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Japan Expo in Paris


Members of pop group Morning Musume attend the opening of Japan Expo in Villepinte, near Paris, on Thursday. See story here.

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I LOVE bellybuttons!

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I think MM needs a rival group called, Goodnight Genki...they'll be arch enemies with little kamen shows or w/e.

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How old are they? they look way to young to be dressed like that. I can only assume groups like these are thought up by and adored by dirty old men..

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Probably half of them are over 18 or 20.

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They are all in their early 40's

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Japanese children arrive in Paris dressed as French prostitutes.

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tokyokawasaki: Yup -- a company called Johnny's.

Anyway, one is probably around 50 (oldest) and the other end of the spectrum is 11... but I'm just going on past MM trends. I thought they were done and gone!

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Does anyone actually wonder why the Japanese are often considered bizarre perverts in other nations? I'm sure they want Morning Musume to represent Japan as a 'genki, popular group', but I think most people will look at the way these little girls are dressed and think they're all tarts or hookers (sure this isn't a IWC meeting they're headed to?).

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They are all in their early 40's.

You just caused me to spit tea all over my keyboard!

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In the US, they would be called, "Jail Bait".

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As the old saying goes: "It doesn't matter what they are dressed like, they are not prostitutes"....

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i do not see any visitors at the show. Nobody seems to be interested in vulgar costumes and lack of talent.

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At least someone is milking it for all its worth.... yep been overseas so long I get that "you pervert look" from business guys when I say I reside in Japan... I kinds wonder if they doubled up on the hotel rooms.... it must cost a bloody fortune for the other smut racket AKB48.

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So which is it? Are they teenagers or in their 40s? Are they pop idols or prostitutes? Perhaps someone with a bit more knowledge about the group could post a comment. Honestdictator, they do have a rival - AKB 48. And their fan base is mostly middle school or high school girls, not nasty oyaji.

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awww... why did they have to cut off kamei eri; she is the best out all of them.

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How nice they are! That is Japanese fashion

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having a quick look again (possible pervert- me).... they look exactly like my kid's nursery school teachers except they wear track suits and have a job.

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oldest was born in 86 youngest in 93 two of the girls are Chinese (according to the wiki on the group and the current members..

SO oldest 24 and youngest 17 most of the other girls are 22ish in age..

Dont know anything about them other then what wiki said....

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LoveUSA: "I do not see any visitors at he show."

Ha ha ha! Look behind the Morning Musume members.

They're all so adorable, plus they have cute bellybuttons.

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I think it looks nice fun time.

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I love your comment "zander 341", it gave me a laugh. Thanks. All of these girls are very average looking (for Japanese standards of women)but it's nice to see a bit of thigh and waist.

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Looks good, but serious jail bait, Japan needs to stop the idol 15+ stuff.

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thats why i love japan

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nice knees

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thats why i love japan

nisegaijin, yep couldn't agree more. I love when they go abroad! Hope they stay there and learn.

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Japanese women, beautiful good time.

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Japanese women, beautiful good time.

Yeahm the Frenchmen will be having lots of fun with this lot!

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smithinjapan at 12:42 PM JST - 2nd July

Does anyone actually wonder why the Japanese are often considered bizarre perverts in other nations? I'm sure they want Morning Musume to represent Japan as a 'genki, popular group', but I think most people will look at the way these little girls are dressed and think they're all tarts or hookers (sure this isn't a IWC meeting they're headed to?).

ROFLMAO!!! hahahahaahahahahahahahaha!!!

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Looking at these girls reminds me of the great song by X-Ray Spex 'I Live Off You'.

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The funny thing is that one third of them are CHINESE

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Second from the right has one strange looking knee...

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I'm detecting much jealousy in the commentators...What could be wrong about having such the beautiful ladies in this world? I'm very not interested in your ugliness and fat obiesity.

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fat obiesity???

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The girl with the star ear rings is very pretty. She is my pick. For what its worth. lol.

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And the question is..........whats seven minus four?

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Uhh...They're parents must be proud. Nah, maybe not.

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What could be wrong about having such the beautiful ladies in this world?

some people have low standards, it is shameful

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it doesn't matter where i move to in the room, the 4th one is still looking at me

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hey - skin sells. glad i don`t have a daughter here or in my home country. too much skin for such young ladies (sic).

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They all look lovely and ripe to me and I see no reason to surpress them in law or speech. But then I actually believe in concepts like love and freedom.

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i like 4th girl from left or 3rd from right:) she looks very natural in this dress and hair style. But honestly I feel sorry for japanese men: they haven’t got really a choice. Or kawaiii girls dressed like children or obasan style ladies wearing underwear designed in 1910.

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you mean the one with one good eye?

