Japan Today
picture of the day

Best breasts and wings in town


Hooters Japan girls and their American trainers pose at a pre-opening party for the American chain's second restaurant in Japan which opens today near Shimbashi Station in Tokyo.

© Japan Today

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Could you imagine if you had to resort to this to earn your money in life? I bet they're all real proud, lol.

-4 ( +21 / -24 )

Best picture of the day in a long time.

2 ( +13 / -12 )

Great photo to turn off women and intelligent folk from this site.

Could do better, try harder please JT.

-6 ( +29 / -33 )

Is Japan ever going to realize that smaller breasts are infinitely more feminine and sexy than the in-your-face blobs (whether natural or artificial) worshiped in the West? Another myth the Japanese have sadly bought into.

-3 ( +23 / -24 )

I'm guessing the trainees are the slouching mouthbreathers at the back of the picture?

-4 ( +12 / -15 )

Are these breasts and wings transfat-free?

10 ( +13 / -3 )

Why isn't there a restaurant featuring "six packs" and Speedo uniformed servers called "Winkies?" Maybe a patch over the left eye could have a different meaning than over the right eye. Japanese men could feel inferior if they bought into the same ridiculous belief that women have after seeing the women in the picture. We are what we are. Accept it.

0 ( +12 / -11 )

3rd on right front has to be like 5'9 with the longest legs... second photo. Jesus she is a knockout but Hooters?

0 ( +4 / -4 )

ben4shortJun. 04, 2012 - 06:13AM JST Is Japan ever going to realize that smaller breasts are infinitely more feminine and sexy than the in-your-face blobs >(whether natural or artificial) worshiped in the West? Another myth the Japanese have sadly bought into.

Maybe when the entire world does?

6 ( +11 / -5 )

Second photo with the six of them lined up in one row - wow!

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Gee thanks Japan Today! I now know where to go for my soft porn in the morning. The double entendre caption is oh so clever too!

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

Is this really news?

2 ( +9 / -7 )

intelligent folk from this site.


19 ( +23 / -4 )

Hooters Ginza is on the 2F of the Ginza Aeon Ichi Go Kan building near Yamada Denki. See you there!

0 ( +4 / -4 )

pay 1600 yen for a hamburger to look at boobs? no thanks

11 ( +18 / -7 )

Maybe when the entire world does?

Ossan most of the "entire world" believes in god; most of the entire world worships money; most of the entire (Western) world is overweight and over-consumptive . . . just goes to show you the values and aesthetics of the entire world you are so enamored of.

-11 ( +5 / -16 )

If you ask for a double entendre at the bar, will they give you one?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Is Japan ever going to realize that smaller breasts are infinitely more feminine and sexy than the in-your-face blobs (whether natural or artificial) worshiped in the West?

Yeah, right. Because every man I have ever met has said to me "Wow, OMG, I wish your boobs were smaller!" (not!)

7 ( +12 / -5 )

Wow, funniest picture ever. The girls in the back look so down. It's not really a group shot is it? There are winners and there are losers when it comes to endowment. I'm guessing the line-up in the back are the real workers.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

A total non sequitur, OMG.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

To be fair, humongous breasts really ARE a turn-off. Especially when you see them before the huge blue veins are air-brushed out of the pictures. I prefer them "medium". Size 2 or 3 in European sizes.

Not sure how well they do in Japan, but the Hooters Girls in America do fairly well once the tips are figured in. Japan doesn't really go for tipping, so the job may not pay as well there.

10 ( +14 / -4 )

Justina_JapanJUN. 04, 2012 - 07:52AM JST

Is this really news?

No it's NOT, but since this is a foreign guy dominated website, they gotta throw a "bone" at them once in a while, you know, just to keep them coming. lol

2 ( +11 / -8 )

hooters, breasts, and pornstars are top news in Japan today. Really says something about the country

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

I see no wings in this picture.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

I really don't know what is so special about hooters.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Readers, please stay on topic. The subject is Hooters. Posts that do not focus on Hooters will be removed.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

It looks like all six of the girls up front in this picture are trainers. A gold name tag designates a "Corporate Trainer" and every store has to have at least one corporate trainer to train any new-hires. Looks like the Ginza store has at least two.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

The three girls standing at back and the center front girl are American trainers. The girl at front left is a Japanese trainer, while the girl at front right is Miss Hooters Japan 2012.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Ah. I wonder why Miss Hooters Japan 2012 isn't wearing her nametag? With all those corporate trainers around her, she should be getting chewed-out for not being in uniform.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Great photo to turn off women and intelligent folk from this site.

