Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, left, shakes hands with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the start of their meeting at Abe's official residence in Tokyo on Thursday. Yingluck is currently on a four-day visit to Japan.
© Japan TodayA visit from Thai PM
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Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra is the most beautiful prime minister I have ever seen.
Wasn't she in Japan recently? She is very attractive, too! I hope Abe keeps his hands to himself.
Is that actually a smile I see on Abe's face?
She's a PM? O.o Wow!
Wow, she is stunning and beautiful!!
Beauty and the Beast!
No. It's a 'Damn, it's embarrassing having a young good-looking woman as an equal and not as a junior, pouring tea for me' look.
She looks great for 45.
Yes, you would, but as a Thai Hi-So bet she's got a poisonous personality.
Interesting that she got the power-hand position at left, which Abe is trying to undo by facing full front.
I'm kind of glad Abe was the PM for this occasion instead of some other geezer in the LDP deck.
C Harald Hansen
To quote from an old movie... "Schwing!"
If she was a candidate back home she'd get my vote! Instead, we get that old bat Gillard.
Power hand position?? WTF?. Anyone that notices something like that or plays them type of games certainly feels inferior and doesn't even have power over themselves.
Wow... great looking woman. They actually make a pretty good looking couple in this picture, though Abe seems between a smile and a smirk.
Nice and sexy..!! Thai women are far more beautiful then Japanese...
So sad to see all these comments about her look. She is a politician, not a top model.
Hottest world leader ever
Hope for the Thai people that she's as good a PM as she is good looking.
good luc on ur four visit madam
She's an attractive politician.
The Thais have a woman prime minister, the Koreans have a woman president, and Japan will continue to have male prime ministers for another decade at least.
I wonder if Yingluck likes green curry...
If she was a man you wouldn't have tons of comments about her look. Women have more common sense.
I think these comments show a lack of respect towards her. No matter what you do, if you are a woman, the first judgment you'll get will be about your look.
Here's hoping the Thai Prime Minister graces us here in the USA with a visit very soon, and she will be as warmly welcomed as is the leader of Japan.
(I read she graduated from Kentucky State University...)
I hope you can comment also on her achievements, goverment outlook etc, not only on her looks.
Precisely why are you white knighting a politician from a country you will never visit on a website she will never read?
CGB Spender
This photo would be soo much better with Aso-chan instead of Abe.
Precisely why are you expressing an opinon about the look of a politician from a country you will never visit on a website she will never read?
I find only these comments very superficial. And if you consider that I'm an Italian woman, and you know a bit about Italian politics, maybe you can understand because I'm annoyed by the comments about the look of a female politician. I don't want to go OT, though.
My comment was for bfg4987.
Well, if I had some deep insight into her political prowess and/or achievements, that may have been my first comment. Unfortunately, in this particular case, the only thing I have to go on is this photo.
She's HOT!!!
Shi izu butiful.
Your lack of informations about her doesn't make your comment less trivial. It's not like you are forced to express an opinion about the look of a woman everytime you see a woman. She's not an idol. Of course, you are free to say whatever you want, but I'm free to say that I find this attitude annoying as well. And yeah, she is very good looking. But still, tons of comments about ther look only reminds me of the sad situation of female politicians in Italy, so I'm bothered by them.
I find only these comments very superficial. And if you consider that I'm an Italian woman, and you know a bit about Italian politics, maybe you can understand because I'm annoyed by the comments about the look of a female politician.
I wasn't going to say anything, honestly, but I just get annoyed by people like you who shout 'chauvinism' at the drop of a hat. No one's hurting anything by commenting on anyone's looks. Lighten up a bit.
@bfg4987: more than 30 comments, except for a pair including my comments, all about her look. To me is annoying, to you is "macho" or funny, I don't know it. Bye.
Look at this comment, for example:
Implying it's weird a young a beautiful woman can be a PM. I think it's offensive.
