A protester from a right-wing, conservative and anti-Japanese civic group chants slogans during an anti-Japan rally to celebrate Independence Movement Day, in front of the Japanese embassy in Seoul on Saturday.
© Japan TodayAnti-Japan rally in Seoul
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There are probably more constructive ways they could use their time and energy
They should seriously stop doing this. All it does is making Korean look so pathetic and their demands for apology cheap. Honestly this rally does absolutely nothing to alleviate the problem.
No matter the country or party affiliation, when I see the word "~wing", the next word that comes to mind is 'nuts'.
Once they are gone they will be Far Kim.
Nuts... they are all nuts
Sad. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
A nice day out for some? Go down to your local Japanese embassy, hurl a bit of abuse, a bit of human waste in plastic bags, and thump your chest, all the while in denial.
Pretty selective historical memory "right-wing and conservative" South Koreans have. When Japan was in charge, these folks filled out the ranks of the Japanese military. Case in point, one Park Chung-hee, the father of the current South Korean President (did I say that?). He was such a patriot that he joined the Japanese army to kill Chinese. You also have lots of "right-wing and conservative" South Koreans who were strung up after the war as war criminals by the allies, Burma-Siam Railway ring any bells.
Fast forward to the Korean War, and when they were not running away, the "right-wing and conservatives" were executing trade unionists and others en mass. They got so preoccupied with this that the UN had to throw back the communist hordes instead.
You also had the same Park Chung-hee reappear so that "right-wing and conservative" Koreans could suppress human rights (open fire on students in 1979) and assassinate their rivals (think Kim Dae-jung in Tokyo in 1973).
Not too big on "right-wing and conservative" South Koreans pointing their finger at their former masters (in every sense of the word) with regard to issues of historical legacy. Sort of like a Wehrmacht Hiwi changing sides and criticizing the SS. Indeed, a large number of the "Japanese" who recruited, coerced, and kidnapped the Comfort Women might be assumed to "right-wing and conservative" compatriots of the women in question.
Don't get me wrong, Japan still needs to be honest and fess up about what it did throughout Asia such a long time ago. However, such "right-wing and conservative" groups in South Korea have zero legitimacy.
These anti-Japan protests are not really the way to go about it. However Japan has only its own government to blame. Abe and his neo-nationalists are stirring the pot. It would be nice if Koreans differentiated between 'Japan' and 'LDP' when making these protests, but then again, since the people of Japan have done so little to speak out about the current revisionist streak in government, their silence is seen as acquiescence.
Better to shout and vent than resorting to violence.
The Original Wing
Here's hoping that the smarter, calmer and more rational majority of both S. Korea and Japan sees minor, pathetic, short-sighted demonstrations like this for what they really are, and then move on to thinking about more important things.
Hey! Settle down with all the anti-Korean statements! There's a group in Tokyo that regularly have the same protests about Korea. This is nothing more than a bit of tit-for-tat!
most of those protesters are a bunch of old men with nothing better to do.
If anything, the number of anti-Japanese protests in Korea has gone down since Abe took office.
Seriously, you never see them bringing the crazy like they used to - cutting off their fingers, smashing birds with hammers and defacing Japanese flags with the blood, thousands in the streets... these days they can barely get a few people together with signs printed off at Family Mart.
@Disillusioned Fair enough, I agree with you totally. Both sides are as bad as each other. That being said, however, the "right-wing conservatives" in South Korea protesting like this is a pot and kettle situation. As I wrote above, in a historical sense, their hands are far from lily-white when it comes to such topics. Indeed, media control in Japan is bad enough, but I don't really understand why the more level headed folks in Seoul don't ask some more soul-searching questions of certain people. For example, what about asking Madame President about "what daddy did during the war"? Selective memory when it comes to historical "unpleasantness" is not just a Japanese condition.
Well, that's what it took to get the Japanese gov't to eventually recognize the sex slavery. Prior to that, the official Japanese position was, "It never happened."
