American director Michael Moore, 55, and "tarento" Yuko Ogura, 26, pose for a photograph at the Tokyo Stock Exchange on Monday. Moore, making his visit to Japan, is here to promote his new film "Capitalism: A Love Story," but he had a bit of trouble with his luggage: the airline lost it. Asked which airline, Moore said, "It starts with J and ends with L." Moore said that one of his first stops in Tokyo was a clothing store popular with sumo wrestlers. "I am partly in my pajamas and partly in sumo attire," he said. See story in Entertainment/Arts section.
© Japan TodayLess for Moore
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I am not a particularly big fan of Michael Moore, but still would never make a fat joke about him. I thought this site was for a mature audience?
Guys in the back ground gorking at Ogura crack me up.
See the downfall of JAL even in Pic of the Day...
Very professional article.
Moderator/: The article is in the Entertainment/Arts section.
Power to Michael Moore! This guy takes a stand for the common good for his country. He makes you think and even if you don`t agree with him, it makes people actually talk about issues rather than focusing on who will win American Idol
The U.S. needs Michael Moore as much as it needs Glenn Beck.
Japan needs Yuko Ogura as much as it needs Yuri Ebihara.
George Bush and Sarah Palin also make you think. These people all make America look dumb, and the more we think about them the worse your opinion of the US. America's best image is from its innovative businesses and products of its freedom, not its politicians or political cheerleaders.
Is he wearing two left shoes??
I note that the Japanese title of the movie is changed somewhat. Kyapitarizumu - Money wa odoru. (The dance of money?)
Wrong movie -- That was Best in Show.
Well, one of the most visible "products of its freedom" is Michael Moore's sharp eye and sarcastic wit directed at some of the sacred cows that are worshipped by many Americans. Guns (Bowling for Columbine), War (Fahrenheit 9/11), Pride (The Big One), etc.
Those are some big a** sneakers
Yes, the good thing is the freedom to say what you want right or wrong. That doesn't change that the aforementioned people make America look dumb. I fully support Sarah Palin's right to make Americans look dumb. I do. That doesn't change the fact of the matter, does it.
Yuko Ogura is an actress? Who knew. She is a cutie, though.
Haha, never thought I'd see this match-up
norinrad21 says:
Well, you need big a sneakers for a big a like Michael Moore.
It's a shame that poor Yuko Ogura has been made a prop for that doofus. Even a babe like that can't make this guy look good.
Not only does Michael Moore look dumb, he is stupid enough to make an anti-capitalist movie and then use the capitalist system to make a load of money selling it. I guess he actually thinks people can't figure out that he is a huge hypocrite.
Oh, no. Not at all. In Palin's case, it's birds of a feather.
beauty and the beast!
LOL!! Well, Moore may not be smart enough to come up with an entirely new economic system in order to push one movie, and instead opted to use the system already in place, such as it is. He's certainly smart enough to use the system's tendency to give a person like him all the rope he needs to hang it.
Once again, Moore proves himself head and shoulders above his critics on this board in intelligence. By the way, the Moore's antidote to capitalism is something called "democracy," and his film contains a few very good examples of economic democracy in action.
Of course he was in First Class on that JAL flight. He couldn't fit in economy class.
"I am partly in pajamas and partly in sumo attire"
He's too big to be a sumo wrestler. At least he's wearing his baseball cap correctly.
Wonder how much money his movie lambasting capitalism will make for him. Hypocrite.
I ask the gang this every time I get the chance... How many tarentos are in the biz? Anyway, Mikey does good work... check out Sicko if you have chance.
Michael Moore is the most powerful man in america. Right after he criticized the IRaq war, public support for the war quickly fell to around 30 percent from around 70 percent. When he criticized the US health system, the government then introduced ambitious reforms. he also criticized GM's layoffs and gun control, issues that have since entered Americans' conscious like never before. Around the time of the anti-capitalism movie, the bush administration started its socialist agenda of government ownership of the big banks and automakers. MM is a man of great insight!
