Activists hurl dead fish during a protest in front of the Japan Interchange Association, the de facto Japanese embassy, in Taipei, on Tuesday. The activists claim sovereignty of a group of disputed East China Sea islets -- called Senkaku in Japan, Diaoyutai in China and Tiaoyutai in Taiwan -- after a Chinese fishing boat captain was detained by Japan following a collision with two Japanese coast guard boats last week
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Can't for the news tonight.
The "embassy" is called the Japan Interchange Association out consideration for greater China which thinks of Taiwan as a it's territory. Asia is one tangled web.
Sorry, Chinese, Korean and Tawainese people...but acting like little children wont change anything. You lost a war to the Japanese and they get to keep it...thats just the rules.
Japan claims the Senkaku islands, China claims the Diaoyutai islands Taiwan claims the Tiaoyutai islands, China claims Taiwan island. Whew!
Wasting food
I like the way they chose the guy dressed in the most stereotyped clothes. All he needs is a long moustache and a round straw hat.
Totally agree. I also think it's weird how Taiwanese people are attacking a Japanese building. Surely China have done worse to them?? Also, since it was a Chinese boat, are they sticking up for China now?
Great way to bring credibility to your cause, dude.
I thought this was another fish throwing festival photo.
Fast forward a few years and China will claim the Japanese Archipelago too.
My Chinese is a little rusty but I think the kanji on his vest says "Undercover Agitator from the Chinese Government Ministry of State Security"...............
sashimi anyone?
The timing of this is beautiful..... a couple days before the DPJ election. The big question is, who is the mastermind behind this scheme, and did the Capt. of the fishing boat get something for his "adventure"??
Oyaji action shot.
"Fast forward a few years and China will claim the Japanese Archipelago too."
Now while the Marines are here...Oh wait!?!?!?
Wow! It's illegal to keep fish that size in Australia.
If you ask me, I think that they should all just blow up the island and sink it into the ocean. This story is a total joke. They will be arguing about this island until the end of time with no one m to an agreement.
Mr. Dog: Taiwan also claims sovereignty over the islands, separate from China.
I love this guy!!! Kudos for not being afraid to speak out against the Japanese govt. More countries should do the same so the Japanese know how generally disliked they are globally and that the country needs to change.
Luckily they didn't use alive fish ... think of the implications that would have.
Where do I start with this post ? If you are American (by your username), then you should be aware that it was the U.S who handed the islands to Japan (before the Chinese and Taiwanese found out there was oil and good fishing there). Japan is disliked globally and it needs to change ? Why ? Just because they happen to own some islands that the Chinese and Taiwanese want for oil and fishing !! Be serious man.
northlondon Agree!
Sorry China, Japan, Taiwan, I claim personal rights to those islands, everyone please leave I am going to throw some fish around now :)
Littering is not an offense in Taiwan? Go vegies ,solve the problem.
Well the same can be said about the U.S.--it too is universally disliked, and I am an American. So what if Japan has few friends. But it all comes down to who is hogging the most resources. The fact that this can not be equally shared is beyond my imagination, but greed is greed, and THAT is the issue. So, Chinese greed is OK and not Japanese greed. But,yeh, the winning power gave Japan the territory so deal with it. Buy more Japanese bonds and cause the yen to skyrocket. Problem solved!! The real issue will not be this petty gas and oil but water, and already Thailand and Vietnam is complaining about China hogging the water from the Mekong river. Tsk, tsk.
I'm sure we will see the same type of photos and protest in mainland China, all sanctioned by each government but just try to get near the Chinese Embassy in Tokyo and do this and you will find that the special police there 24/7 will stop you.
And the Chinese call the Japanese aggressive and violent! go figure!
They should have got Marvin Yan (of Yan Can Cook fame) along with a wok to catch all that fish and cook em up.
Agree 100% with northlondon's sentiment.
By the way, no one wants to save those fish that are being treated in this lowly manner? Where are the shepherds who go on jetskis?
Actually that zone is Taiwan fishermen's traditional fishing area up to couple decades ago. Before that time nobody care about fishing activity around there. Right now Taiwan fishing ships need to take a big curve path even when they come home from north pacific ocean, and you expect them to feel well?
