The wreck of a crashed cargo plane lies at Narita international airport on Monday. The FedEx plane, caught in a gust of wind, crashed and burst into flames as it landed at the airport, killing the pilot and co-pilot, and closing the main runway.
© Japan Today
FedEx plane crash
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This is always my bigest fear in flying, and I love to fly.
The text on the plane (now upside down) reads:
The world on time.
It is sad and quite ironic, when keeping the schedule has a higher priority at first and then leads to the opposite outcome - too late.
This will have not happened if those Shibayama Union idiots allowed NAA to complete Narita's crosswind runway.
timorborder: isn't below caption equivalent to the above..?
The deceased shown or not shown, what matters is this issue, is about a very sad, sad news, just happened in this country. A sad, sad news for us to start off the day and the week.
I deal with FedEx every other day. They are super-efficient. My prayers go to the Pilot & Co-Pilots' family.
Says a lot.
I could be wrong, but I believe this aircraft type has had some issues with landing approach and the required inputs by the crew to control it at landing speed. Something to do with the size or surface area of the rear horizontal stabilizers not being large enough.
I think some folks are reading to much emotion into this photo. Compare it to newspapers, the printed press does not seem to blanche at putting in photos of bodies, etc. from conflicts around the world. This on the other hand is a mere accident photo, it is not the case that the deceased (the pilots) have been shown as "crispy critters" striking lifeless poses out the window of the cockpit, etc.
When JT starts showing car accident photos (with pools of blood on the street, etc), or photos of market places in locations such as Bagdhad or Kabul (with bits and pieces of human anatomy hanging from telephone lines), that it when you should start to complain.
If this were a pic of the inside of the cabin, just after it happened or something, implying the photographer darted across the field and took pics rather than search for survivors, that would be inappropriate. As would be a pic of a private funeral.
Photojournalism as I know it, is supposed to make you think. Sure, having a pic buried in an article is better than no pic, but showing it sepparately also has meaning.
so be it Nessie, because we know what happens with pics of the day, th usual nerdy comments and such
Some people seem to be offended by reality.
Jeez, people have died, don't you have any consideration, I read it on the top stories section, isn7t that enough, this picture should be there with the article, not here, my opinion.
I wouldn't say the photo is graphic. There is no blood or bodies. I'd be surprised if JT didn't post a photo of this. The same applies to any major accident or disaster.
It's fine on a news story, but not on the top page. It's a graphic photo and I should be given the choice whether or not to view.
as nessie & brainiac point this IS NEWS, unlike the usual parade of bimbos as pic of the day, & photographers have a smuch a right to make a living as any of us.
This is an all to rare occasion when the pic of the day is actual news & not fluff
Picture of the Day need not necessarily involve cosplay, grabia idols or famous models - sometimes the real world, full of triumph and tragedy, gets a look in as well
TokyoHustla, seesaw
I see nothing wrong with using the photo, considering that every TV network and newspaper are carrying images of it. Why would you think otherwise?
Of course it's proper to have this as pic of the day. It's breaking news. Or is Ebi-chan eight days a week more breaking?
Agree with seesaw and zaboomba. Not appropriate for the top page. Might be ok as part of a gallery with a warning that some pics are graphic, but not good for the top page.
If this is a proper etiquette, well, I guess we'll be seeing more of photographers sending pics of funerals etcs..
My impression of picture of the day is that a photographer is being paid for that special pic he/she sent to JT. This pic just indicate to me that someone is making a fast cash on the accident. Otherwise, why can't it be attached to the news?
Jesus! I did not realize that the plane is upside-down. The cause was bad gust/wind. However there was at least good luck that the crash was not passenger plane.
Thanks Zaboomba!
ditto hannari.
Very informative and absolutely appropriate.
I don't think JT has a rule saying "the pic of the day will be something light and fun and visually appealing"..... or does it? If it does, I'll reconsider.
I agree with seesaw, this is a bit too much.
bad stuff does happen
Tragic. sad scene. Is it proper to have this pic as picture of the day?