Get used to it Japan, Government / NHK policies are regested out side of Japan. Being an Island is no longer a guaranty of information control.
Nah, the bird thing was 2008. Liancourt Rocks protest.
Right wing conservative extremists.... . If you change the flag, it can literally be any country in the world with these same protests.
Abe really knows how to bring out the best in people, doesn't he?
Elbuda Mexicano
Better for them to protest against North Korea and Beijing, CHINA!!
More blind idiocy from ROK. Just what we've all come to expect.
A protester from a right-wing, conservative and anti-Japanese civic group chants slogans during an anti-Japan rally to celebrate Independence Movement Day, in front of the Japanese embassy in Seoul on Saturday.
Oh my, what a surprise Korean's protesting against something. This must be the first time in the history of Korea that they have protested!
Anyone notice the sarcasm?
I wonder how many live animals they slaughtered this time? Or how many kids went on a field trip to see men cutting off their fingers in protest?
There are many more far right wingnuts in Korea than in Japan.
You forgot to mention the guys lighting themselves on fire.
By far. One only has to read this board on any given day to get confirmation of that.
You see this? This is what happens when people are being brainwashed by the Chinese Communist Par.......oh wait, this is in South Korea. Never mind. Hmm, I wonder what excuses I can use this time? I got!! Uhm, Koreans love self-pity and victimization......
iamajapaneserightwinger sarcasmtitaniumdioxide
How so? It's just a snap photo! Are you there when they were in action? There are probably more behind the scene.
Not only a waste or time and energy but also a waste of resources. Last time they wasted fruits and eggs.
Yep! But the young guy on the left holding "Boycott Japanese Goods" placard is a result of Korea's brainwashing schemes not out of boredom. This is alarming! The young ones are now turning themselves into "right-wingers".
BTW, He is wearing Uniqlo's jacket. http://www.uniqlo.com/us/men/outerwear/ultra-light-down.html
Aha, Korean protester are very scary. They are unpredictable. Last time someone tried to killed himself.
Overall, Koreans are the best protesters int he world! I applaud them for being genuinely creative in the field. Some eat flags, some stab themselves, of all sorts of all kinds unimaginable.
Ask random Japanese people in the streets what they think about this and I doubt many (if any) actually care about what the pathetic people of Korea and China get up to.
'By far. One only has to read this board on any given day to get confirmation of that.' I really value posts who back up claims with evidence such as the posts they read on JT. Thanks guys.
This may show everything about SKoreans. They would be protesting after 100, 200, 300 years, or until end of the world.
Mitsuo Matsuyama
The real Korean citizens want to have peace and development of their nations in all areas, things that their government is not doing well. Those minority who protest against Japan is not helping Korea to become more developed.
The right wingers again prove that human nature is universal. This group again shows that every country, community, town has a small minority of people filled with hatred and ignorance and are happy to share it with the world.
Specific to Korea. When a Japanese right winger makes an idiotic statement he is seen by Koreans to represent the whole of Japan. When a Korean right winger makes a statement, he is seen as just a right winger who does not represent the whole of Korea.
Funny thing is, all right wingers have more in common that they think. They hate other races and cultures and most of their own society are sadly tired of them.
Perhaps we can put them all together on an island somewhere.
What were South Koreans doing after World War II?
Liancourt Rocks dispute since1952. Comfort Women Issue since1991. Sea of Japan naming dispute since1992. Rising Sun Flag Issue since2011.
No one will believe in S Korean propaganda. Only S Korean and China turn against Japan after the war.
I'm glad they wrote their signs in english so I could understand
Oh look, angry Koreans playing up to the stereotype. Is there any wonder why they get less and less respect? A broken clock is at least correct twice a day. This 'behaviour' will NEVER be 'correct' except to prove that you can't fix stupid. So sad...
nothing better to do? b
At least they protest in front of the embassy and against Japanese government. Meanwhile in Japan on streets of Tokyo, Osaka, there are anti Korean marching protests everyday calling for murders of Koreans and rapes of Korean women. Japan is the only country in the oecd where threatening mass genocides, killings, and rapes of entire ethnic people are allowed with impunity while the police and law protects them.
