Japan Today
picture of the day



Crowds gathers outside the White House in Washington early Monday to celebrate after President Barack Obama announced the death of Osama bin Laden.

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Naive fools. They actually think something has changed.

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Naive fools. They actually think something has changed.

The only thing that will change is a political commerical for the next election. I am sure that this scene will be one of many during the next campaign, along with the pictures showing high gas prices.

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Weird scene. They act like their team just won the Super Bowl. Do they realize how many more lives, including possibly some of their own, may be snuffed out in a future terrorist attack?

I shed no tears for bin Laden, but celebrating anyone's death like that is bizarre.

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Agree Willi. Perhaps I'm too much of a moralist but celebrating in this manner leaves me feeling uneasy. It reminds me of athletes who, after scoring, go overboard with some idiotic dance.

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What a bunch of morons <Period>

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Hope and Change that I definitely can believe in!

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Is it just me or does this look like someone just Photoshopped a group of Spring Break Yahoos into the foreground with the Whitehouse (on a normal quiet night)?

At 1AM local time in DC it was 14c so do you really think that most those girls in that picture would be wearing JUST t-shirts?!? Something's just not right with this picture...

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Brought together in jubilation by the death of their opponent.

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Oh and if you really want to spawn the next nutter terroist then this is exactly what you do to have that image burn into the next hater's mind. Not the brightest thing to do. This isn't some sporting event that you just won... this is your way of life and some other group's way of life and their's is to take away your freedom so is it really that wise to taunt them into fighting that much harder to take it away from you?

I would quietly thank those that ended this nutters reign and move on with my life not trying to draw more attention.

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I shed no tears for bin Laden, but celebrating anyone's death like that is bizarre.

smartacus -- really. Did you feel the same way when folks in the Arab world took to the streets and celebrated 9/11? Or how about when the insurgents in Iraq paraded around with the corpses of U.S. service men? I bet not. IMO these folks have every right to celebrate a man responsible for the death of nearly 3,000 innocent people. Just wish I was there to join them.

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I know this is hard for some of you to comprehend. This was a point that had to be proved. If you come after America we will come after you and no matter how long it takes, we'll hunt you down. It might be just one guy but it doesn't matter. America will find you.

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Party Time! Wish I could be there - I reckon this will be the biggest nationwide street party the US has ever seen - and everyone is invited! Unbridled elation - and who can blame them? This evil man wanted each and every American dead, and now - thankfully - good has prevailed over evil. Well done America - you guys have saved the world from one of history's worst terrorists. PARTY ON!

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Its not photoshopped, I was watching the US news bradcast as they were waiting for Obama to announce it, and you would literally watch the crowd multiply, it was weird to watch as they were singning the Star-spangled-banner and all, but I guess they thing the wars will be over, like it was all about bin Laden, not the oil!

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At 1AM local time in DC it was 14c so do you really think that most those girls in that picture would be wearing JUST t-shirts?!? Something's just not right with this picture...

I was watching this on CNN, people were coming dressed just like they are in the picture. Springtime in DC has some nice mild days, but judging from the looks of this crowd, these are probably Georgetown and other universities that are still out after going through finals.

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GW Bush said the USA wanted bin Laden "dead or alive"--it's great that it was DEAD!

Who gives a hoot what the Muslim world thinks as America celebrates. Americans celebrated V.E. and V.J. day in the same way. World War II makes this current war look like a traffic stop in comparison. Americans will always defend our economic and national interests.

Europe and Japan aren't willing to defend freedom. Congratulations Navy SEALS!!!!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Hey "lonebeagle" read up on your facts. WWII the U.S. sold weapons and did not get involved until it was attacked... Canada the neighbour to the north was fight in Europe long before the yanks showed up... you know "Jonhnny come late".

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To answer your naive question, yes, I was appalled when I saw people in Arab countries celebrating 9/11. I don't like to see anyone celebrate the death of another human being in any circumstance. It always upsets me. It's not a right, as you put it. I still say the sort of frenzied celebration we see in the photo is bizarre. A temporary loss of reason is how I would describe it.

