Japan Today
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Korean drama backlash


A group marches in Okachimachi, Tokyo, protesting against too many Korean dramas being shown on Japanese TV.

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Japanese and Korean issue has become more and more complex over time. You live in Japan, people point out that this protest racism, I think that the feeling is almost paralyzed. It's irresponsible and point out too lax. This "attribute" to distinguish it. Therefore, it is also subject to the Japanese. Racism? Many Japanese workers are working in TV station. Those who point out racism, you guys are educated and where do I? I really feel angry and to be called racist. SORRY IN POOOR ENGLISH.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

lol!! @anglootaku! ^^

@ vg866 lol ^^ i support japan all the way ^o^v love japan and it's dramas (ノ≧∀≦)ノ

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I'm sure if it were Japanese dramas having tremendous success in another country, these people would be supporting it and bragging how good Japan is. I always get a laugh when I see events like this, as it really exposes how rascist some are.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

That's not coincidence. It's pathetic racism.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

I never watched a K-drama or J-drama in my life and have no plans to do so ever.

That said, am I the only who notices that 4/5ths of the people here who claim that k-drama sucks and j-drama is good are the same people who support yasukuni, whaling, takeshima, denial of the existence of comfort women and Japan being the victim in WW2? I am not even kidding because I usually debate these folks in those topics.

Its almost comical how coincidental it is.

-5 ( +1 / -5 )

[Pathetic people] This word is an obvious factual error. Indeed, I reflected on the strange to bystanders. Indeed, I reflected on the strange to bystanders. However, that attitude can not solve anything. "Gaijin" is the source of the word in such a sense. If you are interested, please get more information differently.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Sorry in my poor engrish... This is a fact: that is sad. A big advertising agency bears the management of AKB48 and the sales promotion of KPOP. CEO in the company is(was) South Korean. There are a lot of South Koreans in the employee, too. Therefore, They don't want to put out of the good Japanese music on TV and the medium. It is really a serious stuff. Indeed, AKB48 has cleverly expressed the naive sure of JPOP. At the same time, they are functioning as a scapegoat to Anti_Korea.I feel that is better KPOP than AKB. As music. But I don't like "Korea-related". KPOP looks like almost half the national organization.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

It is completely understandable on their end because showing more K-dramas then J-dramas in their own country is a bit excessive. However, if the majority of the public enjoys watching K-dramas and are "riding" the Hallyu Wave, then there really shouldn't be a problem.Maybe they should confine all K-dramas to one channel rather than spreading it broadly among other networks. Considering how South Korea doesn't allow for any Japanese-related media to be shown, the Japanese networks (e.g., FujiTV) are definitely moving forward. There definitely should be some give-and-take to this situation but we'll see how this plans out. As far as I am concerned, the general public in Japan ignore these type of protesters because they can't achieve anything.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

They are right.. I never found korean dramas interesting.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

is the guy in the long green hair (on the right side) at the wrong demonstation? this isn't the "anime is not shown enough on tv" demonstration.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Anyway Japanese should have a variety at their own viewing pleasure, whether to watch American, British, French, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Indian etc movies and dramas, not just one view only. Considering how intergrated the world is becoming, especially now with the focus on Asia, its only obvious that other cultures are coming to Japan..

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I have to admit though, Japanese dramas have better storylines

1 ( +2 / -1 )

JT keep bringing back humor to the site, keep up the good work! ^_^

1 ( +1 / -0 )

They could actually have a story formula for a new drama: 'A story filled with romance and protesting mixed with national pride to stop Korean drama'

0 ( +0 / -0 )

LOL now this is funny

1 ( +1 / -0 )

LOL I love the comments here bashing K dramas, J dramas like it's something that's supposed to be some holy schmoly form of entertainment. Think about the crap drivel shows that are made for teenage girls or stay at home moms in your own native country and before you yap. The important issue of this phenomenon is the fact that these demonstrations have more to do with Japanese racism and anti-Korean prejudice that still plagues Japanese society. In Germany it's illegal to deny the holocaust and exhibit traditional racist expressions. In Japan no one bats an eye.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

bicultrual, it turns out that ssway is making the point that protesting something so frivolous and useless while a real disaster is ongoing with zero protests is the epitome of stupidity. (I'm paraphrasing)

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

How about turning the TV off and doing something meaningful in your lives? No huh?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Poor desperate jingoism from narrow minded bigots.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

ssway, quit trying to squeeze the word RADIATION into every comment you make. It is quite childish and makes you seem desperate.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

If the ratings get low enough the Korean drama's will go away. This assumes of course the normal relationship between ratings and commercial advertising prices. People should have the right to protest whatever they like, but until their fellow citizens stop watching, the K-drama's will make money and the show will go on.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Hrm.....your country is being contaminated by deadly radiation from ongoing nuclear disaster that is being mishandled by the government and TEPCO. Go and protest about idiotic Korean drama shows. Ok.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

If there wasn't an audience, they wouldn't be on the air

That's definitely not true, as anyone who has worked in the industry will know. The hanryu trend is huge money, and losing some money on shows that are not yet popular is part of the marketing plan. When we repeat over and over and over again, "This is cool, you like this. This is cool, you like this." Eventually the people do.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I see this is a "hot" topic judging from the traffic. If there wasn't an audience, they wouldn't be on the air, so at least the sponsors must like the shows. Machiavelli was an amateur compared to some of the stuff they show in those dramas. Thanks to my Dragon Lady in Charge, I get to see a lot of them.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This isn't a "backlash". This is "bigotry".

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Why are they using the old navy flags for? How shameful to be japanese nowadays... I hope the rest of the world doesn't get to see that picture... the navy flag should never be used for such ridiculous things. so shameful!!!!!

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Theres a drought, i've only been watching one or two good jdramas rest are pretty borringg or romance cliche same as korean dramas. I think it just depends on what you like though, if your the romantic or action type especially want find much, but the flood of Korean action dramas in the past months (Poseidon, city hunter, killer k girl ) were pretty good not bad...Just to much time on their hands i guess or jealous of the kwave lol. Waste time hating something...live your life its to short...and over some dang dramas come on...each his on person shessh lol.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@ genjuro whoa...korean protests are the worst @_@ geez! koreans --'

1 ( +1 / -0 )

i would be there protesting too! ^0^v jdramas are way better!

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

The cultures of Japan, Korea and other Asian countries are being homogenized via the TV in preparation for the coming Asian Union.

Japanese get Korean culture, Indonesians get Japanese culture and so forth. The next generation will be more willing to accept the Asian block as they'll all have a monoculture. Much like what has been done in Europe.

The media companies are only dishing out what they've been told by their masters.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

At least they don't put tents up and occupy for no reason.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I have three words to say to these protestors: "Get a life!"

