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© APBeat the heat
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Nobody wearing shorts?
Bill Lewis
Looks like at least two of them are wearing masks. Not gonna beat the heat that way, in the shade or not. Are you sure that one guy isn't slumped over from heat exhaustion?
Aly Rustom
The temperature rose to 34 degrees in the capital.
and still just the beginning of July. I'm dreading next month.
Heatstroke warnings in several places.
Hervé L'Eisa
It's much, much cooler in a well shaded area. I sat in the garden for a couple hours this afternoon rather comfortably. Why? Because there's a grove of trees, unpaved ground, and nothing to block airflow. It was easily 5°C cooler in the shade.
Now, imagine if there were an abundance of trees in Tokyo (and elsewhere) rather than a concrete jungle.
Practically the same reports are recycled every summer, it's not really news, it's just the same old summer weather. Those of us who have lived and worked in the Middle East for a few years where the temperature regularly hits 50 deg C and the air is so humid you can chew it chuckle at these reports.
Why the masks?
Just because they want it..