium on commercial whaling.

In 2005 a Resolution was passed (30 votes to 27 votes with 1 abstention) that strongly urged the Government of Japan to withdraw its JARPA II proposal or to revise it so that any information needed to meet the stated objectives of the proposal is obtained using non-lethal means.

In 2007 the Commission passed a Resolution asking Japan to refrain from issuing a permit for JARPA II by 40 votes in favour, 2 votes against and 1 abstention; 27 countries decided not to participate in the vote


So, definitely not in line with the current spirit of the IWC.

Japan is a sticky-up nail in the IWC.

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Pursuing Japan legally is valid, they've breached international law on several fronts. They haven't conducted environmental impact assessments on their activities in a protected zone and their vessels aren't certified to the correct class to operate that far south. That much of the activity is known to be illegal. The bit that has a question mark over its head is the validity of the hunt itself.

Last season the Australian government paid for a customs vessel to tail Japanese whalers for the entire season and document their activities, unlike the sea shepard ship that was only there part of the time. The photographic evidence taken of the whaling has been submitted to independant scientists and they have evaluated the Japanese arguement was pretty weak scientifically. Whether thats correct or not is the question mark that would need to be decided by point of law.

It's looking like a moot point now anyways. The push for localising whaling to Japan will reduce their activities ten fold and get them out of the sanctuaries whilst allowing them to save face about their grand traditions. Funnily enough, the organisations providing the biggest threat to localising the whaling are the hard-line environmentalist groups. Matter of time to see whether or not they'll shoot themselves in the foot over this, but if they manage to ruin a deal that would reduce the whaling ten-fold because they refuse to budge on a zero whaling policy, Greenpeace can kiss my membership goodbye.

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Some of us think that the orderly development of the whaling industry is for it to make great progress to watching, museums, and history.

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It allows 'research'. It does not allow whaling for the sale of meat. It's (supposedly) disposal of the meat as a by-product of the research. Japan is whaling for the meat, and using 'research' as an excuse. It abides by the letter but not the spirit of the IWC rules.

You say tomato, I say tomahto ♪

And yes. The "spirit" of IWC

"The International Whaling Commission (IWC) was set up under the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling which was signed in Washington DC on 2nd December 1946 (Click HERE to view full text). The purpose of the Convention is to provide for the proper conservation of whale stocks and thus make possible the orderly development of the whaling industry."

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I agree with Cleo. I saw about it on Discovery Channel, and ythey proved it was commercial whaling in the name of science.

Also if them whalers blast with water cannons, you might get a man overboard , who might croak it. Then i suppose you could call the whalers terorists innit!

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IWC specifically allows limited amount of whaling for research purpose and the sale of those meat.

It allows 'research'. It does not allow whaling for the sale of meat. It's (supposedly) disposal of the meat as a by-product of the research. Japan is whaling for the meat, and using 'research' as an excuse. It abides by the letter but not the spirit of the IWC rules.

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The whalers are not breaking any IWC rules since they are using a "loophole" a term which in itself makes clear that they are getting by without breaking any rules.

I wouldn't even call it a "loophole" since IWC specifically allows limited amount of whaling for research purpose and the sale of those meat.

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The FBI defines eco-terrorism as the use or threatened use of violence of a criminal nature against innocent victims or property

The whalers aren't innocent.

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tclh - Australian government knows that Japan is actually not illegal in hunting whales in Antactic waters as long as Japan is complying with IWC rules and international law although Australia is speaking "Japan is illegal". Japan seems to be awaiting indictment from Australia government, then both can litigate this in the International Court. So far not yet.

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BBC, NHK: (must) pay a fee to receive broadcast and charge for DVDs

Whale God: free

-yet we are killing the whales. Something is amiss here.

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Go Al-Shepqaeda! May these infidels feel the wrath of our great Whale God

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"documentary in the BBC Planet Earth style" ....seem to recall that doc was part done with NHK but the BBC always manage to write that bit out in the presentation or not advertise that (whole background story)... abit like the blinkering of the extremist views held by some sides involved in this story.

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All Sea Shepherd wants is publicity.

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Watson didn't become a millionare by sticking to his own country. Without his publicity stunts to rake in the donations he would be just another schmuck. Now he's just a rich schmuck who doesn't care what happens as long as he's in the spotlight.

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No mucking around: If Japan think SS is eco terrorists, arrest them ,you just don't let terrorist play around right in front of you! and if Australia thinks Japan is illegal in whaling of Antartica ,arrest them also. Then the whole situation will have to be fought in an international court to settle the matter once and for all. Why nobody is doing this?

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Sea Shepherd need to focus on problems in their own countries.

