Japan Today

World's biggest YouTuber PewDiePie moves to Japan


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Why has he got such an odd name?

-15 ( +15 / -30 )

Because he’s odd.

5 ( +21 / -16 )

Why has he got such an odd name?

It’s not his real name anymore than your real name is Newgirlintown.

26 ( +40 / -14 )

World's biggest YouTuber PewDiePie moves to Japan

I suppose he could be sponsored by YouTube Japan and open a content farm/school for Japanese YouTubers wanting to make it big.

0 ( +10 / -10 )

The world's top YouTube star, Swedish gaming streamer PewDiePie


25 ( +43 / -18 )


We don't want another idiot YouTuber. Japan has many useless YouTubers.

18 ( +45 / -27 )

Japan has many useless YouTubers

With respect, Japan has some of the world's best youtubers/storytellers in telling stories about people's life and revealing the real human condition. Unlike all the unboxing shills and i fluencers that comes out of the rest of Asia, Europe, and silly idiots that comes out of USA.

-19 ( +20 / -39 )

Im sure he enjoys paying half of earnings to the tax office

3 ( +17 / -14 )

Welcome to Japan, ......... NOW you can go back home.

Japan is a peaceful society and has no room for those who are anti-Semitic or anti anything, soon he will find out that their is no room here for this kind of behavior.

-26 ( +18 / -44 )

Let’s just see how long this honeymoon lasts.

12 ( +28 / -16 )

His worldwide popularity is envied by many but really, this is “National” news because …?

26 ( +28 / -2 )

YouTubers are the cheaper version of the kardashians - famous wannabes

7 ( +22 / -15 )

With this relaxation of restrictions, maybe Logan Paul will now feel free to come to Japan for another visit. There’ll be a different welcoming committee for him at the airport?

Jan 1, 2021: https://www.nbcnews.com/pop-culture/pop-culture-news/youtuber-logan-paul-sued-over-suicide-forest-video-n1252610

12 ( +17 / -5 )

Didn't he have a little antisemitism problem?

-4 ( +10 / -14 )

Honestly why bother watching or following a you tuber ?

Better ways to spend time if you have a life

-2 ( +19 / -21 )

How has he got a visa?

14 ( +25 / -11 )

With respect, Japan has some of the world's best youtubers/storytellers in telling stories about people's life and revealing the real human condition. 

It is a big no-no to compliment anything Japanese here. You have to follow the live here but hate anything Japan crowd.

-4 ( +12 / -16 )


Who care....

2 ( +12 / -10 )

Japan is a peaceful society and has no room for those who are anti-Semitic or anti anything


-2 ( +19 / -21 )

YouTubers are the cheaper version of the kardashians - famous wannabes

Very roundabout way of expressing your animosity because they are more financially successful than you.

-4 ( +12 / -16 )

I know the name, and I know he’s a YouTuber, but that’s all. I’ve never been all that interested in YouTube or TikTok or Twitter etc, only reason I have an account with any social network is the much easier contact with family and friends… so if you can make it a career, then cool, but I find it a little sad that for a lot of kids in Japan (maybe elsewhere?), “YouTuber” is their big dream.

1 ( +10 / -9 )

Most of the people are jealous of him due to the easy millions he made.... good on him...and why not move to Japan it's a great country....

-11 ( +12 / -23 )

The world's top YouTube star, Swedish gaming streamer PewDiePie

I had never heard of him.

And what is the great news??, Japan is full of Youtubers..

1 ( +12 / -11 )

I didn't know that you could make money posting videos on You Tube. So You Tube pays you to post videos?

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

All this hate over the man who plays video games makes him one of the richest YouTubers earning millions of dollars and paying taxes.

-2 ( +11 / -13 )

I don't know much about the guy and only know his name, but I can embrace a little bit of foreign influence coming to Japan to possibly change our corrupt media outlets. Youtube in Japan is over run by geinoujins and we need many young talented nobodies to come out a little more. I've seen what many vloggers can do here and they make great content!

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

I find it a little sad that for a lot of kids in Japan (maybe elsewhere?), “YouTuber” is their big dream.

It’s fairly world-wide. Kids everywhere want to be YouTubers. But it’s no different than wanting to be on TV or movies or to be a rock star for generations past. YouTube is just the new medium. It’s extremely profitable, and the economic model behind it objectively differs little from TV and movies and even music; all are the creation of content, which if it has appeal, motivates advertisers to pay money to advertise, as well as creating a peripheral economy around the content. YouTube is just new, not really different. And the good thing about it is that it allows anyone to do this, you’re not at the behest of a few small groups of people as it was in the past. It brings content creation into almost everyone’s pocket.

