Japan Today
picture of the day

Ginza aquarium


Passers-by look at marine life in an aquarium set up at Sony Plaza in Tokyo's Ginza shopping district. The aquarium will remain there until Aug 31.

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Yay! The Sony Aquarium is back up! Love this about summer in Tokyo.

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wonder if the shark gets hungry and eats the other fish in the tank?

I went to an aquarium in Busan, and the main exhibit was a floor-to-ceiling shark tank with four or five nurse sharks (the biggest was 8' long) and about 300 smaller fish, each about 1-2' long. The smaller fish (read: the hors d'oeuvres) ALL SWAN IN UNISON with the shark's rhythm to avoid attracting his attention, as an injured fish might. It was an eerie and surprisingly suspenseful sight -- nature's unpredictable tensions could have erupted at any time...

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umbrellas in the summer.. ô_o as weird as those long dark gloves some women wears to drive on sunny mornings..reminds me kitana/mileena

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The guy in the hat on the right is one of the disappointed to find out this isn't a new sushi restaurant.

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Looks sunny to me in the picture, hence the parasols. Last summer the fish came from Churami aquarium in Okinawa- was quite impressive. Must have a look and see if the fish are from Churami this year too.

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@Badge213 > LOL

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I guess some were disappointed to find out that this wasn't a new sushi restaurant.

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some14some, actually it's quite sunny in the picture. Look at the bus or cab in the background. You'd rather the elderly get skin cancer?

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Shark meat cooked with cumin seeds, turmeric and spicy cinnamon is just yummy. And me not Japanese saying it.

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wonder if the shark gets hungry and eats the other fish in the tank? Maybe sharks don't eat their roomates...hehehe

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All urban sharks have attitude.

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Gw: Some of these fish can be quite expensive, so I doubt they meet their demise. I think in the past they have borrowed them from large aquariums.

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GW, they get sent to other Aquarium once Sony have finished, can't remember which one but they have a sign outside the tank explaining it.

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I always wondered what happened to these fish when they get swapped out over the year, Sony must have a public aquarium somewhere or perhaps they go straight to tsukiji when they swap themes...........

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paulinusa-- thank you for that, I actually feel better about the poor thing now, haha.

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DON'T EAT ME, JUST LOOK OK !!!! You know someone is saying oshii ne !!!

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kokorocloud:Saw this a couple of summers ago and the tank was fairly large. Also, cameras can make things appear larger than they are, so that shark is probably not that big.

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Is that a fish burried under the sand on the left hand side?

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LOL it's almost like everyone outside is thinking: "How nice it would be inside that tank on this hot day!"

While the shark and fish are thinking: "How it would be nice to have as much room as the humans have to move around."

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It might just be the angle, but that tank doesn't look big enough for that poor shark...

This would be really cool to see in person though.

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I like the hat on the guy on the right.

yeah, can be used as eco-bag/basket as well :)

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I like the hat on the guy on the right.

you mean the japanese national hat?

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I like the hat on the guy on the right.

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Japanese life is more interesting than Marine Life, look there...neither sunny nor raining still those three elderly ladies holding umbrellas !

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Hey Mr.Shark, turn that frown upside down!

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