A woman in her 60s ice skating in Aomori Prefecture was hit by a child and fell down, hitting her head. She was taken to hospital where she died.
The incident, which occurred at around 1:10 p.m. on Jan 2 at an ice skating rink in Nagane Park, Hachinohe, was revealed to the media on Tuesday, Fuji TV reported. The rink posted a sign asking for information about the child or anyone who saw the collision.
The woman was hit from behind by the child, and fell to the ice hitting the back of her head severely. She was given first aid, and then taken to hospital but her condition deteriorated and she died.
A Hachinohe City official said it is the first time for the ice skating rink to experience a fatality, and on the day of the accident, the rink had around 300 visitors.
The woman was not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident, and the skating rink is taking measures to increase the number of announcements reminding skaters to wear helmets.
© Japan Today
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Why do they need to look for the kid? Want to make sure he or she is scarred for life?
I think they should be looking in to the hospital, as well, making sure that something wasn't overlooked when the woman was treated and that could have been done, was done.
Accidents happen.
You don't always need to assign blame.
Sorry, but I've been to skating rinks in Japan and they are PACKED. If one person falls and/or bumps into another, it's like a cascade. The kid can't be blamed here one iota unless he or she was racing around the rink, intentionally knocking people about. But with 300 in a rink, I very much doubt that was the case. Finally, the woman was not wearing a helmet -- probably didn't want to mess up her hair -- so the crack on the noggin is par for the course. The rink should make it mandatory to wear them before stepping on the ice... but once again, convenience trumping safety.
So, if someone is to blame, besides the woman herself, it's the rink for not having rules to prevent from this in the first place. Are they now going to make such a rule? Nope. Just make more signs suggesting people do it.
Bugle Boy of Company B
@taj - While I agree 100%, I'm fairly certain the person who bumped into the woman is aware of what happened, and is likely going to be a bit emotionally scarred to some degree.
Accident or not. I don't think the kid should walk away not knowing what they did. I wouldn't.
darknutsToday 05:15 pm JST
Depends on how old the kid is, and we have no idea from this. If the lady says, I'm fine, kid skates away while inside the shocked lady's skull the bleeding starts and adults around call for first aide.
(I've seen loads of people take a head injury and then insist they are fine when they are clearly not. Adults are trained not to listen to people who've taken a knock. Kids are trained to listen to their elders.)
darknutsToday 05:15 pm JST
Depends on how old the kid is, and we have no idea from this. If the lady says, I'm fine, kid skates away while inside the shocked lady's skull the bleeding starts and adults around call for first aide.
(I've seen loads of people take a head injury and then insist they are fine when they are clearly not. Adults are trained not to listen to people who've taken a knock. Kids are trained to listen to their elders.)
WAs the kid on its keitai? Surely need to apportion some blame to the nipper? Make sure they feel guilty. some kind of blame payment. Or at least a bowing and scraping. Yes helmets ion ice rinks. more signs. how about some loudspeakers with a high pitched voice giving a warning message on a loop? An ice safety mascot?
Vince Black
Poor kid. Now,if they're found, they'll need to live with this all because common sense didn't prevail and helmets weren't worn
If you are not wearing a helmet, then wear a thick woollen hat and hood or something. Ice is hard and unforgiving.
Accidents happen on ice, fingers get cut off, etc., so responsibility must lie mainly with the woman, but maybe in this case (one week before) there were out-of-control kids and some rough skating going on which was reported or even seen on close-circuit camera.
PS The sign says 性別不明 'Seibestu fumei', which suggests that the event itself and a 'child' were seen, but that it was impossible to tell whether it was a boy or a girl.
Announcements teminding people? Is that like urging or suggesting? How about a regulation? Something like, “No helmet! No skating.”
They are looking for the kid because regardless of opinions and whatever else, the minor is responsible. I’m not saying he/she should go to jail, I am saying they should accept responsibility.
Someone’s grandmother, or mother, or sister, or child is now dead. The family needs closure and needs to know what happened.
Ive been to skating rinks that we’re empty. No need to invent scenarios based on your limited experiences and cast blanket judgement. You have no idea who’s fault is was.
malicious kids like to knock old people over - gives them a thrill.
Larry Photog Houser
Helmets for recreational skating is totally over kill. Keep the rink attendance at a reasonable level so people can manuver around each other and have a few paid safety officers ON THE ICE to police people skating fast/dangerously and evict skaters that don't follow the rules.
David Varnes
I draw two things from the story:
First, I think a lot of folks might be misreading the story. The story states the rink had 300 people in attendance 'on the day of the incident.'
Considering the prefecture, etc, I seriously doubt there were 300 people on the ice that time, but 300 in total throughout the day (probably a figure tallied from tickets sold).
Another thing I notice, from the picture, is that the ice in question isn't a figure skating/hockey rink, but a much large speed skating oval. I've skated on both, and I've been at Nagano M-Wave during some of their busiest days when there were well over 500 people in attendance at once (split between a hockey rink and the speed rink) and the speed oval had no problems handing the crowd.
I am surprised that nobody mentioned installing security cameras, requiring legal IDs, and certification licensing before engaging in this dangerous activity. (tongue in cheek…) Suggesting helmet use of course, along with gloves and thick clothing… Sad of course that she died… but IMO, the kid does not need to be found.