I mean come on! Don't these people have anything better to do with their time? Or, anything more important? (i.e. Fukushima reconstruction efforts, or women's rights in Japan?!!!)

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

The other day, I happened to be EXTREMELY BORED, got desperate and turned on the crappy J tv to see a crappy K dorama, and it was interesting to see HOW CRAPPY this stupid K dorama, Korean Soap Opera really was! It was the ending scene and all of the actors where in some park, I guess in a suburb of Seoul and they are all singing, dancing, holding hands but the idiot CAMERAMAN starts to pan out, and what do we get to see?? About 50 regular Korean folk just walking by, stopping, taking out their cameras etc..to take pictures, videos of their favorite Korean actors, etc..WAS THIS A JOKE?? It ruined the ending, the romantic, sweet ending showing at least say 50 or 70 Koreans that had NOTHING to do with this soap opera, I was thinking to my self, and this is the crap that Japanese obaasans are getting all excited about?? No kam sam ham ni da! No thanks!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

They could even fall in love, or reconcile under the cherry blossoms of Yasukuni...

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Sorry, I meant that the hero would be the Japanese right winger who wins the girl. (serenading her with old war songs etc)

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Let's go for the solution instead. Japanese companies should make better dramas. If they can't, for all the time and energy and money some of these people spend protesting, why don't they form their own amateur all Japanese theater. But if it's TV they want, these days for a few thousand dollars you can be nice equipment and make your own dramas, movies, or even short films and put them on youtube.

They could even make the villains to always be Koreans and American English teacher, who always in the end wins the girl and rides off into the sunset in his big black truck.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

By the way, this is a very peaceful protest compared to what they'd do in Korea. You should see how Koreans protest.


3 ( +4 / -1 )

This warms my cold heart! I love my fellow right wing and opinionated brothers in arms! Makes me feel proud to be Japanese!

Yukio, I doubt you are Japanese. Most Japanese would shake their heads and walk away if they saw that.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Isn't that the group that watched the dramas? Why is it bad for Japan, too Korean? However, 91210 is good? How good are the AK clones for Japan? Go to the folks that bought the shows and marketed them. TRAFFIC is bad enough! While we're cleaning up TV lets remove dumb commercials, some game shows, guys and gals "gulping" down beer, giving every one hit artist a game show appearance or a GAME show, building on inappropriacy, ... Bring back debates, doumentaries (scratching my head) I agree with @OsakaT Yoshikawa Eiji how I miss you!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

OsakaT: Well said. But they're still an embarrassment to the rest of Japan.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

I've lived in Japan for the past 10 years, and I lived in Seoul Korea for 6 years before we came here. I can tell you that Korean dramas are JUST as bad as Japanese ones. I never watched t.v in Korea and I only watch selected J-t.v now. They both suck! I'd rather be punched in the kisser by Mike Tyson than be subjected to watching K or J t.v.

But, if the J people want to protest about too much foreign influence on their t.v (regardless if it's as crap as the t.v they already have), then so be it. It's their country after all and they have a right to their opinions!

1 ( +4 / -2 )

smithinjapanDec. 01, 2011 - 01:50AM JST

nigelboy: "The few Korean dramas that are shown in prime time ...."

But you said all Korean dramas are shown during the day. Can you explain your contradiction?

Smith, I think you need to look up 'Prime time'. It most certainly does not refer to the day time.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The only thing worse, more silly than watching Japanese and Korean dramas would be the scenario of being the bitter expat who is an otaku expert on both.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

smithinjapanDec. 01, 2011 - 01:30AM JST

Trust me, there is very little worthwhile programming broadcast by NHK or other companies here, but they will broadcast it and demand you 'donate' all the same -- it is in no way indicative of the actual popularity.

NHK? ok.... that's one channel that has way more J-drama than Korean. Thanks for bringing that up Smith. What about the other mainstream channels that are nationally broadcast, who select 'prime time' programs based on viewer ratings, and broadcast significantly more J-dramas than Korean? You forgot to mention them.

MANY Korean bands are basically living and working in Japan because they are in such high demand. Many are even releasing Japanese language songs of their original Korean songs because they are in high demand...

When did the conversation change to K-pop????? pop music=apples, tv dramas=oranges

Smith, as usual, you're doing a great job at consistently being bias, and conveniently bringing up anything and everything negative about Japan; even if it's irrelevant to the conversation.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I think it’s a difficult issue. Be honest, I like Korea drama and watch some shows when my mother is watching. Nowadays, I feel Japanese dram is boring and it’s proved by an audience rating. It’s getting low and low. But I also feel Korean boom is too much not only Korean drama but also Korean artists like Kara, Girls generation like that. I don’t know how long the Korean boom will be continued. I think it’s just someone’s sense of values problem. But I just hope Japanese media could make good dramas like they made before. I loved old drams.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

May I also add that I have watched some wonderful Korean movies, but Korean Dramas where the mouth doesn't move in sync with dialogue........ Life your game boys!

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

This warms my cold heart! I love my fellow right wing and opinionated brothers in arms! Makes me feel proud to be Japanese! These lame korean dramas put Japanese TV fratenity out of work! The trickle down of jobs from a Japanese drama is millions! And we are paying the Koreans to watch their rubbish! Pff! What next rubbish American reality TV with the Kardashian Skanksters! No! I know Americans aren't allowed to demonstarte, I've seen them pepper sprayed on TV, and neither are North Koreans, but this is Japan baby and it is OUR Right! And this is how we roll! Rippon Nippon!

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

@WilliB: AGREE! Protest all the food shows--way TOO MANY!!! Now, that's something worth protesting about TV in Japan.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

As for Korean movies, the majority are awful and drag on forever. Koreans never learned to edit their dramas and movies properly.

Huh. Lot of highly regarded films have come out of Korea in the last few years (certainly many more than from Japan). I suppose you feel these do not accurately represent the majority of films...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

So what is it to you that Korea outsells Japan in the foreign market? Do you get a cut of the sales?

I rarely watch either one, but I'd choose a J-drama or movie over a korean one any day.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Nice shades, masks and wigs!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

genjuroDec. 01, 2011 - 06:43AM JST. Just because they're popular overseas or have subtitles don't make them better than J-dramas. Just means they're marketed well to the foreign market. Again, K-dramas are cliched, furukusai, rehashed melodramatic tropes time and again with a storyline that drags due to piss-poor editing. Not worth anyone's time.

By far, the Korean drama is making alot more money than Japanese in the International market. So what does it matter if production is poor? They are laughing all the way to banks.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

You know what? There are more people in the international countries watching Korean dramas by far than the >Japanese dramas. There is English subtitle and Koreans accomadate international market very well. As predictable, >only hard headed Japanese would bother to protest against the Koreans. What a inflexable people.

