Participants take sweets served on a naked woman, known as Nyotaimori or female body presentation, during a fetish fashion event titled "Night of The Body," organized by Libido M&J, in Tokyo, on Sunday. Hundreds of people gathered at the event, targeted at fetish fashion enthusiasts, which is a mixture of live performances by pole dancers, a fetish fashion show and other events as a showcase, the organizer said.
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Fetish fashion
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nyum nyum nyum :-) I'd really enjoy licking the plate. Mothers always tell us: "Don't" play with your food" - they never said anything about the dish.
In other languages/countries it's called 'sexual assault'.
In English/The USA, is Naked sushi which is popular with wealthy, sexual assault too? The models are getting paid and I am sure if someone oversteps the line there would be repecussions.
another skinny j-girl.
Well, this inclines one to clean their plate.
I'll take one of these Hersey chocolates! Woops, sorry Miss!
What is the best drink to go along with such a meal? Slippery nipple, orgasm, Rum and Coke or beer?
Back on topic, everybody!
Sorry, nice, aahh, hell I can't tell what's what.
The new meaning to cream pie.
That's because there are only 5 or 6 people around this plate. If there were more, they would use a larger plate.
If this was meant to be art it would be acceptable, but I know there are more perverted connotations to this erotic event cos this is Japan. The name of the company presenting the event is a give away as to the nature of this event.
I wonder how much the "serving tray" earned. I would think her per hour salary has got to be pretty darn good.
Yikes! It turns out, that wasn't just a banana.
If I were to do that I suspect it would be cheese burgers, fried chicken, french-fries and great big kilbassa.
"neverknow2" sexual assault? Really?
This is pure degradation of woman's dignity as well as exploitation. The food looks good though. I would not mind eating some.
All you can eat, anyone?
Wait, that's not a strawberry!
Lip licking fantastic.
I don't think this is degrading or exploitation. Exploitation would be Disney's job requirements of Miley Cyrus, who's underage. The woman in the above pic is either a body model or a fetishist herself, so she was paid for the job or she volunteered.
Their is a line between fantasy and reality. This is the sort of thing one might have a fantasy about. However, to participate in it in real life would probably just feel icky and wrong. Of course, for some people that line doesn't exist; to each their own, I guess.
Wha has washed their hands?????????
Food that talks to you.. don't make her laugh or the food will go everywhere.
Wonder if she was all tied up.
"This is pure degradation of woman's dignity"
The woman seems to be enjoying it.
Is that lettuce on her head? Needs some tomato slices and some olives and some Italian dressing! Ho ho!
Can we have some decent moral stories, instead of one about nude "fetishes".
Jeff Huffman
DickMorris at 12:08 PM JST - 8th June Is the world becoming more full of perversion the more people move away from religion?
We can always hope so.
why do you have the internet?
You'd never know the country was gripped by fears of a flu pandemic only weeks ago.
Predictable female reaction. You definitely have to be a guy to appreciate it.
entertainment at the lowest level.
I'd say at least 5 of the 7 or 8 people eating the food in the photo are women
I wish my local sushi shop was like that! I'd eat there EVERY night! Oishi-so!!!
not even worth commenting on.
"entertainment at the lowest level."
Come on, I don't think they were eating out of that...
fatfrenchfood you are correct, upon closer examination, it appears more than one of the eaters is a woman.
TOO funny!
The eating people look like canibals and the woman in the dish looks dead. it is so disgusting.
Actually, I noticed that after looking at the photo again. I stand corrected.
Well, Perverted is as perverted does. How crass to see even women being so pathetic as to take the food. Still, I suppose no-one's being raped, tortured or murdered so no reason to complain. The plate doesn't look too happy about it though, talk about a false smile. Maybe she got prodded, possibly on purpose. (I'd probably poke her in the belly with my chopsticks if someone tried to get me to eat off her.) And none of your corny and smutty jokes!
oh no, consenting adults engaging in somewhat unusual sexual activity. civilization will surely collapse now.
"oh no, consenting adults engaging in somewhat unusual sexual activity. civilization will surely collapse now."
Ahaha, nice. From growing up watching Eurotrash, this is pretty tame.
The positioning of her right arm and hand make it art.
LoveUSA posts the same value judgment twice, without reading the posts in between. Obviously not into fetish.
So, let's hear it! "What comes after food?"
And the answer is: "Fetish fun, but no sex please!"
Should have used a male instead, they could have fought over the single banana being served.
Midnightpromise. Don't forget the meatballs.
I know that lady! She was a gravure model. Seen in Cream and Beppin School magazines a lot.
Well, I hope she's shaved! I don't like hair in my salad!
Yes, this is just not right, morbid and not sexy at all...
although there are a few funny one liners in these posters, I find the prudes indignation ten times more amusing. If you like food and the female form, what better way is there to combine the two?
the girl on the top right seems to be enjoying it bery muchi
sorry, im on a diet. so you guys can eat the sweets, and i'll go wash the dishes.
dammit: "(I'd probably poke her in the belly with my chopsticks if someone tried to get me to eat off her.)" what you would attack her? doent that make you as bad as what you seem to looking down on and think is bad?
