The reason she's holding an iPhone may be because she is the daughter in the Softbank ads for the White Family. You know, the ones with the white dog as the father. I'm waiting for an ad with the dad showing how easy it is to use the iPhone with his paws.
Aya is advertising a lot of products, but at least she's appealing to look at. ;-)
Is she famous for something, or just for being famous, like out of famous highschool for future famous people ? It's on her resume ?
"famously famous" master degree in famousery. She's not even cute, she's standard as hell for Japan. It would be absolutely impossible to spot her in a crowd. Or even in an empty street in fact. Unless she have a talking dog... or is holding an IPhone with a weir plastic molded grin.
"I always amazed of japanese waiting a line for a few days just for some new product"
I got news for you. I was in Hawaii when the Iphone was released, and it was worse there. Lines started the day PRIOR, and stores had a limited amount. They would only have 100 phones, and there would be 200 in line.
PS3 was the exact same way in Hawaii. It is not the "Japanese" that do this, but the techno-geeks that just have to have the "new" toy, regardless of the fact that they don't really provide any extra benefit. I mean, come on... a phone is a phone. If you wanna surf the net that bad, get a darn computer. and a life.
Waiting in line for the iPhone is not something to scoff at, it's a world-wide pandemic (if you want to call it that). Apple, as always, is revolutionizing things, and the other companies are literally scrambling to come up with something to keep up. When iTouch came out, Sony pronounced they would come up with an alternative far better..... to which one week later you never heard a word (which means failure in Japan). This time Apple, as with iPod to begin with, is taking complete market share, and increasing sales of Apple computers in general. Their technology is far superior to anything your average PC can offer...
Apple rocks! If I didn't just buy a new iTouch and cell phone last year, I'd be in line. For now, I'll wait.
Average or normal is what promoters want these days which is why girl mags have changed quite a bit over the years. Ueto Aya like Aibu Saki fits the profile for selling pretty much anything to any age group. She is one of the extremely few TV personalities that I actually believe to have any talent and she is no doubt multi-talented unlike some who don't even know how to read.
Actually, the celebrities themselves are just employees of their agencies. They receive a salary and get just a small percentage of each deal. The agencies collect all the money. They farm out their talents to do the various promotions at events and on TV programs, etc.
majority only get a fixed salary with the occasional bonus, others can demand or command percentages and commission depending on the project, deal, cm, movie, book, etc... Yes, it does suck, but not that many are complaining.
romulus can buy anything he wants, anytime he pleases...he just has to hand back one of his two softbank phones to get an i-phone. he has the touch pod already. but its a new purchase. whats he to do?
"romulus can buy anything he wants, anytime he pleases...he just has to hand back one of his two softbank phones to get an i-phone. he has the touch pod already. but its a new purchase. whats he to do?"
Hand in the softbanks.
Buy pen and paper.
Take classes to learn how to avoid talking in the 1st person.
Then, when your successful at that, go and buy an I-phone. A phone is a phone, but you might as well give your self a treat for such hard work and dedication.
J/k... But I agree with sarge. If it's not Aya on your arm, who is it?
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I'll take one of each thanks. Such delightful models. Well Aya is anyway.
I'm surprised she'd use that thing since it can't do pretty little icons, much like this site and she'll have to settle for crappy ones like this (泣)
the hair the hair - makes me cry
Is there anything she hasn't promoted yet?
so cute.
it could be worse, like uno kanda promoting everything
I know, she is like everywhere, promoting everything. Well I suppose they could do worse.
Cute girl, infact i find SoftBank models quite smart like their Boss.
Worse than her though is the girl on the Mr. Donuts ads. She is on just about every 2nd ad on TV.
The reason she's holding an iPhone may be because she is the daughter in the Softbank ads for the White Family. You know, the ones with the white dog as the father. I'm waiting for an ad with the dad showing how easy it is to use the iPhone with his paws.
Aya is advertising a lot of products, but at least she's appealing to look at. ;-)
Dennis Bauer
I always amazed of japanese waiting a line for a few days just for some new product
What hasn't she promoted yet?
"Look, buttons! Lots of buttons! Hee hee hee."
At least the knees made it past the JT croppers.
Is she famous for something, or just for being famous, like out of famous highschool for future famous people ? It's on her resume ?