For your information, "Diaoyutai" means 'fishing island/ platform' in Chinese.
People in glass houses and all that
Never seen fish being used a as a weapon
japanese probably getting their chopsticks ready inside the embassy for some sashimi.
Aji is a Japanese favorite. Get the soy sauce.
The Japanese are probably saying to themselves, "Cool, free fish to eat".
Killing fish to eat, I can understand. Don't like it, but I can understand it.
Killing fish to use as missiles in a petty protest is just downright disrespectful. I hope all the activists are Buddhists and they come back in the next life as fish.
This fish-throw guy looks more like Japanese than Chinese/Taiwanese! I suspect he is an anti-whale catching activist to protest there~ The red hat old guy behind him is absolutely another Japanese~ LOL
The lady has something else in her hand and not fish. Clams? She seems to be enjoying this though.
Wow! How many offensive stereotypes can we cram into one thread? Let's have one more.
American bengoshi talks about the way the Japanese are hated throughout the world but uses a Japanese word as part of his handle. Perhaps it's a half-hearted attempt to hide the fact that he belongs to the world's most reviled minority; lawyers.
The Pinnacle Islands were not won by war as some seem to think. They were already Japanese territory when the first Sino-Japanese war ended and China ceeded the Pescadores and Taiwan to Japan. That's why these islands remained part of Japan after WWII, came under US control, and was returned to Japan as part of Okinawa prefecture. Neither China nor Taiwan raised any issue over sovereinty until the 1970s when the possibility of natural resources became apparent. Geographically Taiwan's claim is arguable as they were once considred part of the Japanese controlled Taipei (Taihoku) Prefecture before the end of WWII. However, China's claim is sheer nonsense, nothing more than a territorial grab for resources and laughable.
Of course, Diaoyutai islands are Chinese territory, this is a undisputable fact. The ashamed Japanese just broke their own agreements with China in a treaty decades ago.
"dead fish"
That's the best way to eat 'em.
Japan controls those islands, our coast guard and SDF will protect them from outsiders.
For more "neutral" information i suggest the reading of:
Shaw, Han-yi: “The Diaoyutai/Senkaku Island Dispute: Its history and an analysis of the ownership claims of the P.R.C, R.O.C., and Japan” Occasional Papers/Reprint Series in Contemporary Asian Studies
Probably the main reason I cant take Chinese anti-J sentiment very seriously is because so much of it is based on complete erroneous and fabricated information.
Wish you shared that same feeling as regards to mammals.
If it's done humanely, then I can understand it. I don't like it. When it cannot be done humanely, and still people think it's OK - then I don't understand it.
Come again?
yosun-This fish-throw guy looks more like Japanese than Chinese/Taiwanese! I suspect he is an anti-whale catching activist to protest there~ The red hat old guy behind him is absolutely another Japanese~ LOL
These two guys are as Chinese/Taiwanese as the sun. Your comment is in error.
Try telling my wife that...
And of course, Tibet belongs to China right ?
Little man with a little fish.
Hey chump, thanks for the fish.
little fish syndrome..
Taiwan's claim to the islands is based entirely on their desire to have fishing rights. No fisherman, Taiwanese or otherwise would stoop to throwing fish as this photo depicts. I suspect this "activist" is a paid demonstrator working for the Chinese.
I'm with Cleo on that one. Don't waste it if you can eat it!!!!
Simple minds.
Taipei's Japan Interchange Association is a funny place. Submitted my passport there for a J-visa and got it back with "Issued in Bangkok".
about the vest on the left “釣魚台是我們的” diaoyutai is ours on the right “保衛釣魚台” Defend diaoyutai. in the background “兩岸合作” literary means "two shores corporation" two shores mean taiwan and China here. "美日條約" deal between US and Japan. I can't see other words, but I guess it says "we don't admit that". “釋放賠償”release and compensation. it's interesting that China only ask for "release" but taiwan ask for "relase and compensation".
sorry 保衛釣魚台 should be 捍衛釣魚台 defend "strongly", my English is a little rusty.