Japan Today
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Bad eggs


Anti-Japan protesters throw eggs at a banner with Japan's rising sun flag, in front of the official residence of the Japanese ambassador during a rally in Seoul on Tuesday. The rally was held to denounce Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and also Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto who said last week that Japan's military brothels during World War II were "necessary" to provide respite for soldiers.

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No cut off fingers or dog heads this time?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Your typical day in one of these Asian countries: China, South Korea, Japan. Always the same. I guess nationalistic people have a lot of free time. Your governments are just playing with you, guys. Their nationalistic propaganda is necessary to distract you from inner issues in your own conuntry. Try to wonder why these countries have still strong economic relations. If your goverments were coherent, they should break every kind of economic relation between your countries immediately. But they don't do it. This is hypocrisy. And you are blind.

13 ( +16 / -3 )

How disappointing. Not because they're protesting, but because Koreans can do better than this. They're known worldwide for their behavior, especially during demonstrations. They're slipping.


1 ( +10 / -9 )

Urgh! If they ate those eggs, they would've been healthier...

2 ( +7 / -5 )

They are standing on and ruining their own signs they worked hard to make. Quite an accomplishment.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

genjuro - yeah, I was expecting much more.. At least one or two severed fingers, and some harakiri... They should learn from their fathers how to do things properly...

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Your typical day in one of these Asian countries: China, South Korea, Japan. Always the same. I guess nationalistic people have a lot of free time. Your governments are just playing with you, guys. Their nationalistic propaganda is necessary to distract you from inner issues in your own conuntry. Try to wonder why these countries have still strong economic relations. If your goverments were coherent, they should break every kind of economic relation between your countries immediately. But they don't do it. This is hypocrisy. And you are blind.

It's funny how the right-wingers just hate each other... they can never seem to get along. The same thing happens with the far-right Islamist radicals and the far-right Americans.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Why do they think Japan likes eggs so much?

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Such a sad thing to see. Hate is a waste of time.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Sad, but expected. Hate begets hate, after all.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

and lost among all this is the fact that little hashimoto has set back relations with Korea, China etc.. another year or so

0 ( +6 / -6 )

so much for just because one moron said some mornic things. WAIT a minute. He was VOTED into office. NM.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

@Thomas Anderson

It's funny how the right-wingers just hate each other... they can never seem to get along. The same thing happens with the far-right Islamist radicals and the far-right Americans.

Not to mention the Far Left, Mr. Anderson. Ever hear of the Red Army?

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Thomas AndersonMay. 22, 2013 - 08:56AM JST It's funny how the right-wingers just hate each other... they can never seem to get along. The same thing happens with the far-right Islamist radicals and the far-right Americans.

This has nothing to do with far right or far left, this has everything to do with Nationalism.

-2 ( +4 / -5 )

Waste of precious food.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Nationalism is far-right ideology.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

Your typical day in one of these Asian countries: China, South Korea, Japan. Always the same. I guess nationalistic people have a lot of free time. Your governments are just playing with you, guys. Their nationalistic propaganda is necessary to distract you from inner issues in your own conuntry. Try to wonder why these countries have still strong economic relations. If your goverments were coherent, they should break every kind of economic relation between your countries immediately. But they don't do it. This is hypocrisy. And you are blind.

Gee... Kind of Funny though... You don't see anyone protesting Germany...? Gee... I wonder why...? Oh, maybe because they have Laws that make it a CRIME to Deny or Change History...? Or, Maybe because they also have a ton of Museums and Memorials Dedicated to the victims of Their War Machine...?

And then you have Japan... Where its Elected Leaders, use phrases like, "We'll America did it too...!" And "Everyone is guilty of War Crimes...!"

I guess Japan will never fully become a productive member of the international community, because they keep changing and obfuscating their Dirty Past.... So either start writing Laws that make History Denial a CRIME and Build some Museums to the victims of Your War Machine (I.E... NOT Yourself...) or go on Denying and Obfuscating, and you can expect another 100 years of this... Your Choice...