Is one exclusive of the other?

I'm guessing the trainees are the slouching mouthbreathers at the back of the picture?

Usually, your wit is clever.

I hope they pay a decent wage. Without tips, it lets a lot of the air out of the balloon...

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Back in the barrio, never heard of this word hooters, not until I went off to UC Santa Barbara and my Anglo friends, room mates etc...were salivating all over themselves and yelling stuff like, DUDE, check them hooters out, etc..and me being from the East Side finally understood what the White kids were all excited about, oh, BOOBS?? Chi chis, te tas etc..as we call them on the other side of town, oppai, mune on this side of the Pacific, but call them what you will, I LOVE THEM!!! Thanks JT!! You made this a happy Monday and now since my friend hooked me up with WI FI all over my house, well I will show JT to my English students and all of these lovely pictures too, but use it for my English class...Let's see how many words are there in English for...

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

I really don't know what is so special about hooters.


If I have to explain it to you, you would probably prefer to attend a Chippendale's show.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Trainess at back of picture look better than the ones they chose to represent the brand....

1 ( +3 / -2 )

from 4th comment: JohhnyGlitterball

this made me laugh: "....intelligent folk from this site."

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Went to a "Hooters" in the USA with my guy. The food was better than expected but there is a premium for the view. Well gentlemen it this is what you enjoy. I do not see what the big deal could be.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Nice pic JT Do they provide hooter shooters? I'll have one please

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Wow... very classy, JT, especially with that caption...

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

How is the food? Costs? Any male waiters at hooters?

0 ( +5 / -5 )

jumpultimatestars: "Could you imagine if you had to resort to this to earn your money in life? I bet they're all real proud, lol."

Why shouldn't they be proud? They get a pretty penny for doing little besides showing off their lovely bodies (and not in the buff, either) to old geezers who'll come to the place JUST to drool over them. I'm sure they get more than their fair share of lewd comments and probably gropes (for which there are pretty strong bouncers who'll throw the customers out or worse!), but it's not like they're starring in porn. It's amusing to see people come on this site and deride a beautiful young woman who WILLINGLY takes on a job like this and poses for pics and claim she's somehow been forced into a life of abuse at the bottom of the barrel. I would imagine a lot of the ladies who work at Hooters are just trying to earn some extra, easy money for college or to help ends meet. Similar comments were made when Ebi-chan donned a special flight attendant's uniform for a promotional ANA flight the other day. On the contrary to many such opinions, I think it's the women here who make the men look like asses -- all these girls do is show a little skin, and the men will fork over their wallets.

Anyway, the two Ginza girls blow away their American counterparts by FAR in my books.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

How is the food? Costs? Any male waiters at hooters?

(Giving my review of American Hooters, not Japan's)

The food will vary considerably depending on who's behind the grill. One day things are done perfectly, and the next you'll wonder if they ever had held a spatula before in their life.

Costs are about average UNLESS you buy beer along with your meal, then the costs rise considerably. (Beer is their main money-maker)

There are no "Hooters Guys". Guys can work in the kitchen or management but the "front" of the store is otherwise ruled by women. Some guy tried suing Hooters of America a decade or so ago claiming discrimination because he couldn't wait tables, but he lost the suit. The courts said that the "Hooters Girl" was a core corporate entity much in the same way that a Playboy Bunny was core to the Playboy International corporation.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Anyway, the two Ginza girls blow away their American counterparts by FAR in my books.

I have to agree except for maybe the one in the back-middle. The back-row bleached blondes and the trainer front and center are too proud of their push-up bras. Looking like you have grapefruits implanted just under the skin is NOT natural-looking, ladies.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

i can feel the summer heat! hot hot hot!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

this is very sad because again america has tented the view on women. as these sex objects and nothing else. the american way of things has a very negative impact on the world. it's sat that i'm an american and i feel this way. pictures like these make us women seem like sluts and trash. it has been proven that bigger breasts are more attractive than small ones but that only when the women knows how to dress. a picture is no attractive in the since that they are purposefully flaunting their breasts, a proper women would show settle hints and not flaunt. images like this give respectable women a bad name. and it needs to stop. i think hooters needs to change and quick. JT please don't post things like this again....

-11 ( +6 / -16 )

Posts that do not focus on Hooters will be removed.

