Police officers detain protesters taking part in a rally against Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's security bill and his administration in front of the Diet building in Tokyo on Tuesday night. Three protesters were arrested for shoving two officers to the ground.
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Tell the protesters to go home a sleep well, do not waste their time and make noise around..! Most of the Japan agree with Abe that why they re-elected him and his party to lead Japan. Protesters must support Abe and his administration if not get a ticket for next election to compete with Abe..!!
The police should be arresting Parliament. Leave the citizens alone.
Michael Craig
The arrests begin, but more protesters will come!
This is one indication as to how much Abe fears his own people.
Aly Rustom
This is a democracy?
Stuart hayward
What a authoritarian picture! And just why are they being arrested? Because they are standing agaist something they don't believe in. Sad and scary.
Ali Khan
who is violating the constitutions the public or the parliament?
65% of Japanese people are against the security bill, but you have to remember that,mJaoan is only a democracy on paper. It is much closer to a fascist regime with a burauercratic governmental system that do not pay any attention to the people.
Get rid of Abe and put Onaga in his place.
He's the only Japanese politician with cohones!
I keep seeing this in numbers, but the few Japanese I've asked about it, have basically said they just don't care. And that's just the feeling that I get from so many in Japan. They wish to exist in their own harmonious world and shy away from conflict. So ironical, isn't it?
What happened to the SEP 6 article on Yamaguchi-Gumi splitting up? It has been removed from archive. http://www.japantoday.com/search?q=yamaguchi
The cowards in blue are out in force.
Aly Rustom
The only thing these punks know how to do is either arrest peaceful protesters or harass foreigners for their Rcards. Never see them arresting right wing ultranationalists or yaks. Why?
Hello. Does anybody know if nhk, fuji tv or any of the other networks are reporting these protests on prime time national tv? If not, japanese are being cheated.
it seems more like police joining the protest. if they subdue and try any effort to stop the protest, then those police need to be among the first to go and die overseas.
NHK TV (Japanese) showed the protests this morning on the 7.00 news.
Have you seen this type of protesting phenomena in Japan recently? This is on a weekday, mind you. It's a shame that many media outlets aren't really reporting about this (not just the Japanese media). I wonder why.
Should read "restrain", not "detain".
Christopher Glen
Well, if these "bills" get passed, a lot more than that will happen
That's an interesting comment about the 'cowards in blue'. It's not just the cops, it's also the media that won't report strongly orhonestly about events that paint Japan in a negative way. Japan Today does have its fair share of 'contra' articles, but even then they are limited. Here is something that happened just around the corner from my place the other day and it has not been given much media attention. A large dog went nuts and attacked a young woman and its owner. There were 50 cops called to the scene and they let off 13 shots in a 15m space on a 4m wide residential road. The cops are 'claiming' the police used their guns properly, but I have seen the scene and there are three bullet holes in the front wall of a house at head height and I got abused by the cops for taking a photo of one in a brick wall, which is just under a window of an adjoining house. I asked the cop why I couldn't take a photo of it and his response was, "Why do you need it?" They fired over a dozen shots in a residential street at a large dog at close range and the mainstream media haven't jumped on it? 13 shots fired in one incident is probably more than the cops have fired nationwide all year! It sounds like 'black ops' to me!
Aly Rustom
They are. JT's moderators has gotten really ugly since they were bought out recently. Deleting our posts and everything because we are not loyal to the regime and its dear leader.
Aly Rustom
They are. JT's moderators has gotten really ugly since they were bought out recently. Deleting our posts and everything because we are not loyal to the regime and its dear leader.
Moderator: Please do not make snide remarks on topics you know nothing about.
The sooner you realize that "democracy" is merely a facade term (not just in Japan) and not real, the sooner you will be joining the protesters (be it here in Japan or overseas).
I wonder why they call it the Liberal Democratic Party, when it is neither LIBERAL nor DEMOCRATIC.
It is a party, though. Albeit one with a VERY restricted invitation list.
The protest's theme song should be that song by N.W.A.: "____ Tha Police"
What is with Abe and all his sabra rattling. Prime Minister Abe and the Lib were elected on economic reforms. This was not one of the election policies. Why is he placing so much attention of building a bigger defence policy. There is still a lot bad memories many Asian counties have of Japan, when last time Japan started to became more military powerful in Asia. All of this is only distracting from the many issues that need attention to boasting Japans stagnate economy. This act could result with negative pressure on areas of the economy that are vital to Japan trading future.
I think it is time for a Japan Spring! The government is out of touch with the people. The people of Japan need to wake up!
@ Yuri. And likewise, it's probably fair to say that some japanese people (themselves) are out of touch with their own government.
In fact, some japanese people are also out of touch with the reality of contemporary global events.
Oi, police, you have got better things to do.
Christopher Glen
My message to the police is, you should be with the protesters on this. I think you can apply "serve and protect" to serving the people, and not those idiots in the diet building trying to pass illegal legislation