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Using glamorous faces to sell the product. So last century.
...True. but you will have to pay a hellava lot of tax on your risky investment when it comes to cashing in your chips.
And is there "anything" that girl wont lend her face to?
Dango bong
good luck with your bitcoin, suckers
Maybe Rola thought this was an ad for replica manhole covers?
$8,000, time to buy?
Right. Lets advertise a crypto currency that has had security and hacking issues causing doubt amongst potential investors, with a TV star who is also well known for her fathers fraudulent scheme on health insurance.
my previous estimate was bitcoin at below $500. new estimate all coins will drop below $100 before end of year
Contrarian indicator?
Someone should ask if Rola was paid in bitcoin for this. Somehow I doubt it.
That's correct.
That's incorrect.
Kim Jong Unfollow
"A huge advertisement for Bitcoin trading is displayed near a train station in Tokyo. Despite the big heist from Tokyo-based virtual currency exchange Coincheck Inc last week, cryptocurrency exchanges that trade bitcoins and other virtual currencies are getting popular in Japan."
Am I missed something here? This is a description of a random billboard on any street. Where's the story? How is this... I can't even. Done.
Just mine it!