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Killing Bin Laden would not change Al-Qaeda much now that it's so fragmented and independent from each other. (And it's definitely him - the US special ops brought the body with them, and a President of the US wouldn't announce it himself unless the US is 100% sure.)

However, this brings joy to all of America. Bin Laden is a figurehead; someone the US vowed to go after for 9/11; an example that nobody could attack America like that and ever get away with it. It's a huge symbolic victory.

It's past midnight in America, and the spontaneous celebrations are still growing, in front of the White House, at Ground Zero in NYC, even among rival sports fans in the baseball stadium between heated rivals Phillies vs Mets. It's been awhile since all of the US could celebrate on a good news. The world celebrated after Hitler and Mussolini; let America celebrate.

The 10th Anniversary of 9/11 this coming September would not be a completely somber one.

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Americans celebrated V.E. and V.J. day in the same way.

America and Americans will be making a big mistake if they think this event equals victory. America should be congratulated for getting the job done...but America also needs to keep its ego from clouding reality.

This is a good step...but it is a step.

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Wow, this whole weekend is one celebration after another.

From the Royal Wedding to Pope John Paul II at the Vatican to this now.

The World couldn't get enough of the party.

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So I guess this means the "War on Terror" is over!

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Nope, just a symbolic victory, but a huge victory nonetheless.

All the Americans celebrating realize that too.

But ya can celebrate victories, not just the final one.

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Absolutely sickening. I don't care who the man was -- and he was without a doubt among the worst (if not THE worst) scum on the planet -- you don't go out and celebrate a person's murder with parades and fireworks or what have you.

The only thing I hope is that with the man's death that radicals take a step back and think about their cause (and not just Islamic radicals, either, but any), and those who 'celebrate' this do so also (has it made us better? Will things change?). People want revenge, I understand, but this kind of bloodlust and frenzy isn't really saying much for ourselves.

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"Europe and Japan aren't willing to defend freedom".

Typical US arrogance! Enjoy your fries.

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Absolutely sickening. I don't care who the man was -- and he was without a doubt among the worst (if not THE worst) scum on the planet -- you don't go out and celebrate a person's murder with parades and fireworks or what have you.

You know what? I'm pretty sure my grandparents partied on the streets of England upon hearing of Hitlers death - and considering the terror he wreaked - who could blame them? Same with these people - remember a lot of them have lost loved ones, neighbours etc because of this terrorist. We may not understand their raw emotions - but we cannot tell them what they are doing is wrong.

I only wish I was there to buy them a beer!

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The world celebrated after Hitler and Mussolini; let America celebrate.

We'll probably never know the exact time the trigger was pulled, but wouldn't it be poetic justice if he was killed on 30 April, the same date Hitler died.

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Absolutely sickening. I don't care who the man was -- and he was without a doubt among the worst (if not THE worst) scum on the planet -- you don't go out and celebrate a person's murder with parades and fireworks or what have you.

Couldn't agree more. I'm glad that he's dead because it will bring closure to a lot of people and he can't terrorize anymore. But to party about it...

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Typical US arrogance! Enjoy your fries.

Oh, I must have missed the Europeans and Japanese sending their young men to defend democracy and freedom! Just like heroic NATO which has defended Western Democracy in the post-WWII world.

Or the Japanese people hiding behind the skirts of the American fleet and Air Force.

Just exactly who IS standing up for freedom in the world right now? China? Germany? France? Russia?

Americans aren't bragging or being cocky--we've already lost over 4000 soldiers in this present war and spent billions of dollars. Freedom is expensive. Except if you're from somewhere other than America.

Moderator: Back on topic please.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Apparently, Bin Laden's body was already been given a sea burial, within accordance of Islamic rituals, apparently to prevent anyone from recovering it.

Let the conspiracy theories begin!!!

(Is it really him?) (How did he really die?) (Are the documents showing proof forged?)

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We didn't MURDER bin Hiden--we KILLED him. He was an enemy of America. You can't murder a person who has waged war against a nation.

