Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, left, shares a laugh with Finance Minister Taro Aso during an upper house budget committee session in the Diet on Monday.
© Japan TodayLaughing matter
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Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, left, shares a laugh with Finance Minister Taro Aso during an upper house budget committee session in the Diet on Monday.
© Japan Today
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forget politics it's Manzai time !
They are laughing at us poor slobs who will be paying more and more taxes to support their pet projects.
When these two laugh, an angel gets kanchoed. And the taxpayers of Japan get much worse! :-(
Saulo Akazawa
They should be laughing, they are the puppeteers now!!!
Aso is saying, "I told you I'd dress up as Don Corleone. You didn't think I'd do it, did you?"
To which Abe replies, "Well, it would have looked even better if you didn't have that big cob of chicken stuck in your teeth"
Manzai, as in DPJ playing the role of Bokke.
So which hostess bar shall we go to tonight?
This needs a caption: " and .. so I told them... I am going to borrow money from our future generations thereby indebting them beyond any hope.. get all the old to vote for us and make them believe the country is heading in the right direction" To which Aso replies: Maybe we could start a war with our neighbours and then enslave them for chap labour.... it's why my family is so rich now". Cue maniacal laughing
Zen student
Abe: "Looks like we really fooled the electorate in that last election hey Taro?" (guffaw) Taro: "Yep. Now that we have their vote, maybe they can shove off and die...." (guffaw)
....."So then I was like: your vote is really important to us. What you think really counts. We care about the people of Japan...."!
Get back to work!
"So I was the least popular Prime Minister in Japanese history?" "You were until I got the job" "And we're running the show again?" "Yep! They fell for it!"
"Ha ha! We are getting paid to do this and these fools think we know what we we are are doing."
Was last night as good for you as it was for me? Are you kidding? I hardly felt a thing!
laughing as they fleece the citizens
Dumb and dumber leading the country.
"..cor that you?!" "Yes! Ha! Damn pickles get me every time! Shhhishishishiii!"
You can't have "slaughter" without "laughter"!
Well, at least they weren't sleeping or screwing around on their phones... That's the best I can come up with. Dumb and dumber...
Abe: Whaddaya think of this new vibrating diet-chair feature? A couple more coins?
Aso: Yeeeeees, definately!
'Those foreigners don't know anything. They complain about currency manipuration. I even heard one say we had an erection last year. How could they know?'
Beavis and Butthead
3Dollars Too Short
Wow I get the same feeling when see their faces!!
Ewan Huzarmy
I would laugh too ..... if it wasn't so depressing.
He said: ' I manipulated the Yen currency, I just brought all my money back from the US' haha Next year I will retire and you can be Prime Minister again!
Your comments reminds me exacitly what Americans think when Mr. Obama laughs...
.....and they believe us over China!
Abe: "That radar-lock gag was a gem, Aso... a gem! Good thing they don't actually DEMAND we show them proof!"
Aso: "Can you believe these suckers voted us in AGAIN? Can we change positions in a few months? And buy the way, how do you read this Kanji character on today's 'to do' list?"
Abe: "That's 'shima'. We need to create more island controversy to take the focus off the fact we don't know what we're doing."
BadtoDbone: "Beavis and Butthead"
Beavis and Butthead were a whole lot smarter than these two clowns.
Aso and Abe are discussing why the unhappy foreigners continue to live in Japan, thinking Japan should change to meet their standards.