Personally, I find Michael Moore to be extremely hypocritical. That said, its amusing to see one of the examples of why capitalism works, criticizing it. Sorry to see such a pretty girl going along with him too, but then, its all about the money, even for her.
She's a splendid gal. The one on the left is pretty hot though.
Beauty and the Beast
hahaha.. I was about to type the same thing.
A ,ot of people here are lambasting Moore for allegedly criticising Capitalism and then using it to sell the movie. I haven't seen it yet, but suspect the angle is more of how a (relatively) few people are exploiting the system whilst a large volume of people fail to benefit (stuck in a poverty trap). His films, whilst very one sided, DO give an alternate view to the mainstream politically cleansed versions we see issued by our governments.
One of the best moments I can recall inhis films was trying to get US senators/representatives to sign up their kids to go to serve in Iraq. The look of these people who had voted for the war in Iraq was one of complete disbelief "Don't be so stupid, that would be a death sentence" is the kind of emotion you could see in their eyes.
she may be cute but what does she use her public profile for? does she comment on social issues, or does she just giggle and try to look all cute? he may be a big arsed dude but at least he gets off that arse to fight for what he believes in which is more than 99% of people do these days, we just post on blogs because its easy.
I love his all movies. America should be proud of him. Moore has good sense of humor.
Moore is a very talented film maker. I like his movies, but his delivery can be a little too one sided to say the least, and the facts bent and blurred. But he has an opinion and want to get it across, he does that very effectively. Some people hate him and refuse to listen, that's closed minded. Some people blindly beilvie every thing he has to say, that's also close minded. Moore needs to be taken with a large grain of salt, but he usually has a very good point, and like i said he is a very good film maker. His films are very captivating. BUT I have to say I would take this guy a lot more serious if he wasn't absolutely disgusting to look at. He makes me want to vomit sometimes.
Moreover, do check the trailer to see if the content is what you are expecting it to be: And alos the review in Rolling Stone is far from dismissing the films good points (it also highlights Moore's weaknesses too). It also has review posted from general public - I recommened the one by Laureena
"Thought provoking" - doesn't mean right or wrong, but gets people thinking. I think that is a strong positive!
I doubt the lost luggage story. You'd think a multi millionaire here to promote a film would take the time to get some new clothes before a photo shoot. He's just playing the public resentment against big capitalist JAL. Notice he is the one reporting that his luggage was lost, and by which airline, as there is nothing about any confirmation from the airline.
This picture is set up and fake. He's trying to look like a poor slob so he can make more money by garnering hate the rich.
Once again, George Bush and Sarah Palin are also thought provoking. As in, how so many people could be dumb enough to buy into them and what we can do to correct our gullible society. Though provoking is not good enough, how about being honest. People like Palin and Moore prey on gullibility.
As for losing your luggage, why would you doubt that his luggage was lost. If it's not gullible , it's a conspiracy theorist which we have more than enough of (see Sarah Palin).
The Beauty and the Beast?
Funny how he goes on in his movie about the bailaouts, calling it capitalism, while current system has nothing to do with it. Anybody who actually understands free market economics will agree that capitalism in the US died in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act. Michael Moore never mentions this. Neither does he mentions numerous regulations that elimiated small business from competitions.
Then he goes on about democracy, which is nothing short of gang rule. Democacy never works and brings any sort of organization (from a privately owned business to a country) to a slow death. Nobody should be getting what they want, but people should be free to make decisions, that's why I'd rather watch Milton Friedman's "Free to Choose" instead of this crap.
I like that pair of shoes tarento Yuko is wearing..:)
bdiego. How many widely known advocates of the working class can you name? How many who have shed attention on the suffering of working families to provide health care? How many have provided insight to the growing alienation and violence in our schools and communities? And how many have been willing to say that the overall economic system that we live in is the likely cause of all these problems?
