Ice skaters enjoy an indoor rink at Omotesando Hills. The rink is open from 11 a.m. until 9 p.m. through Jan 10.
© Japan TodayHills on ice
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Ice skaters enjoy an indoor rink at Omotesando Hills. The rink is open from 11 a.m. until 9 p.m. through Jan 10.
© Japan Today
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hey Nice pic!
The rink looks a little bit small. How much per person? If it is less than 1,000 yen, I will go skating.
This rink comes up here every year!
Prices would be nice.
How much?
Been to the mall many times. I'm guessing this is at the very lowest level where there are exhibitions, and yes, it's not that large.
The use of the skating rink is free; however, skate rental is 1000yen for adults, 500 yen for High School age and younger. It is located on the B3F level, O Main Space.
How did I find this information? I used a very cool and awesomely useful website called Google. Some JT commenters should learn about it. Just a few mouse clicks and I found there is a website for this event:
w w w.omotesando-illuminations (DOT) com/?target=event
(Hopefully the JT editor/moderator will permit the website to stay in my comment).
Check out that website for more information (Japanese language only site). Open until January 10, from 11:00 to 21:00.
Oh, ya. About the picture itself. We are back to the 'blue is best' holiday illumination picture for Japan. But it does look like a calming, relaxing place, and not crowded!
Let's enjoy skating!!!! a grand is cheap - free if you have your own skates!!!
How pretty!