A big poster at Roppongi subway station advertises the start of the Halloween season at Tokyo Disney Sea and Disneyland which runs from Thursday through Oct 31.
© Japan Today
Halloween starts early
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A big poster at Roppongi subway station advertises the start of the Halloween season at Tokyo Disney Sea and Disneyland which runs from Thursday through Oct 31.
© Japan Today
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Come on guys. This can't be the "pic of the day"! I'm sure if you just call up Disney and ask them to provide you with a PR kit, they will happily do so.
You sure it's not advertising that new Disney-theme girlie bar by Roppo station ??
I'm surprised the Halloween season is so long in Japan. 52 days - that's longer than the Christmas season. But then I suppose that this year, the Xmas decorations will go up around mid-October, when the weather is still warm.
Mickey looks rather scary in that picture.
Nothing but an irregular size Post Card.
A Disney advert is not worthy the title picture of the day. Except if Disney is paying for it.
Moderator: The point of the photo is that the Halloween season is starting 52 days before Halloween.
The point of the photo --based on its subtitle-- is that "the Halloween season at Tokyo Disneyland" has started.
the words disney and halloween definitely do not go together.
Sounds like an advert for Disney to me.
Not framed well, outrageously boring topic, and just what we need, a promo for consumerism, American at that!
Andrew Decena
Everyday is Halloween in Roppongi.
If you are going to call it season then it cannot be just one day. And the very next day we'll see xmas lights and have a similar 'shock'.
worst or not, the photo does not look like a great photo for advertising Disneyland as a great place to go to for halloween. To me, it looks like some scary shit. I would never go to Disneyland for halloween after looking at that poster.
Mickey de Sade.
Looks like the poster is for "Disney-Sea" which is more adult orientated than "Disney-Land".
Either way none of my money will go to the big-ear mouse empire.
i never realised there was a whole halloween season here..what a load of crap..halloween is supposed to be one night of slasher flicks and trick or treaters.i guess everything in japan has to be dumbed down and made into some" kawaii"cartoon version.
Halloween itself is scary, lets wrap it up and sell it to kids in the form of Mickey Mouse! After reading the encyclopedia about most 'celebrations', really sees how such pagan practices etc became used merely to sell things commercially
This photo really irks me.
Come ON!!
Look at this picture...
A giant bright burning object storming down on a load of yellow ducks, dressed all Japanese, with a huge symbol of America looming over them.
Remind you of anything?
This brings back horrible memories of an overcrowded park with a 3 hour wait minimum to ride the rides, and gift shops filled with people standing shoulder to shoulder trying to buy halloween goods to show off to their friends. I think I will have nightmares tonight.
In response to some anti-American comments here, Halloween originated in Europe NOT America.
@Paulinusa: Yeh, but who bastardized it?
Well, last time I checked, the Japanese(or any other countries) don't have a problem capitalizing on Halloween or Christmas or Valentine's Day, none of which are "American". Consumerism isn't an American invention,take a walk around Ginza,Shibuya,etc.
Mind you, I don't find anything wrong in criticizing the poster,Halloween or Disney for that matter.
I love me some DisneySea.
Awful pic of the day. There's about 1000 better ways to show the theme "Halloween starts early" than this pic.
Jeff Huffman
paulinusa at 01:32 AM JST - 10th September In response to some anti-American comments here, Halloween originated in Europe NOT America
Actually, no. The Halloween semi-embraced by the Japanese is very much the American mid- to late-20th century derivation.
Perhaps this section could be renamed "Increasingly often a picture of an advertisement of the day".
jeffrey: Not quite sure about that. Other countries dress up in costumes and in the past an important tradition of American Halloweens was "Trick or Treating": Going from people's homes door to door for candy and such. Don't think the Japanese do that.
All-in-all, a very 'Mickey Mouse' effort.
Doesn't matter what they do, japanese people have us watching it. They rule! LOL
This is not early, an early start to Halloween would be the middle of August, ha ha!