American singer Lady Gaga signs autographs for her "little monsters" (her pet name for her fans) upon her arrival at Narita international airport on Tuesday. Lady Gaga is in Tokyo to appear on TV Asahi's popular program "Music Station" which airs Friday night at 8 p.m. She said she wants to eat sushi and shabu-shabu while she is here. She will return to the U.S. on Saturday.
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Kodak or FujiFilm negative?
At first glance, I thought that was YOSHIKI until I read the title.
Wow, all the excitement!
Has she reached 27 yet? :-)
She says she wants to eat sushi and shabu-shabu while he is here.. Good Job JT,, she turns into a he HA HA HA...
Miz Gaga : Don't forget to have a taste of kabocha squash with a few drops of yuzu, today, on the solstice... Then, you can go home for Christmas without a cold!
"“little monsters” really? The meat suit lady calls her fans little monsters?
Gaga is a rip off of Madonna, down to swiping her melody lines in a few songs. Her "girl power" seems to require that women give up things like intelligence, grace and elegance in favor of corsets and extreme outfits. When I would prefer women I care about to simply be who they are and be confident in their own unique personalities and not have them resort to lingere or silly behavior to impress people.
Gaga is extremely annoying. I miss truely "alternative" women of music who didn't need to rip off other people's music or leverage shock to get attention. Take Annie Lennox, Siouxie Soux and many others as better role models.
She looks like a distant cousin of the "Addams family"...
Hey! Don't insult the Addams Family. Maybe she is a distant 10 times removed, wrong side of the tracks cousin.
@tkoind - I tend to disagree with the ripoff claim. I think she is quite unique and has an amazing voice. She also seems intelligent enough to handle this all and package and reinvent herself every few months. That (to me) is creativity bursting at the seams, and must be mental torture for her to live with herself!!
I don't particularly like her music, but she really is quite special.
Come my groupies....
Don Thieme
Where does Lady Gaga go for shabu shabu when she is here in Tokyo?
@tkoind - oh, and good choices by the way! Annie Lennox and Siouxsie Sioux are boith amazing too. Banshee's were one of my favorites in my 'goth' days.
She got threw customs like that? I hope they fingerprinted her
>Gaga is a rip off of Madonna, down to swiping her melody lines in a few songs.
You obviously know nothing about her....she composes most of her music and is a sweet and sensitive soul...the old adage of book being judged by the cover applies here
I feel like Lady GaGa's whole icon marketing thing ended in Madonna's era... Nothing really fresh about her thing...
Sara Sultana
Friday Night 8pm. Should not miss it,Thanks.
"She got threw customs like that?"
Sure, she just threw the customs inspectors aside, ha ha!
Why not? Is there a problem?
Would love to see her once sans makeup, wig(extensions) and in her natural hair-colour.
Throw Madonna, Britney Spears and Marilyn Manson into a melting pot with a just a sprinkle of Europop and you have Lady Gaga, a second rate inferior who's less than the sum of her parts.
@It's Me - here you go:
Not exactly what you were seeking, but close.
Thx, Godan.
"Lady Gaga, a second rate inferior"
Is there really any need to insult this cool woman?
"little monsters", quite actually a true, real definition.
"....she composes most of her music and is a sweet and sensitive soul..."
That just "happen" to be nearly identical notes, tempo and tone to previously written songs by other people. Imagine that....
"Is there really any need to insult this cool woman?"
It is really an insult to point out a fact?
She's not that cool. Her blatant attention seeking histronics are quite painful to watch actually, although to be fair, they can also be hilarious on the rare occasion. The Marry The Night video was one of the funniest, most awful-it's-brilliant things I've seen all year.
'Morning, morphine princess' LOL
tkoind2, well said. Not into either singers, but can't help but see her as just Madonna 2.0. All she's doing Madonna has done before (probably better), just repackaged, revamped with frills for this century to lull the masses she's doing something original, e.g. meat costume. Plus being in the Internet age hasn't hurt her get more exposure than she'd normally would. And yeah, agree... Lennox and Sioux were awesome.
As they say " Everything old becomes new again."
Agree on Annie Lennox and would like to add Kate Bush.
The Munya Times
She has a Japanese hair stylist. She seems to be interested in Japan.
She can't afford that, she is a lupus sufferer as she herself told it during an interview, borderline case. Young women can have that often, hopefully won't take a serious toll on her health.
I understand why Gaga is relevant in Japan. She looks like a Japanese anime character from a horror anime. My neighbour thinks she is kawaii.
all american singers say this. I remember Madonna said the same in addition to going to a Japanese toilet.