I hope Americans dance in the street for this entire week. It should be a reminder to everyone else in the world who wishes to destroy the modern Western world.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Yes this is a bizzare scene in front of the White House but I can understand the emotion they are feeling!

Bin Laden was a very evil man and it took over 10 years to take this single man down.

Most Americans are very patriotic and the picture above is a clear example. I'm always happy to see Americans rise the USA flag and be patriotic because I always believe they are the true defenders of freedom around the world.

It may have been better though if everyone just went home and raised the American Flag in front of the house to show national pride and have dinner with the family. But this is part of showing true patriotism.

The message is clear, if someone messes with America, they'll get em no matter how long it takes! Justice served.

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Apparently, Bin Laden's body was already been given a sea burial, within accordance of Islamic rituals, apparently to prevent anyone from recovering it.

Don't believe everything you read on the InterWebs.

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I am kind of sad seeing this. They look like barbarians.

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yea.. shame on them.

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I am kind of sad seeing this. They look like barbarians.

Barbarians? You obviously don't know anything about history. Did Americans act like "barbarians" when we conquered Japan? How did the Japanese react when they marched into town?

What about the Germans? Or the French? What about the Russians?

America doesn't even register on the scale when compared to everyone else.

The biggest barbarians in the world today are represented by bin Laden.

The free world has gone soft between the ears--the post WW II generations of Europe and Japan believe that "peace" is the natural state of the world. All you have to do is sing "Imagine" and we'll all live in harmony.

What a bunch naive dummies.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

it makes me want to vomit seeing these morons celebrate like 4th of July. I thought civilised behaviour was what seperated the 'great white west' from the 'barbaric muslims'. Yeeehaaw all you want, you're still idiots.

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Did you feel the same way when folks in the Arab world took to the streets and celebrated 9/11? Or how about when the insurgents in Iraq paraded around with the corpses of U.S. service men?

yeah, I was sickened then too. your point? you want to do the same?

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Barbarians? You obviously don't know anything about history.

What does history have to do with it? Love is commenting about this photo, and I have to say I'm inclined to agree with her. Be thankful that a bad person is dead at last, yes - but jump up and down, screaming in 'celebration'? It looks barbaric - the kind of thing we expect 'them' to do, not us - and the fact that other tribes of humans have shown themselves to be equally or even more barbaric doesn't change the impression given by this photo one iota. Nor does the contribution other Americans have made to the world mitigate this image, any more than the Arabic contribution of the numeral zero to world culture did anything to mitigate the revulsion many people felt at the photos we saw of Arabs celebrating 9/11.

The comments are about these people in this photo, not about their grandparents 60 years ago, or their grandparents' erstwhile enemies.

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If OBL was really taken out, great. But to go out in the streets and celebrate like Somalis after Black Hawk Down? This dancing around and jumping for joy is lowering one self to the same barbaric level of Alqaeda etc..the so called breaking news that OBLs body was "buried at sea" smells of BS. I nice old fashioned CIA cover up?

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This is a beautiful and inspirational outpouring of joy. After Osama's organization killed so many innocents on 9/11, he brought this on himself. Every single death in Afganistan, Pakistan and Iraq is his fault.

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may as well run this photo as a recruitment advert for anti-US terrorists. This won't be seen as a defeat and watching these morons whoop and hollering will just stoke the fire further.

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"'mericans aren't bragging or being cocky"

Possibly not the way it was seen by the people that attack the USA; and certainly was seen that way a long time before as you say "we've already lost over 4000 soldiers in this present war "

What you call the [resent war was started a long time ago. So I not sure there's much to celebrate from the latest news. what will change. any bridges been built yet?? Any apologies from both sides yet? If people think this is settled, all it shows is too many in America is more than happy with settling things with fists and force as usual and the usual problems will continue...

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"The comments are about these people in this photo, not about their grandparents 60 years ago, or their grandparents' erstwhile enemies"

indeed what has changed will be the view of some and possibly as a continued result nothing to be really happy about ...unless they really are happy with continuing fights as a way of culture, which is a possibility.