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

And then you have Japan... Where its Elected Leaders, use phrases like, "We'll America did it too...!" And "Everyone is guilty of War Crimes...!"

Hashimoto is a LOCAL polititian who does have aspirations for becoming a polititian at national level but has not become one yet. Also, please note that more than 75% of the Japanese people oppose his opinions.

I guess Japan will never fully become a productive member of the international community, because they keep changing and obfuscating their Dirty Past....

Japan has been a productive member of the international community for much longer than its neighbours whose governments simply maintain anti-Japan sentiment to serve their own political agendas. The central government of Japan has recognized and apologized for its past. There are various official sites (governmental and public) nowadays where you can get information about the recognition and apologies made by the government.

A local knucklehead is not representative of the whole nation and its government.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

the ministry of agriculture must arrest these guys for wasting healthy food

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

J Gov't: "Oh noes. South Koreans are putting eggs on pictures of us. We had better change our ways, or in their next protest they might use something stronger than eggs."

1 ( +3 / -2 )

These Korean right wingers and Japanese right wingers should just be exiled to live on a deserted island by themselves. They are embarrassing their respective countries.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Koreans are well known to be the biggest whiners in the world. They get into a Hwa-byong about just anything that might sour their day.

4 ( +9 / -3 )

Making this stepping poster takes, say, 1-2 hours? Then you step on it for, what, 15 minutes? Time well spent, indeed.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Maybe these Korean right wingers should have a showdown with Hashimoto & Co. in a pay per view event. Winner gets to have a showdown with the Chinese and Russian nationalist. Celebrity deathmatch rules.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


Gee... Kind of Funny though... You don't see anyone protesting Germany...? Gee... I wonder why...?


http://www.thecommentator.com/article/3051/nazi_flags_waved_in_cyprus_as_anti_germany_protests_continue> http://www.dw.de/greek-protesters-attack-german-official/a-16381676 http://rt.com/news/greek-protesters-coffee-german-768/

I guess Japan will never fully become a productive member of the international community, because they keep changing and obfuscating their Dirty Past....

Japan is the most positively viewed nation on Earth.


6 ( +10 / -4 )

Note: Right wing extremist do not speak on behalf of the majority of the country. Make your over-generalizations elsewhere.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

UpgrayeddMAY. 22, 2013 - 11:32AM JST

http://www.thecommentator.com/article/3051/naziflagswavedincyprusasantigermanyprotests_continue> http://www.dw.de/greek-protesters-attack-german-official/a-16381676 http://rt.com/news/greek-protesters-coffee-german-768/

Brilliant Bumbkin... They are protesting German Austerity Measures... NOT WW2 German Atrocities...

This is Why Critical Thinking and Common sense are so very important, but ironically in such short supply in Japan...

Thank You for making my point!

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

@Chin4Sailor Perhaps you should have made it clear what you meant when you said no one protests Germany.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

A local knucklehead is not representative of the whole nation and its government.

You are absolutely right, any single local nut-job is NOT representative of the Nation as a whole...

But It's NOT only him.... There's a whole cast of these clowns floating around, making statements, and every time there's a New PM and their associated Ministers' visit Yasukuni, and then let's talk about how the Tokyo Government keeps revisiting this Historical Textbook Review, every year... Or did you forget about that...? Then we have this plethora of remote Islands, that just happen to lie within 100 miles or so of some other country, that Japan, suddenly wants to lay claim to.... Didn't war teach you enough..?

My opinion, Japan should be thankful, they got off so easy after WW2, they should be the last people in the World starting trouble, making visits to the graves of enshrined Class-A war criminals, or attempting to distort their aggressive past...

Or you can have a 100 more years of this....

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

I'm all for right-wingers killing each other. Just don't bother the rest of us...

-1 ( +3 / -4 )


Or you can have a 100 more years of this....