4 ( +12 / -8 )

What did Japan ever do to deserve this?

Japan, you have my sympathy.

-3 ( +11 / -14 )

I hope he's not going to walk into any forests.

What is it with Japan's love affair with blond white-skinned people?

-19 ( +8 / -27 )

Welcome to Japan, ......... NOW you can go back home.

I think he's been much more serious about coming to re-settle in Japan. He already expresses his desire in 2019, prior to the pandemic. The time-consuming process to get a valid visa was another big challenge (eventually he's got a permanent).

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

How has he got a visa?

Because he is white and handsome.

-12 ( +6 / -18 )

We don't want another idiot YouTuber. Japan has many useless YouTubers.

They still make a lot more money than you, me and a bunch others so probably not so useless.

-6 ( +6 / -12 )

How has he got a visa?

Because he is white and handsome.

No, that’s not how it works.

1 ( +10 / -9 )

What is it with Japan's love affair with blond white-skinned people?

Ignoring the fact that exotic people are appealing to humans, and so Japan is no different than anywhere in regards to this, what exactly are you on about? I don’t see any Japanese people in the article or the comments expressing a love of blue eyes blonds, so why are you railing on about it?

2 ( +11 / -9 )

Responding to Musk’s call about the need to do something, anything, to arrest the demographic decline and make Japan into a country where “rich Jews” (and Nordic types) would want to kvetch, I mean live.


-4 ( +3 / -7 )

I didn't realise he was still number one. If so, that is impressive because it is very easy to switch to someone else. I'd imagine he has a big backup team doing all sorts to make sure it stays popular.

There are lots of people out there doing "OMG Japan is so ZANY!" stuff on Youtube, some of them quite successfully. I wonder if the PewdiPie media organization intends to move in on that with a more shouty version. I find "Japan is ZANY" content tedious and chronically prone to underdelivering, but boy is it popular.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Not a particular fan, but unlike your Logan Pauls he has also never particularly bothered me either. He never struck me as someone trying to intentionally be offensive, just sometimes messing up while trying to be funny, a thin line for many public figures to walk.

If you don't have to do the office grind and have as much disposable income as he has, Japan is probably a pretty darn good place to be, all things considered. Good for him, I guess?

5 ( +12 / -7 )

noriahojanenToday  09:38 am JST

The time-consuming process to get a valid visa was another big challenge (eventually he's got a permanent).

How did he do that?

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Be interesting to see how long this lasts! I give him 6 months...

-8 ( +6 / -14 )

He did try real hard not to lose the top spot on the list of YouTube channels with most subscribers. All the white folks from all around the world were rooting for him.

That was the reason Brendon Tarrant mentioned ‘Subscribe to PewDiePie’ in his live streaming video before he went on the shooting spree in Christchurch. But still he lost the crown of the top subscribed YouTube channel.

He can now listen to the diss track ‘Bye PewDiePie’ by Carryminati and pick some ideas on what to do to regain the crown.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Lol at the people going "Who?" because they don't know him or watch Youtube.

Not sure if PewdiePie moving to Japan is a news-worthy article, but he is quite influential and famous particularly amongst the younger generation people who are into gaming. I think he has the most Youtube subscribers as well so he has a massive outreach of audience.

Unlike Logan Paul, PewdiePie is actually really respectful. He's a bit of a troll so sometimes his jokes won't be well accepted but his intentions are usually good.

Him coming to Japan is good news I think because he'll be able to showcase Japan to a wide audience, and there's a lot of interest for him to come here as gaming as huge in Japan.

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

A second vote for 6 months, when he realizes the heat and humidity are higher than Sweden.

-4 ( +10 / -14 )

For those asking, "Who?" Someone with over 100 million YouTube followers. That's "who". The top dog in a world of wannabes.

As for how long he'll last, he's got enough money and staff to make the normal annoyances of living in Japan less annoying. So no eikaiwa job where you as the teacher ask: "What did you do this weekend?", and the students answer: "I slept and cleaned my room, and slept while cleaning my room".

By the way, while reading about him, I learned the term "weeb". Can anyone tell me if that term is considered offensive?