Words to live by.

9 ( +8 / -1 )

images like this give respectable women a bad name

Don't hate them because they're beautiful.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

this is very sad because again america has tented the view on women. as these sex objects and nothing else. the american way of things has a very negative impact on the world. it's sat that i'm an american and i feel this way. pictures like these make us women seem like sluts and trash. it has been proven that bigger breasts are more attractive than small ones but that only when the women knows how to dress. a picture is no attractive in the since that they are purposefully flaunting their breasts, a proper women would show settle hints and not flaunt. images like this give respectable women a bad name. and it needs to stop. i think hooters needs to change and quick. JT please don't post things like this again....

First of all it's sad that I'm an American and I have to do this: has tainted the view...; as these ARE sex objects...; a picture is not attractive in the sense that...; would show subtle hints. I won't touch the punctuation or the lack of capital letters at the beginning of the sentences.

Now let's address the body of the post. These pictures of women do not make women "seem like sluts". They have more clothing on than 90 of the women at any beach. Do you call all the women at the beach "sluts"? Any man that goes into a Hooters and expects to date, much less go home with one of the servers is in for a rude awakening. They do not give their bodies to the customers. About the only thing they'll do is drape an arm around your shoulder. If you try to do the same you will find out quickly that you have crossed the line. I would like to see documentation to back-up your claim that it has been "proven" that bigger breasts are more attractive than smaller ones. Attractiveness, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder and some people - like me - are not attracted to huge mounds of fat with big blue veins coursing through it. I'd ask for your definition of a "proper" woman, but I'm afraid it would be a subjective reply. There are some people who think a "proper" woman is only so when she is barefoot and in the kitchen. Hardly a view held by the majority. And finally, what, exactly, is it that makes this photo give "respectable" women (another subjective judgement) a bad name?

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Nice photo! As NetNinja mentioned earlier, love how it's more like a winners and losers photo than a group shot. Atlanta is looking good though! Wish they also posted a shot of the chicken. Been meaning to try the Buffalo wings after hearing all the hype about them. Are they served in normal US sized portions? Or have they been reduced to Japanese sized servings?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Oh! And one more thing, to all the haters, LGBT's, jihadists, and feminists out there whingeing about this article. Like almost everything else in life, you have a CHOICE. That's right! You can CHOOSE whether or not to go to this establishment. Don't like it? Don't go. It's that simple. While I'm EXTREMELY happy there isn't a male waiter only restaurant where they wear SPEEDOs (which by the way is a LOT less than what these women are wearing), if there was one, I'd simply not go, unless of course their food was just that good that I'd have to go and have a taste. And for the record, I have more respect for a woman who is proud of her body, than one that complains about other women being proud of theirs.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

JT, this was a good lighthearted article that I wish you posted more of. Its nice not having all depressing and anger instigating news for a change. Nice play on words with the title too.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Been meaning to try the Buffalo wings after hearing all the hype about them. Are they served in normal US sized portions? Or have they been reduced to Japanese sized servings?

The wings are quite good in the States, but avoid the "Medium" wings as they are tossed in an oily mayonnaise sauce. The hotter sauces have less oil, it seems. I recommend "Daytona" style if they offer it in Japan. Daytona is naked wings (no breading) deep fried, then tossed on the grill with barbecue sauce. As for quantities, here's the Tokyo menu:


0 ( +1 / -1 )

Good to hear hooters opening more stores, it's good to keep abreast of the latest news.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Correction: here's the menu: http://www.hooters.co.jp/img/menu/t_grand_big.jpg (JT was converting the underscores on either side of "grand" to italics code)

0 ( +1 / -1 )


These pictures of women do not make women "seem like sluts". They have more clothing on than 90 of the women at any beach. Do you call all the women at the beach "sluts"? Any man that goes into a Hooters and expects to date, much less go home with one of the servers is in for a rude awakening. They do not give their bodies to the customers. About the only thing they'll do is drape an arm around your shoulder. If you try to do the same you will find out quickly that you have crossed the line.I would like to see documentation to back-up your claim that it has been "proven" that bigger breasts are more attractive than smaller ones. Attractiveness, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder and some people - like me - are not attracted to huge mounds of fat with big blue veins coursing through it. I'd ask for your definition of a "proper" woman, but I'm afraid it would be a subjective reply. There are some people who think a "proper" woman is only so when she is barefoot and in the kitchen. Hardly a view held by the majority. And finally, what, exactly, is it that makes this photo give "respectable" women (another subjective judgement) a bad name?