True, but isn't that because most Japanese people don't really have an opinion about politics in general? Most Japaneses people I know don't vote, rarely express their political views and let their politicians get away with anything. This, to me, is the ultimate waste of a democracy. Seeing a few "crazies" express themselves in public is rather refreshing, regardless of whether I agree with their views.
I think having Persecutory delusion, where a person believes that he or she is being victimized, tormented, tricked, spied on, or ridiculed, is a prerequisite for being a Korean.
Maybe they should get some black vans and louspeakers and drive around blaring martial music and slogans... no difference between these nutjobs and the Japanese black van nutjobs. Put them on Takeshima and let them fight it out a-la Battle Royale.
Chucky, I've already asked you to provide proof of this but you bailed out on me last time. Where's your source for the "anti Korean marching protests everyday" you're talking about? I know you're doing futile damage control for the pathetic actions of Koreans but at least provide some source otherwise it's the usual propaganda from you again.
I'll bet these guys have never seen Kyary Pamyu Pamyu.
Chucky is busy right now but I can help you, I know how to use Google you should try it some time, it's really neat.
Hate speech protests spreading to smaller cities around Japan (2013) https://ajw.asahi.com/article/behind_news/social_affairs/AJ201311070011
Rise of Hate Speech in Japan - (Asian Pacific Human Rights Informtaion Center 2013) http://www.hurights.or.jp/archives/focus/section2/2013/12/rise-of-hate-speech-in-japan.html
8 Arrested in Tokyo Fights Involving Anti-Korean Group (NY Time, June 2013) http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/18/world/asia/8-arrested-in-tokyo-fights-involving-anti-korean-group.html?pagewanted=all
Anti-Korean Voices Grow in Japan (Wall Street Journal, May 2013) http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424127887324031404578482570250163826
Need I go on? "Everyday" is an exaggeration, but it is no exaggeration to say anti-Korean protests in Japan are on the rise; thank god many Japanese are against this as well.
Nenad Jovanović
Look how they vrited " BOYCOTT !! Japanese Goods !!! " And there lies what is all about this, they want Japan not to amend for their sings from past, but they want to see Japan down, they want to destroy Japan economy , thats why they are spamming all over the world, they dont seek justice, they seek revenge, and for them, revenge is totall destruction of Japan economy .
Mitch Cohen
@hidingout - More opportunistic Korea-bashing from the protector of Japanese pride. How quickly we forget the Korea-hate marches in Tokyo, harassing Korean businesses, calling for massacre of Koreans..
Would seem difficult to "X" out a sign that is, itself, a pattern of Xs.
The anti-Korea sentiment in Japan is probably fuelled by seeing nutjobs similar to those in the photo splashed across the Japanese media. Takes two to tango... and the SKs appear to like leading the dance.
This protest is nothing compared from last year's :
Ever remember this guy?
And now, their agenda is about boycotting Japanese goods? What a shame!
Those few people in front of Japanese embassies are protesting against Japanese history revisionism.
Compare this to US state department report on the human rights abuses based on racism(which is entirely different from Korean ones which are political in nature) in Japan. Few dozen Korean protestors in front of Japan embassy shout stop history revisions, while thousands march every week in Japan, screaming rape Korean women and kill Koreans. Whose really hating who here?
I wonder who created this protest........cough
please japan is in the right, this is all nonsense
Die Intellectual
Japan and Korea have a lot in common. High suicide rates, too much focus on technology, too much materialism etc
Koreans protesting the Japanese government's policies, calling for boycotts, etc. -- O.K. in civilized nations.