Workers, every day people from the guy pulling coffee at the street stand to the guy working at a desk have been having a hard time for a long time now. Diminished opportunity, increased financial challenges, declining sense of economic stability and security. Workers have a much harder time sending their kids to school with their own money, and programs have dried up that helped in the past. Health care is excessively expensive and more and more have no insurance at all.
We work longer hours for the same pay, pay more for everything and are increasingly marginalized politically and socially. And yet who do you see standing up for workers?
I don't agree with everything Michael Moore says or does. But I respect the man for at least trying to bring attention to the issued faced by the majority of us who are just simple working class people. The corporates, the big companies and the rich have plenty of advocates out there protecting and promoting their interests. Who do we have?
We should be grateful to anyone courageous enough to stand up and point out the things that are wrong in our society. It is easy to sit back at your PC and say bad things about Moore. But it is a hell of a lot harder to put your own world at risk and to stand up and do something about the many problems facing the workers of our world. So show a little respect or get off your behind and do something to help. Then you can have the credibility to attack his methods. But not before.
He is cute, I love all his movies, they are so good! I will difinitely see Capitalism too. The only movie man in the USA who does not brainwash.
I love Yuko's outfit! Cute, fashionable and her shoes are adorable! This is so much better than yesterday's pic!
I do not think showing one's bra next to the American man is classy. Run Michael, run!!!
The USA is not a capitalist country. Americans have simply stolen the word to legitimize their "system". The movie should really be called "Corporate Socialism: A Love Story".
You know, this picture is really ironic. Here you have Ogura Yuko, typically representative of Japan's "baka talento" - a stereotype created and nurtured by Japan's huge, fossilized, paternalistic entertainment industry, standing next to Michael Moore, whose films parody and criticize all the elements embodied and practiced by these production companies……
Mike, whoever is promoting your movie here, something got lost in translation……..
Lincolnman, I would like to ask this too. Is this girl a member of the communist party? Did she rebel against evil capitalism? Why is exactly she who promotes the movie? How is she related to capitalism ridicule?
I usually like his movies, quite enjoyable. He shouldn't dress like such a slob though, maybe people would then take him more serious as the subjects he deals with.
Do you have any examples of these parodies of production companies? I may have missed those bits.
Is is an American pimp who pimps out the ideas of socialism and Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds but really profits like a perfect capitalist deceiving the gullible liberal thinking crowd who also live in their own Lucy Sky Diamonds world. I disrespect him for being a capitalist disguised as a socialist slob to show his hypocrisy.
I should have said "which shows his hypocrisy".
I want him to do a documentary on American obesity next!
I'm sorry, why is the chapatsu, dim-witted bimbo 'tarento' (and her actual talent is~?) standing next to the unkempt, smirking homeless guy in need of a haircut? At the TSE no less. I'll translate the sign: "Starting December 5, we will both work for food."
bushlover. What evidence do you have that Michael is raking money on these films? He does a lot of good work for people, working people like you and me. Show some respect. At least the man is doing something. More than the net trolls here who attack but offer nothing as an alternative.
I do agree, why this girl. I am sure this is the Japanese distributor's idea and not Michael's. Everything in Japan has to be paired with something cute. As I have said many times, the major disease in Japan is the plague of Kawaii.
Surveys show that the cinema-going public will not pay to see releases filmed solely with the use of wide-angle lenses, which the cinematographer would need for filming obese Americans. As an American, I can say that.
Japanese say 'kawaii', I say 'kowai'. Let's call the whole thing off.
What evidence do you have that he does "good work for people"? Does he run soup kitchens or something like that?
Not that I disagree with. But she has another side, running her own yakiniku restaurant and playing with stocks a little. I guess the distributor thought the cute celebrity on the capitalist side would be a best match for Moore.
Bushlover. visit his web site and you can see for yourself some of the issues he has been involved in. He is very active in his home community as well as in taking up issues on behalf of people who lack advocates.
