Demonstrators participate in a "World Love for Dolphins Day" rally outside the Japanese consulate in New York on Friday. According to the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, the second annual "World Love for Dolphins Day" rallies are set to draw international attention to the annual drive hunt in Taiji, Japan, and will take place outside Japanese embassies and consulates across the U.S. and overseas.
© Japan Today
Day of the dolphin
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As long as local news doesn't pick up on this the Japanese people themselves, for the most part, will be in the dark.
This article just reminded me of the Japan Bashing episode from SOUTH PARK when the japanese were killing all those whales & dolphins.
it is said that Taiji is a small village and its total population is about 3000 people (but not all fishermen) and 0.000025% of Japan's total population. Japan doesn't look like major dolphin hunting country to be bashed badly though they hunt some traditionally every year.
These people need to get jobs.
Most of these serial protestors were 'Social Justice' majors in colleges like UC Berkley. These indoctrination centers teach students how to make up protest signs (like 'dolphins lives matter' and 'fins up don't shoot) and how to keep an eye out for anything politically incorrect to apply their 'rage' against.
Why don't they protest it in Tokyo... There is no point in protesting it in Taiji or NY where most of the Japanese people are not aware.
This kind of thing is really puzzling for the average Japanese person. Most of them regard dolphins as "big fish" like tuna, and don't understand the point of the protests.
Mirai Hayashi
Not "most"..not even "some"....only a very small uneducated population, so stop generalizing.
When I studied in the States, I learned all about "Charlie Tuna", who wasn't good enough to be eaten. What is the difference between tuna and dolphin? Go see them at an aquarium. They are the same.
In a world where people are being murdered every day, one would think these people would have bigger fish to fry.
The majority of Japanese people have no idea about the dolphin hunting practices in Japan, despite The Cove documentary. And, sadly, those that do know about it don't care or they give the 'that's Japanese culture' justification.
CGB Spender
according to SS terrorists? Ok, scratch that! Don't bother about any statements made by terrorists.
Are they picketing SeaWorld too?
Christopher Glen
That is not the issue. The issue is that a nation of approximately 126 million lets a town of a few thousand determine how Japan's image is perceived abroard
It does not matter how they perceive Japan's image abroad. Why do you care?
Phenomenal bit of double standards there.
Regardless of how diligently the Japanese media direct domestic attention away from this atrocity, to the extent that most Japanese still don't even know it takes place (and fall back on the wearisome straw man "culture" and "Japan-bashing" default defence stratagems), the rest of the world knows it goes on.
The rest of the world is disgusted by the Taiji massacre.
The Japanese corporate media can pretend the outside world doesn't exist, but until this disgrace is halted, Japan will be regarded as a pariah by civilised countries.
These people don't care how much they're hurting Japanese people's feelings.
I don't agree with the anti-dolphin protest, but your argument against it is irrelevant. Feelings are irrelevant. All that's relevant is whether it's right or wrong, not how people feel about it.
The idea of herding some dolphins together for mass killing is hardly the best statement for the attractiveness of Japanese particularism.
The irony of Taiji is that many of the very old fishermen have ties with the United States, including through inter-marriage. The ruggedness of Wakayama is quite attractive, and it is something of a shame that foreign visitors do not head that way much. They would run into a people that are tough and proud, and with good reason.
Tinawatanabe: "These people" are not hurting Japanese people's feelings because the vast majority of Japanese people are shielded from ever having to confront the issue by an industry-compliant media which pretends this slaughter doesn't happen.
Many of my Japanese friends, having learned about this disgrace, are appalled by what is being carried out under the disguise of "Japanese culture" (magnificent Doublethink there, by the by: this is such a precious part of Japanese culture that we will put up a media blackout around it so most Japanese never become aware of it).
Japan is damaged by this atrocity. It demeans this beautiful country, which I am proud to call my home, and gives ammunition to those who wish to bash Japan. The rest of the world knows what disgrace happens in Taiji and the facts soil Japan.
