Japan Today
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A man sleeps in front of a store in Shinjuku.

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Looks like Sumo wrestler outside the Dohyo, uninspiring pic.

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I know ikebana can be boring, but geez...!!!

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Dunno about "sleeps"! Looks like he passed out after one too many sho-chus!

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Cool, got any more photos of homeless people for us?

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This is very poor taste ... this made the news??? I can donate some photos of me puking from last bonenkai.

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"one too many sho-chus"

Maybe chu-hi.

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One of Japan's not to be talked about problems. You have seen people stepping over the homeless trying to to notice. SAD

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I wonder what the significance of those twigs in the can are. Sadly, this type of scene is increasing all over Tokyo.

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Sleep? Looks like he is dead if you ask me.

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That dude is faded....passed out on the hard streets of Shinjiku

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I don't know what's more pathetic, a contributor sending such a pic or JT for using it.

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Members of my church and other groups have been feeding homeless people like this man (if he indeed is homeless), around Tokyo, giving out up to 250 rice cakes a day. However, the police have been trying to discourage us. Japan can be a cruel society. It's a sad day when it is up to foreigners to feed the homeless people.

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the police have been trying to discourage us

How?? Tell us more!

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he's neither drunk nor homeless. it's a modern performance art piece

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The Rice Patrol, as we call it, was first started by the Franciscan Chapel Center in the mid-1980s. We were opposed by the police from day one. They even asked us if we were using imported rice (we were, obtained via the U.S. Embassy), which was not legal in those days. The main objection then, as now, was that these people are "society's undesirables" and that they are homeless of their own accord. The retailers don't want them sleeping outside their stores. In the 1990s, in Shinjuku's underground promenade, they even went so far as to install all sorts of structures to prevent anyone lying down.

The cops tells us that if we feed them, this encourages them to gather around every day waiting for a handout. That has been their attitude for years. I noticed a small shift in attitude during the year-end period when the government set up a shelter in Hibiya park. But that was only temporary.

The fact is that ward offices are overwhelmed by the increase in the numbers of unemployed and there is no social system to look after them. That's why this gentleman and others like him are sleeping on the street in Shinjuku.

We're still feeding the homeless and will continue to do so.

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Keep up the good work!

My wife often tells me that the homeless near our house in Namba, Osaka, all have drug or alcohol problems, that's why they are homeless. She says the government will give them money and a free house but they don't want it.

It's sad that in a so called 'developed' country that people are still so misinformed and uneducated about these kind of things.

Keep the Rice Patrol going!

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kudos to you for doing good!! Shame on the keystones as usual.

Jpn is such a cold cold bunch of people, words just cant describe chill japanese have for each other, its one of their worst traits, up there with the bullying culture

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I bet the Tokyo metropolitan government will round up the homeless and make sure they are nowhere to be seen when Olympic officials come to inspect Tokyo.

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Desperate for photos today?

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However, the police have been trying to discourage us.

Maybe these people are lumped together with pigeons and stray cats now?

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that his crack pipe in between the two cans?

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smartacus, there is a social system to look after them.

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smartacus, there is a social system to look after them.

is there? can you elaborate? seems to me that there is very little safety net. as we have been seeing during this year there are many pitfalls; take for example the large number of people in company housing - when people lose their jobs they also lose their homes. goes to show that the traditional assumption that the company can provide all is a dangerous thing to believe in in this day and age

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He seems to be high on 'chu-hi'

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Looks like a lot more room on the sidewalk for the next wave of post globubble economic refugees. Wake him up and give him another shot of G20!

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seems like he's waiting for ranking/ranqueen to open

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I bet the Tokyo metropolitan government will round up the homeless and make sure they are nowhere to be seen when Olympic officials come to inspect Tokyo.

This is not China!

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In my country, this type of person will be forcefully send to a "re-education camps" and once out they will be a productive member of the society.

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The police are right do gooders do more harm than good. It is like people feeding birds they lose the ability to fend for themselves and decome dependent on handouts. Very few homeles people in Japan beg for money like they do in Australia, in Australia even after collecting their government hand outs and extra money and food from charity organizations (which they often sell to buy more booze or drugs)they are on the streets asking for more money to feed their habits. In Japan some homeless groups are very well organized and care for each other by making money from recycling as a group. There is a difference in Japan between those who choose that life style because they don't want to live in a controlled society and the other homeless, some of these people are doing a wonderful job in looking after the mentally ill that drop through the health system onto the streets. Those that say Japan is a hard uncaring society are wrong they just have a different outlook on Caring. Those Christian do gooders need to study the lessons Jesus gave about charity. He supported the Jewish concept that charity should never be seen to be done and should be provided by always giving work before food. That way it allows a person the retain their respect and dignity, while encouraging them and giving them the confidence to work. Too many charity givers do it to make themselves feel good instead of thinking about the effects of handouts on people in need.

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If anyone has facebook, search for "Nobody Sleeps Like The Japanese Do" group. Sure to make laugh picture after picture.

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good stuff smartacus.. kudos to you and your church dude.

cant believe the police try discourage you from helping and feeding homeless people.. unbelieveable.

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He's just enjoying hanami - the best excuse to get dirt drunk. (hint - branches)

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Hard to see but I think there is a cell phone camera in his right hand. What an innovative way to get some candid shots eh?

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I love a good nap too.

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he put a nice plant in his "living room"

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Where does it say this particular gent is homeless? More likely he's passed out after a heavy cherry blossom session. The homeless tend to be a bit more organized in their sleeping arrangements than this.

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I believe for homeless people, not just in japan but around the world, there should be a place for them, like a camp or something.. with education (if needed), fitness provided, food, beds..

That way there wont be homeless people.. ;D

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i dont know whats the matter with him but maybe he was thinking that shinjuku is like his home which very far from shinjuku and its like a no problem think for some people.

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