Anyway, I guess most of people writing on this topic are men. Oh, well. Some women could disagree with me, anyway, but I guess and hope that the majority would agree.
The comments about her appearance are revealing and should be allowed to be expressed freely.
We find the conservative-leaning in many countries to put anti-woman idiots in office, as Italy has certainly done. The conservatives in the United States recently placed a relatively uneducated bimbo on the ticket for national leadership -- One who, at least to them, could be considered physically attractive and inspired similar remarks from those commenting here.
Divine justice has a way of working these things out. Like eight years of President Hillary Clinton.
I am a man who pretty much agrees with you.
Handshakes 'can' be a good giveaway of who thinks they have the cards- although when it comes to the Japanese the interpretation of many common gestures can go right out the window. As the Thai PM is also Asian, it's a little iffy to apply standard Western norms. On the other hand, if you look at photos of Bill and Hillary Clinton taking a walk, you can clearly see she's taking the lead and considers him to be her property. Although, sometimes you just have to take some things at face-value as coincidental posturing. The best examples of power play handshakes can be seen with European/US leaders. Most Western leaders are given a rundown in how to try and 'gain the upper hand', so to speak.
I read about her on WikiPedia/ I suggest to people who are not familiar with her (I did not know) to learn about her. She vusited Japan many times inckuding before Showa Emperor passe away. Remarkable lacy.
lol People are a crack up saying that they would vote for her because she looks nice. What a crock. You wonder why things don't get done? The best person for the job was probably not the most attractive in the group and was booted, not because of skills/qualifications but because of their looks.
Abe looks like he's asleep
Politicians play these games because it's their bread and butter. Just like they wear lifts to look presidential. You don't have to be a player to notice it.
tldr -- Don't hate the game noticer; hate the game.
She's beautiful, he looks pretty beat up.
Yes she is beautiful, BUT SHE HAS BRAINS! Hey, shouldn't brains be sexier than bodies or? Please, appreciate a woman for what she's trying to do too, i.e. go beneath a girl's looks/body please. I guess many here are men though? So I'm in minority for sure, but I'm gonna tell you something. A girl, yes wants to be appreciated for how she looks, but if you appreciate a girl for her personality/ character/intelligence too, you'd gain her love. Furthermore; hotness eventually disappears, usually dementia takes a longer time to appear than that ;)
I don't think any of the posters here are looking to gain her love....although I wouldn't deny it if she offerred it. (^^)
Calm down. Nobody here has called her stupid and I don't think anyone has implied that she is stupid. But when a lady is beautiful, it doesn't hurt to compliment that.
Readers, no further discussion of her looks, please.
Both of them studied in USA. They must have talked without interpreters, This is a big advantage for both of them,
เสธดาม เคลาเซวิทซ์
Definitely, she is not just look good, but she is quite strong, and being as a symbol of democracy in Thailand. Many Thai died in order to oust the previous pro-dictator prime minister. And we are so proud of her.
Japanese reporter's comment after YingLuck's visit.
Thailand becomes a nightmare for investors all over the world because of the government is just there to play politics. Thai politicians have done nothing but scandals. They have no interest in improving the country but only in improving their wealth. In comparison with their neighbor, Thai economy has been going downward without any sign of recovery. In the not far away future, Thailand will be best known in their Case Study on how the country is completely destroyed by the greed of their government. The country will be torn apart and finally will be dominated by foreign countries who gave the money to help the people to survive.
PM Yingluck is the Red Shirt's Eva Peron! Her fugitive brother and former PM Thaksin is responsible for fomenting the Red Shirts to demonstrate and terrorize the country. Bombing and burning infrastructure. They terrorized hospitals. Thaksin and the Shinawatra empire is responsible for paying for those Red Shirt actions. Of course her itinerary is too tight to actually meet the family while she's in Japan begging them not to leave Thailand. She can't put a complete sentence together and/or answer a direct question. She is the puppet on Thaksin's string. It is the fact that she is incapable of directly answering a question that is not scripted.