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Japanese bodybuilders flex their muscles during a regional bodybuilding competition this week in Tokyo. A total of 116 male and female bodybuilders took part in the competition hosted at Kita Topia hall.

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Out of a 116 participants, I know there has to be a better picture of 'muscle' than this.

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The ones on the left and right look as if they have diarrhea.

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I humbly take Guy #5...YUMMY! Dude #7 reminds of my best friend. He's a 184cm "statue" with pure muscle.(and yes, he's a local)LOL

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The one on the far right of the photo looks so optimistic and... fit XD. He looks very nice! No.5 looks good, too... The one between them looks like Huey Lewis (without the News). No.7, I dunno... I still prefer the guy on the far right =D.

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I think this one is waaay better than the previous one they had up. I'm not big on bodybuilding, but I do like at least keeping athletic and well muscled is better than being obese or too thin.

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Anyone know the age requirements for this event? If this is a true indication of what "bodybuilders" look like in Japan, I would be tempted to enter my elder son, a junior high student, whose physique would put these chaps to shame.

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AH, beefcake for the gals (and for some of the guys!)! They deserve it. It's their turn.

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I remember last years shot on JT..... muscle & fitness is a rare in Japan hands down. Just think of the typical guy you see here on stage with his milky white toneless body doing this. Cheers to these guys. Wonder how heavy these guys get?

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I wish they ran a photo of the female contestants.

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timborder, usually they say it's not recommended to work with weights before 16. these guys are probably from a lower weight class, and they are well conditioned, even if more muscle mass won't do them bad. however, bodybuilding became a freak show of oversized, drugs-pumped huge muscles, I hope in time it will come back to the standards of proportion and definition, and the steroids will be severely banned and punished

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Wonder if thier docs tell them they're "metabo" ;)

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timborder, usually they say it's not recommended to work with weights before 16. these guys are probably from a lower weight class, and they are well conditioned, even if more muscle mass won't do them bad. however, bodybuilding became a freak show of oversized, drugs-pumped huge muscles, I hope in time it will come back to the standards of proportion and definition, and the steroids will be severely banned and punished

True- I started pumpin iron at 14 during the 80s tough guy boom.... my twin didnt, and he is 1.5 inches taller : ( ...However he is a porker now and I am the same size as 20 years old.

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yes! Beefcake for a change!

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yes! Beefcake for a change!

Yes, I agree that thier should be more pics for the ladies on this site....BUT.....these guys just took the "BEEF" out of cake....or.... took the 'building' out of body. LOL

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At least there are no roids in Japan.

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Pictures of men for a change! No. 5 looks pretty good. No. 7 needs a haircut. The other two.... not my type.

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They are all a bunch of nuggets except for No. 7, who appears to be snapping a nugget.

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I checked out the link on Nippon News and they had a link to more pictures. But, none of the ladies only men. Ladies, I guess this one is for you today.

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I see scrawny, whimsy, hosts do these poses on street corners in Umeda every Friday night.

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These guys are cut but not very muscular. Apparently, too much tofu in their diet.

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now JT is fair! ^^,

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While it's nice to see men for a change I wish the guys were better looking.

7 isn't too bad though.
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YuriOtani at 09:41 AM JST - 9th June

yes! Beefcake for a change! Ok, now I'm confused, are you boy or girl? :/ I always thought you are a female, Yuri, if so..then we have some good eye candy in that picture posted by JT. I'm girl :D

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Wow that beats the bimbos. Great definition and obvious reward for hard work.

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@gogogo: No roids in Japan? Tell that to Kiyohara Kazuhiro and Nagabuchi Tsuyoshi. Those two are definitely on roids!

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No roids in Japan?

There are plenty in Japan, and relatively easy to get...if you now where to look. But, I guarantee these guys aren't on roids, fat burners and diuretics maybe, but not roids.

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lol no roids in japan...ur a newb for sure..

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I vote for number five. Although it's tough to see as, they are all in different poses.

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Sorry, no to all four..... I like my men to look like men, not caricatures of Conan the Barbarian.

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Just grotesque !

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The Winston Smokes ad guy could beat all these blokes up - while still puffing on a delicious Winston!

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its the annual mr constipation contest

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5 is way to veiny but he does have a nice 6-pack. Not a face to drool over though. 7 has some nice abs but that look of constipation just throws it all off.

The guy on the right looks like he may have a sense of humor as well as some nice thigh muscles. I really need them to turn around so I can get a look at their gluteus maximus. Then I can pick a winner. :)

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Narcisism at its best. Or maybe worst. Depends on your point of view. I think prefer not to see this. Looks... well... wrong.

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Well well, look at all the negative comments from the men. No surprise there, now is there?

The guys look great and need to be respected for being able to train and diet the way they do to get those bodies.

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Mmmmmm none of them look so bad to me.. do i really need to choose? since everyone else is choosing.. i guess i would pick either the smiling choujin on the far right, or 7.. or 5. Eep i have chosen in reverse ne? i only choose the 1 i would want last! lol

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i luvs beefcake.

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This guys look awesome. This is what bodybuilders should look like (in my opinion), not insanely big like Mr. Olympia but lean and cut.

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totally agree, Garthgoyle. girls, for more eyecandy for you, check out the most successful Japanese bodybuilder to date: Hidetada Yamagishi

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They got the most interesting muscles covered up...

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Great bodies, but funny and hilarious, almost comedic faces. There's actually a hot chick on the left that wanna impress.

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(and yes, he's a local)LOL

must be a midget with a grin in that case

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gag i am happy with my skinny husband over this. I see guys like this at my gym all the time, not as muscular but building their muscles up waaay to much and walking around in shirts too tight for them or with the sleeves cut off. Several are Brazilian but there are stuff the Japanese guys buffing up too. Guuuhaaag haha.

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Imagine the hours those guys spend working and the money they spend on supplements.

Hope they are single as I think that time would be better spend with family.

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Well, j.men it is a matter of taste, but these on picture are ugly by definition

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"I wish they ran a photo of the female contestants"

Not me. I like fit women, but not women bodybuilders with bodies like men.

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This is awesome, I once strived for a body like that, but could not make the sacrafices.

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They look good, they're obviously in much better condition and fitter than most of the guys in their gyms or anywhere else. Kudos to them! Why do people always have to find some reason to bitch about others improving themselves?

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I am beyond the days of a well-toned firm body, used to have one in my younger days.

Back than I spend hoursw a day doing MA, weights, etc. Now I am just to relaxed to get the butt off the sofa.

The guys in the pics are not that big, most bodybuilders will drop their BFI really low like 6~8% for a competition but will be more flabby rest of the time.

As for being fit, not sure about their stamina, flexibility, etc as those are also part of the fitness level.

One of my bosses had a beer-gut and a few pounds too many but did Iron-man, etc competitions.

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You don't have to be a heavyweight to be a body builder.

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These guys have nothing on the rest of international bodybuilding scene, but then again, these guys are probably how the human body should look if one lifts weights heavy and eats right WITHOUT juicing up on loads of steroids (as apposed to much of the 'international bodybuilding scene', buncha juicers).

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I like the n°7 !!

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I'm a gal and I totally approve this photograph!

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By their expressions they all look like they are terribly constipated

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