A Japanese fan waits for the United States and Japan to play in the FIFA Women's World Cup soccer championship in Vancouver, Canada, on Sunday.
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A Japanese fan waits for the United States and Japan to play in the FIFA Women's World Cup soccer championship in Vancouver, Canada, on Sunday.
© Japan Today
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And seven minutes into the match the US leads 2 to nil.....Japan has a huge mountain to climb.
That was just ... incredible. Lloyd!!!
Two quick US goals!! Unbelievable so early on-
Stunned by the first two goals. And another one. And another one.
This is turning out to be a carnage by the US.
Vernie Jefferies
That long kick from midfield just put the nail in the coffin 4 - 0 USA
What the ....!?!? This isn't a game, it's a massacre. C'mon Nadeshiko, look lively!
This is a nightmare for Japan. We could be looking at 10-0. Bring on all available strikers, please Japan - no point defending now!
NADESHIKO are D-O-N-E !! Somebody throw in the towel!
I don't follow soccer and even I can see this is a rout. I don't see the U.S. letting up though. They've been criticized in the U.S. press during this tournament for being lacking in offense and that the only thing saving them was their iron-clad defense.
Texas A&M Aggie
Leave .... No .... Doubt .....
USA!!!! USA!!! USA!!!!
Not so happy now. 4 goals in 16 minutes.
Absolutely. Don't leave any room for Japanese sour grapes.
It ain'T over yet ... picking up a bit, Nadeshiko.
A spark. Japan scores and is playing more aggressive. A tough bunch. The americans better not slack-off.
Sawa is on...YES! They really should've replaced the entire defence, they are woeful. Cmon, Japan...Sawa will lead the fightback!
Texas A&M Aggie
Hand balls are allowed in women's soccer . . . .
I missed the 1st 10mins of this game, turned in & was like WTF!? 2-blot already!? US is on fire!
Now 4-1. Come on Japan! Lets make it a tight contest!
lol dont be so surprised. japan will score 5 now that unexperienced amerikans think they got this game
Texas A&M Aggie
Wonder how happy that fan is now ......
A.N. Other
Now that really is the textbook definition of choking.
What a bunch of chokers.
This US team can probably beat the Japanese men's team as well. They are getting their revenge big time...
That goal from Lloyd was a beaut!
A.N. Other
I love the goal scored from the half-way line. Lobbed everyone and went into the net! The 'keeper was so far off her line she may as well have been in the Andes. I love the way she ran backwards and ended up on the ground flapping at the ball! Ha, ha. I reckon she'll het nutmegged for the U.S.' 5th.
Come on Japan..
Japan! 4-2 clawing their way back. Game on!
Comeback is on!
Looking good, looking good! C'mon J-team, I got money on this!
yeah, if Japan pulls this out it will be the greatest comeback ever.
And just like that the US strikes again!
Rack up nuther' US GOAL!!
Texas A&M Aggie
And the rout continues .....
USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!
Oh no, another goal. Japan need 4 more...
A.N. Other
How embarassing...
I dont know how any half wit could vote down "And just like that the US strikes again!", pretty much just describing what happened.
Lloyd is having a cracker or a game.
Sorry to break it to you, but Japan and the US have played about 30 times with Japan winning only ONCE. Losing to a better team is not choking, but let's hope Japan can make it an interesting match!
Iwabuchi's on. Bring it, baby!
How do Japan come back from this? Well, they don’t. Coming back from three goals down is hard enough but against this US team? Who haven’t conceded since 583AD - more than a thousand years before America was even discovered? Not happening.
"Lloyd is having a cracker or a game." I meant "of" not "or" gez my spelling has gone out the window amongst all this excitement.
Morgan has had a few chances too. Gone very close if not for a very good save by the Japanese goalie.
Still time to pull off the unthinkable Japan.
What a load of long ball nonsense from Japan. Why not play your passing game? Anyway, happy birthday USA. Deserved winners. Makes England's own goal smart a little less.
This was a massacre. A huge humiliation. Nadeshiko got destroyed in this game.
Its all over. Nadeshiko are D-O-N-E!! What ansome show for this 4th JULY weekend!! Congrats to all JT americans-
Congratulations to the US, definitely deserved the win.
Commiserations to Japan.
One huge difference I noticed is that the American team is about 5 inches taller than the Japanese team. Nadeshiko is a speedy team, but they lack stamina.
Megumi Shakti
Leave no doubt. We took Gold at the Olympics and we are taking this Cup!.
USA USA USA. Win for every American who has been hurt by Japan.
Well done team USA - clearly the better side. Extremely disappointing performance from Japan, sadly. Not the international send-off Homare Sawa was looking for. Their defence was torn to shreds by the US women.
Megumi Shakti
What a week for America. From pain and tragedy in Charlotte, the victories in the Supreme Court, the removal of the confederate flag, Gay marriage made legal all across the country, to finally this.....World Cup Champions in the FIFA organisation that America cleaned up as well.
Hey Blatter!!!!! We'll be taking that Cup off your hands too. Don't show up to deliver it. Hope Solo might arrest you.
Sepp Blatter strikes again, it's the women's final but it is attractive women in low cut tight dresses who bring out the awards? Go figure. Canada, a Mountie? well done. Love it. Congrats USA.
LOL, she has her own problems regarding the law to worry about next week. Like going to prison for domestic battery.
That fan in the photo probably isn't happy now. USA! USA!USA!
Megumi Shakti
Lloyd for the $10 dollar bill!!!
I just noted on the FIFA site that Japan's second goal was an own-goal charged against Johnston. So the final tally was: U.S.A 6 goals, Japan 1 goal. ;-P
Good game Japan. USA! USA! USA!
Texas A&M Aggie
Carli Lloyd for President.......
USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!
@Texas. LoL, tears of a clown-
And the rockets red glare the bombs bursting in air!!! WOW what a shock and awe for the first 16 minutes. It just seemed as if the Japanese women's team was caught totally off guard or playing for a shoot out again!