Excellent post. Those are the words of a real man right there. I was right when I said there are plenty of men who aren't obsessed with such irrelevant stuff. There is NO way I'm gonna date a certain person just because of her/his physical measurements. Character and Personality matters a lot more IMHO.

That said, the ladies featured in this picture are very very pretty. Wishing them best of luck!

-3 ( +3 / -5 )

Wow. The menu says that a 10% "service charge" will be applied to all orders. And I thought tipping was frowned upon in Japan!

0 ( +4 / -4 )


Readers, please stay on topic. The subject is Hooters. Posts that do not focus on Hooters will be removed.

Hooters with a capital H only?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

They have more clothing on than 90 of the women at any beach.

Gah! I read, and I RE-read, and I STILL miss stuff! That should obviously read "90% of the women at any beach".

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

That is not tipping.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Never went to Hooters, probably never will. Not my style. I don't mind people going, but I do mind them pretending things are not what they were even after they have left. These women are also actresses as I have been saying about porn actors. Its acting for the most part. Few women are actually happy to serve random men while flaunting their bodies and enduring the leering and stupid comments that come from men who have begun to think only with the little head (not all, but too many).

I respect these women because psychologically their job is not easy. I don't mind that their work is to be sex objects as well as waitresses. I mind that men have a hard time as seeing them as anything more than sex objects even after they have left the fantasy of Hooters. If the women in back don't look happy, its probably because they aren't. Can't blame them.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

The ones in the back have small Hooters....

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

LOL@ everyone's comments revealing the 3 Kleshas.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

@ Fadamor

Thanks for your recommendations and the link! Might have to finally give it a try this month. Glad they decided to open in Shinbashi. Much more accessible.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Ashley Cokes You'll find that American women are treated with more respect and equality than many countries in the world. This includes Japan. Compared to many Japanese businesses Hooters is a convent. Also i guarantee that Hooters in Japan will have to change to japanese standards which means rules against sexual harassment will be far more lenient than the US.

Also, Hooters in America hires women based on the stereotypical american cheerleader look. This doesnt include breast size. There are many Hooters where the waitresses have little to no breast. Hooters is not selling these women. These women are selling the brand. So yes they are chosen based on their appearance, but in a way that is probably less offensive than magazine models.

Most importantly these women know very well what their contracts say. These women like their jobs. Anyone who feels comfortable and confident enough to get a job like this, more power to them i say. If you dont like what they do, DONT GO OR AVOID NEWS about them. Also in todays economy, a job is a JOB.

That said, I'm from Atlanta but i have never been to a Hooters. Heard the food taste bad and I'm a butt man, and usually Hooters is always lacking in that department. lol

6 ( +7 / -1 )

this is very sad because again america has tented the view on women. as these sex objects and nothing else. the american way of things has a very negative impact on the world. it's sat that i'm an american and i feel this way. pictures like these make us women seem like sluts and trash. it has been proven that bigger breasts are more attractive than small ones but that only when the women knows how to dress. a picture is no attractive in the since that they are purposefully flaunting their breasts, a proper women would show settle hints and not flaunt. images like this give respectable women a bad name. and it needs to stop. i think hooters needs to change and quick. JT please don't post things like this again....

That is a laughable statement coming from Japan the control that invented Soapland, has porn on the racks at convenience stores next to children's books and sex toy vending machines all over the countryside. Seriously a little bit of cleavage at Hooters is hardly objectionable.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Best breasts and wings in town

Breasts yes, wings not so much.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The real problem with the idea of sexual objectification of women is that without it, our ancestors would have failed to procreate. There is nothing wrong with objectification of women unless that is all a man can do. A civilized man can see both the human and the sex object at the same time.

Seriously a little bit of cleavage at Hooters is hardly objectionable.

Compared to other things both here in Japan and abroad, absolutely. Seriously, no reason to beat up Japan or America overall. Its small pockets of men with problems who are the problem.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Compared to other things both here in Japan and abroad, absolutely. Seriously, no reason to beat up Japan or America overall. Its small pockets of men with problems who are the problem.

