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© 2020 AFPYou've got mail: 'Abenomask' distribution starts in Japan
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Besides all the criticism, the fact that Asians wear masks have spared them some of the horrible consequences!
Many leading nations have flip flopped on this, but I am glad that most Japanese wore them even more since January.
Asian Boss on youtube has two fascinating interviews with Koreas leading doctor on Covid-19.
Found that series to be highly informative.
Remember a month ago when most people on this site were laughing at those who wore masks and said it a complete nonsense?
Haaa Nemui
The thing with masks is... as more people wear them they become more effective. It’s quite simple really. Me wearing a mask is going to be of little to no benefit if nobody else is wearing one.
Masks aren't that useful for to prevent catching Corona. What they are good for is to prevent passing it onto others. A person can be infected without realising and be spreading the virus as they cough and sneeze. If they are doing this into a mask it will reduce what they spread compared to coughing into their elbow or just into the breeze.
Social distancing & simply staying at home is best, but for those who have no choice but to go out in public I would rather that everyone was wearing a mask to reduce the spread.
Anyone who says masks aren’t effective...
Why do doctors wear them in hospitals?
Why did western countries flip flop on the info? First them (and the WHO) said masks were largely a nonsense. Then afterward they said that they simply didn’t want mass buying as then hospitals would not have enough.
So in other words, had there been enough (like in Asia) people should have worn them.
Look at the death rates in countries where they laugh at you for wearing masks.
Now kindly look at Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan, etc.
I am someone who also downplayed the mask and thought it kinda silly, but in THIS time. During the CORONA VIRUS, masks have demonstrated their effectiveness en mass.
No doubt
Abe Band-Aids! Too few, too late, but we can be grateful for small mercies: at least, the Abenomasks are not signed with his name.
Derek Grebe
46.6 BILLION yen, folks.
How much testing could have been done with that money? How many items of PPE for the health professionals who are begging us for our used raincoats because they haven't got what they need?
Nah - play dress-up in your granny masks, say thank you to the Dear Leader, and get ready to be paying half of your income in "recovery" tax for the rest of your life.
Who manufactures these abenomasks, and how much did they donate to the LDP last year?
The virus is around 110 nano-meter in size and it is difficult for a conventional mask to prevent the virus from being inhaled. The mask will provide some limited protection.
However the true effectiveness of the mask is reducing the risk (not preventing) an infected person from spreading the virus to another by significantly reducing the amount of micro-droplets emitted when a person coughs, sneezes, or even during breathing. These droplets contain the respirable virus which would be inhaled by someone else. In this way the masks are effective.
The Singapore government now requires all going out to wear a mask and failure to do so is punishable by a $300 (Sing dollar) fine.
From what I understand the "Abenomask" is very small and is likely a 46.6 Billion Yen waste of taxpayer money. Nearly all of my Japanese employees and friends agree with this and see this as a waste of money at best and an insult to their intelligence at worst.
46.6 billion yen is a waste of taxpayer's hard earn money. I'm returning mine with a note "Don't waste tax payers' money."
They should have had an online request system for people to order the mask if they need them. I haven't spoke to any one thrilled about getting these masks.
I wonder what company is earning this money to make these masks. The government should reveal that information. I'm sure it would reveal political connections.
Here in the US I cant find a mask anywhere. I would love to get one in the mail.
Who manufactures these abenomasks, and how much did they donate to the LDP last year?
Exactly! Japanese politics 101. This is the first question every responsible citizen and concerned tax-payer should ask, not forgetting how much tribute will pour into the LDP war chest from now on? All around the world companies are making obscene profits from this pandemic. They must not be allowed to corrupt politics and special tax provisions must be put in place at once to force them to step up to the plate and plow back a goodly part of their windfall profits to rebuild the common weal of the world. This time we really are "all in it together".
The masks are yet another government mixed message.
On the day that Abe finally strongly urges everyone to stay at home, masks are sent to people which suggests wearing them to go outside.
Work from home, but we will provide no guaranteed support for anyone unable to do so.
Izakayas are closed after 8pm - presumably it’s completely fine to go to them before 8pm.
Schools are closed, but jukus, sports centers, gyms, department stores etc. remain open.
And the biggest mixed message of them all, in the midst of this virus spreading around the world - Japan is completely fine so we are planning to have the Olympics as scheduled. That government line, repeated ad nauseam, encouraged people to just go about their daily lives as normal, without doubt spreading the virus.
Those masks that Abe has been wearing - god, they are so 1990's.
Abe NO masks.
50 million households, 2 masks a piece... so 100 million masks. For 435 million USD, over 46 BILLION YEN.
Are you telling me these scrubby little masks cost almost 500 yen a piece???
Are you actually kidding me? For a few layers of gauze and white elastic? Before this all started you could have bought 5 of these gauze masks at Daiso for 100 yen.
People should actually dig in to the supply chain of these masks, this is price gouging at it's finest, better still with us tax payers footing the bill.
I bet the base cost for a Covid19 test or an antibody test is of a similar price at bottom. Surely would have been of better use.
I've seen several pictures now [including the one in this article] where Abe is wearing a mask, but it doesn't even cover his chin. I've almost never seen happen that with anyone else, and it seems like it would greatly reduce their effectiveness. Are the masks really that small? Does he not know how to wear a mask like everyone else? What is going on here?
Too small, non-adjustable straps etc. Waste of time and money.
Here's real proactive action. Not getting the attention it deserves;
TOKYO (Reuters) - SoftBank Group Corp CEO Masayoshi Son said he has secured a monthly supply of 300 million face masks for Japan after reaching a deal with Chinese electric vehicle maker BYD Co Ltd, which has also started producing masks.