The right wingers in the US are often the people most in need of labor advocacy, education, health care and more. Just baffling how people most in need of the help of someone like this are the first to throw rocks at them.
What-ever it is you're smoking, you should be careful, In Japan, it's illegal just using that stuff!
American is "George Dubya's" global model of True "Unregulated Capitalism!" And it's proven what happens in REAL time when you let Industry Regulate itself! Not only did that dummy, "George Dubya" take down the U.S's economy, but he almost took the rest of the world's economies with him!
yr using more common sense then many can handle I am afraid, many in the US have been so brain washed by the suits that they cant break out & think clearly on their own. I mean what other country in the world has many that reject the idea of everyone paying into health care so in case they get sick they have access to decent care, thats just daft, but many in the US truly belive your a damned commie if you want health coverage.
And yr very right in pointing out there is almost no one speaking out for the little guy while govt & big biz hammer into our heads whats whats for decades, many are too blind to see whats right in front of them
There's no capitalism in Japan, banks don't even pay interest here.
Not smoking anything mindovermatter, and I agree with you. I'm saying that whatever the American system is, it is not capitalism. Capitalism does not mean you let industry regulate itself, that is just crazy American ecobabble which propaganda victims are told is capitalism. In capitalism, banks that lose all their money go BANKrupt, and people who provide capital (aka "capitalists") are paid for providing the capital. They don't just hand it over to speculators to gamble with. And by the way, banks and financial services do not equal capitalism - they provide a service TO capitalism, a distinction that seems to be lost on about 99% of people. The kind of people who attack Moore and side with the people who have been robbing them. Disagree about Dubya though. The destruction of the system brought on by the growth of the financial industry started long before him, he was just a passenger on the train.
ha ha
Ogura Yuko was probably chosen because she is said to invest on foreign exchange market and it is said she's quite knowledgeable and good at it. That being said, I hate the way she talks (nosy voice) and what is worse is that she makes it on purpose, we can find some video on the net where she talks with her normal voice ...
American director Michael Moore, 55, and “tarento” Yuko Ogura, 26, pose for a photograph at the Tokyo Stock Exchange on Monday.
Good to see Michael 'fightin the power' at the Stock exchange.
Ok, I agree we are basically on the same page. I don't think it was "All" Dubya's doing, he just happened to be the one that put the finishing touches on it.... I would actually go back to Reagan, and even give Clinton a good bit of responsibility.
They need to take the money out of politics, publicly financed elections is probably to only real thing that will fix this...
I think Obama got stuck holding a big shit-sandwich. No thanks in small part to that Iraq war, which was all based on a pack of lies... Afghanistan was the right war, and that's where Bin-Laden was, but Iraq was all about oil and enriching Dubya's and Cheney's cronnies....
He doesn't do anything substantive for me. He's a textbook example of fraud and hypocrisy for me to point out to others, but that's about it.
No. Respect is earned, not an entitlement.
I wanted health coverage, so I went online and bought it. For less than US$100/month. That's capitalism.
Wanting health coverage, but insisting someone else to pay for it, that's communism. Or mooching.
I should have clarified - when I said "baka talento", I was merely referring to the character her production company makes her play - not her personally. I agree, I've seen her play both the piano and flute on TV and no doubt she is a university graduate - as are most of the females in this group.
To me it just seems ironic that this is the type of hypocrisy Michael Moore always rages against - yet here he is pandering his movie right next to her.
So, let's say you go to the hospital and the procedures and stay costs $50k. Your $100/month did not cover that.
Even Moore would call you a "self-defined moocher." (And he's probably self-insured.)
LoveUSA@9:36AM - Har!
So, let's say you go to the hospital and the procedures and stay costs $50k. Your $100/month did not cover that.
Even Moore would call you a "self-defined moocher." (And he's probably self-insured.)
The insurance company is betting on him not needing a 50k hospital stay and if he did they would pay the bill, and if not they get a nice tidy 100 dollar a month profit. That is why is called insurance......DUH.
