Actress-singer Meisa Kuroki, 21, wears a Russian sable jacket over Emporio Armani denim pants and T-shirt (she's the image character for the brand) at a ceremony to present her with the Fur of the Year Award on Thursday. The award, for the celebrity who looks the most gorgeous in fur, is given by the Japan Fur Association, in conjunction with the International Fur Trade Federation. The federation guarantees that the fur comes from countries in which the industry adheres to strict animal welfare standards.
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Fur of the Year
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She's actually a very hot chick, but you couldn't tell by looking at this awful picture. IMO, she looks better without fur. She could lose the jacket too :-)
Requesting calm to PETA, please do not get Fur(ious)! Instead, submit your photos ! Double pleasure for JT readers !
She's hot and I love the coat regardles of what PETA thinks. Maybe she should skip the jeans and shirt though, just the coat would be fine by me.
Fur doesn't look good over denim pants. A sexy black dress would have been better.
I'll bet those Emporio Armani denim pants are more expensive than Uniqlo denim pants.
Hot chick...very ugly clothes!
Most Furiest. Best Furist
Ooh, naked model only wearing fur. You're right, that would be hot! Didn't care for the jeans or the shirt either. Sexy black dress would have gone better with the fur.
Best Arminist
Yeah I'm sure you'd like her nude rosujin.
Thinking... why is this news?
Raja Kumar
I heard one of her songs on you tube,she can do better by getting better songs to sing.
What an awful picture. Her hair is a mess.
"Her hair is a mess"
It is not. It's curled and hanging loosely.
Either way it looks terrible.
Nice coat, strange pants, short legs
ugly inside and out
What an awful picture. She's wearing a patchwork of dead bodies. Yuccck.
So, the International Fur Trade Federation guarantees that the fur comes from countries in which the industry adheres to strict animal welfare standards. How wonderful. I'm sure that makes the dead animals on Ms Kuroki's shoulders so much happier.
The IFTF's homepage has a section on 'animal welfare', which it claims involves 'objective scientific research' and the avoidance of trading in endangered species - which would be fine if they didn't then go on to muddy the waters by claiming that 'life-saving medical advances have been made possible only through being able to test procedures and drugs on animals' - and that makes it OK to farm and kill animals to make fur fashions for airheads?? A glaring omission from all this talk of welfare is a description of how the animals are actually killed - though we are assured that 'producer countries have national authority or self-regulated industry inspection'. Oh well that's all right then. We all know that self-regulated industries are totally up-front and reliable.
The Federation shows just how 'objective' it is by launching into a tirade on 'animal rights', the proponents of which, it claims, are against, among other things, animal shelters and pets. And if the crazy animal rights people let you stop them killing animals for frivolous fashion, the next thing they'll take away is your woolly jumper and ham sandwich.
Fur is dead, and the people who wear it, brain dead.
I think I saw that jacket in my grandmother's closet recently.
Nice post Cleo. You just saved me time by echoing my thoughts. What I find ironic is that the same people who would find the animals that the fur comes from, "Gyyaaaaa Kawaii" are the ones who are walking around draped in their hides.
Viewing video of the killing and skinning would surely change a few minds.
Only Animals Should Wear Fur.
Haha, what do the animals think about these standards?
keep the hair straight, Meisa.
That is a nice fur cap, btw.
I'm not a card-carrying member of PETA or an animal rights activist by any stretch, but is there a way or existing system to recycle clothing made with fur like there are for other materials? Or do they get tossed and dumped like cotton, polyester, etc.? Just curious... Cleo?
She looks warm even in a short fur coat more in style of when driving a car & NOT the fur coats of many other people that is well over the knees or calf of he leg. So here hair looks a bit messy, but that was not so important to me, for so many women do not have perfectly made up hair all the time & like others I would not complain.
Bell bottom jeans? Is this a flashback? With those jeans, she should be wearing a "Keep On Truckin'" T-shirt.
whaaaat? her hair looks great... what are you talking about??
Also, that fur jacket is freakin' awesome. I would be sporting it all the time if I was a women.
