From left to right: Tokyo Disney Resort Ambassador Tomoko Baba, Oriental Land Co Chairman Toshio Kagami, Mickey Mouse, Oriental Land Co President Kyoichiro Uenishi, Minnie Mouse and Walt Disney Parks and Resorts World Wide Chairman Tom Staggs wave to the guests as Tokyo Disney SEA marked its 10th anniversary at the theme park in Urayasu, near Tokyo on Sunday.
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Bad choice of selecting this picture today when nation is saddened with loss of lives and structures caused by Typhoon Talas.
some14some, true, very true. disney, what a racket. they have no class. as long as the money keeps rolling in
What did you expect Disney to do? Close the park for the day because of the typhoon down south?
Disney Sea is a wonderful place to visit and leave with some happiness. There is always sadness in the world, but a enjoyable day at the park makes the worst days disappear. DISNEY SEA IF FOR THE CHILDREN. Anyone who is jealous of the success of a corporation that employs JAPANESE needs to take a job. Can't find one? Move to China and build car parts for Toyota.
Wow, noryosan73 Well put. Went straight to the bottom line....JOBS!! Have to give that rich giant singing dancing movie making rat his props. He kept things going after 3/11. He also dropped the price for kids this summer. Futhermore, there were charity bands that people could purchase all throughout the park.
He could've closed his doors and jumpship. Imagine the board meeting. Chairperson: Well folks. The world is scared of everything Japan has to offer. The yen rate is sky high. People just aren't coming here. Most likely Japan will lose it's Olympic bid again. It's time to pack it all up and move on down to Australia. Hell, even Japanese want Australia beef. They'll fly down to Cairns so lets build it there. *Purely fictional
Luckily this has not happened. Instead, they are pressing on. Give em some credit.
Disney, or Oriental Land for this Entertainment Resort in Chiba, are professional Entertainers, as compared to the rather amateurish Service industry in Japan. As such they are very successful and are able to really give people a good time. Esp at Sea they have good food with wine and beer to go with it. They introduced Fast Pass and ticket draws for the front seats at some shows and, if you are willing to spend the money, will go to extra lengths for a special occasion with guided tours or that all-important wedding party with a Gondola ride. On the dark side, I dislike them for upping the hotel prices as soon as the school holiday starts, even on weekdays. And if you want to use a lot of rides you will be running back and forth between the different areas to get the fast pass as soon as possible. But I'm sure there will be a smartphone app. coming out soon to make your stay even more enjoyable...!
two hours waiting in line to ride tea cups or two hours at the national museum or art gallery? what would you rather have your kids doing?
It's creepy when you're in one of the Disney cafes and Minnie and Mickey come in and start dancing and going up to people. The stuff of nightmares.
Mickey Mouse is a businessman.
sharpie : First, full disclosure, I've never been to a Disney theme park in the US, Japan or anywhere, but your reflexive anti-American sentiment, in past comments and here in the guise of culture appreciation comes through loud and clear.
Been to Tokyo Disneyland twice, was sort-off ok. Want to try Disney-Sea once.
As for Disney itself I have great respect for Walt Disney but the company sorta has lost his touch and vision. Not fond of what Disney is churning out now movie wise, etc.
Either is fine, although I wouldn't expect a two hour line to ride in tea cups... It's fine for kids to learn stuff at museums and it's also fine for them to have fun at an amusement park. Also, most three year olds find little to interest them at the National museum.
Half the people at Disneyland are families having fun together - certainly worthwhile. I do find the Disney fans - donning their favorite Disney costumes and sporting backpacks with hundreds of Disney dolls hanging off the back - a little disconcerting. But hey, each to their own.
I think Disney have done a great job in providing these facilities in Tokyo and judging by their enduring popularity, so do many others.
I have been both to Disneyland and DisneySea in Tokyo and both are perfectly fine for a nice family day. My son is still very young but he had a lot of fun there (even in DisneySea there are some attractions for young kids at the Mermaid Lagoon). Since we avoided the main attractions for young adults, there was not much line (you need to be organized though to avoid lines). My advice: come early before opening, leave at closing (9 or 10pm). During the rush hours (early afternoon), just relax in quiet areas and avoid popular rides. Most people leave after 6/7pm, so you can still do a lot between 7 and closing time.