Maryhinge you have good eyes if you can recognise that face from all the makeup and mushy peas green hair! I have to say from the photo it really is a food frenzy - watch the nori!
this gives a whole new meaning to " toss salad " !!
another skinny j-girl..............
dude, low fat diet. LOL
Wow ! great idea. I love cherries and accidentally may pluck her nipples thinking them cherries. Farakh Malik
If you look at her hip, you'll notice flesh-colored panties. I suppose it's for hygiene. Come to think about it, bodily fluids invite disease - nobody knows if she's healthy. Her smile looks hysterical, or maybe her face already hurts for having to grin continuously. Also, for a fetish convention, I find curious how those arms around her appear to be of fully-clothed people, specially the long sleeves. I think this was less wild than it appears to be on first sight. Her armpits are not shaven. Also, the food is not directly on her skin but on a big leaf that appears to be fabric, and may be glued to her body with double-contact glue like those used in fashion shows to keep plunging necklines to show too much. Same goes for the garland covering her "exposed" breast. It seems to be attached.
Azrael, wow, dude. Way to ruin a romantic dinner!
I've seen sushi served this way before but sweets? Sounds fishy to me.
Disgusting alright. I wonder who came out with this sick idea. The only good thing here is that the posters get to enjoy themselves...:) Have fun guys!
Azrael, do you have to describe it to this extent...ugh.. well let the others enjoy the 'healthy' stuff.
notimpressed said:
Your lucky, I find prudes to be totally annoying. Personally I find the practice really gross. However, if others enjoy it in the public sense or in private I only wish them the best possible experience. I like really clean food. I do not share the opinion that it cannot be done in a totally sanitary way and guys, girls or whatever can enjoy it safely. When I was younger I liked the whipped cream and other food/sex fun but now my tastes have changed. I don't know if many of you are familiar with those people who can't stand it if different food touches the others but I am now like that with food and sex. How ignorant for someone to call others indulgences perverted. Prudes are all about control. "Whatever gets you through the night salright, salright"
This reminds me of George Costanza in the Seinfeld episode where he is eating a sandwich while having sex.
Jerry: Didn't go for it, huh?
George: No.
Jerry: So, she didn't appreciate the erotic qualities of the salted cured meats?
George: She tolerated the strawberries and the chocolate sauce, but eh, it's not a meal, you know? Food and sex, those are my two passions. It's only natural to combine them.
Jerry: Natural? Sex is about love between a man and a woman, not a man and a sandwich.
George: Jerry, I'm not suggesting getting rid of the girl. She's integral.
Jerry: Maybe instead of trying to satisfy two of your needs, how about satisfying one of somebody else's.
[George eats a sandwich and gets flustered.]
Jerry: What's going on?
George: I don't know. This sandwich is making me flush.
Jerry: Oh no, I'll tell you what you did Caligula; you combined food and sex in to one disgusting uncontrollable urge.
George: I think you're right. You gonna eat that?
Pastrami scene
Script of the episode
No way you'd catch me eating food that a bunch of fetish freaks had been messing with with their bare hands. The morality of this doesn't bother me one bit. But the lack of hygene sure does.
That is a very cool picture, I'd attend but I think the wife would disapprove.
One can't help wondering what the other hands are gripping.
Ken Watanabe
My instinct: YEWWWWWW!
Looks good to me:) and will definitly be clean cause fetish crowd keep themselves that way. Usexpat: why would u tell ur wife you're going to this? Why not just say for a drink with the lads.
Well there's nothing wierd about the concept at all in my opinion. But I would not eat food off a naked woman's skin if I didn't know her (or didn't want to get to know her).
I have never thought it strange to occasionally spice things up by playing games like this - providing all parties are happy about it, and I've done it countless times with various menus (The best is the aperatif). Rice pudding, honey & chocolate are obvious good candidates, but if one's food fetish requires hot spicy food then one ought to be careful where the Tabasco goes, and eating off armpits- shaved or unshaved is a delicacy providing no antipersperant has been applied.
"No way you'd catch me eating food that a bunch of fetish freaks had been messing with with their bare hands. The morality of this doesn't bother me one bit. But the lack of hygene sure does."
Azreal, that takes all the fun out of it. I wouldn't want the food anyway. I would happy eating the scraps (HER) after the food is gone.
No telling what you might tweak with those hashi by "accident."
I agree with "mael" it looks unsanitary with so many partaking.
Sorry, I didn't make it very clear I was quoting 'Herefornow' in my previous post. However we three agree now.
I'm getting hungry.
Not my kind of thing. I agree withTriumvere. There are many odd things I fantasize about but will never act up on. Like many others have said, whatever tickles your fancy.
Are the leftovers called sloppy seconds?
i'd attend AND my wifey would happily come with me. :) that's how we roll!
Too much food. Metabo culture dictates 1/2 portions.
How do they refill once the food is over?
At the end, they will finally found unexpected "banana" and vomit...
Note to self: Will coyly ask Mr. SpanishEyez about this .....
I actually went to the last one a couple weeks back. Its a fetish party, but only 15-20 people that were really into it. Definitely pg-rated stuff if you ask me. At least the atmosphere was a lot better than anywhere in Roppongi. On other nights the place is top notch.
The place is called Desert Rose (砂漠の薔薇) in Ginza. If you check the organizers site you can get a better idea...