Just because they're popular overseas or have subtitles don't make them better than J-dramas. Just means they're marketed well to the foreign market. Again, K-dramas are cliched, furukusai, rehashed melodramatic tropes time and again with a storyline that drags due to piss-poor editing. Not worth anyone's time.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

genjuroDec. 01, 2011 - 06:27AM JST. I know what you mean. Take away the veneer of their shiny productions and couch-casted, surgically enhanced korean actresses and no one would bother watching them. Boring, cliched and a waste of time.

You know what? There are more people in the international countries watching Korean dramas by far than the Japanese dramas. There is English subtitle and Koreans accomadate international market very well. As predictable, only hard headed Japanese would bother to protest against the Koreans. What a inflexable people.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

I feel the same way. I'm sick and tired of Korean Drama.

I know what you mean. Take away the veneer of their shiny productions and couch-casted, surgically enhanced korean actresses and no one would bother watching them. Boring, cliched and a waste of time.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

That is very strange. You sure that USA culuture and moral diversion in Japan is more terrible. Two facts:

Some very old Japanese films "shinobi no mono" with shinobi Goemon (actor Raizo Ichikawa Sama). That films are condemn larceny. New computer film with with shinobi Goemon are NOT condemn and justify larceny.

That is real moral USA diversion in Japan for crashing souls.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

btw I've never seen a Korean drama in my life. Are they really that good?

Production values are fairly good due to newer equipment, but content-wise, NO. They're pretty much overrated. As Patrick Smash noted above, think J-dramas circa 70's and 80's, polished to look pretty but basically with the usual cliched, tired melodramatic, sentimental storyline or some variation thereof. Practically a genre rehashed from decades ago with nice wrappings and presented as new. Furukusai could be used to describe it in this age. As for Korean movies, the majority are awful and drag on forever. Koreans never learned to edit their dramas and movies properly.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

You notice that most people that are protesting are bunch of old farts that are 70 years old obachan and ogichan that has nothing better to do. If these old people have that much time on their hands, get a broom and start cleaning the garbages that are left in the streets. It's only a TV show and young people don't give a damm about the show.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

One reason K dramas are so popular is simply ACCESS. Have you noticed that they're shown all over the world? So what about legalities or piracy. It seems that the directives sent from above to TV stations and producers is SHOW THE WHOLE WORLD. K dramas are pure entertainment and with beautiful women and handsome men, and churning out winners as long as the dramas are well written. The Japanese don't want to be seen or heard. They hem and haw and suck in their spit when releasing intellectual properties. All Korean dramas are subtitled, some badly, but they want to be seen and heard.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

They are upset over foreign television programming?

Man, these people are going to soil themselves when population decline and the comming financial crisis wrench the borders open.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

hahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha. Soooo funny!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

J-dramas or K-dramas. They both suck, but as one poster pointed out, they are not protesting against the TV companies that have decided to air the shows and stop producing J-dramas, they are protesting against Koreans living in Japan. I hope that the J-media exposes this truth in their coverage. But they won't because it is okay to be a nationalist (not a racist, they are the same race) in Japan (and Korea too).

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Korean dramas are just full of chicks with plastic surgery & guys who look like women. main reason the TV stations show so many KD is that the rights to air the shows are much cheaper compared to the Japanese versions.

1 ( +2 / -2 )

At first glance looks like a simple and innocent tv drama but is not - It is heavy advertising sponsored by the government of Lee Myung-bak. When someone insert commercial breaks in television, everyone knows that this is an explicit advertising, but now you imagine a veiled advertisement, inserted in TV programming, the perception will be different, is not it? The agency sponsored by government korean called VANK a an organization to improve the image of the country, but it is actually a spy agency. The Japanese are tired of this invasion! Gambare nippon!

1 ( +3 / -2 )

nigelboy: and if you don't think it's an inferiority complex, you're kidding yourself

I see a lot of wishful thinking on your part there smith. Why would these protestors feel an inferiority complex when K-dramas ratings are not even in the radar? As some had already alluded to, many have already changed channels and turned off their TV during the day time. A few still want to see the repeats of J dramas and programming than the K drama so that's why they're protesting, IMO.

Also, I'm also with another poster in that I don't think this is protest is about K-drama which in the past was done in front of the Fuji TV headquaters.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

How very sad that on the threshold of the13th year of the 21st century, naked racism is alive and well in Planet Japan.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

But you said all Korean dramas are shown during the day. Can you explain your contradiction?

I don't think I used the word "all".

Change the channel, then. It's not prime time after all, right? :)

I think they have.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

But the rentals are.

They're not. Go to Tsutaya's website and check the ranking.http://www.discas.net/netdvd/dvd/hotrankingTopMonthly.do?pT=0

And you are going to refer to the recent article in JT about Korean dramas outperforming Japanese/Foreign movies, this is already proven to be false.


1 ( +2 / -1 )

March on my people. March on!

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

nigelboy: and if you don't think it's an inferiority complex, you're kidding yourself (as most with such complexes do, BTW).

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

nigelboy: "I agree that these people should be doing a lot of things but I don't think there is any jealousy involved here."

Okay, let's call it inferiority complex, then.

"I think these people are sick of watching K-dramas fed by the media outlets."

Change the channel, then. It's not prime time after all, right? :)

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

nigelboy: "The few Korean dramas that are shown in prime time ...."

But you said all Korean dramas are shown during the day. Can you explain your contradiction?

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

It"s ME: "Agree that K-Pop is getting more popular, saw a report today that K-pop is outstripping J-pop across asia, they also said that the Korean goverment uses/sponsors K-Pop to sell goods and improve their image globally."

It has and will continue to outstrip J-pop until people here, as foreign news sources have said in the past, get it into their heads that 12 year old girls in lingerie may cater to the local society, it does not fly as 'kawaiiiiiiii!' culture any where else. K-pop bands equally degrade themselves, but at least they are adults (or near it). J-pop has ZERO global popularity, whereas Korean bands, often via second generation Americans and British or what have you, are spreading K-pop overseas. The usual local reaction to this is, "This is Japan. Who cares about overseas!" until they look at the overseas charts hoping desperately a Japanese Johnny's band might appear.

Japan has no potential at the moment on the music front. Their Korean counterparts can actually sing and dance, and often write their own music. Not here. On the movie or TV front they have a better chance, but they have to stop using the same flavor of the month washed out actor/actress and they need to make an actual story.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Who's confused, my friend?

You are. You see, Korean dramas shown in 地上波 channels are shown in day time which in the past were reserved for mostly repeats of J-dramas. The few Korean dramas that are shown in prime time are BS channels but you'd be embarassed to even compare the view ratings on any of these channels for they are notoriously low.