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may as well run this photo as a recruitment advert for anti-US terrorists. This won't be seen as a defeat and watching these morons whoop and hollering will just stoke the fire further.

Agree. Look what happened when there was a rumor of a Koran burning. We don't need to add any more gasoline. Expect reprisals.

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If the picture had sound (the tv coverage going to the rest of the world from the usa of the same thing) it would predictably viewed as obnoxiousness and add more fuel on the fire and that is not welcome.

Thankfully there are a few more sober images of people remembering those lost and the waste; but I'm sure they will be lost on those that matter and not change the stereotypes or Americans.

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I am glad this evil man is no longer walking around, breathing in and out, plotting more ways to menace...

I just can't get to the jumping up and down part, though.

I still remember 9/11 so well, and this result although good, doesn't bring the people or the towers back.

Congrats, Mr. President, The Military and The CIA for closing the book on this dude, at long last!

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He needed to be brought to justice and tried for crimes against humanity, against Islam, against reason. Revenge is resorting to what he preached. Hatred. I can not, will not celebrate the death of another human being. In court, tried, imprisoned, so would have sat the 'great man' and THAT would have had an impact, for years. The war goes on. The ideology lives. The fundamentals of why that is so have not changed.

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They all look like college kids. Life is just a party for them.

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" He needed to be brought to justice and tried for crimes against humanity, against Islam, against reason. "

Come again? What crimes against islam did Sheik Bin Ladin commit exactly? Every single sermon of his that I have seen was firmly grounded in religious doctrine.

Come on, haven´t we had enough nonsensical claims already.

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@Willy, your resolute subjectiveness, your inability to see a wider picture other than the pixel that you stare down makes you appear silly. Islam was bastardized by Laden. The majority of muslims, followers of Islam, are peaceful. I don't believe in monolithic religions or divine beings but neither do I believe in vicious, ignorant stereotyping.

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Wish I was there.

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Don't mess with good ole US of A. Hooah !!

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" Islam was bastardized by Laden "

You state that, but you don´t prove it. Show us in what way Sheik Bin Ladin "bastardized" anything. Again, every sermon of his that I have seen was solidly grounded in theology and unassailable from a theological point of view.

How the "majority" of anything acts or does not act is irrelevant to that.

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The free world has gone soft between the ears--the post WW II generations of Europe and Japan believe that "peace" is the natural state of the world. All you have to do is sing "Imagine" and we'll all live in harmony. What a bunch naive dummies.

Are you serious ? Don't you think wars in Algeria and Indochine was highly paid and noticed by everybody in France at least ? Are you aware of the fact there were terrorist acts in Paris before the American land was attacked ? Do you know many european countries are involved in Irak and Afghanistan, helping YOUR country ?

I think every country in the free world already paid a huge tribute in the fight against terrorism, so please don't goof around like "God bless America, shame on the rest of the world". And go learn some historical facts.

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@Willy: It's an absolute basic prerequisite to understanding the historical context of what Laden did to understand how he used Islam to his own means / to his own ends. It's BASIC stuff. From this point on I will not be responding to such a lack of grasping the basics of situations / event.

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Come again? What crimes against islam did Sheik Bin Ladin commit exactly? Every single sermon of his that I have seen was firmly grounded in religious doctrine

WiilB -- please. His sermons were only "grounded" in his twisted interpretation of the Islamic law/the koran to furher his political agenda. Stop making him out to be some religious martyr. As far as I know he held no actual religious position, other than what he gave himself.

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@Herefornow: Thank you.

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As far as I know he held no actual religious position, other than what he gave himself.

Islam does not have a clergy like xtianity. I think willib knows more than his detractorrs here.

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@Libier: Herefornow never posted that there was a clergy in Islam.

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does the guy front centre look a bit like the comedy grim reaper masks...

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I would rather share the feeling of a mother who lost her son in one of the twin towers in 9.11 disaster. She said on a TV program this evening, Why are they so delighted at the death of bin Laden? Nobody will return home. Is it anything for you to dance for joy? The picture looks somehow uncomfortable to me.