-3 ( +5 / -8 )


Seems clueless about what he’s letting himself in for, but nevertheless wish him and his entourage well. Just remember to cover the body art when you head to the sento after a hard day doing whatever it is your visa says you do.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Hopefully, Mr Kjellberg will enjoy his time in Japan with his entourage…

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Like Kuruki mentioned, he has an enormous following on Youtube, especially among younger audiences. I'm sure he'll start creating a lot of Japan-related content which will bring a lot of attention towards the country. I wouldn't be surprised if he alone gives tourism here a huge boost... once tourism becomes possible, of course.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Two months later : "PewDiePie leaves Japan"

-4 ( +12 / -16 )

By the way, while reading about him, I learned the term "weeb". Can anyone tell me if that term is considered offensive?

It's considered a somewhat derogatory term, so to those on the receiving end it might be. Basically, it's just an easy word for "Japan fanboy".

If you ever take JA language classes in Japan, you'll find half the class comprised of them, while the other half may start out as such, but lose their enthusiasm as the reality of life here disappoints them, being nothing like the anime and manga they loved.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

How has he got a visa?

For Starters, he bought a house, an investment in Japan. He probably made a branch office in Japan and is parking a sizable chunk of money in a Japanese bank. Hire a Japanese employee or 2, pay your corporate tax and bingo, and you are good to go.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

Many jealous comments...

0 ( +14 / -14 )

Many jealous comments...


A successful guy moves to where he (maybe) dreamed about and all he gets is hates from jealous people.

4 ( +15 / -11 )

Be interesting to see how long this lasts! I give him 6 months...

A second vote for 6 months, when he realizes the heat and humidity are higher than Sweden.

A third once he gets stopped and harassed by the J- cops.. maybe even sooner.

-5 ( +8 / -13 )

How has he got a visa?

Believe it or not like in other countries, you can easily sponsor yourself in Japan if you are rich or invests a great amount. A colleague of mine from China who owns several language schools and restaurants here just sponsors himself.

13 ( +16 / -3 )

I imagine he is going to be going for easy content that all the other foreign YouTubers in Japan have already done. Abroad in Japan for example has probably done "Conbini food" , "Riding the Shinkansen" or "Tour of my house" several times already, as have others, but when you have more subscribers, you can do the same things that have already been done and for many, its the first time people have seen it. So if I were PewDiePie, I'd just look at all of Chris Broad's uploads and do the same thing. Lame.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Youtube in Japan is over run by geinoujins and we need many young talented nobodies to come out a little more.

Yeh, generally Japanese YouTubers are nauseatingly bland and terrible. Almost all of them overuse the same two or three annoying sound effects, fonts, and transitions, creating this incredibly boring and inorganic style of presentation. Also, an excessive portion of the content consists of reaction videos, a trend that already became associated with cringe half a decade ago in the States.

In the anime Odd Taxi, they created a character that perfectly encapsulates this stereotype: Kabasawa, an overweight clout-chasing loser who gets in over his head.

I would definitely NOT be against watching Japanese YouTubers, but they need to make better content, because the current overwhelming majority of it is garbage.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

He will soon OWN all the YouTubers here. Stay tuned..........

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

All the white folks from all around the world were rooting for him

I'm a white folk and I've never heard of him, so impossible to root for him and your claim is palpably incorrect.

He's literally one of the most famous people on earth.

Do you know what literally means?

No need to hate on the guy, he's doing his own thing, seems to be going pretty well for himself, gotta wife and two dogs, house in Japan, lots money, enjoying life. Good for him.

But it's really not news.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

Japan is a peaceful society and has no room for those who are anti-Semitic or anti anything, soon he will find out that their is no room here for this kind of behavior.

A real addition to the foreign community in Japan it seems...(sigh)

Do you even know anything about him? He's not anti-semitic in the slightest - the only reason he attracted any controversy is because a bunch of radical left-progressive Twitter activist types don't have a sense of humour and cannot understand context.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

So as usual, if you're RICH, you can still buy your way in.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

But it's really not news.

It actually kind of is. This guy is worth big money. He will bring a lot into Japan, and whether we like it or not, he's going to be bringing a lot of eyes here too.

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

I imagine he is going to be going for easy content that all the other foreign YouTubers in Japan have already done. Abroad in Japan for example has probably done "Conbini food" , "Riding the Shinkansen" or "Tour of my house" several times already, as have others, but when you have more subscribers, you can do the same things that have already been done and for many, its the first time people have seen it. So if I were PewDiePie, I'd just look at all of Chris Broad's uploads and do the same thing. Lame.

His stuff is nothing like Chris Broad's - he has his formula that has been more successful than pretty much anything and if I were him I'd just stick with that. I imagine he's moved to Japan because it seems to him like a nice place to live, not because he wants to make Japan-themed youtube content.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Let’s just see how long this honeymoon lasts.

when he lodges his first Japan tax return and gets the bill. 55% tax rate for high income earners

4 ( +11 / -7 )

And this is news because......?