A simple googling of "ドラマ 視聴率”will give you a clue that K-dramas are nowhere in sight. (I should of thought about your incapability of doing such easy task. My apologies)

In any case, this whole thing is so amusing it's nearly sad. These people could be marching on behalf of the victims of the March 11th disasters. They could be marching about how poorly TEPCO has handled things. They could be marching about the shocking debt Japan is in. Nope... they are marching because of jealousy over foreign TV shows! Ah, Japan.

I agree that these people should be doing a lot of things but I don't think there is any jealousy involved here. I think these people are sick of watching K-dramas fed by the media outlets.

0 ( +2 / -2 )


Small correction. NHK is the only station that ask for payment from viewers and they have 2 channels (1 & 2 for Tokyo area). Don't recall NHK offering any K-Drama, talent shows, etc.

Agree that K-Pop is getting more popular, saw a report today that K-pop is outstripping J-pop across asia, they also said that the Korean goverment uses/sponsors K-Pop to sell goods and improve their image globally.

As one reports said it is like a game of Reversi today korea is popular tomorrow it is japan. Flip-Flop. Just who is more popular now and nothing about actual quality, just presentation and perceived image.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Tahoochi: "smithinjapan: But they're not more popular than the domestic shows"

But the rentals are. Do you not recall the last time these lifeless idiots went marching? It was because rentals of Korean dramas outstripped those of domestic dramas, and even then you had posters getting all upset and crying that it could not be true.

" J-dramas are still vastly more popular than K-dramas...... which, btw is what puzzles me about these protesters."

Are they? Why, because they are broadcast more? Trust me, there is very little worthwhile programming broadcast by NHK or other companies here, but they will broadcast it and demand you 'donate' all the same -- it is in no way indicative of the actual popularity. What IS indicative is the HEAPS of people who line up to see Korean movie stars and/or TV celebs when they arrive at airports, as is the fact that MANY Korean bands are basically living and working in Japan because they are in such high demand. Many are even releasing Japanese language songs of their original Korean songs because they are in high demand. The opposite? well... there is the SMAP guy who got drunk and stripped in the park and assaulted a police officer -- he sometimes used to dress up and say "Sa lang hey-yo" over and over with freckles painted on his face.

It's quite clear that 'talent' in Japan will almost always require quotation marks, while they will import real talent from other nations, in this case SK.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

nigelboy: "Is that the same clueless idiot you allegedly know that didn't know about the government official drinking decontaminated water during the press conference?"

No, not the same Japanese person at all, but thanks for bringing in something completely off topic.

"And are you sure that you are not confused with the K-dramas shown in BS channels versus J-dramas shown in 地上波 channels on Sunday night?"

So you're admitting that different Korean dramas are shown on different stations at different times. But let's take at a look at your own words: "In any case, K-dramas are shown during daytime which was usually reserved to show "repeats" of J dramas."

Who's confused, my friend?

In any case, this whole thing is so amusing it's nearly sad. These people could be marching on behalf of the victims of the March 11th disasters. They could be marching about how poorly TEPCO has handled things. They could be marching about the shocking debt Japan is in. Nope... they are marching because of jealousy over foreign TV shows! Ah, Japan.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

smithinjapanDec. 01, 2011 - 12:35AM JST

a Japanese man... who swears by and loves Korean dramas watches them every SUNDAY NIGHT. Doesn't sound like day time to me. Why do you guys get so offended about foreign shows being more popular than the domestic crap?

smithinjapan: But they're not more popular than the domestic shows. I don't want to start analyzing the Japanese tv program guide here, but how many K-dramas are on tv on Sunday nights? How many throughout the week? J-dramas run on 'Prime time', on the national channels almost every night. Regardless of what you think of the quality, like nigelboy says, J-dramas are still vastly more popular than K-dramas...... which, btw is what puzzles me about these protesters.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

In any case, K-dramas are shown during daytime which was usually reserved to show "repeats" of J dramas. If the current ratings are of any indication, the Japanese viewers still much prefer repeats over the above K-dramas.

Try telling that to the right-wingers here. They seem to think these harmless, miniscule-rating Korean dramas are somehow damaging Japanese culture! Bunch of germs at the protest - I'm sure everyone agrees about that!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Gee smith. Is that the same clueless idiot you allegedly know that didn't know about the government official drinking decontaminated water during the press conference? And are you sure that you are not confused with the K-dramas shown in BS channels versus J-dramas shown in 地上波 channels on Sunday night?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

nigelboy: "In any case, K-dramas are shown during daytime which was usually reserved to show "repeats" of J dramas. If the current ratings are of any indication, the Japanese viewers still much prefer repeats over the above K-dramas."

Really? Weird... a guy I know... yes, a Japanese man... who swears by and loves Korean dramas watches them every SUNDAY NIGHT. Doesn't sound like day time to me. Why do you guys get so offended about foreign shows being more popular than the domestic crap? The foreign shows aren't THAT much better. Granted, they couldn't be worse than the Japanese rubbish, but still.

To be fair, Japan DOES produce a decent episode in a failed show once in a while. The problem is that it's simply unbelievable because the actor who is the main character has been the main character in a dozen other dramas.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

This isn't about Japanese dramas or Korean dramas or even about pop culture. The reason why you see Japanese flags and the imperial flags is because this "backlash" is about resentment and anger by racist elements in Japanese society. This is about racism people.

-2 ( +1 / -4 )

Having watched both J- and K-Drama, neither will get me to put down a good book or stop a PS-3 game to watch. Seen some very good ones from both sides(K-Drama seems to do a tad better when they do older period stuff).

Apart from that both follow a prescribed script = boring. Said that also not fond of much of the stuff I get fed from the UK, USA, Germany when it comes down to TV-Series.

No-one produces anything really new, inventive or risky, they all follow a formula that is designed to make them a guaranteed buck from their target-Audience. Ditto for Cinema movies.

Where are new series that are the equivalent of "Red Dwarf"(new season upcoming), etc.

In short they are all fluff as it is the same curd just regurgitated for the masses.

As for the protest, hey the Right-Wingers also need to get some airing now and than.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

You know what amazes me, is that these people must actually be thinking that they're 'making a difference'. lol

0 ( +1 / -1 )

There are so many men they have that much time to watch TV? Where are these salary men I keep reading and hearing about? I can only positively identify 3 women in this picture.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

They make me think about these guys (in Middle-East ?) that where protesting against that hot drama actor from Turkey because all the women were spending their time glued on the TV instead of worshiping them.

Most of you guys aren't Japanese, so it's normal that you prefer K-dramas instead of the J-dramas

Yep, there is a rule on this board that many posters will come to say they prefer XXXXX from any countru to XXXXX from Japan. That said Korean, Japanese, American or whatever, those TV soaps are the "pan et circus" to deter the masses from thinking and questioning real issues in the country. I guess North Korean dramas would be even better. Are they showing some ?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

YuriOtani: "Unlike Korea it was a peaceful protest, no injuries, no tear gas, etc. Wonder why this made the news?"

