I wonder how many took him up on the offer? It's strange that one of the best methods for making a human being feel welcome and needed is mainly reserved for young children and babies here.
Many a little more hugging going around would loosen up some of the "underwear is too tight cutting off the oxygen flow to the brain" syndrome that affects so many people.
Of course it's for foreigners who love Japan or Japanese, we almost Japanese probably don't care but I don't know he is very handsome or she is quite pretty.
Is it something like a hunny trap for guys? I must doubt first.....
I wonder if - at the risk of being politically incorrect - a well endowed Japanese woman offering the same might be more successful. And I do agree, it is a bit dated now.
Who cares if the sign is outdated, or some people think the idea is an outdated trend -- hugs NEVER get tired, and if more people hugged each other, there would be less problems. Doesn't matter if it's a stranger or a loved one or good friend. It is a good form of stress relief and pleasure. There are, of course, people who would take advantage and either give or receive for selfish reasons rather than for what I believe is the purpose of the exercise, but on the whole what is the problem with it? If no one takes the man up on it, so be it. If even one does, I hope it makes them both happier for it.
SimondB: It would definitely be more successful, but then it would be about sex and would likely be a bunch of old men just wanting to hug a hot woman. Leave that for the special fan fund-raiser events for Johnny's groups and porn companies. If there is such a woman, or man, then fine, but it shouldn't be sexed up or that person chosen for that reason.
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I wonder how many took him up on the offer? It's strange that one of the best methods for making a human being feel welcome and needed is mainly reserved for young children and babies here.
Many a little more hugging going around would loosen up some of the "underwear is too tight cutting off the oxygen flow to the brain" syndrome that affects so many people.
This is so old now. Did this in front of Shibuya station ten years ago - lot of fun.
omg look at this crowd... getting a motorcycle license cut about 95% of my stress here, trains & car only on weekends or when it's raining heavily.
I thought japanese people don't hug one another. In america, we do it all the time among family & friends. No sign needed.
Of course it's for foreigners who love Japan or Japanese, we almost Japanese probably don't care but I don't know he is very handsome or she is quite pretty.
Is it something like a hunny trap for guys? I must doubt first.....
Has to be the most out-dated/lamest sign to have in a crowded environment in 2016. cringeworthy at best.
CGB Spender
@goldorak you know what's more cringeworthy? The apathy and ignorance of most other people!
I wonder if - at the risk of being politically incorrect - a well endowed Japanese woman offering the same might be more successful. And I do agree, it is a bit dated now.
Who cares if the sign is outdated, or some people think the idea is an outdated trend -- hugs NEVER get tired, and if more people hugged each other, there would be less problems. Doesn't matter if it's a stranger or a loved one or good friend. It is a good form of stress relief and pleasure. There are, of course, people who would take advantage and either give or receive for selfish reasons rather than for what I believe is the purpose of the exercise, but on the whole what is the problem with it? If no one takes the man up on it, so be it. If even one does, I hope it makes them both happier for it.
SimondB: It would definitely be more successful, but then it would be about sex and would likely be a bunch of old men just wanting to hug a hot woman. Leave that for the special fan fund-raiser events for Johnny's groups and porn companies. If there is such a woman, or man, then fine, but it shouldn't be sexed up or that person chosen for that reason.
Ok, I guess as always it has to be me to say it, but hasn't anyone else noticed that the man holding the sign is PUSHING A TODDLER IN A STROLLER.
So maybe the caption should read: "A man PUSHING A TODDLER IN A STROLLER offers free hugs..."
Do you get it now?
No, the man holding the sign isn't pushing a stroller. Someone in front of him WEARING TOTALLY DIFFERENT CLOTHES is doing that.
LoL. The negative 6, thumbs down, confirms Japanese don't hug anyone.
Thumbs down for coming to this conclusion and caring whether people up you or down you.
Neither matter.....get a life!
Dan R K Sparkman
Perhaps the person is lonely and wanting some touching. Anyway not s bad idea & activity. There will be some who can make his day.