100 more years of Japan being the world's most respected and well regarded nation?


1 ( +5 / -4 )

100 more years of Japan being the world's most respected and well regarded nation?

Well after Hashimoto's remarks and apologists like you... we're not so sure...

lol... I don't know why some of the Japanese people (i.e. right-wingers) tend to take this at a face value... Oh, and just because Japan is respected, doesn't necessarily mean that YOU are respected.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Typical ... 6 "right wing protestors" ..... and 20 "news reporters".

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I agree that the standard of Korean demonstrations has slipped. where are the bricks, molotovs, bleeding police and protestors,m water cannon and other essentials of yore? C'mon Korea, pull your socks up!!!!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

But It's NOT only him.... There's a whole cast of these clowns floating around, making statements,

Japan is a country granting free speech. What you shuold also notice is that such statements are not accepted by the majority of the general public here. Neither by the majority of the politicians in the Diet for what it is wrth.

Then we have this plethora of remote Islands, that just happen to lie within 100 miles or so of some other country, that Japan, suddenly wants to lay claim to....

Japan has not suddenly decided to lay claim to those island. If you had followed the development of the dispute (let me guess you meen the Senkakus, right?), you might have learned that it was China which suddenly decided to claim the islands because at some point in the distant past .... etc. etc.

My opinion, Japan should be thankful, they got off so easy after WW2

After reading the above, I wonder how much you know about the end of the WW2 in Japan. The air raids of the big cities, the A bombs etc... how does it qualify as "getting off easy"?

Didn't war teach you enough..?

Guess that Japan is one of the few countries in Asia which has learned from its WW2 experience. But i also guess that being objective is beyond the people who love generalizing and picking only the facts which justify their own reasoning.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Or you can have a 100 more years of this....???

On March 1 2013, South Korean president Park Geun-hye officially stated (talking about Korea-Japan relationship) "The historical standings of aggressor and victim will not change even after the passage of a thousand years of history."

These people are going to need to keep buying those Imperial Japan Rising Sun Flags... Oh, by the way, it is the Koreans that are attacking anything resembling the Imperial Japan Rising Flag and asking for its retraction (as in the case of the New York restaurant web site or the Italian iPhone case design or the British sushi restaurant logo...)

By the way, who are those people whose photos are stuck on the flag? Can't recognise some of them. Any ideas anyone?

-2 ( +2 / -4 )


"This is Why Critical Thinking and Common sense are so very important,"

We know, I just wish you had some LOL

0 ( +4 / -4 )

They have a point but they come across like crying children when they do stuff like this.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

long live korean!

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

By the way, who are those people whose photos are stuck on the flag? Can't recognise some of them. Any ideas anyone?

I can't see the other pictures clearly but I'm pretty sure the woman is Tomomi Inada, Minister for Administrative Reform.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Alex80@ is that why there was a war on terror?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Far as I'm concerned it's the nationalists in other countries who are the problem - they continually rake over the same ground time and time again, banging on about apologies, etc... all this is doing is allowing the right wing nutters in Japan to have a platform upon which to spout their rhetoric, and spew forth their stupid remarks.

You want Hashimoto and his kind to shut up? Stop giving them fuel. Without the publicity they'll go back under their rocks and things can get back to some kind of civility.

Then again, I think the SK and Chinese nationalists like this kind of stuff... gives them something to do.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

The problem of nationalists is that they don't want to solve their problems. They hate everyone who is not identical to them, and want everybody else to be their slaves.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

These type of protests by Korean citizens are nothing new. It's their national sport.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Last time, they wrote Korean letters with two no-Japanese flags on the same flag. This time, they tried but it is still not Japanese flag. Design The Rising Sun Flag as used by the JMSDF; White with a red disc slightly to the hoist with 16 rays extending from the disc to the edges of the flag.round the sun on this flag. 16 has some meanigs and Sun supposed to rise from east. Another goof.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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