5 ( +7 / -2 )

I have that same shirt

5 ( +6 / -1 )

And this is news because......?

Because he's very, very famous. That's how the news works mate. When people who are famous do things, they write news about it, because said news interests people.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )


If you ever take JA language classes in Japan, you'll find half the class comprised of them, while the other half may start out as such, but lose their enthusiasm as the reality of life here disappoints them, being nothing like the anime and manga they loved.  (+1 / -4)

Ignore the local equivalent of China’s wumao online discourse manipulators; ever eager to express their downvoting displeasure with anyone who refuses to swallow the Kool Aid cant that Cool Japan isn’t as cool as it could be.


-2 ( +2 / -4 )

.......you know what I mean!

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Personally I prefer Cartman brah.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

when he lodges his first Japan tax return and gets the bill. 55% tax rate for high income earners

He's moving here from the UK - the tax is no worse here than it is there.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

The poor quality of comments here shows how narrow-minded and cynical people can be without even knowing who PewDiePie is.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

I hope his visa process is easier and smoother than mine! (and I very much suspect that it will be. Money talks)

5 ( +7 / -2 )

He got a visa because he financially invested in Japan.

A potato is also a tuber.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

Better than the other boring youtubers, like check out the 7-11 snacks. Going to sushiro, check out my tokyo apartment. blah blah blah. Japan wants rich foreigners to come to live in Japan, and promote it. Even if you are not rich, if you promote Japan in a positive interesting light, they look at things differently.

I want this guy to ball out in Japan, and make fun content. Racing the shinkansen in my ferrari.

10,000 yen a plate sushi train restaurant. Youtuber gateball contest. eating contest with that one skinny girl who eats like 12 bowls of ramen in 10 minutes.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Too bad he's married already, could've got a Japanese wife too.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

His stuff is nothing like Chris Broad's - he has his formula that has been more successful than pretty much anything and if I were him I'd just stick with that. 

It is certainly true that PDP is on a completely different level to Japan based Youtubers. He has 30 billion views. Its like comparing Real Madrid with Halifax Town Football Club.

However, I find hard to believe that any influencer coming to Japan would not produce Japan themed content, not least because of the commercial opportunities from Japanese sponsors. The impressive thing with PDP is how popular his stuff has remained and that's because there must be something new in there. PDP will have a massive savvy team behind him, much bigger than any Japan based Youtuber who also do not operate alone, so I doubt he/they would need to copy anyone.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

heard the name, but never watched a single video of this guy.

but one commenter here is spot on, he is relatively famous worldwide so might bring a lot of eyes here too, thus exposing Japan by what it really is, might even change some things for the better, just being positive here

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Who is he?

Never heard of him, and going by the stuff the article says about his behaviour I'm glad I haven't.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Taking bets on how long he'll gaman before he realises he can't survive here

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

@mz16, the rich always do fine no matter where they are. If you got cash, you won't experience any problems.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

I'm a white folk and I've never heard of him, so impossible to root for him and your claim is palpably incorrect.

All right let me rephrase my claim - All those rooting for him to retain the top spot were white folks.

Now that he is no longer at the top, he can pick up a few things suggested by Carryminati in his diss track and easily regain the top spot. The only problem would be that his subscriber base would change from white to brown.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I don't like people moving around because they are rich.

Then I wish him success to adapt to local life. Ganbare.

Never heard of if him strangely while I have watched quite a few hundreds if not thousands videos on Youtube...

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Anyway, still much better than that war. This guy and the useless crazy yt bs won’t make the world a better place exempt for only himself, but it also doesn’t hurt or kill anyone really and physically. One can easily avoid watching it, and done.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Japanese government better make sure he pays his full taxes. Not some bogus excuse (tax avoidance scheme) saying his company in Sweden gets all the revenue, etc.

Paying taxes is the only reason why Japan should have given this guy a visa.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Finally a famous SM influencer who would teach how to make mor babies in Japan

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Why has he got such an odd name?

It’s not his real name anymore than your real name is Newgirlintown.