I bet she's more worried about how her Twitter account got hacked today.
ewww gag's music sux!!! DAIKIRAI why Japan... WHY!!!
LOL! @ koiwaicoffee
gaga kawaii?! hahahahaha when pigs fly!
Robert Dykes
ACTUALLY she calls her Japanese fans "tokyo monsters"
i love japan NOT lady gaga haha
She's one of the few foreign entertainers who actually supported Japan against the anti-radiation hysteria after the Fukushima nuclear plant crisis.
Do people insult her because they themselves wish they could have her talent? She's brilliant. She is always in the news for doing something off the wall but never for being drunk in public or saying something horrible. She is always quite lovely in what she says. She never insults anyone and tries to promote tolerance and open mindedness. She has always said that she does everything she does for her music, not for being famous. It doesn't matter if you like her music or not, but you don't need to spit bad words about her because you don't like her. I don't like Britney Spears but I don't go around wasting my breath about it. Stop the negativity. She is a goodwill ambassador to Japan because after the Earthquake, she was one of the first celebrities to come to Japan after everyone ran away. She tried to promote Japan and get people to come back.
All I can say is, wow, what a woman.
Lostrune2, Japan is one big market for her. I am sure she will never visit more tragic and disaster hit areas, like for example Africa. Everything is her brain is about money.
Lady Gaga visits Japan because she makes money from Japan. Maybe it is her second biggest market if not the biggest. I know she wont visit my country because nobody cares about her and it is a small market.
i prefer "Japan's Lolitas" any time:
its just a man dressed as a woman, it tried to make it big as a man and failed , but when it dressed like a woman it became a superstar.
shes a cross between the Adams family & Vampire diaries.
I love her false front teeth. There was an article on OMG or what ever about them and showed the implant surgery. Well done.
The Munya Times
It seems and may sound simple that instead of criticizing her or spreading bad words, one should just turn off the radio or the TV or not to buy her DVD or CD records if don't like her, yet it is not that simple.
Because, if I think of her aggressive promotion team behind her, that influences and dictates public taste for entertainment and music, and the dozens of bright young real talents that they knock out from the entertainment and music industry simply by breathing the air from them by promoting this mediocre copy machine, I must say, criticism, even the most negative ones for her are absolutely justified.
I lose nothing if I switch off the radio when she is trying to sing but I lose a lot when the radio broadcasts her, the record shops shelves are full with her, instead of other talented artists.
Jessica Marie Sato;
I agree with you entirely. She is fantastic!
She supports lesbian and gay communities, even though she knows that will cost her a lot of money such as risk-averse sponsorships. It's not all about money. Maybe you should think that way.
She loves Japan... es money
Yawn.....smack smack
calm down
I'm not a fan,dont care for her one way or the other..but I dont get people riding her into the ground because they prefer cabaret singers.if you'd rather be entertained that way good for you,but give us a break from your vehemence,take your own advice and ignore her.
and who supports the real men who are almost extinct? gay lobbies are the most powerful....I think Lady Gaga is entitled to her beliefs but it does not make her the best entertainer in the world.
She has raised millions of dollars for the March 11 disaster victims. She is totally cool.
Madonna JR
Vernie Jefferies
I'll be watching the show Friday night. It will be interesting to see who the other guests will show up. Maybe all the big stars will fill up the studio for this edition.
The Munya Times
She said that she owes the gay community a lot for they helped her to become someone in the entertainment industry and supported and raised her to her carrier at first place when she was a beginner.
It's all about money just not about all her money.
The Munya Times
carrier = career
Did you hear that Lady Gaga is giving away free iPad2's to all her little monsters? All you have to do is send her your personal info and address and they will ship it to your home! I can't stand this lady but I emailed her like 50 times to get all this free swag! I can't wait till xmas!!
Gaga should fit in well in Japan.
I smiled when I read that Gaga doesn't save any money, but spends in all on clothes, her videos, and lives for the day....this is from a certified financial planner.
The Munya Times
@malfupete Dec. 22, 2011 - 02:33AM JST
Here is the answer, read this NetNinjaDec. 21, 2011 - 02:10PM JST
Tyler Lynch
Speaking of Lady Gaga, anyone catch the clever Lady Kaga video?
People complained when foreign celebrities fed into the radiation hysteria..........
Yet now when they actually come here, demonstrating the hysteria is overblown..........
Who cares who is or who is not the best entertainer in the world.......... That's a non-sequitur...........
I am amazed that anyone pays attention to her music; she is just awful.