Sorry to disappoint you, Yuri, but Korea doesn't need to protest Japanese television -- it's too awful to show there. Instead they tend to focus on important things like justification for sexual slavery, or island issues. And yeah, when you've been raped and beaten and then told it never happened some people might get a bit more upset than an ojisan in Tokyo who's never seen a Korean TV show but is just disgruntled because 'Nippon' isn't being said enough in a positive light.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

A group marches in Okachimachi, Tokyo, protesting against too many Korean dramas being shown on Japanese TV.

...what a bunch of morons.

zichi: Absolutely agree.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

btw I've never seen a Korean drama in my life. Are they really that good

A daughter of a wealthy corporate titan falls in love with a young man from lower class. Father is pi$$ed for he had already planned for her to marry his elite employee. Father threatens the young man and tries to convince him that his daughter's happiness can only be achieved by marrying his employee. Young man, convinced that he cannot make her happy, suddenly stops contacting her. Daughter later finds out that her Father is in on this and threatens him. Father finally accepts. Repeat ad nauseum.

In any case, K-dramas are shown during daytime which was usually reserved to show "repeats" of J dramas. If the current ratings are of any indication, the Japanese viewers still much prefer repeats over the above K-dramas.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

2011 - The year of demonstrations

Egypt - for democracy

Greece - against austerity measures

Germany - against nuclear power

America - against corruption on Wallstreet

UK - for more pension benefits

Japan - against Korean drama on TV

5 ( +8 / -3 )

I saw them down in Daiba outside Fuji TV a few months back. They aren't protesting about the quality of television programs; these blokes are looking for trouble.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Look at the crowd o-ji sans and o-ba sans. The benefit it got them out of their mansions and they got a little exercise. Unlike Korea it was a peaceful protest, no injuries, no tear gas, etc. Wonder why this made the news?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

yasukuni: "btw I've never seen a Korean drama in my life. Are they really that good?"

Not in my opinion, but to each their own. Personally I find both Korean and Japanese dramas to be little more than glorified soap-operas. BUT the QUALITY of the Korean dramas, and acting, are better and more believable. Now, if we talk MOVIES, Korea has it hands down (save for animated movies, and maybe horror).

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Funny how everyone is sticking up for korea But IF it was US Movies being protested you'd be on their side. Gizensha = Hypocrites. I don't blame the Japanese for not wanting too many K-Dramas in Japan, because many Koreans have a Negitive view of Japan & always insult / Bash it. ive been watching J-Dramas & K-Dramas since 2002 & ive seen some good K-Dramas & Many Good J-Dramas the Japanese ones are better in some ways.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

So sad, on so many levels. Just proves once again that many elements of Japan society simply cannot grow up and leave the past and their seemingly ingrained xenophobia behind. Besides, if these folks would rather watch more horrible, cheaply produced Japanese variety shows, or yet another drama about the samurai, than some well-produced Korean shows, then you really must question their taste levels.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

But it is truly sad, ridiculous and laughable that people would bother to demonstrate about such a trivial thing. Sometimes one despairs for the future of Japan...

1 ( +1 / -0 )

And in breaking news, a protester was heard to say:

"The persistence of the radiation problem is unfortunately troublesome, and the corruption of big business like Olympus is regrettable indeed, and our ineffective politicians certainly cause inconvenience to the public....but man, those Korean TV dramas REALLY P!5S ME OFF."

When further questioned by the reporter when the man would get a life, the protester was seen to adjust his blinkers and pull down his cap.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

LOL I just noticed the Hatsune Miku cosplayer in the background of the picture! Oh no, Miku has the mentality of a racist old Japanese man!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Wow, nothing better for the racist old oba and ojisans to complain about? How about all that radiation in the food from Fukushima?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I feel the same way. I'm sick and tired of Korean Drama.

Keep up with technology, mate - get yourself to Yamada Denki tomorrow and invest in a little gadget called a remote. They are pretty useful for changing channels.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

I feel the same way. I'm sick and tired of Korean Drama. If I only knew I would have joined, then again I would probably get kicked out.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

I've seen a few Japanese dramas I liked, the problem is they were usually only for like 12 episodes and stopped. Korea and US and other countries have long-running dramas that go for years, and you feel like you connect and grow with the characters. Also, I have never seen a convincing love scene in a Japanese drama. It's all like "I love you." "I understand." "Let's have a consensual kiss with closed mouths." "Yes, let's." and in Korea or Western countries there is passion, excitement, like we all feel when we fall in love or lust with somebody. And as some other people mentioned, a lot of actors are completely exaggerated and unnatural and it is just not believable.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Japanese tv,actors,movies and dramas are a joke- the acting is so unnatural. You can tell they are acting. Korean movies are first class. The market determines whats on tv.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

btw I've never seen a Korean drama in my life. Are they really that good?

Dunno - you'd have to ask the Japanese that - they just love Korean dramas!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I don't watch enough TV to know what they are talking about, but I do wonder, "Who supplied the spiffy flags?"

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Heh, there is a Miku Hatsune cosplayer in the photo lol.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

btw I've never seen a Korean drama in my life. Are they really that good?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Of all the things in Japan that could enrage you so much that you feel you have to take to the streets, wave flags, get your feet sore, and make your voice hoarse ... it's soppy Korean dramas. Wow. It's almost as ironic as seeing young kids with dyed red hair drinking coke while sitting in their big black trucks blaring out old war songs and bemoaning the loss of their culture.

Meanwhile, their grandmothers who actually went through the war are busy lining up to get a kiss, hug, or autograph from the very Korean stars these guys are protesting against.

It's a funny world isn't it? Remember though that if even 10 people in the US carrying US flags demonstrated against too many Japanese anime on TV, all the networks here would cover it and the guest would all be talking about why people hate Japanese so much.

The thing that has always bothered me the most is not that uyokusha exist but that you can have convoys of trucks blaring out war songs, blocking traffic every week for decades and Japanese don't see a problem, and don't even discuss it.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Haven't these people giot anything better to do on a cold winter's day?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

It is Japan. Why shouldn't there be more Japanese dramas than Korean dramas? Makes sense to me.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

It is pretty simple, if J-dramas were good then nobody would watch K-dramas. After all if you watch a drama for 20 hours, you want to see handsome actors and beautiful actresses who can act. Most J-dramas put me off because of constant shrieking, fighting, kitsch. I can only think of 2 actors in J-dramas that I like and they do make good dramas but the rest is all crap. Even my 78 year old mother-in-law who is very traditional and doesn’t even eat Western food says so and watches happily every day a K-drama.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

this is actually a sign of how good the economy is doing. if the economy was bad then these protestors would have better stuff to be doing.