From next month, SoftBank will supply two different kinds of mask, initially for medical staff, in cooperation with the Japanese government’s “mask team”, set up to tackle shortages due to the coronavirus outbreak, Son said on Twitter.
SoftBank, which last month said it was donating 1.4 million masks to New York state, will supply the masks without taking a profit.
Dan Lavender
$435,000,000 !!!
jesus wept!!!
Dan Lavender gyms are closed,sports centers also...many restaurants and izakayas are also closing especially the chain ones ...some smaller restaurants are still open at night though.
THE LACK OF PROPER financial support for small to medium sized businesses is the problem.
If they are compensated for closing down for a month then I am sure more places would follow the government 'advice' until then we will all make do with 2 masks at a cost to the tax payer of $435,000,000!!( ¥500 a mask that is ineffective).
I am sure that a 'friend' of Abe won this lucrative contract and it wasn't put out to bid coz the price is overinflated!
Abe is a disgrace.
Viktor Cernatinskij
Abe Shinzo is brilliant by sending masks to households in Japan... I would advise Abe-san to also send Avigan and Remdesivir to each household... In case anybody in the household gets COVID-19 he or she can take in early stages of the illness Avigan, and in late stages - Remdesivir...
Return to sender, I will have no part in the farce.
That money should have been used for something worthwhile!!
Viktor Cernatinskij
Also I forgot to mention Coronavirus self tests...
Yup Educator
People get incensed because they think Im defending Abe. I am not!
I agree its a waste and better, cheaper, smarter options are availiable.
But at this moment I’m not wasting neg energy. Im glad to have a mask and Im glad Im gunna get ¥100,000.
I’m also grateful that I am not in dire straits and will help others who are.
Yet to see anyone wearing a mask in Australia but still only a handful of cases a day across the whole country. Some states report zero. Why? Excellent testing and a clear message about staying at home if you are not going to work, playing golf or other sport or shopping
Any evidence or data to prove mask and not other early measures, massive pcr testing are responsible.?
thousand of medical personnel wearing mask and other strict measures have still been infected so we know mask is not the ultimate panacea as you think.
It is extreme naivety believing the numbers released by the ccp.
Taiwan took measures early, S.Korea, tested massively, tracked and isolated and curbed the spread of the virus.
Japan, remains a mystery case and raising suspicion because it has not done what Taiwan and S.Korea. The lack of data on death rate or pneumonia related deaths during this pandemic has help to fuel the suspicion and guessing.
Haaa Nemui: "The thing with masks is... as more people wear them they become more effective. It’s quite simple really. Me wearing a mask is going to be of little to no benefit if nobody else is wearing one."
You may be right about the second part of what you said, but are not about the first. The more people who wear them, the more mask companies benefit, but society loses out on the whole -- this fiasco of Abe's being ONE example, but the fact that you can actually spread the virus just as easily, if not more, by wearing a mask, as the bigger problem. Touching a mask particularly like Abe's when you're pulling it down -- or at least, how 90% of Japanese pull them down -- is akin to touching/pinching one of those sponges they use at convenience stores to moisten their finger tips before counting cash, or that you can press a stamp to before fixing it to an envelope. And in that moisture? Well, if you're infected... and even if you're not, it's not a pretty thing to think about. And yet, when people wear them it's an excuse to sneeze as though the harder and louder you do it, the more demons will come out through your nose. Those same people who pinch the front of their masks then hold on to railings, train straps, escalator handles, pass change to convenience store staff, touch the counter you're about to, etc.
michaelqtodd: "Yet to see anyone wearing a mask in Australia but still only a handful of cases a day across the whole country."
Exactly! The WHO recommends them -- especially the type Abe is wearing -- as absolute last resort measures when you think you might be infected, or if treating everyone else as though they might be. With the masks people like Abe wear they may as well just wipe up someone's sweat or sneezing with a zoukin and put it on their face with some string.
Do the hustle
Abenomakesense! I reckon most people would rather have the ¥900 each package cost.
One more sad thing about this... the kind of mailbox like in the pic above is SO easy to stick your hand in and take things from. An apartment I lived in had mailboxes like that and if I saw a package in mine and didn't want to bother opening the lock I just stuck my fingers in and grabbed it. Others could have easily done the same, which I was worried about at times. With the masks, there is the genuine chance people will steal them... and I know they think it's uncommon here, which is hogwash, but if people are stealing them from doctor's offices and what not, they are going to be grabbed from such boxes, in some places.
Where is the mainstream media when you need them to investigate and inform the public who exactly is benefiting from their taxes. Oh my bad, forgot they are busy feeding us with food programs.
This mask might help. But what could help better is if that people can get immediate medical care when they are sick without all the bureaucratic non-sense.
There's a hashtag on twitter (検査難民) that tells you how much difficult it is to get a hospital/PCR test in Japan.
Toasted Heretic
If people are offended or dismissive of the masks, they aren't obliged to wear them.
I wear a mask out of politeness to others. It's a trait that doesn't cost anything and it may help prevent exposure.
Fair play on you. Too many folks are often too proud to admit that they might have got it wrong.
Haaa Nemui
That's because the masks are not designed to protect the wearer but the patient. People who keep saying "why do medical staff wear them" actually miss the point.
Haaa Nemui
smithinjapan - change the statement then to "as more people wear them and use them correctly they become more effective."
Wallace Fred
I hope in the end people kick this incompetent regime to the curb.
jenn cats
First time I saw the estimate for the program.
More interesting information would be
What company got awarded the contract?
How many companies where bidding for the contract?
What was the criteria for the for the contract?
and finally ...
Which politician had shares in the company that got awarded the contract?