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As much as he was a horrid person, to celebrate someones death as if it were a frat party is a little off i reckon. When i saw people celebrating the twin towers going down i felt furious, imagine how extremists will feel when they see these pictures. Humility in extreme circumstances it seems is underated.

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Most people in this photo probably hardly remember 9/11 judging by the looks of their ages, let alone understand it enough to know why they're celebrating. Just another excuse for a party, funded by the White House probably.

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Americans have been through a lot and waited a long time for this. Remember the celebrations. They are entitled to blow off some steam at last.

Remember Palestinians handing out sweets celebrating the innocent deaths of the victims of 9-11? People celebrating the death of one guy who deserved it bears no comparison.

Good on America for getting him.

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NambaOnigiri - how can you compare the celebration of 3,000 innocent dead in 9-11 with the death of Bin Laden?

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Why are they so delighted at the death of bin Laden? Nobody will return home. Is it anything for you to dance for joy?

Who said that? On what program?

Americans have been through a lot and waited a long time for this. Remember the celebrations. They are entitled to blow off some steam at last.

I think this is really what the celebration is really about, its been so long and most people in the US had given up hope that the US would ever find him.

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Most people in this photo probably hardly remember 9/11 judging by the looks of their ages, let alone understand it enough to know why they're celebrating. Just another excuse for a party, funded by the White House probably.

Oh please, I myself am around the age of those people in those photos and I can tell you I remember 9/11 really well, I remember being in a room listening to music and my mother bursts into the room to turn on the TV to show me that the trade tower had been hit, I then watched in horror as the second plane approached the other tower. I watched the second trade tower be hit by a plane on live TV, that is not something as a child you will ever forget. Then in class I remember watching on live TV the towers collapse and my math teacher telling all of us that the world has changed forever.

The reason why they are celebrating is because as hikozaemon put it:

Americans have been through a lot and waited a long time for this. Remember the celebrations. They are entitled to blow off some steam at last.

I would further like to add that a lot of Americans had given up hope that the US would ever find him.

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Weird scene. They act like their team just won the Super Bowl. Do they realize how many more lives, including possibly some of their own, may be snuffed out in a future terrorist attack?

I shed no tears for bin Laden, but celebrating anyone's death like that is bizarre.

I agree 100%

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Seriously, anyone who celebrates the death of another human being needs a full psychiatric evaluation. Anyone who claims they are sincerely happy about another human's death has some trouble, and I would encourage them to contact one of the many advice numbers available in Japan to get help.

You are not alone. Good luck.

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" His sermons were only "grounded" in his twisted interpretation of the Islamic law/the koran to furher his political agenda. Stop making him out to be some religious martyr. "

That is nice that you think so, but you have no religious credentials, so your opinion is worth nothing. Take a look around on islamic websites to see what his co-religionists think about Sheik Bin Ladin. They do not find a fault in his teachings, and good luck with convincing them of your interpretation.

And yes, from the islamist point of view he is a martyr, and he is already eulogized as such.

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I know that American pilots, soldiers, sailors and Marines celebrated like this when the Air Force shot down and killed Admiral Yamamoto in 1943. And although I wasn't there, I'm sure that lots of Americans celebrated his death by dancing around.

They weren't in need of psychiatric evaluation and they weren't blood thirty barbarians. I AM SINCERELY HAPPY THAT NAVY SEALS SHOT HIM IN THE HEAD! I bet that most of America is deeply relieved and happy that our guys got bin Laden.

One day some of you may grow up and realize that death is part of life--war is part of peace and someone has to do the unpleasant work in order for the rest of us to live in freedom.

America was minding its own business when bin Laden decided to start a cowardly terrorist war against her. He started the war--we're defending ourselves and the rest of the free world.

Remember, Japan started the war with America on December 7th. Americans were quite justified to dance in the streets when Japan surrendered. That party then makes last night look tame. My mom was there in New York. My dad was in a military hospital having returned to the USA from France on a hospital ship. He wasn't dancing but I'm sure he was mighty pleased.