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I'm looking forward to hearing about the until know unknown information regarding minke whales this research trip has uncovered. will it be a documentary in the BBC Planet Earth style or will it be a restaurant visit with on cue squeals of Oiiishiiii in the NHK style? since commercial whaling has been banned for 2 decades I expect to learn a lot about the complex reproductive organs of the Minke and their possible role in providing new anti cancer/alzheimers agents. hahahahaha, call me a dreamer

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Ossan: "So much for your credibility which now is about as good as Watson's with his silly "I got shot" lie last year."

From you, that's a compliment... and funny YOU should bring up the man getting shot when no one else did (bit a guilt there in defending the whalers, my friend?).

I don't defend the whalers smith, I detest self appointed cause vigilantes who think they are above the law. If I were continuously harassing you just because I think you shouldn't eat hamburgers you'd see me in the same light that I see the SS nutbags.

"The Whalers have nothing to gain from wasting time with the eco-terrorists."

The eco-terrorists here are the Japanese, clearly, since they are >breaking laws

Wrong. BZZZZZ. No laws are being broken by the whalers. Australian territoral jurisdiction is untested and they themselves are so lacking in comfidence in their ckaim that they still refuse to bring legal action to stop the whaling. The whalers are not breaking any IWC rules since they are using a "loophole" a term which in itself makes clear that they are getting by without breaking any rules. The ONLY ones breaking any laws are the lunatic Sea Sheperd wackjobs who are engaging in unprovoked harassment and violence. If you don't like the term eco-terrorist, which I use for ELF and ALF who are both listed as terrorists by the FBI, let's just call them Pirates. Still an internationally recognized crime on the high seas.

Finally, the Japanese have ZERO authority to have officers on their ship >to arrest members of SS or other groups in open waters, and esPECIALLY >no authority to take them back and try them in Japan.

Wrong again. BZZZZZZ. Law enforcment jurisdiction extends to vessels of that nationality. You can sneak onboard, hide on, or throw rancid butter at a ship and they have the legal authority to arrest you ad try you in the nation of the flag.

In fact, if anything, since Australia claims it is their waters and a >whale sanctuary in their backyard, THEY are the ones who have grounds to >capture the Japanese fleet and try them in Aus. In fact, I wish they >would...

Of course you do. But ask yourself why Australia hasn't done so. If any foreign ships were taking fish whales whatever within Australiam coatal waters or even within and extended EEZ wouldn't they have stopped them by force? Any country would. That they haven't all this time exposes the uncertainty of their claim to jursdiction over the antarctic waters.

"The Terrorists themselves have declared that they are going to harass the whalers."

Harass, yes? That's not terrorism, my friend, not even by any definition >besides the Japanese one.


Smith, for you and all the other uneducated posters who seem to think that Sea Sheperd are not Eco-Terrorists be aware that the FBI disagrees with you completely.

"Since 1977, when disaffected members of the ecological preservation group Greenpeace formed the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and attacked commercial fishing operations by cutting drift nets, acts of "eco-terrorism" have occurred around the globe. The FBI defines eco-terrorism as the use or threatened use of violence of a criminal nature against innocent victims or property by an environmentally-oriented, subnational group for environmental-political reasons, or aimed at an audience beyond the target, often of a symbolic nature."

Testimony of James F. Jarboe, Domestic Terrorism Section Chief, Counterterrorism Division, FBI Before the House Resources Committee, Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health February 12, 2002 "The Threat of Eco-Terrorism"


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This is awesome. Finally they're firing back. Go, make sure and kill lots of whales, especially when they're there. And then when they board your ships, arrest them for piracy.

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What is hospitable for a whale will not support human life for long = the water in that area is cold. This is not an area of the world to be playing games = with these escalations I would expect to see more human death soon, but I am sure it will help sell Sea Shepard DVDs and the Discovery Channel.

= One person's priorities can be very different from another's. Scientific research, whale meat, money, media attention. Don't think for a second I am condoning either party but the whales. -as of now I am starting to see the whales win and that does make me happy.

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Use a harpoon with a explosive tip and people are going to get killed. This is about the illegal hunting of whales, Japan (so sorry about this!) is being a liar about the purpose of the hunts. Thus they are acting in an illegal fashion. Self defense is not a defense when breaking the law. Water cannons are ok but using lethal force is just wrong.

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OssanAmerica-"Japan should have JCG officers onboard" So youre saying >Japan should extend its territorial waters in response to the eco->warriors?

Law enforcement jurisdiction extends to ship's flying that nation's flag. The USCG could easily arrest anyone harassing a US flag vessel in the antarctic or anywhere.

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go sea shepherd!!!

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haven't these people got more prevalent and disgusting animal welfare issues at home to protest about.

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Badsey: "these people won't stop until there is loss of human life."

There was... remember the Japanese dude fell into the water over Christmas? Oh yeah!! That's when SS offered help to find the man('s body) but the Japanese fleet refused.

Anyway, dancing monkeys can be fun, so don't knock yourself!