Agreed, I was merely pointing out the poster ripping on America and their statement about Americas lack of morals

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Definitely better to have beautiful women serve you than have grubby looking bent back obachans serving you in gumboots.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

hooters, breasts, and pornstars are top news in Japan today. Really says something about the country

says something about american businesses in japan in the american news in japan and corporate america's infiltration and attempted undermining of the social fabric of japan....

hooters aims to make a spectacle of breasts in a dinning establishment.

it manages to conflate eating and sex in a debased consumerism, typical corporate america pathos.

that said, i suppose that these girls are happy to have a job.

if i were a fan of american corporate consumerism, i wouldn't be in japan.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

, it would seem to teach women that the way to success through exploiting their sexual assets.

Why not? We all use our assets to make money. I guarantee most of these girls do have to do some work to be beautiful. Its not like they just sit there in a heap.

I agree with you that its funny to criticize Japan for an American business though!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Not that my gender or orientation should matter for credibility, but as a straight man I'm saying that working a job like that seems incredibly pathetic to me. I have no problem with the view (seriously they don't even show as much cleavage as they could or as many would wish), or morals (because it was their own choice and humans are sexual creatures). However, I do find them pathetic and boring. Ambitions much? Preying on sexuality is hardly an accomplishment. Every moment that we live should be a move toward what we want to become, our ideal self. Money alone is useless if the life it's supporting is as superficial and flimsy as Joan Rivers' latest nose job.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Where are the wings?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

what a ridiculously sophomoric title.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

It is Hooters' slogan.

Nobody forces anybody to go to Hooter's etc..right? If you do not like Hooter's, you do not like pretty girls, ok food etc..well do not go, right?? If you are not a guy and you can not appreciate a nice pair of ta tas, stop wasting your time here, I mean on this topic about ta tas, oops about the best Wings and breasts in town over at Hooter's, as for me, I may just stop for a few cold ones!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Moderator says we gotta focus on Hooters.

Looking at that picture, I can't do anything else!

6 ( +6 / -0 )

JT where are our coupons for Hooters? :P

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I went to the one that opened last year. Totally lame. Only 1 or 2 girls who actually had any hooters to speak of. Juvenile behavior by the workers treating Japanese customers like schoolchildren while they played the role of kindergarten teacher. Two hour time limit to stay there!!??

Foreign dudes acting like they never seen a Japanese girl before and talking rude things out loud that ruined the atmosphere. I felt embarassed to even be there, because the girls think all guys in there are closet pervs. Luckily I made my gf go with me so I could try the food. Overpriced and not really very good. Been there, wont go again. And yeah the 10% "Service charge" is a tip- just calling it by another name.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

I'm very focused on hooters!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

says something about american businesses in japan in the american news in japan and corporate america's infiltration and attempted undermining of the social fabric of japan....

If there wasnt a market for it - they wouldnt be here! I dont see too many Japanese men complaining about this blatent attempt to undermine the social fabric of Japan....

0 ( +1 / -1 )

BTW - that social fabric would include ogling schoolgirls would it?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

"Luckily I made my gf go with me so I could try the food."

That's funny.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Blacklabel, that post of yours was too funny.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Is this really news?

No, "it's the picture of the day".

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Fried Pickles FTW!!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Matthew: "I really don't know what is so special about hooters"

You haven't been there, 'ave you?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Do they serve home grown Japanese chicks at J Hooters ? I don't like those imported stuff.....................

0 ( +2 / -2 )

This is a charming photograph. Deny that you like beautiful women and you deny your own loving nature. Anyway, thank you JT for keeping us abreast of Hooters's latest developments. The title is of course most appropriate. But there should have been a subtitle: "Thanks for the Mammaries."

I do absolutely agree that Hooters, true to its slogan, has "the best breasts and wings in town." Now if only they could improve their menu it would be a worthy place where to eat out.

Until Hooter offers better a cuisine I will nourish my basic instincts at better restaurants.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Bolt on breasts on the tall blonde on the left.

A bit too obvious.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

i need to go apologies to my eyes... no ones eyes should be subjected to this much orange in any one sitting.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

on the other hand, though hooters can be directly compared to soaplands and prostitution, it would seem to teach women that the way to success through exploiting their sexual assets.

I meant say say "can't" be directly compared...

To me hooters is a lame dumbed down cheap gimmic representative of the rather deplorable state of affairs in American society, so I don't appreciate seeing it here in Japan. The have their stupid maid cafes as it is...

Why not? We all use our assets to make money. I guarantee most of these girls do have to do some work to be beautiful. Its not like they just sit there in a heap.

