Demonstrators protest against China near the venue of the APEC summit in Yokohama on Saturday afternoon.
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Demonstrators protest against China near the venue of the APEC summit in Yokohama on Saturday afternoon.
© Japan Today
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This nationalist movement in Japan seems kinda recent thing!
Awesome picture ! Nice weekend to the participants !
i can see at least 2 obaasan's
speak your mind!
Now... time to drink it off at the bar, whine, moan, puke, wake up and shoganai on Sunday.
They would be better off protesting against their thieving government and lying, food mislabeling companies. China is an easy target. It's harder to look at oneself.
If these people urge China to democratize itself, they better not align themselves with anti-China stance. How about using the Five-Colored Flag if not the Blue Sky with a White Sun flag?
It has been a fun year 2010 !!!! I wonder what will happen 2011 ? HHHMMMMMMMMM
1 2 3 123 2 3 123
ichi ni san chi we don't know why we march today ichi ni san chi we don't know why we march today
NO KIDDIES this time! (But a picture of Liu XIAOBO, might irate some pro-China shills here LoL)
It's awesome how the Japanese nationalist movements can rally for the causes of non-Japanese speaking peoples who are victimised by the Chinese.
Darn right, Japan must first weed out the Chinese carpetbaggers from its public institutions in order to mount an effective anti-Chinese front.
So, they're protesting against China over Senkaku, but one guy decides to bring the Nobel Prize Winner issue to make it look like they have a legitimate cause?
Where are all the irresponsible moms and their three year olds with balloons and signs they can't even read?
What leads you to believe the Chinese government's defense of its "fishing" boats' criminal conduct on the high seas doesn't spring from the same totalitarian mindset that tries to bully neutral countries like Norway into withdraw a Nobel Peace Prize?
A portrait more appropriately associated with support for the cause of Mr. LIU -- irrelevant picture for the above subject ?
Of course, if you bring the Senkaku issue into alignment with Tibet, Uygurstan, Taiwan and Liu, it would make it look like another instance of Chinese oppression. The Koreans use this tactic when protesting about Japanese occupation by bringing up WWII, despite the anachronistic details its very effective in rallying no-brainers to your cause.
A group of funny people. Mind your own business first. lol..
japan is basically now an old people's home and can only survive in the future with China's say so. These demonstrators had better go home and start learning Mandarin and Cantonese.
Sad, but true.
And these twin sisters show why its time to say "good by Japan", your myths of strength and speciality no longer work: edition(dot)cnn(dot)com/2010/BUSINESS/11/11/obama(dot)twin(dot)sisters(dot)japan/
bye bye ...
Senkaku is a legitimate cause for protest. Some of you posters are unbelievable.
Frankly protest all you want. No one in the world cares. China has come into power for Asia. Deal with it.
People, this is stupid. It's a waste of a Saturday, instead, do it on a Monday or midweek and tell your boss it's for a patriotic thing. Free day off, everybody wins. What with that pic of Liu, btw? It's like going to a protest against Walmart and you have a 'Sony Sucks' sign. Cohesiveness, people, you got to stick to a topic else it's just confusing.
Looking at the pic again, the guy with the camera in the front row look really really happy.
are they protesting what ? china is big and bad, or Japan is weak and impotent ?
@sheets A group of funny people. Mind your own business first. lol..
I disagree with you. My highest respect to those who speak up their mind in public. This is all about democracy.
@WMD japan is basically now an old people's home and can only survive in the future with China's say so. These demonstrators had better go home and start learning Mandarin and Cantonese.
Very arrogant remarks and not appreciated. I assure you it will not happen. The rest of world and Japan are trying to contain China, and we will prevail.
These participants look happy and smiling. Again, this is all about DEMOCRACY!! Japan is still healthy country.
Can someone please tell me what these people are protesting about?
That China is not a democracy? Well it appears that Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia are communist states, Myanmar are ruled by a military junta, Brunei is ruled by a monarch with numerous wives.
Or is it about China is getting too economically strong? Or is it about the dispute about a few rocks in the middle of Timbucktoo?
While it is good to see the normally politically comatosed Japanese protesting about something, this whole thing is nonsense. Those islands are beside China and Taiwan, and very far from Japan. The only reason they Japanese want them is because of the oil reserves nearby.
Japan is rapidly going down the plughole in many respects, and most Japanese are so wrapped up in their own little worlds that they dont realise what is going on in the outside world. The days of right-wing Japanese Fascism are gone, but some people dont seem to realise that. It dies with the brainwashed kamikaze pilots, and with Emperor Hirohito.
