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Aly Rustom
Welcome home Greg.
Thanks God.
He didn’t show his unconditional support for Kelly when Kelly was living in Japan under so much hardship! When he was locked up in detention without legal counsel then Bill Hagerty didn’t do anything! When he was under house arrest then Bill Hagerty didn’t request the White House to do anything! Now that Kelly has successfully managed to go back by somewhat winning against the injustice given to him by the Japan legal system here comes the politicians for the photo op! If only the US Government had put their foot down in the first place and demanded the Japanese Prosecutors drop its charges against Kelly the poor guy won’t have lost so much of his life fighting the injustice! Even the United Nations investigation had proved that Kelly and Ghosn did not commit a crime and were set up by conspirators working with the Japanese prosecutors! But the Japanese Government only listens to the United Nations when it’s decisions are for them not against them!
Bobo Chan
Safe now. Let it rip. Get the most vicious legal you can and tear into Nissan. Your buddy in Lebanon owes you big time and he can give your lawyers ammunition.
Safe in the burrow, for now..
Kelly should sue the hell out of Nissan, Hari Nada, Saikawa and the others who fixed him up.