How did the war end in 1945? America dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. Now that was barbaric but the American people still danced in the streets.

Celebrating victory isn't barbaric. What is barbaric are the ones who start wars.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )


" It's an absolute basic prerequisite to understanding the historical context of what Laden did to understand how he used Islam to his own means / to his own ends. "

Nonsense. What "his own ends"? His own ends were totally idealistic and purely islamic. He devoting his life to the jihad. And again, you will not be able to show a flaw in Sheik Bin Ladin`s sermons from a theological point. They were flawlessly argued.

Please inform yourself before opinionating.

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lonebeagle - "America was minding its own business when bin Laden decided to start a cowardly terrorist war against her."

One of the funniest comments I've read on JT all month. :-)

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Watching these celebrations... Seriously demented and kimochi warui.

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" Celebrating victory isn't barbaric. What is barbaric are the ones who start wars. "

What victory?????

If these celebrating dimwits think there was a "victory", they have a surprise coming.

If these clowns are imagining a victory here, it is testimoniy to the mind-boggling stupidity among the population.

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Well, Hamas has declared itself a member of team "the death of this man is unfortunate" - with many people here I see.

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This is not the celebration at the end of a war, this is the celebration at the death of a single man, all be it one that deserved to die (assuming that he is dead). Celebrating the end of a conflict, an end to the killing makes sense. But what we see here is not an end to anything other than one man’s life. What we are seeing is barbaric, it is not how any civilised person should behave. To be pleased that Bin Laden is dead is fine, but to dance in the streets because was killed is obscene. Relating what is seen here with anything in history is refusing to see just how obscene it really is, this is your America in the 21st century, is this how you want your country to be seen, just like the Arabs that celebrated the destruction of the World trade center?

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Who said that? On what program?

Hodo Station on TV Asahi (aired May 2) featured an aged couple who lost their son, Sugiyama Yoichi then aged 34, in the 9.11 disaster. His mother said so on the news program. At the same time his father Sugiyama Kazusada (73) commented that he feels bin Laden's death marks the end of one stage, but he wishes bin Laden had been arrested and brought to trial to clarify the whole truth as he is the most important attestant.

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The major religions all celebrate the death of tyrants in their religious texts. As they collectively make up the majority of the human population, smithinjapan is calling the entire world crazy and in need of psychological evaluation.

People cheered the death of Hitler, and I guess they must all be 'crazy'. How is mental health of any relevance here?

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I don't share this joyful sentiment. I just thought this whole thing feels like a Hollywood movie. The plot is not so bad.

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I am uncomfortable at best with these reveling crowds. I can understand why there would be crowds in NYC, espcecially at Ground Zero, but they should be more for reflection than the wild post-hockey-victory celebrations I've been seeing on CNN. As for this crowd outside of the White House (tourists/college students by the looks of it) they should tone down their revelry and show more maturity/reticense. I don't care how evil a man OBL was these crowds are still celebrating the death of a human being, one that still has supporters/sympathizers in significant numbers around the world. I don't see one person in this photo that looks like they could have been any older than 15 when 9.11 happened. Someone should give them some perspective so they realize that their military forces, embassies, etc. around the world are now on elevated alert and preparing for the worst. Make them understand that this is not V-AQ Day.

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I watched these celebrations with my family during supper last night and I asked my two sons, 12 and 17, "When is it right to kill another human being?" My oldest replied, "I don't know, but I feel kind of happy that he's dead, and I also feel bad as well. I want to think that killing anyone is wrong and I would have hoped that the military could have taken him alive"

Then I asked him, if the military took him alive, he had a trial and was sentenced to death and executed how would that be any different from what happened now. The end is the same.

He answered. "At least he would have a chance to give his side of the story and defend himself, but executing people is wrong"

After watching the American's at the White House celebrating he felt sad for them, because they were celebrating the death of a symbol, someone who yes was probably responsible for planning and supporting terrorist acts, but a symbol none the less. And now he worries more because of all the followers of Bin Laden throughout the world are going to try to avenge his death by killing more Americans, and die trying.