Already this country is Number 3. It will sink further in the coming years, thanks to the "closed shop" mentality of the Japanese Government and people.
They'd boo Santa Claus, this Mob! Right-wing, conservative extremists. Let's pay no attention to this rabble.
I agree - Hirohito was an awful individual - the terrible bloke lived way too long, let's face it - but his son seems like a decent fellow. I've nothing against the modern Japanese royals, so long as they have zero say in terms of the Japanese people. I reckon the modern Japanese royals are nothing like the low-class racists in this photo...
Did you check on a map before you wrote that? The islands are very far from China, and closer to Yonaguni than Taiwan. To be precise, 104 km from the coast of Taiwan, 94 km from the centre of Yonaguni and 215 km from the coast of China. (Figures from Google Maps Distance Calculator)
This sounds like a dumb comment. At least these people have some pride in their country and are protesting in a peaceful manner against China's blatant bullying. They are not destroying anything and are only cheering for their own country. The protester with the sign about the Chinese "dissident" is also just showing China's hypocrisy. These protesters are rather quite peaceful and not causing damage by the looks of it so I admire them for protesting in that manner and not causing violence like would happen elsewhere. Cleo is right about the geography. Sounds like they are part of the archipelego.
I wish they'd use their energy to protest the crap going on in their own country first.
How do YOU know what they're protesting smith? Maybe they're protesting for the release of Liu Xiaobo. In which case they're protesting for human rights which is also "anti-China". Why do you ASSYOUM that they are protesting about the islands or anything else? And what anti-china cause exactly would NOT be "legitimate"? I really think you talk out of your assumptions quite often.
I think that their protest is perfectly legitimate. Japanese in general feel awful that China just relegated their nation to #3, and that the recent fishing boat incident made Japanese people feel even smaller. Combine China's rise with Japan's declining state, and there you have it. Lots of pissed of Japanese, feeling downright humiliated.
Ken Watanabe
This is a part of multiple voices against Japan's strategic rival.
OK. What's the difference between the right-wingers and these demonstrators in the photo? If you're claiming that these people are jerk just because they are joining in the protests, you're completely clueless.
Japanese are so wrapped up in their own little worlds that they dont realise what is going on in the outside world. It will sink further in the coming years, thanks to the "closed shop" mentality of the Japanese Government and people.
Thank you for your post. I used to think I am the only person who feel this way about Japan. They are always in their own world. I do not know a solution to this problem, though.
This is a proud day for the Japanese. Hooray for their bravery and readiness to move on into the 21st century. "Mistakes were made," but that is what every historian says. Finally, a response to one of two countries that keeps trying to suck Japan dry financially.
One thing for sure is the fact that the Japanese government did not pay the protesters to organize and demonstrate, unlike the two countries implied above. Did anyone else ever notice that dictatorships always have plenty of protesters on company time? Hooray for the protesters.
give and hate
Those misleaded people were protesting their own miserables and paranoid after 20 years of ecomnomic bubble bursted! I dont think China has done 'TOO FAR' as you guys stated over the trawler incedent because for japan that definately was a good thing....let them know what their grand fathers has done to China in that 50 years before 1945. The trawler collison incident was just peanuts if you comparing with Manchria incident!
From the photo you saw many of them were smiling and most of them were young faces born after 1980s. That has reflected the paranoid of young generation Japanese paranoid over their future and competition getting nasty between the same ages of Chinese and japanese co-existence!
I saw a flag seems like the 'Republic of Vietnam'? Was that related with China japan disputes?? Oh yes...China has supported the VC causing huge casualties over the vietnam war.....when will those former US veterans of Vietnam war join the chorus of blashing China??
Ken Watanabe
No. The national coast guards have a duty to protect the nation from any suspicious acts that may pose a potential threat to its interests and/or security. The fact of the matter is that they found an 'unidentified' vessel within Japan's sea territory. Note that the vessel was owned by private Chinese activists. The vessel has no direct connection with Chinese government. They are NOT allowed to dock at any sea ports in Japan nor intervene into Japan's sea territory, unless they have permission for business/commercial, diplomatic, or immigration purposes. Your comparison of the incident with the Japan's past history is quite misleading.
The 国ational economies of 中hina and Japan-are 深eeply 内nter 結onnected. 一ne can 不ot do 無ithout the 他ther. Japanese consumers can afford 多ore electronics due-to 中hinese 製anufacturing. 中hinese factories can 産roduce 多ore 貨oods due-to Japanese technology.