Japan Today
picture of the day

Grow-Your-Own-Rice bra


A model wears Triumph International's "Grow-Your-Own-Rice bra" in Tokyo on Wednesday. The bra, which transforms into a rice growing kit, allows the wearer to cultivate rice anytime, anywhere. It was created in hopes that more people will become familiar with farming and develop awareness of the importance of agriculture, the lingerie maker said.

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Yes I am first...great idea! Great model!!! Great pictuire!!!

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I need to learn more about this process as I live in metropolitan Tokyo. Is the model giving private lessons in the rice farming process? ^^

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japanese people never fails to amaze me... how about grow your own beef, tuna, chicken bra?

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hai hai because as we all know so very well.. rice growing and bras go perfect together! lol Sex being used to sell farming.. hmmmmmmn well oki oki sekushi rice farming.. sekushi girl.. but square chest? iya.. no no she should have used round pots i think (^.~) smooth milky white clay pots.. they would have been heavier but would have accented her shape and looked more natural.. being round and made of earth yes? And i am certain that if they became 2 heavy she could find help 2 carry them from some future farmer ne?

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That model can grow a lot more than rice...

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Or this one:

A rice bra? But isn't that where the tomatoes usually go?

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Tell me it's edible.Please.

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What is the young ladies name? Must be more photos of her on the net.

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I will be happy to plant seeds in those cups.

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A furry cleavage doesn't seem so attractive. I like last year's photo much better!

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Intriguing concept!! Just added another slang meaning for "ricer". Love the picture. Great model!

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It was created in hopes that more people will become familiar with farming and develop awareness of the importance of agriculture, the lingerie maker said.

So - the sparkly spangles are to keep bird from eating the 'sprouting' rice then?

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Looks like she's got two cookie monsters in there nibbling the goodies.

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let's go green!

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Her face looks photoshopped. Could at least cover the rest of the visible flesh with foundation too...

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I don't know... this one is not particularly appealing. Last year's was a lot better. Do they have bigger planters for those with bigger busts? and are they still square then, too? or more fitting to the human form? Hopefully the smooth out the plastic edges!

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What are those tribbles doing in there?

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Those reflective coins will bounce more light onto the rice, as will her sweaty flesh. Great idea.

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cleo, there has always been a trouble with tribbles.

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what an eco bra! lets plant some eggplant in between those cups too.

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hands off ~~~~

her skin looks healthy ~~~~~

how come japanese girls can be so white!!

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Just when you thought Japan couldn't get any stranger... along comes a rice-growing bra.

Those can't possible be comfortable, can they?

Next thing you know, she'll get the award for "Best Riceist"

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Seeing the photo, I first believed that was the latest version of the "grow your breast gadget" you find on sale in the last pages of catalogues. Well, that's not better...

Surely this girl is not thick and illustrates well the risk of rice penury.

Fukuyama, the skin and the teeth get as white as you want thanks to a bleaching product and a good photoshopping.

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The problem, of course, is acreage: a typical westerner would yield a much higher harvest just based on area alone. If the government is serious about this, a national movement to increase breast size is the only option; and though but a foreigner, I, for one, am happy to assist in any way.

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The rice will go good with the pair of gyozas she is smuggling in her shorts.

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Love the garden hose belt around her waist...

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She's cute, but this is dumb.

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I prefer more of an 大盛り size when it comes to rice bras.

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2 cups of rice please!

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Oh, i thought you said LICE bra.

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Well it's an improvement on the cactus version.

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I wonder if milk is good for growing rice...

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Cute girl with 500ml Cup Bra = H Cup (?!)

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Triumph indeed. I would never get tired of ploughing that field of rice.

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Okay, now if you touch a girls rice on a train, can you get arrested?

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Okay, now if you touch a girls rice on a train, can you get arrested?

sure, as soon as such thought runs through your nerves you will be behind bars :)

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ChopstickMaster, I bet you would get tired of ploughing. I honestly got tired of it and am glad I gave it over to my kid to harvest the field. Am speaking from my own experience though. I hope you know what I am talking about.

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some14some sure, as soon as such thought runs through your nerves you will be behind bars (sic) tsk tsk tsk.

I think you meant to say "behind bras"...

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disgusting! this will just breed more riceizm people!!!

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Had a girlfriend with a body like that once. Oh. Those were good days.

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So when are we going to get to see a "Grow-Your-Own-Daikon jockstrap"?

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im growin something just lookin at that

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I'd get one of those for my missus but it would probably only produce that crappy genmai.

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I've said it before, I'll say it again. It's not really a social issue until Triumph makes a bra out of it.

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2 cups of rice, nice!

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with a lovely navel ring she would be much nicer...;)

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know what u mean... I could also have pleasure. Those were good times.

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Another case of whacky Japan. I don't know about that contraption she's wearing but this girl is smokin' hot.

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It was created in hopes that more people will become familiar with farming and develop awareness of the importance of agriculture, the lingerie maker said.

So, its a campaign of growing rice on bra! There won't be any short of volunteer farmers.

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LOL. Ya got to love the rice seedlings holstered in her water hose belt. Are those six-shooter bra cups?

She doesn't look too sure about this bra as she feels the need to support the planter halves with her hands.

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This pic makes me laugh and cry at the same time. Laughing because its so damned silly, and crying that its also so damned stupid.

What a waste of a purty face?

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OK, usually I say that Japan is similar to other places. But this fascination with bras is rather unique. What is up with that?

In the meantime I'll just go with it and suggest that I am available to help with weeding.

Cute girl, too.

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wacky girl i like that

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smokin hot, are you kidding me? average at breast

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If that's true, meronsoda, then Japan truly is a Utopian paradise. You have to look pretty hard elsewhere to find even 30-year-olds with looks like the model in this picture.

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What a stupid concept. Cute model though.

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The cute looking model was not whacky, it was the Triumph people for wanting the photo taken. The model was making money in said stupid ad so good for her.

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Agreed. The model didn't choose the outfit, Triumph did. All she had to do was wear the silly thing and get her paycheck. Thumbs-up to her for making the best of an absolutly silly situation.

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with a lovely navel ring she would be much nicer...;)

Yeah, totally disagree. Always think those look like crap. She looks beautiful as is, though that "bra" is pretty wacky. Still good for her, collecting a paycheck for a silly outfit.

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that´s the body of 90% of all the japanese girls below 40 years of age.

Skinny and fake jugs?

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she doesnt need a bra does she, what a waste of money.

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What is the fascination with 'grow anytime, anywhere'? It makes absolutely no sense at all.

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uhhh...I think I will stick to buying rice in a bag thanks. I do NOT want to explain to the guards at the airport that Im wearing a bra that grows rice! That's just akward.

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This is my first time seeing people planting rice on their breast...I wonder how it taste? Milky or Creamer? Luckily I'm a man...(^_^)

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Sheesh, I HATE beating a dead horse, but WHERE is the guy with the grow your rice underwear or "jock protector" thing. (sorry, losing my English being here so long). I mean, what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Please chavenistic old zombie Businessmen, PLEASE realize that 50% of the population here are women and that they want the rice-growing-stupid-stuff you are peddling (in VAIN--I mean how many sakes did they drink to come up with this INSANE ASS crap to promote agriculture) for men! I mean, there might be 3% of men that might just like to grow some rice down there for the sake of Japan, you know.

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