Its the other way around. The +2 decades long economic recession has created a nation of bitter pessimists with nothing to look forward to. A large number of adults can't find work, some have even given up. This explains why things like Hikkomori and Otaku are prevalent in Japan more so than any other country.

Korean dramas are shown during the day time when most people are at work. Its main target audience happens to be stay at home housewives. I'm willing to bet the majority of people protesting in the photos are either unemployed hikkomori losers or similarly unemployed uyoku. Both groups are equally pathetic and need to get a job rather than protest soap operas.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

There was a query about why it's in Okachimachi. I can see from the photo that the marchers are walking along Chuo-dori, a wide street that runs from Ueno through through Akihabara, Nihombashi and Ginza. Lots of demonstrations have been organized here.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Most of you guys aren't Japanese, so it's normal that you prefer K-dramas instead of the J-dramas which are tailored to the japanese audience. Just like K-pop, K-dramas are more western-like in my opinion (more yelling, more violence, etc).

Here's a hint for you, if J-drama was so great there would be no protesting.

this is actually a sign of how good the economy is doing. if the economy was bad then these protestors would have better stuff to be doing.

Dude you got it backwards here.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The guys in this photo are just pissed off that Korean drama studs are stealing their women's attention.

Take up a real cause, losers. Your wives and your country need you to do a little better. And lose the shades.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Both, Korean and Japanese (Love)Dramas are mostly crap, well okay, Korean a little bit more. All this endless love with endless dialogue stuff did by all this operated people (and they did not even confess about) really can only be liked by housewifes. When it comes to movies, Korean and Japanese movies beats Hollywood easily. Ahw, I love Old Boy :)... It's their thing to protest, I don't care (and I won't laugh about). The only thing I find a little bit too much is the old japanese flag some people brought with...

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

majimekun: "Most of you guys aren't Japanese, so it's normal that you prefer K-dramas instead of the J-dramas which are tailored to the japanese audience. Just like K-pop, K-dramas are more western-like in my opinion (more yelling, more violence, etc)."

Ummm... hate to break this to you, but the racists above are not marching in protest to foreigners who like Korean dramas, they're marching against the success of Korean dramas among JAPANESE! J-dramas may TRY to tailor themselves to the Japanese audience, but clearly Korean dramas are winning over the Japanese public -- hence the uproar and idiocy from the idiots in the picture above.

There is indeed nothing wrong with trying to 'preserve your culture', unless it means forming a dictatorship and demanding people 'love' one thing and not follow their own tastes. It's like the whole flag issue -- forcing people to stand up and sing the national anthem when they don't wish to is not patriotism and only encourages further ill feelings.

Let people choose. But you and others seem to only want to offer a choice if the choice is Japanese.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )


" Most of you guys aren't Japanese, so it's normal that you prefer K-dramas instead of the J-dramas which are tailored to the japanese audience. "

That is a pretty strange comment following after a number of posters who just said they prefer J-dramas.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Most of you guys aren't Japanese, so it's normal that you prefer K-dramas instead of the J-dramas which are tailored to the japanese audience. Just like K-pop, K-dramas are more western-like in my opinion (more yelling, more violence, etc).

Personally, I prefer J-dramas and J-pop all the way because there is that little something that you don't find in any other country. What I like with japanese TV is that I never feel the agressivity that I find in any other foreign TV.

And I don't think it's racist to try to preserve your cultural difference.

I don't want a world where everything looks/sounds the same in every country. That would be a nightmare.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

I will get thumbed down for this, but really? Korean dramas better? ehhh NO

if I tune into KBS I ALWAYS tune in the moment that the girl/woman starts to break down in tears and shout. Mind you >Jdrama isnt better. But I love some Japanese variety shows like Kenmin show, Matsumoto and Hamadas variety >shows, some pure comedy. The rest Exile, smap shows etc, are garbage.

Agree. I hardly watch either one these days, but I'd take a Japanese drama over a Korean one any day. K-dramas are pretty to look at with their polished production values, surgically altered actresses, etc. but content-wise, tend to be tired, cliched and almost always fall into some kind of melodramatic rut in their storylines. In contrast, J-dramas tend to be more creative, have more variety and shorter with proper writing and editing. Those are the typical editing issues in K-dramas (and movies) where they feel the need to stretch it (to 16 episodes compared to J-dramas' 11 or 12) and let it drag on so perhaps you'll appreciate their plastic surgeries. At some point there's a extended, sappy scene where guy is chasing girl playfully with music playing--these Korean producers keep on confusing making a drama with a music video. So comparing the two, K-dramas are garbage.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

protesting against too many Korean dramas being shown on Japanese TV.

You have got to be kidding. With all the problems Japan faces, this is what these numbnuts choose to protest about? FFS!

3 ( +4 / -1 )

@kazetsukai: What's your point? because I don't see any kind of opinion, theory or idea in your post either...

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Japan should do more drama to beat the korean wave! gambatte nihon jin, you can do it! dont lose to korean.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Have any of you studied the history of the movie and TV industry in Japan? Have any of you studied the mentality of the corporate executives and marketing designs of those "private" movie and TV companies? Have any of you seen the "statistics" that drive those kinds of productions? Have you thought about the "demand" aspect of those productions? Have thought about comparing those productions to what is being produced in the US and other parts of the world and who dominates? An opinion is an opinion, but in the public forum, a well researched and well thought out opinion, theory or idea is much appreciated by the occasional visitor.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Proof of rabid racism in Japan.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

What if someday the Korean dramas bringing out the disputes of Dokdo ?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I'd've thought Shin-Okubo is the Korea-town in Tokyo.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

'Occupy the wall street' VS ' Anti-Korean drama backlash.'

Who is happier people?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

this is actually a sign of how good the economy is doing. if the economy was bad then these protestors would have better stuff to be doing.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

With all the crap going on in Japan that deserves public attention it is truly sad that any media covered this so called protest at all. It's a waste of time, money, and bandwidth. Oopps I am wasting it too by commenting, my bad!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

They should take that time and energy to do something helpful and useful instead of causing traffic.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Right wingers and xenophobes with nothing better to do.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

The reason Korea drama on Japan TV My analysis.

Major reason.

Won is cheaper than Yen.

Minor reasons.

Many Korean ethnicity people are still living in Japan by the past colonial rule by the imperial Japan. Japan the ethnicity of Japan king is Korean.
-2 ( +3 / -5 )

I totally agree with protestors there is to much Korean drama shows and I also agree that Japanese TV drama show is too boring. Best solution is a mixer of different international shows. So with that said I would like to see Bollywood TV series.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Bigots on Parade. Gotta love it.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

bicultural: "Not that Japanese dramas are much better. They need to bring back dramas like "Hero" or "Yamato Nadeshiko.""