"famously famous" master degree in famousery. She's not even cute, she's standard as hell for Japan. It would be absolutely impossible to spot her in a crowd. Or even in an empty street in fact. Unless she have a talking dog... or is holding an IPhone with a weir plastic molded grin.
Well I'd marry Aya and even tolerate her late night shenanigans if she was feeling a bit Mona Yamamoto.
"I always amazed of japanese waiting a line for a few days just for some new product"
I got news for you. I was in Hawaii when the Iphone was released, and it was worse there. Lines started the day PRIOR, and stores had a limited amount. They would only have 100 phones, and there would be 200 in line.
PS3 was the exact same way in Hawaii. It is not the "Japanese" that do this, but the techno-geeks that just have to have the "new" toy, regardless of the fact that they don't really provide any extra benefit. I mean, come on... a phone is a phone. If you wanna surf the net that bad, get a darn computer. and a life.
She must be rolling in the cash these days.
you know ya think one would get tired of seeing her advertising everything yet her appeal still shines on me...go figure???
I hope she milks it for all it's worth and enjoys every minute of it.
She's really beautiful...
Waiting in line for the iPhone is not something to scoff at, it's a world-wide pandemic (if you want to call it that). Apple, as always, is revolutionizing things, and the other companies are literally scrambling to come up with something to keep up. When iTouch came out, Sony pronounced they would come up with an alternative far better..... to which one week later you never heard a word (which means failure in Japan). This time Apple, as with iPod to begin with, is taking complete market share, and increasing sales of Apple computers in general. Their technology is far superior to anything your average PC can offer...
Apple rocks! If I didn't just buy a new iTouch and cell phone last year, I'd be in line. For now, I'll wait.
Average or normal is what promoters want these days which is why girl mags have changed quite a bit over the years. Ueto Aya like Aibu Saki fits the profile for selling pretty much anything to any age group. She is one of the extremely few TV personalities that I actually believe to have any talent and she is no doubt multi-talented unlike some who don't even know how to read.
1位-上戸彩 3億6000万円 8社 2位-仲間由紀恵 3億6000万円 6社 3位-藤原紀香 3億2000万円 4社 4位-蛯原友里 3億1500万円 7社 5位-菅野美穂 3億円 6社 6位-相武紗季 2億4500万円 7社 7位-ベッキー 2億1000万円 6社 8位-安田成美 2億円 5社 8位-蒼井優 2億円 5社 8位-長澤まさみ 2億円 5社
Actually, the celebrities themselves are just employees of their agencies. They receive a salary and get just a small percentage of each deal. The agencies collect all the money. They farm out their talents to do the various promotions at events and on TV programs, etc.
so predictable, well done JT
Do they really only get a salary from their agencies? If so they are total saps.
majority only get a fixed salary with the occasional bonus, others can demand or command percentages and commission depending on the project, deal, cm, movie, book, etc... Yes, it does suck, but not that many are complaining.
She not only didn't have to wait in line for her iPhone, she has perfect teeth.
Hope those new subscribers enjoy paying the 7000 yen (minimum) per month.
"do you come with the phone?" "oh you! (giggle)"
That's essentially what Docomo subscribers pay anyway.....
Am I the only one who doesn't give a rats --- about the i-phone or 9000000gigabite i-pods?
Damn Aya is rich and cute. Becky is less rich, but still stinking rich, and less cute, in fact bordering on ugly, and certainly annoying.
romulus can buy anything he wants, anytime he pleases...he just has to hand back one of his two softbank phones to get an i-phone. he has the touch pod already. but its a new purchase. whats he to do?
romulus - Two questions.
One - Why would you have to hand back one of your two SoftBank phones to get an iPhone?
Two - If you can buy anything you want anytime, why isn't Aya in your possession?
"romulus can buy anything he wants, anytime he pleases...he just has to hand back one of his two softbank phones to get an i-phone. he has the touch pod already. but its a new purchase. whats he to do?"
Hand in the softbanks. Buy pen and paper. Take classes to learn how to avoid talking in the 1st person.Then, when your successful at that, go and buy an I-phone. A phone is a phone, but you might as well give your self a treat for such hard work and dedication.
J/k... But I agree with sarge. If it's not Aya on your arm, who is it?
Ueto Aya is the best. She is a hard worker, she is beautiful and she has a great character. I am so very proud of her. Great going Ueto Aya...