I had the idea to make a fashion line that is made of 100% chihuahua fur. How would that be perceived? (Yes I know, I would need a lot of chihuahua's for a single Jacket).
fur is murder
I still have my late-Mother's fur coat hanging around since '91 made of rabbit fur & that originaly was made in '49. Her preference rather then more costly fur coats, but she needed something to stay warm in out here in Western Canada.
Not into PETA and their grandstanding regarding animal rights, at the same time, however, I am not into women who adorn their bodies with bits of dead animals. Such photos are obscene, in much the same way as a photo of this young lass showing her own fur would be obscene.
waits for the peta crowd.
Meisa's fur looks delish!
But that is exactly what PETA campaign against on behalf of those of us who think fur coats are wrong. You don't have to be a bean-munching sandal-wearing hippie to agree with what PETA capaign against.
If you are looking at the fur instead of Meisa then you must be a woman. A male or female woman.
I prefer woman with no fur.
I take it she is not a PETA babe. Good for her, although I´d like to see her pull one of those naked PETA stunts :-)
Dr. Jones. I will go you one better. People who make fur coats should be required to use live animals. Gives the animals a chance to show a measure of their displeasure and inflict some damage on their tormentors.
If it is not an endangered animal then what is the problem?
That's just your opinion, or do you have stats to back it up with?
On that you're probably right. Especially the people who squeal kawaiiii in the petting zoo or pet shop or watching a wildlife programme on TV, then use the flayed pelts of the same animals for their 'fashion', with no regard to how the animals met their bloody end.
With regard to animals, coming from a family that is very heavily involved in the breeding of dogs for social/work purposes (guide dogs, social service dogs, police dogs, etc), and also coming from a family that lives on the land, my attitude towards animal rights is rather diverse.
On one hand, I cannot stomach organizations such as PETA, whose employees have been known to claim animal rights, while at the same time killing unwanted cats and dogs in the back of a van. On the other hand, I don't like the idea of slaughtering animals just for the sake of fashion. Killing for necessity is one thing, whether that necessity is farming or for personal consumption (and I must have knocked over thousands of rabbits as a child), however, killing and torturing animals for the sake of fashion is something totally different.
Indeed, while no friend of PETA, I am very proud to be a paid up member of a number of animal rights organizations, such as the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
She looks good, but she would look equally good in synthetic fur.
How's about calling all fur: 'Real fur', if it is made without depriving a living animal of its skin. (Short for real understanding, real consciousness, etc.)
All fur taken from a live animal could then be called 'fake fur', or 'unnatural fur' from now on.
In this way the stigma usually attached to man-made fur by critical fashion-conscious people can be transferred over to cruel fur.
Why not just call it what it is - dead bodies.
What a mess she looks. Her hair and that dead animal meld into one tangled eyesore that makes her look like anything but the celebrity who looks the most gorgeous in a corpse.
What sort of person do they hope will buy their nasty little short-in-the-sleeve jackets? Homeless drop-outs? Junkies? They're the only people I can think of who might aspire to that sort of mangled-mess image. Sorry, and I guess she's very pretty, but all I can see is a mess.
Beautiful coat. Beautiful girl. I have leather shoes. I always find it curious why some have less respect for human life then for the life of animals. Maybe it is overcompensation. Who knows.
When people did not have sufficient knowledge and did not have a choice, and killed the animals, it is excusable. But now... just leave the animals lone. Somehow, do not like the way some organisations make a huge fuss and show about how they work for the prevention of cruelty to animals. Nice model, ugly cloths and don't like the way she is posing.
Down feathers. Poor geese. Folks fur etc... as long as the animal has a dignified existance and quick death... that is all we can do. It is the way it is. I wish it was not, but that is how the cards were dealt.
Oh the dead bodies!! How cruel!! I suppose no one own a single thing made of leather. I do agree that the jacket is ugly. Fur is outdated. No need for it. But for the FEW that like it I have no problem with them wearing it as long as it wasn't endangered. Some self righteous people need to chill or just suck it up.
Totally with you on that one, dr. jones. You can start with the yappy little sod two storeys up from me.
Hot, but is the Fur skirt?
Love that jacket. I'm gonna buy one. They're not too expensive, are they? Unusually pretty model. Don't like her hair, though. Is it real?
Japanese women do love their fur...
Hint: it isn't either - or. You can respect both.
But it doesn't. If it's a fur animal it's likely skinned alive and conscious.