Naive in some ways he may be, but I have hope for the future through him.

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USA! USA! USA! unreal. are these idiots for real. the picture is a metaphor of all things wrong with the US

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looks like iraq and iran the day the trade centers were brought down. only diff is they arent wearing head scarves

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NoLiving wrote

I myself am around the age of those people in those photos and I can tell you I remember 9/11 really well

I don't doubt that, I just doubt most people in this photo have much idea what they're really celebrating and why they're celebrating it, and if they really care about the answers anyway. I'd like to see an interview of one of them in the middle of the revelry asking those questions. As I said it's just an excuse for a party. Hell, I'd be there myself if I lived in Washington.

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To all those in the Islamic world who danced in the streets handing out candy to children when 3,000 Americans were killed on 9/11 - I give you a celebration for the death of an evil terrorist. Enjoy!

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Heh, now extremists could see what it looks like when the celebration is at the other side. Oh how many celebrate when it's the US that's humiliated. Guess what's good for the goose is good for the gander, haha.

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And now he worries more because of all the followers of Bin Laden throughout the world are going to try to avenge his death by killing more Americans, and die trying.

The followers of Osama were trying to kill Americans before Obama had him executed by a US Navy Seal. At least now they have lost their most admired leader and and inspiration for their terrorist movement. His death might be a bit worse in the short run but it is likely that many more lives will be saved in the long run. This isn't an episode of Perry Mason - this is a jihad against Western values and the idea of individual liberty and freedom.

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yeah, wolfpack, they got u thinking exactly what they want u to think. "a jihad against western values, blah, blah, blah, liberty and freedom"

not defending either side here. both are as extreme as the other. neither side will ever learn from what they do or what is done to them. equally at fault and equally responsible for ALL the deaths in the islamic and western "civilized" world

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@wolfpack, I know, it's a seventeen year old and 12 year old born and raised in Japan that don't know nor understand.

This has been educational for many I HOPE.

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Again, I look at this picture and see the same as Islamic fanatics celebrating the deaths of Western targets. But let's look at a wise American's words:

‎"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. ...Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."-Martin Luther King, Jr

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"not defending either side here."

Yes, you are. You are disappointed.

"are these idiots for real. the picture is a metaphor of all things wrong with the US"

Did they trash the place? No. Did they carry on like drunken soccer hooligans, beating nearby cops into unconsciousness? No. They are celebrating the death of a man who wants them and their way of life destroyed.

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Yubaru, I don't think your son is naive at all. He has a firm grip on the concept of true justice. You can be proud of him (I'm sure you are).

His response is far preferable to the screaming loonies in the street. He shows a wisdom and emotional stability rare in one so young.

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"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." --Martin Luther King, Jr.

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cleo, thank you, I am always hopeful! I think that my failure at times as a father is to underestimate my children and what goes through their minds. I keep on trying.

I wonder about what those people were truly celebrating. Revenge? Probably. A sense that they are somehow safer? Maybe. Joy in the fact that another human being was killed? I hope not.

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I perceive there's this sort of celebrations because it was 10 years in the making. If Bin Laden was caught way back when at Tora Bora, there wouldn't be this much celebration. But instead, the frustrations just kept on building up over the years, and as more time passed, the greater feeling of hopelessness that this will never happen at all. So when it finally happened - boom! All that steam letting out.

The very next day, the men and women in the armed forces, police, fire departments, etc. were honored in all the sports stadiums in America in such scenes ya don't usually see unless it's 4th of July.

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This picture makes me feel sad. I dont think that the entry of a human being into Hell is anything to celebrate, no matter what he did.

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Hooray for death!

Look Islamic extremists- we've rebuilt this city... on Rock & Roll!

So... who's next?

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people say ""it won't change anything"" (mesage to Terrorists Everywhere you can Run, But you can't Hide) Ronald Reagan. Keep in mind WE most normal people want Terrorism to STOP everywhere including the Middle east.

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