Hero?? You mean where the recycled actor Kimtaku, fresh off a role as a hockey player, becomes a pilot (before his roll as a samurai, and weekly Smap X apprearance)? Japanese dramas are so much worse than Korean dramas, regardless of the fact that neither tend to vary much from one or two simple story-lines. I agree though that Japan REALLY needs to make better shows on the whole. If I were in Korea, I might watch a drama or two, but in Japan I will NEVER watch a Japanese drama -- they are gawd awful.

Blair Herron: "The Internet bulletin board Channel 2 is the best known home of the Net uyoku."

Thanks again for another great reference. Not really a big surprise that 2 Channel houses these absolute losers, but still. I always love these right-wingers -- absolute cowards who cover eyes with sunglasses and scream from the comfort of black trucks, but will do nothing on their own. That they are so scared their culture will be lost because of interest in superior television is humorous.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

i thought tv programs are selected exclusively if and only if people really watch the krap. this is the way tv stations (or owners) make super-profit, by plugging in commercials every three milliseconds. so it seems this is a minority group, probably the poor sods have broken channel selectors.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

These people are called ネトウヨ/Net Uyoku(net right-wing). The Internet bulletin board Channel 2 is the best known home of the Net uyoku. This Korean TV protest started when Miyazaki Aoi's ex-husband (Sosuke Takaoka) tweeted, "Japanese people want traditional Japanese programs. It feels like Korean programs brainwash you...blah blah." About 500 protestors protested outside Fuji TV last August, complaining about the network showing too many South Korean TV programs. They had Japanese flags and singing national anthem. Some were screaming "Takeshima is Japan's territory!...blah blah" This time they had protest in Okachimachi area where many Zainichi Koreans live.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Fuji TV is the cause. Thousands have been demonstrating against Fuji TV since August this year, most of the media have not reported the demonstrations. People who are demonstrating don't like Fuji's pro Korean programming.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

This is what you're protesting about? THIS?

Maybe if these oafs stopped watching so much TV and started reading some real news, they'd get some sense of perspective and notice where the REAL problems are.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Hey, I was there when it happened! Wondered what it was about. Ten years ago, Japanese dramas were really nice, these days mostly are jokes, but then again, I no longer watch TV these days. News, weather forecast, movies, are all on the internet.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I always liked the Changum program.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

A sad thing here is that this 'protest' is being held in Okachimachi, the largest Korea town in Tokyo (as far as I know).

This is obviously intended as a direct affront on the many generations of Japanese citizens/residents with Korean ancestry who live there. It's a harmful mob gesture against them conveying that they are not wanted in Japan. I am sure many who live in the area are quite scared by this.

I feel particularly sorry for the children in the area who know by and large know of no other home than Japan.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Yes there are far better things to be protesting about, and guys you can vote with your remote controls on this!

Is it my imagination or does this not look like a (possibly homeless) rent-a-crowd that the Uyoku have mustered for the protest?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

While this protest may be a less than positive demonstration of intellect, at the very least, it is better than nothing at all.

Yeah, can't wait for Bob Dylan to pen a tune about this movement and the downtrodden photographed above...

0 ( +1 / -1 )

@ Foxie

The guy with the green wig got it all wrong, this is not an anti-E.T. demo.

Actually, the man is probably cosplaying as Hatsune Miku, a fictional pop idol created by netizens, and is widely received not just domestically, but also overseas. There have been two overseas sold-out concerts for her, and multiple domestic concerts already staged in the few years since her creation. Taking into account the fact that she's actually fictional, that is a rather commendable achievement. In a sense, she can be seen as representative of a part of Japan's internet pop culture. In this manner, the man is probably trying to express his protest against Korean culture. Of course, I'm not sure whether such a niche statement will even make an impact on his fellow protestors, much less anyone the protest is aimed at getting attention from.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

I'm sure all of the 60-year-old obasans who are die-hard peyonjun fans will protest this protest. Honestly though, one episode of a Korean drama is enough. It seems like the main characters are a strong-willed beautiful girl and a gentlemanly tough guy who is often misunderstood. They start off hating each other but gradually fall in love, but not before someone dies of a rare disease or freak accident. YAWN. Not that Japanese dramas are much better. They need to bring back dramas like "Hero" or "Yamato Nadeshiko."

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Nationalist and far-right movements are aplenty in every civilized nation. Korean nationalists and racist bigots are just as bad as this. That said, such movements are not just mere showcases of "pathetic" or "sad" humans. They are symptoms of a rising cultural and political awareness in the public. Whether or not this is a misdirected effort or a failing one is open to debate.

Given the political apathy of the majority of the Japanese, this is actually a positive sign. If anything, Japanese nationalism is 2 decades behind their asian neighbours'. The 1960s to 1980s were the golden years of political galvanism within asia, culminating in the protests and demonstrations in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea, amongst others. While this protest may be a less than positive demonstration of intellect, at the very least, it is better than nothing at all.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )


-1 ( +0 / -1 )

get over it, its just tv. I hate the beat guy, most japanese and korean television is crap anyways

0 ( +1 / -1 )

funny the airport is more crowded by fans when one of those male korean actors come over (mostly mature ladies, so are the husbands marching? ;) )

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Man, I´d like to see a protest like that against against too many Japanese "comedy" and food programs! Can we organize one?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I don't regularly watch Korean dramas, and only have when my wife wants to watch them and I'm in the room. That said, Korean TV and movies are on a level WAY higher than their Japanese counterparts. So, if these people want to protest anything it should be the poor quality of Japanese shows, not the success of Korean imports.

And I find it funny that they are trying to push Japanese culture here but the woman's sign is all in English talking about 'Japan's future'! :)

What a sad and sorry lot they are.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Racist and insensitive politicians coupled with petty, small-minded grass roots actions like this are what keep Japan-Korea relations on ice. Sad and very counterproductive; detrimental to Japan and detrimental to South Korea.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

A recent article about the "dumbing down" of Japanese TV started a discussion with some of my Japanese friends. It seems that there may be a money factor besides a lack of talent factor which was brought up in the discussion. It could be that getting Korean dramas to supplement the Japanese programming may be cheaper in the long run. Some Japanese even prefer the Korean ones. As for myself, once in a while I catch a bilingually old CSI show and am glad to see anything in English. The Korean population here is quite large and I'm sure they are happy to see shows in their lanuage. I propose Japanese TV expand the seg channels to include a Korean and Chinese channel and an English channel to start. Of course this would mean Japanese TV would become worthwile. I believe there are multi-lingual channels in the US.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Talk about too much time on your hands....