Waaaa haaaa haaaaaaaa! LOL!
I grew up trapping. The fox were all quite dead. "Alive and conscious?" Are you?
She looks good, the jacket doesn't. Why do so many people dislike her hair? The only thing slightly wrong with it is that she put too much mousse on top which gives it a wet, disorderly look. I have the same hairstyle, only 10 cm longer and blonde hair and everybody loves it.
How nice to know you find the idea of animals being skinned alive so hilarious.
But you prefer trapping to farming? Because trapping is so humane, I suppose. How long did it take for the foxes to die?
And how exclusive were your traps?
Several years ago I bought a black fur coat in a misguided moment of luxury goods obsession. I knew I had made a grave error when I brought it home and my black cat started nuzzling it. I shipped it to PETA in the States where they use unwanted fur in demonstrations or give it to the homeless- who like the Inuits actually need such warm clothing. The worst film I have seen is in China of raccoon dogs being skinned alive in the street with a close up of the animals eyelashes, the only hair left on its body slowly blinking. It breaks my heart to think of such things. Young celebs in Japan need to get on this bandwagon and promote fake- fur as the only glamorous and ethical choice. Please check cheaperfake-fur` trimmed items from China as often they are mislabeled as fake when they are in fact raccoon dog.
Fur is warm, comfortable to wear, and attractive when well made into clothing. I have several items of fur clothing (and leather) and am glad it's finally in the season when I can wear it. No regrets.
She looks really nice with this coat, the hair could be a bit better as others have said.
i adore Meisa, but here she doesnt look as gorgeous as she usually does. hair style doesnt suit to her, fur and the clothes just dont reflect her real personality.
she's hot but come on, another useless award
30061015: If you grew up trapping that makes you far closer to the land than some of the advocates on the PETA side, good for you.
Please make sure your Raccoon Dogs are dead before skinning them. It could be hazardous to your own skin to grab them alive and start to pull their skin off. I only say this so you don't end up being a skin head. I care!
Koo koo ka choo
She's pissed off a lot of people by wearing that. I can't believe the lack of imagination some people have. Do people seriously think these animals were killed and then skinned? Please, google first before making such an ignorant comment. They are anally or vaginally electrocuted, then skinned alive. I can't even imagine what that must feel like. Noone has to be an animal lover to know that this is just wrong. Sacrificing animals for medicinal purposes are still debatabale, but taking the fashion side in a case like this is pure stupidity. What's the point? We don't live in the North Pole, nor are we in the medival period. There are no circumstances where we have to wear fur. I have plenty of faux-fur coats and hats, and they are perfectly warm, they don't smell, and they look hella good. I'm pretty fashionable and I have good taste, and I've never had a problem not having real fur. Those who have purchased fur items or are planning to this winter....I beg of you. Take a moment and research. See what's happening, and if you still want 'em, well that's your choice. But at least you know and you're that much more aware.
The fur is long as it is imitation fur. But the pants , how they are pulled so far up is ugly as hell. She is pretty though ^_^
It's actually hypocritical. I share the "Gyaaaaa Kawaii" people's sentiment. So what if people like cute furry animals, and also like wearing fur? I love fur.
It's human nature to use animals for useful things.
I like furry animals, and also I like wearing fur. It's super warm, nice to touch, and I like the look of it.
My intial reaction is: Fur! Yuck! But I did check out the IFTF site and they make a valid point about the difference between animal welfare and animal rights. People who support animal welfare are those who accept that animals have always provided us with food and clothing and they have helped us make medical advances. Animal rights supporter are against many things including farming, hunting, leather & fur, wool & cashmere, zoos, etc...
My heart is all for animal rights but my head is in favor of animal welfare. I hate the idea of an animal being kept in a cage and then skinned for its fur but we can't deny that we do rely on animals. The IFTF does claim to kill the animals quickly and humanely but I have also heard horror stories of animals being electrocuted and skinned alive.
And being from Canada, I know that fur-bearing animals are a natural resource and are important to people in isolated areas and to aboriginal people's lifestyle. Fur for fashion, however, is completely frivolous. So in the end I guess what I really believe is we should respect animals and they should not be caged, harmed or killed unnecessarily.
Creases in jeans?