Anyone who loves this country should demand this disgrace be stopped.
In Japan, the most important thing is law, not emotion. The people of Taichi is doing nothing illegal, that's why other Japanese are supporting them. Japan really wants white people to stop harrassing Japan.They are only increasing hatred among Japanese.
"These people"? "White people"?
Who are you calling "these people", dear?
Show me one recent Japanese news report justifying or exalting this slaughter. There is none. The cronyism defence is to pretend it isn't happening.
If you have to hide it from your own people, you lose the right to call it Culture.
Are you serious? Dolphin = mammal, air-breathing animal, highly intelligent, social and with a language. Tuna = a big fish.
Oh and Tina, please stop all this "white people" stuff... that's using race as a basis for an argument... when race has nothing to do with it. People would be against it if it was happening in Ireland! Remember the seal culls? When Canadians would go out and club seal cubs to death every year? You know, WHITE people?
And if you are a self-proclaimed "sushi snob" New Yorker, you wouldn't be able to agree with this protest.
The reality is, we are severely fighting whales & dolphins over the giant food chain pyramid in the ocean. Without controlling the numbers of those giant predetors who eat far more than we do, there'll be no more sushi for us.
Hypocrites can just stop breathing all at once.
Why shoud they? This is not issue among Japanese. As I said, we know Taichi people are not doing anything illegal, and just making their livingas. Japanese are tired of hearing "Japanese are not l informed" crap from foreigners whenever they find something they don't like Japan is doing. They don't want to accept Japanese people's accepting this. We know all killing are cruel, and we are accustomed to watch "Kaitai Show" which means cutting a big fish or whatever in front of people as a show.
Japanese never complains what Americans are doing in their country, What makes you think you have a right to tell Japanese what to do in Japan?.
Tina, please try to understand that whales and dolphins are not bloody fish!
tinawatanabe: Do you contradict yourself much?
"It does not matter how they perceive Japan's image abroad. Why do you care?"
"These people don't care how much they're hurting Japanese people's feelings."
"In Japan, the most important thing is law, not emotion."
"Japanese are tired of hearing "Japanese are not l informed" crap from foreigners whenever they find something they don't like Japan is doing."
"This is not issue among Japanese."
Then... well... you just stop making sense...:
Then you engage in hypocrisy:
"Japanese never complains what Americans are doing in their country"
Really? So, you weren't on here the other day complaining about the US textbooks?
And one more thing, tina, these people who don't like what Japan is doing are not "foreigners", nor are all Americans who disagree with the dolphin hunt 'white', but that does go a long way in showing how emotional your replies are when you cannot offer a proper rebut.
Well, the Japanese don't think so. Every livingthings is EQUALLY precious, intelligent, and divine—that's how most of Japanese views life on the planet. That's the very reason of "Itadaki masu," countless temples and shrines that worships animals as God including whales and dolphins, and why the vegetarianism hasn't widely spread out so much in Japan (because they feel plants are air-breathing lives.)
Look, you have your religion and moral principles. We honor that. Do you see Japanese protesing against what you eat in front of your embassy? No.
Now can you agree to disagree and learn to respect other "mammal, air-breathing animal, highly intelligent, social and with a language" called Japanese?
NYtoday: "Every livingthings is EQUALLY precious, intelligent, and divine—that's how most of Japanese views life on the planet."
Is that why some politicians here want to separate foreigners from Japanese praising Apartheid as an ideal example of how to do so... you know, since everyone and everything is equal and all? And you can't seriously believe that all the shrines and temples are proof that Japanese view everything on the planet as equal, especially given that most don't have any religion (and get married at a shrine, funeral at a temple, ceremonies at fake churches, etc.). And while I have no doubt many are in fact thankful for the food they eat and verbally express that when saying, "Itadaki masu", same as with some who thank the lord or just say thanks for the 'bounty before them', but for many it is simply a learned behaviour with no sentiment or meaning to it whatsoever.
Regardless, these people have every right to protest and draw attention to the issue, so long as it is non-violent.