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bobcatfish: yes, her eyes are going on two different directions. you are right:) maybe she was trying to look everywhere:)

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But honestly I feel sorry for japanese men: they haven’t got really a choice. Or kawaiii girls dressed like children or obasan style ladies wearing underwear designed in 1910.

hahaha so true! I'm not 17 anymore but there's no way in hell I'm gonna wear obasan style undies...I'll stick with my sexy underwear, tight-high's, corsets, etc.

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The funny thing is that one third of them are CHINESE

Cheap Chinese imports?!

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The pair of knees in the bottom right corner are HOT.

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If it is a choice between any one of these girls and the likes of Lady Gaga who would you want to take home to meet mother? And as for who looks like a prostitute think along the same lines. For the years these girls are in MM they are micromanaged to the point that they very probably don’t have sex lives so all the pervs will have to just go on dreaming.

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I'd have to go with Lady GaGa since she is for sure over the age of 20 and wouldn't land me in prison! These girls are all minors and selling them as sex symbols to old Japanese pervs (which you all know is true!) is disgusting!

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The third one from the left looks like Shirley Temple.

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geez - to think that this sort of thing is considered to be the height of japanese culture these days...

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Dreamland I LOLd at your comment. I didn't even notice those knees until you mentioned it. I wonder if the owner of those knees is ranting at her manager for getting cropped out of the picture?

Re: The "travesty" of girls showing skin to sell a product (in this case, music)...

When has that NOT happened?! Unless you live in a muslim country, this is commonplace.

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A great time could be had with these six young ladies and a couple of bottles of wine, or a couple of bottles of Pepsi.

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"The third one from the left looks like Shirley Temple"

Surely you're right! It's uncanny!

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"cheese royale"

That's because they got the metric system. They wouldn't know what the .... a Quarter Pounder is....

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nice knees

Jun Jun has the best legs of the group, and reina tanka just needs new legs period!

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Nuckin Futz said:

These girls are all minors

Actually only two of the current members are under twenty, Aika Mitsui(17) and Linlin(19). The rest are all adults. At least they are in the Japanese legal sense.

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I'd like to see a wrestling match between any two of them, but especially between the second one from the left and Shirley Temple ( just to the right of the second one from the left ).

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it's funny how there's only uproar, or any comments at all, when it's females showing some skin. boy bands/groups do it all the time too, plus groups like Bon Jovi, Nickelback etc showing off their maney chests, the difference is their photos are not plastered over sites like Japan Today in order to sell advertising because girls don't generally bother with nerdy stuff like computers and secondly because girls can somehow get away with fawning over topless guys while when us guys get excited about some topless bird we get accused of perversion! very unfair..

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Meh. It's all about packaging the product to be sold. Shirtless guys or midriff-baring girls are tame by almost anyone's standard. Wringing your hands about the moral decay of society based only on photos like this one won't garner you any sympathy from me. There are much more urgent issues affecting society's decay that you need to be wringing your hands over.

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These girls are all minors and selling them as sex symbols to old Japanese pervs (which you all know is true!) is disgusting! Pretty much like Disney with Hannah Montana, Jonas Brothers, and the like. Isn't it?

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Sarge, I would cancel bottle of wine as Japanese don’t know how to drink any way and order a box of lemon soda

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The age isn't the problem IMO. I mean they're Japanese from Japan. Their laws are not the same as ours just like many other countries. While I'm not fond of their presentation its no worse than when Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus, etc started her singing career at 15~16 in the US. The problem I do have though is with their actual singing... I'd forgive them if they could at least carry a tune that at least wouldn't have the judges covering their ears on an Idol show.

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looks like they are no older than 12. Maybe Japan needs to grow up along with its entertainments. End the kiddie porn

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This is in Paris btw. As if any musician there would consider these kids anything other than kids. Thus Japan = kids, and therefore means not to be taken seriously.

Lots of talented amazing artists either in Japan, or Japanese who live around the world and are far more engaging. That would be worthy of Expo instead of this nonsense.

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These girls are all minors and selling them as sex symbols to old Japanese pervs (which you all know is true!) is disgusting! Pretty much like Disney with Hannah Montana, Jonas Brothers, and the like. Isn't it?

Wow! I had no idea that the Jonas Brothers were being marketed as sex symbols to old Japanese pervs! Actually all those people/groups you've mentioned are being marketed as idols to kids their age and younger. I think you'll find the number of boys drooling over pictures like these far outweighs the number of "old pervs", Japanese or otherwise.

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They are a good group, but they emphasize sexy appearance too much.

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they need a serious "spanking"......now!

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Love Morning Musume! Just love 'em!

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Loooooks like the middle tier in any of my university classes. Nothing special....stupid but usual in Japan outfits.

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Most if not all of them are 18 or older so their isn't anything perverted about them being dressed as adults - because they are. They just look so young because when you are middle aged or older it's almost impossible to tell the difference between a high school and college aged girl. There is just no way that anyone could confuse these girls with the pervy likes of Brittany Spears or Lady Gaga - like night and day in my opinion.

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I thought there were 8 members - who can name the two that are missing?

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