Japan Today
picture of the day

Godzilla's in town


Marking the 80th anniversary of the first Godzilla movie, the famous monster is featured in a nightly projection mapping display, using the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building No. 1 as a canvas, creating a landscape of light, sound and color to promote nighttime tourism. The latest program is the second to feature Godzilla this year and is a follow-up to the presentation released in spring.

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Tokyo under Koike governor wastes billions yen for this show, on the other hand, abandons poverty class, had even harassed or eliminated against private food aid at public places.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

to promote nighttime tourism...

I thought that the Japanese hated tourists?

Looks very impressive...

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Aoi Azuuri:

Tokyo under Koike governor wastes billions yen for this show, on the other hand, abandons poverty class, had even harassed or eliminated against private food aid at public places.

Because Tokyo, especially under Koike, is able to generage profits, the goverment can provide more social services without hiking any tax.

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