Japanese calling for the murder of Koreans, raping of Korean women, etc. -- O.K. among savages and barbarians.
Unfortunately many young Koreans share this mentality. What gets me is that they are usually so thick that they don't realize how boorish their behaviour is. To wit, I was tutoring a 23-year-old S Korean student. He was really quite intelligent and genuinely polite. As a warm-up, I asked him to talk about "pet peeves", which he didn't understand. I asked him to tell me something that "annoys him", something he "can't stand", but he wasn't quite there. Ok, I thought, tell me something you "hate". He thought for a minute, and without an ounce of shame, he said "Chinese people". Not an ounce of shame.
Thanks for the link. Somehow I missed this one. It definitely has more pizzazz than the one above. I wish Koreans would be more consistent in their protesting. It's a letdown when their standards drop.
How could I forget this dude? Now that's what I'm talking about. Actually I wonder if he's the same guy in the exciting protests link you gave--same method. I'm really saddened that they're boycotting Japanese goods. I think I'm gonna lose sleep over it. I mean, everyone knows that Korean goods are original and Japanese only copied them.
It really shouldn't be a surprise. Koreans have this han within them, a long-running resentment and anger that is deeply rooted in their culture and is fueled by their insecurity and inferiority complex. They consider themselves perpetual victims of injustices, real or perceived, and it's "justice" to hang on to that anger forever. Thus, for Koreans to hate or have ill-will towards people other than themselves and not forgive them is not unexpected.
Protesters are shouting "Boycott Japanese goods", but I just wonder if SKorean electronic/electric companies and automobile companies can make their goods without Japanese goods(parts). It is said that smartphones, thin screen TVs, cars and engines,,,, are used so many Japanese parts so that they have to deeply depend on Japan. In other words, in case something critical happened, Japan can make its own goods without Korean parts but SKorea can't make goods without Japanese ones.
Just more of the same old same old. President Park needs her people to focus on something other than her failed economic strategy so what's best than to blame Japan for all their woes.
Keep the people angry at someone else and they won't turn on you. But, this strategy only works for so long. Korea needs Japan more than Japan needs Korea. Just imagine if the Japanese stopped buying K-pop CD's and those silly dramas. Korea would go broke overnight.
Time for Park and her cronies to start playing nice.
Talk about completely lying to try and make points. This is possibly the worst to date Chucky.
You have completely jumped out the window on with this claim. You know you can't back up these claims. It's just sad how far your side goes to make an argument. But, it is your right to lie and ours to ask you to back it up.
I wouldn't call this anti-Japan rally when it was 1st of March Independence movement day for ROK, this kind of protest was always been there since 95 years ago. At least they did it front of embassy. What do call these anti-Korean rallies from usual Japanese streets? even calling with racial slurs.
The naive idea that governments take action because they want to divert attention from their own problems just irks me; all government have problems, they don't speed their resources and time trying to 'divert public attention' , they are not just sitting around making stuff up so they can 'trick' the public or something. This is a real issue for all Korean whether Japan likes it or not. Pretending it's all made up to divert attention isn't going to make it go away.
Now, the pot is calling the kettle black. Now, who is being naïve here? The notion that nations don't use propaganda to push to the focus off one problem by promoting another is truly naïve.
Have you ever heard of media manipulation by governments?
Look at the anti-Japan push by Park and her Conservative/Nationalist media. Fanning anger is a means to an end, the end, well no one knows what will happen. But what is certain is that the South Korean Government is pushing the peoples focus away from what is going on the their economy to an anti-Japan sentiment.
Hell, their media has been on a rant and has been stroking those flames. Here's an example, when Abe spoke before the ASDF to give words of encouragement to the personnel the South Korean media came out with, "Is he awakening the specter of militarism?” if you actually believe that the Korean government isn't behind this then you really need to get out more.
Open your eyes and see the world for what it is.
Ordo Ab Chao
David Foley
People who hate others usually first hate themselves.