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The guy with the green wig got it all wrong, this is not an anti-E.T. demo.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I will get thumbed down for this, but really? Korean dramas better? ehhh NO

if I tune into KBS I ALWAYS tune in the moment that the girl/woman starts to break down in tears and shout. Mind you Jdrama isnt better. But I love some Japanese variety shows like Kenmin show, Matsumoto and Hamadas variety shows, some pure comedy. The rest Exile, smap shows etc, are garbage.

As long as they keep showing happy sundays. 2 pak 1 rocks :)

5 ( +9 / -4 )

The best part about Japanese TV shows is the food programming where they go to a restaurant and eat food, savor it and make a pleasant expression and then, after cameraman suspensully holds the shot, they say "ooiishiiii!" Oh man it gets me every time. Pure brilliance. If only they had the Emmies in Japan...

3 ( +6 / -3 )

step away from the TV and get a job and a life (problem solved)

0 ( +2 / -2 )

@Seth Farjan Oh no, no! You can't wave the imperial flag to protest contaminated food that is force fed to children by the Japanese for profits, or international frauds maid by a Japanese company, or the disinformation given by the Japanese government. You have to have something you can blame on the horrible gaijin influence!

I guess some tv show was all they could find.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

protesting against too many Korean dramas being shown on Japanese TV.

You got to be kidding, right? Is this an April Fools Joke carried out in November?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

This is too funny. Not that I am a big Korean soap opera guy, but at least with the Korean dramas there is some suspense and not always THAT boring, beats watching cooking shows, stupid shows where guys are beating each other in the head wearing funny costumes and talking about S*** all day. Japan if they really tried, they could make something decent on TV and yet, they don't they stick to the same genre, same topic, same style, year in and year out. They need to stop bitchin' and try flood Korea with cool Japanese dramas (yeah, I know, but I just wanted to throw that in there. LMAO)

3 ( +6 / -3 )

i think there are many more important things to protest about than tv shows

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Who are they protesting to? In Okachimachi?

Although you could suggest if you don't like it, change channels, but here ALL channels show Korean drama's. These people have clearly been pushed over the edge! Me, before thinking about a protest I would probably 1) rent a video, 2) switch the TV off, 3) go out and enjoy life, 4) do some of the stuff waiting for me to do it (4-5 years worth), or 5) give in and watch it - 'cause if it is so darn popular that people can't get enough of it, there must be something in it!


However, I suspect this is just another political statement, and some of the banners refer to Takeshima, etc. Just another extremist dig in the ribs.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

-2 Oh my. Did I say something wrong? I just thought they MIGHT have a legitimate reason.....NO?? ( T _ T ) -2 Gomene!!

How many eggshells did I crush?

-16 ( +2 / -18 )

So many of them seem afraid to show their faces. I wonder if they are subconsciously ashamed of their own actions?

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Japanese TV programming is crap. It totally escapes me how people can watch the same parade of mindless “talent” drolls moving from endless quiz/game show to cooking/food drivel day in and day out.

I agree with you! They need more informative channels like discovery channel, history channel and etc. NHK plays good programs sometimes but private TV channels are waste of time.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

In their defense, these dramas are crap. But the few J-doramas that the studios here still manage to produce on a shoe string budget are worse, if not, just as terrible. I avoided this year's Taiga drama altogether, the same choice I should've made with that Antarctic expedition show with that Smap hack on Sundays, it looks like a bad high school stage play.

BTW, is that a guy cosplaying as a Vocaloid?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

HA, look at these guys. I bet half of them don't even know who sponsored the Korean invasion. THEY DID.

Japanese laid the welcome mat out for them when they allowed Koreans to open Pachinko gambling spots. That's right. All that money going right back to Korea. Don't forget the fact that the Koreans have more talent to begin with.

All they need to do is shut down the Pachinko parlors and that money might stay in Japan. Anyway, they better get used to seeing KARA laughing all the bank. La la la LA LA la lalalala laaaaaaaa. You'll be seeing them on Japanese TV more and more.

A little salt for the wound. Japan lost to a Korean team in baseball (Samsung). oh HAPPY DAY!!!

2 ( +10 / -8 )

Misdirected protest much? These people couldn't put their efforts behind something worth protesting about? Like TEPCO and taxes, for example? Maybe they want Takeshi's Castle back on the air. Oh wait, that WOULD be pretty cool!

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Why Okachimachi? What TV broadcasters are based there?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

I will take Korean dramas any day over people like Beat Takeshi, untalented singers like SMAP nado.

7 ( +13 / -6 )

I see many imperial japanese flags... Is situation really so sad?

1 ( +6 / -5 )

OH NO!! TOO Many KOREAN tv shows? Tv stars? Young beautiful ladies like Kara on J tv?? Idiots! I wonder who is funding these racist fools??

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Japanese TV programming is crap. It totally escapes me how people can watch the same parade of mindless “talent” drolls moving from endless quiz/game show to cooking/food drivel day in and day out.

7 ( +13 / -6 )

hee hee hee! ha ha ha! Bwa ha ha ha! (wiping tears of mirth from my eyes right now!)

Great pic and topic JT, thank you! Made my day!

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Maybe this makes sense. I really wanted to protest against the Kardashians. That program is pure smut. Not too long ago I found out I wasn't alone. There's actually a Facebook page to protest against the Kardashians

Maybe these people marching here feel the same way about Korean dramas. If it's smut and they have to pay for it then they might have a legitimate reason to protest.

I can't understand Korean so I don't know if it's bad or not. I bet it doesn't compare to the raunchy programs like The L-Word.

-14 ( +7 / -21 )

Ghh...I'm organizing a protest march against the torture and brutal murder of people's IQ by most major Japanese TV statons.

18 ( +21 / -4 )

Ha ha this is funny. If you don't want to watch Korean dramas, change the channel. Obviously they are popular otherwise they wouldn't be showing them.

Get a life - guys.

12 ( +16 / -4 )

They have shown thousands and thousands of US movies on the big screen and TV here for decades...I guess that is ok?

6 ( +10 / -5 )

I notice they're almost all men. They probably want Japanese produced TV back cos they know it's crap and their wives will get back in the kitchen and get them some dinner instead of watching TV all day and going on trips to Korea.

12 ( +18 / -6 )

This more than fills my supply of Christmas nuts!

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Easy solution make decent Japanese dramas and then you wouldnt need to show so many Korean dramas. Its not their fault Japanese tv is so pathetic and they need to import half decent shows.

23 ( +28 / -5 )

I don't know whether to laugh or cry... But I know the Korean producers are laughing.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Great hats trendsetters, from your local 100Yen store?

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

oh god, this is gonna get ugly

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Pathetic people who need to get a life.

27 ( +35 / -9 )

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