Well, yeah, like I said, I'm sure some of these girls are just happy to have a job, but it seems somewhat demeaning that these girls are reduced to the level of having to basically agree to being exploited for their sexual characteristics to sell hamburgers or whatever.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

It is Hooters' slogan.

Hmmm. The slogan for Hooters in America is "Delightfully Tacky, Yet Unrefined." I'd say that just about sums-up how seriously they consider this whole discussion we're having. Hooters Corporation has been hearing these objections for decades, now, and they ignore them for the most part. Why? It's because the employees at Hooters aren't strippers, aren't prostitutes, and aren't going to date you unless they are REALLY interested in you. There are set standards for the uniforms that are rigidly controlled by Corporate. (Hence my question above as to why "Miss Hooters Japan" is not wearing her nametag.) Any variation in the defined uniforms deviates from the "corporate entity" and will get nipped in the bud. Any girl who tried to get more tips by showing more skin would not last long as an employee. They are all for the "wink wink, nudge nudge", but they will not tolerate going beyond that. From the time when it was just a single restaurant down in Clearwater, Florida they've had to deal with complaints about objectifying women, but the brand has flourished. I somehow think our discussions aren't going to change their corporate plans.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Not the best career choice in the world but the trainers are getting " PAID " plus free apartment, plane tickets and etc.


-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Not the best career choice in the world but the trainers are getting " PAID " plus free apartment, plane tickets and etc.

99% of the girls who work at Hooters aren't making it a career choice. They're working their way through college, for the most part, and then moving on to other jobs. The ones who ARE looking to make Hooters a career choice get groomed for management positions.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Don't know what the food is like but it looks like good clean fun to me. The girls look like they're think it's a lark too.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Miss Atlanta is therapeutic to behold. What a cracker. Ding Dong!

-1 ( +5 / -5 )

Never went to Hooters, probably never will. Not my style.

Fair enough. That's certainly your perogative. But...

I don't mind people going, but I do mind them pretending things are not what they were even after they have left. These women are also actresses as I have been saying about porn actors. Its acting for the most part. Few women are actually happy to serve random men while flaunting their bodies and enduring the leering and stupid comments that come from men who have begun to think only with the little head (not all, but too many).

That's pretty amazing, considering you've never set foot in one. You should at least go one time so that you can speak from experience rather than hearsay. Saying you've never been there then moaning about all the evils that go on there just makes you sound uninformed.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Actually. I recommend going after the restaurant has been there a year or so. Early on, the restaurant gets a lot of the guys you describe, but they all taper off once they realize that it really IS just a restaurant and not a hostess club.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

YESS!!!! busty beautifull asains!! ;)

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

i'm hungry for wings all of a sudden

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Awesome, a thread full of MEN explaining why Hooters is actually a pro-woman establishment (and failing). It's pretty gross how all the comments who suggest that we shouldn't support objectifying women's bodies get voted down. Thanks JT for supporting the objectification of women, complete with tagline.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

"Best Breasts and Wings in Town" might be a Hooters slogan but it is a Fowl one... American's prefer beefier slogans.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Breasts, wings, legs...... I love'em all if they come with a beer..... talking about chicken of course.

Anyways, a couple of things I noticed after checking out the menu on the website:

1) "A 10% percent service charge will be added to your bill" is written at the bottom of the menu.... I hate this statement. I know it's meant for Japanese people who don't know the tipping culture, but I will decide whether or not the service was worth tipping or not.... is that too much to ask?

2) I didn't see any chicken breasts on the menu, so I'm thinking.... JT, shouldn't you be changing that headline?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

1) "A 10% percent service charge will be added to your bill" is written at the bottom of the menu.... I hate this statement. I know it's meant for Japanese people who don't know the tipping culture, but I will decide whether or not the service was worth tipping or not.... is that too much to ask?

I asked the moderator after he stated it "wasn't tipping", what it was for then? Instead of answering, the mod deleted my question.

2) I didn't see any chicken breasts on the menu, so I'm thinking.... JT, shouldn't you be changing that headline?

Nope. Headline is fine. Check the menu again under "Sandwiches". The Buffalo Chicken sandwich and the grilled chicken sandwich both use chicken breasts.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Awesome, a thread full of MEN explaining why Hooters is actually a pro-woman establishment (and failing).

Well if they're not amateurs, they must be pro women; QED.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Awesome, a thread full of MEN explaining why Hooters is actually a pro-woman establishment (and failing).