As long as you keep a healthy balance between cultural/fun activities (museum, art, amusement parks, zoos, visiting farms and countryside, hikes in the mountain, opera, traditional/classical music concerts, etc...), there is nothing wrong with enjoying Disney parks. It is obviously not the most cultural or classy places (it is often corny and tasteless), but it makes for a good day with kids (in a clean, safe environment), once in a while. I am not sure though I would enjoy as much without my kid (except maybe some parts in DisneySea).
Congrats to Oriental Land and Walt Disney Company for a very professional entertainment resort, very well managed.
Elbuda Mexicano
My guess some of the sower pusses here that hate Disney, Disneyland, Disney Sea etc..never had loving parents that would ever play with them as kids, then grew up thinking all families suck, so they can not stand to see so many happy children, happy families all together at one place, too bad! Me?? Well I let my kids decide, and yes I hate the long lines but my kids do not care so they will only little kids for so long and nothing in the world is more precious than the smiles on my childrens faces! So Disney THANKS for 10 wonderful years!
Did we really need Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse named in the caption?? Lol
I hate Disney. Those people that think they look like Disney characters make me want to gag.
A junior highschool in my area was furious that the usual school trip the 3rd graders take at the end of the year to Disney Land was cancelled in favour of going to a farm off the coast of the East Sea where they would learn about the animals, make rafts and try to race them, and actually STUDY! It was a good choice on behalf of the school to have their students learn through experience rather than go to a place most have already been to a few times and spend twice the money for zero educational value.
Anyway, been to Disney Sea and World one time each, and hope my significant other never asks me to go again. I had to wait an hour and a half for POPCORN! and though we were at Disney Sea for a day and a half (so technically I actually went there twice, I guess) we could only go on the Alladin ride because the line ups for everything else were absolutely ridiculous. I can see how the atmosphere itself, along with the singing and shows, posing with Mickey and what not, can bring about happiness in people, but I'll pass in favour of something much better, thanks. Heck, you could fly to Hong Kong for the same price as park admission and a night staying near the park, and go to a Disney Land far less crowded (albeit, a lot smaller).
Glad that we do not have this kind of soul and brain destructing amusement in my country.
half children of american fathers and japanese mothers will gladly enjoy the worst of their cultures
Agree with Piglet. As in everything in life,balance and moderation plus good planning will definitely make your trip better. Even if you dont enjoy it, at least the kids will.(for parents, kids' happiness is quite important) Gosh, never knew there are so many trolls here. Anyway, it's a free country.Happy Anniversary DisneySea! My kids still talk about you even though it's been over a year. You will definitely remain part of their childhood memories, including the various museums and temples.
Would you let your kids play outside with winds coming from Fukushima? Short exposure is OK, but time to relocate.
I wish more parents back home in my country (the U.S.) shared that same feelings that those parents in Japan feel. Back home, many parents (many of them parents to latch-key kids), don't really care where their kids go on school trips, as long as it keeps the kids busy. Amusement parks like Disneyland, Knott's Berry Farm, and Six Flags tend to be popular excursion destinations.
Elbuda Mexicano
Sorry, if you do not have kids, nor you do but you do not love your kids or not sure why you every had kids, or maybe you are not even sure why you, yourselves, the sourpusses here that hate Mickey Mouse?? Hate to see happy people? You can get stuck in horrible lines OUTSIDE OF DISNEYLAND, just go to Yoyogi park in the Cherry blossom season, bunch of drunks, falling over themselves to see bloody cherry trees in the cold?? I would rather take my family to Disneyland any day, with out the drunks so my dear sourpusses, learn to stay away from happy places where people who do love their kids, and even if mom or dad are dead tired, will go out of their ways to try and make their summer vacations etc..a happy memory to last forever. Not saying this is the only place you can do, go off to Hawaii, to Thailand etc..getting the heck out of Tokyo with my wife and kids is my biggest thrill, fresh air etc..but you know, sometimes work etc..messed up schedules etc..well we always have Dinsey Resort in the vicinity so like I said before, if you are a sourpuss, always complaining about the sky being to blue, the sun being to bright, geez, just stay at home in your caves and find other sourpusses to make you feel happy?? by bitching and complaining about Japan, the Japanese they say back in Hawaii, If you dont like it get back on da plane! Aloha!!