0 ( +4 / -4 )

I'll admit I had never heard of him before this news broke, but then again, I am not his target audience. If he does decide to make videos about Japan, I hope they will be honest and truthful, not some of the stuff I see now only praising Japan and catering to a group of people who fantasize about Japan. There are so many great things that you can talk about without having to be so over the top about some things. But there are also some very dark parts that many people don't know about. Best of luck to him.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

I didn’t know the guy before but having watched one of his videos where he comes to Japan in a private jet, I’ve been wowed – good luck to the guy!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

This is good news for Japan! I don’t understand why you jealous people need to attack a guy following one of his dreams. He’s part of the 1% that can get a visa “in a different way”, so what? He earned that possibility. Let’s welcome him and hope this will turn into something positive. I’d even say that Japan needs this. The country is ( finally ) changing and this is one of the many things that will help that change.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I can't wait for his casually racist youtube videos and follow up, "no its fine, I'm not racist. No really I have Japanese friends. Look at this weird thing, Japanese people are so weird guys! Look at their funny culture. Not racist, its just comedy" videos that all Youtubers who come to other countries make. Especially Japan.

Either way. Hope he enjoys himself here along with his wife. Don't watch their stuff and just given the stuff I've heard from his various scandals its not my scene but whatever. I'm sure Japanese morning news and what not will love highlighting this and adding to his subcount.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Never heard of it, but I do not have interest in YouTubers

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The level of comments is as usually low.

Yes he earns a lot because he is doing something instead of complaining on forums.

And why Japan today decided to put this as an news article is ackward.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

LOL BOOM, I'll take us over a 100 comments on this non story, that has proven to be a story! Hahaha.

Of course, they may as well announce every time someone pays their way into a Japanese visa...that might be interesting to know.

But also, making yourself the top of the You Tube tree is not at all an easy thing to do as some seem to think.

But yeah....this probably should have been in the Entertainment section? It's hardly national news.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

BOOM, let me do the honors and get this to 101 comments!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

BOOM, this is the comment 102

0 ( +1 / -1 )

They'll let anyone rich in here, including this clown, but won't even call refugees by the proper term because it might mean having to let them stay. I just wonder what kind of deal this guy had to make to get in... 50% of his content will have to be on Japan? (and of course, all praise).

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

So, tell me again why this guy can enter Japan now, but the rest of us can't

0 ( +1 / -1 )

@WA4TKG, if you had follow his story then you would know that he and his family had been trying to get in for the last 2 years with countless tries to get a visa. Guess persistence eventually worked

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Fair enough Hiro, as long as the "family" is actually a Japanese mom...and no, no idea who this guy is.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

It’s fairly world-wide. Kids everywhere want to be YouTubers. But it’s no different than wanting to be on TV or movies or to be a rock star for generations past. YouTube is just the new medium. It’s extremely profitable, and the economic model behind it objectively differs little from TV and movies and even music; all are the creation of content, which if it has appeal, motivates advertisers to pay money to advertise, as well as creating a peripheral economy around the content. YouTube is just new, not really different.

I get all that. For me it’s more about the brand association. A kid that tells me they want to be a YouTuber, I’ll probably give them a “don’t limit yourself because you’re better than that” response, but a kid that tells me they want to be a digital content creator will more likely get a “that’s awesome, you go for it” response. All YouTubers are digital content creators, but not all digital content creators are YouTubers. It’s not just YouTube though. I feel the same about all the brands.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

This guy is a big influence with millions of young followers and with his content he will change how young Japanese think. He loves Japan so much and that he reads Japanese novels. With this you will see more foreign capital coming into Japan i.e sponsorship from large corporations because this guys base is now in Japan.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I know people who have homes in Japan but aren’t allowed in. This just shows how incompetent the Japanese immigration system is. He who has money makes the rules. Let’s hear the sanitized explanation from the immigration department

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

What kind of visa does he have?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

How much to BUY your way in?

That's what's ticking people off

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Jesus so much hate against one person , he doesn't harm anyone ....he makes you tube videos...seriously

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

> StrangerlandMay 13 07:07 am JST

Why has he got such an odd name?

> It’s not his real name anymore than your real name is Newgirlintown.

Honestly, that was seriously funny.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I know people who have homes in Japan but aren’t allowed in.This just shows how incompetent the Japanese immigration system is. He who has money makes the rules.

That's how all countries work mate. Countries want money. If you have some, and are not a terrorist, most countries will let you buy your way in, as the money you guy in with benefits the nation. So what exactly do you have a problem with?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Welcome to Japan! We need more younger, unconventional people here who is not afraid to be a bit anti-something or anything, and set a good example of getting married and have kids AND pets!!!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Honestly, that was seriously funny.

Agreed. That's why I wrote "Winner" in response.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Don’t think I’ll be seeing much of him in my neighborhood.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Not exactly high brow entertainment. I'll take Netflix or Amazon Prime, thank you.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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