Wow. Somebody actually said it was a "pro-women" establishment? I've never made that claim. I've only said it was a restaurant.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

^_^Jun. 04, 2012 - 10:55PM JST That picture just reaffirms that I will never spend any of my money at Hooters. When I go out to eat, it's almost always as a family. I have a 14 year old son and an 11 year old daughter. I don't want him thinking that female exploitation is the status quo and I don't want my daughter to think that growing up and using her body to get a shitty job is a legitimate option for her. Hooters just sends a bad message about women and I don't want my kids exposed to that.

It's not for everybody. Most Hooters have servers and bartenders that are good to customers. Hooters is a great place to go after work or day off to watch sports events and you can watch MLB, NFL, NHL, NBA and most college games day and night. Some of the bartenders and servers can talk about any subject with the best of them. Just be respectful. Pleasantly good appetizer with cold beer makes this place cozy and welcoming for people that want to relax and enjoy the game.

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Interesting. The Ginza menu is different than the Tokyo menu. You can order steak at the Tokyo restaurant, but not at the Ginza restaurant.

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Please note there are only two restaurants - one at Akasakamitsuke and the new one at Ginza (actually Shimbashi).

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@Fadamor You can´t have eaten at many japanese restaurants;) There are quite many restaurants which has service charges or some other kind of charges.

And about Hooters, well i like breasts, but when i go out to eat, its about the food and the company, and could not care less about the looks of the staff.

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Nope. Headline is fine. Check the menu again under "Sandwiches". The Buffalo Chicken sandwich and the grilled chicken sandwich both use chicken breasts.

Ah, I stand corrected.

And as far as the 10% 'Service Charge' goes, whether it's tipping or not, and whether other restaurants in Japan do that or not (btw, in Nagoya, it's usually only for large groups) is beside the point. It's deceiving and an insult to the customer.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

It's not for everybody. Most Hooters have servers and bartenders that are good to customers. Hooters is a great place to go after work or day off to watch sports events and you can watch MLB, NFL, NHL, NBA and most college games day and night. Some of the bartenders and servers can talk about any subject with the best of them. Just be respectful. Pleasantly good appetizer with cold beer makes this place cozy and welcoming for people that want to relax and enjoy the game.

Exactly. Nothing beats watching the NFL while eating those tasty wings..oh man! The beautiful servers are just a huge bonus!

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-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Notice how, if you move your head, the Hooters follow you.

You don't need to focus on them.

The Hooters are focused on you!

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I don't see the message condmening me for commenting about Hooters patrons without having actually gone there. Oh, well, I will respond anyway. There are plenty of people commenting about Hooters and its patrons here to get an idea. I also have an idea who here is trustable and who are flakes. I also have knowledge of men in general (being one and engaging in plenty of "man talk" with others) and also knowledge of similar establishments though mostly second hand. And I have the life experience to know that when I go there, I probably won't be surprised by anything.

And thus I still have no desire to go and I am still sure its not my style.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Can't believe the amount of puritanical nonsense coming from "men" in the comments.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

120 posts for Hooters? Amazing! Japan is a cash cow. Hooters will massage your wallets, for sure!!

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Hey, jumpultimatestars, that's how Amy Adams (actress in Enchanted, etc) got her start (just the first person to come to mind). I know a few women who also worked their way through post- grad studies, successfully, I will add, who worked at Hooters. They're people just like you (well, maybe not) and me. And they had no complaints about loss of dignity and working at a popular franchise to support whoever they have to support in order to get ahead.

Consider at least that they aren't looking to be on the public dole or working in the more seedy lines of work that abound around the planet. Get to know a few of these people and see for yourself. It isn't a strip club, it's a fun restaurant for some people, and they treat their employees pretty well compared to a lot of other places. I'm sure there are complaints, as there are with every other enterprise, but these places don't have Hugh Heffner's din of iniquity or that former Nova CEO's office hidden "love trap".

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Well my gay "female" friends like hooters and any establishment with attractive servers....sounds like for Japan the food is better than here. We don't go any more as the food is crap. To all the people that go on about the degrading to women stuff give me a break. If it wasn't for the ogling of women by the men of the species we would be extinct... If they opened an equivalent restaurant here with well built men in thongs and bow ties it would be even more successful than hooters. I don't think Japan has strip clubs but the ones that cater to women are absolute MAD houses unlike the ones I would go to where we just enjoy a beer and the view.

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(We'll be reading many of your comments in our podcast called the JPOD (available on this website.)

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