Do you have kids? If so, have you ever gone to any of the Disney theme parks with them or anyone else's kids?
first of all my posts had nothing to do with the US, although I am a stong opponent of its foreign policies. Secondly, you make no effort to give your views on what I posted nor what is included in this article.
i'll stick with my original argument, which has nothing to do with any country, except the one mentioned in this picture, Japan, in saying that disney sea, japan, whatever, has been around for ten too many years.
I believe responsible parents won't let their children lose their time is such culturally lacking place.
I take my kids to plenty of culturally stimulating venues like museums, concerts, the library, etc. because places like these are absolutely critical to a child's education. Unlike you however, I also recognize the fact that equally important in a child's development is just plain FUN with no strings attached. You need to balance the two. Ever seen the sheer joy and wonder on young children's beeming faces when they walk into Disneyland or get to shake hands with Mickey? And their parents are irresponsible for making it possible? That's absurd. Disneyland isn't a culturally educational place and no one has said it is. To the contrary IMO parents who don't take their kids to places like Disneyland when they have the time and money to do so are the irresponsible ones.
USNinJapan2, make your kids read a book, create something, read them some poetry, do not take them to Disney if you don't want them to be selfish consumers of mass culture and if you do not want them to have the inadequate expression as Disney Resort Ambassador Tomoko Baba when they are over 20.
LoevNot, not that I entirely disagree with your sentiments, but in this world today as soon as you step out of your door you are a "selfish consumer of mass culture". If anything Disney is actually a way of getting away from it for a lot of people, even if they still get conned into buying 20 fluffy Mickeys.
LoveNot, make your kids go outside and play in the sun or the rain, get dirty, forget about what they're supposed to do and show them what it's like to enjoy a day without a care in the world, do not shackle them books if you don't want them to be soul-less academics and if you do not want them to have the character and personality of rock when they are over 20.
How about some balance LoveNot? Ever heard of, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy?" Moderation not in your vocabulary? May be it would be had you'd gone to Disneyland as a kid...
the dude at the right, didn't he star in that old tv show ' Adam's family " ? The hairdo sure reminds me of the kid.
Actually Disney Land/Sea are built on a very dangerous place near the sea. I heard the land is not very steady there. I wonder if Disney Parks and Resorts have inspected their facilities' resilience to earthquake and tsunami.
Cast your memory back to 3/11 and the news about the Disney resort parking lot and why it was closed, etc.
Howdy Doody
LoveNot: Actually, anything you do with your kids has potential dangers. I agree with other posters who feel balance in a kid's life is the most important rule you can follow. While kids need to be stimulated intellectually, they also need to have plain old fun.
With our huge annual American trade deficit with Japan, it is a breath-taking pity Disney didn't have the foresight to produce and administer its own interests here rather than relying on the guidance and participation of a Japanese company who has subsequently made zillions on Disney's creativity and visions, merely as land owners. Disney learned and owns a majority interest in Disneyland France, but here it gets - if what I was informed was accurate - a mere ten percent of the gate charges and ten percent of giftshop sales. A pittance. And a pity. Wake up, Disneyland.
This site is JAPANTODAY, remember? I think you're in the wrong place if you're looking for sympathy for a US company.
Personally, as a long-term resident with family, friends and future in Japan I'm happy to see the country I live in sticking it to Mickey the Rat :)
All work and no play makes little Ta-kun a dull boy, haha.
Goers just need to be wise about the when, how, what, etc. of amusement parks to take advantage of it.
Amazing how Mickey and Minnie are so popular and endearing, yet if people see a real mouse in their home, they go ballistic and try to kill it.
Reclaimed land = dangerous? Congratulations. You just described half of Tokyo.
Actually Urayasu is in Chiba, the most damaged area after the earthquake. But it is good that Disney resort is built on a reclaimed land, Japan does not need to give its best land to the USA. Losing Okinawa is enough.
9/4, Never Forget