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these people won't stop until there is loss of human life. So it's them or the whales = neither of these groups makes any sense. Nice to know there are other nutters out there than just the Israelies and Hamas. Do us proud nutters! And entertain us as only nutters can.

But I am one that still enjoys a dancing monkey from time to time.

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Paul Watson is a multi-millionaire.

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JT wrote: On the Net: Sea Shepherd: http://www.seashepherd.org/

What's with the free plug for SS?

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Ossan: "So much for your credibility which now is about as good as Watson's with his silly "I got shot" lie last year."

From you, that's a compliment... and funny YOU should bring up the man getting shot when no one else did (bit a guilt there in defending the whalers, my friend?).

"The Whalers have nothing to gain from wasting time with the eco-terrorists."

The eco-terrorists here are the Japanese, clearly, since they are breaking laws under the guise of science. As for exaggerating, as you say, it's pretty clear that BOTH sides have exaggerated in the past, and the Japanese have flat out lied (they at first said no anti-whaling activists where tied to their bows, then later had to retract that, etc.).

Finally, the Japanese have ZERO authority to have officers on their ship to arrest members of SS or other groups in open waters, and esPECIALLY no authority to take them back and try them in Japan. In fact, if anything, since Australia claims it is their waters and a whale sanctuary in their backyard, THEY are the ones who have grounds to capture the Japanese fleet and try them in Aus. In fact, I wish they would... just surround them with a few war ships, take them in, and hold the ships until the whaling season -- eerrr... scientific expedition season -- is over then let them go after they pay a hefty fine. Works for Russia when the Japanese sneak into their waters to fish. So why not? What could Japan do about it?

"The Terrorists themselves have declared that they are going to harass the whalers."

Harass, yes? That's not terrorism, my friend, not even by any definition besides the Japanese one. If harassment fits into the definition of terrorism then Japan has MASSIVE domestic terrorism to deal with and shouldn't be spending any time running away from people who are trying to help endangered species.

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One water cannon... ohhh all most forgot AND four ninjas... yeah... gomen...

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The government of Japan and its baying apologists have often described the Sea Shepherd protesters as 'eco-terrorists'...

So, recent issues:

The Japanese have aimed a “military grade” noise weapon that can cause deafness and vomiting at the Sea Shepherd.

.protester hit in the face with a large chunk of metal lobbed from a harpoon boat.

.Japan has lost fishermen overboard and refused help from protesters in the search, then attacked the protesters for not helping.

.had a fire on board and broken down in pristine antarctic waters risking further environmental damage.

.killed thousands of whales with grenade tipped harpoons 8000km from their homeland.

.bought votes in IWC to prevent the closure of loopholes that allow for commercial under the guise of 'scientific research'.

.caught 1800ton over quota for bluefin tuna alone in a single year.

.continued the inhumane slaughter in Taiji etc. of dolphins and small whales.

.repeatedly ignored requests of governments of affected countries and protest groups to cease whaling.

Who are the eco-terrorists again?

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All their credibility would be gone

They haven't got any to start with.

At best Japan can ask for assistance from the Australian authorities.

I thought they did, and were ignored?

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OssanAmerica-"Japan should have JCG officers onboard" So youre saying Japan should extend its territorial waters in response to the eco-warriors?

Any deployment of Japanese forces in response to the protesters would be inappropriate. At best Japan can ask for assistance from the Australian authorities. Wonder how well that request will be received?

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Go Sea Shepherd! It's clear the Japanese are lying about who attacked >first

So much for your credibility which now is about as good as Watson's with his silly "I got shot" lie last year. The Whalers have nothing to gain from wasting time with the eco-terrorists. The Terrorists themselves have declared that they are going to harass the whalers. So which one do you think attacked whom and which one is lying? Just like the "I got shot" lie, I have absolutely no doubt that this "metal" story is a lie and any injuries sustained by the the attackers Sea Shephered are exaggerated. It's reached a point where Japan should have JCG officers onboard and arrest any SS members who engage in these acts and try them in Japan.

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"harvest up to 935 minke whales and 50 fin whales this season."

Hmmmm...that's an impressive number of "specimens" for research. To think of the amazing breakthroughs in the understanding of whales that's happening in restaurant kitchens (cough!), er I mean laboratories.

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I think that they are still taking less whales as there are 5-6 hunter vessels sparsely.

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Go Sea Shepherd! It's clear the Japanese are lying about who attacked first and their actions being in self-defense. Evidently the Japanese scientists don't know much about the chemistry differences between water and hunks of metal if they claim they were only spraying a water cannon.

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While the whalers are running theyre not taking whales. Again if theyre pointing their harpoons at the eco-warriors, they're not taking whales. Use the harpoons once against the protesters and it will be game over for the whalers. All their credibility would be gone and it might even force the Australian authorities into action.

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the whalers should aim their harpoons at the eco-terrorists.

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