LOL!! The topic is Moore's latest film about capitalism. And it certainly includes the foolishness of some who think paying $100 a month and expecting to receive thousands of dollars of coverage in return is an example of capitalism.
as other have pointed out, you end up with a nasty cancer lets say, or a family member does, if they survive & even if they dont I am betting you come put with a monstrous bill that wipes you right out, how civilized yr "great USA" is........ more civilized countries try to offer something where we all pay & hope we never need it, but when someone does we all have chipped in to help out, THATS civilized!
If capitalism is evil, then Michael Moore is evil, no? After all, he's making money on this. What a hypocrite. And he's not partly in sumo attire.
That's the sort of U.S. ignorance and illogic that Moore revels in pointing out.
Actually, it would cover it. I just have a US$5,000 deductible. And how would that make me a moocher? I pay my own bills.
Back in February, I had a motorcycle accident and broke my leg. I had no health insurance at all (well, my bike insurance covered the first $1000). The hospital gave me a $9,000 discount for paying cash, and I'm making payments on the balance at 0% interest. It's like making payments on a used car, no big deal. I still got quality health care and nobody's taxes went up.
If you voluntarily chip in, that's civilized. When the government confiscates your earnings and passes it on to someone who decided to buy a big flat-screen TV or a shiny new SUV instead of health insurance, that's not civilized. Call it communism, socialism, or socialized medicine, but don't call it civilized.
By default. George Soros even more.
He is the only man in the USA to voice his discontent with Bush and his government. I think he is brave and just. Attacking a man for his looks does not speak good for you, Sarge. I wonder what kind of clothes you wear and how you have confidence you look better than Moore. when you are able to have the strength to protest against the government and its wrong policies and point out the mistakes of the president, then I will admit you are a man. Until then you are just a kid playing on JT watching photos of Japanese women with doubtful intellect and fashion style. Good night!
The ONLY man?!? Hardly! Hahaha...
And don't look now, but Bush isn't president any more. Nor did he invent capitalism.
We are talking about a $50K bill, not $5k. Someone is coming up with the 40k+ needed after your premiums and deductible. And it ain't "capitalism," right Mr. Moore?
I don't know whether it's sheer ignorance or just plain foolishness, but when hospitals give "discounts" it usually means that they can recover the costs elsewhere. That "elsewhere" is where someone is paying for you. You were "lucky" in that you suffered only a broken leg. Had you been more seriously injured the costs would have been much higher and you'd have been paying for the rest of your life -- unless your fellow citizens, through taxes and health care premiums foot a large part of the bill.
I hasten to add, Moore covers this stuff in his movie Sicko quite well. You should watch it.
OK TK I did look at his website. He seems only to be advocating to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan. That's all I can see on the first page. Which tells me he gets his political opinion pushed forward by gullible people like yourselves who say he is 'helping' people everywhere. He is only trying to put forward his own agenda under the guise that he helps. A fraud and a capitalist. Profits from your gullibility. Making him a hypocrite. Go ahead and follow him if you like but I can see a fraud. He's got as much credibility as George W saying Iraq had WMD in my books. None.
I am sorry but to read this & think this is GOOD, something to be proud of! WTF WTF WTF you sir are in need of a brain scan!!
Oh & who is paying the other $9k for yr leg you must have broke it up good!
I guess where you come from SUVs & big a$$ TVs must be dirt cheap hahahaha, you are definitely in a dream world I hope you & YOURS dont every need REAL medical help otherwise you will be outta luck but hey no one will accuse of being a commie!!
I think you misunderstood. $5,000 is my deductible, not my coverage. Let me try to explain it this way:
I have an accident. My medical bills come to... let's say $50,000. Since my deductible is $5,000, I pay that. My insurance covers everything after that first $5,000. In other words, they'll cover the remaining $45,000.
Does that help?
Has it never occurred to you that hospitals and doctors charge insurance companies at a higher rate than self-payers (those who pay cash)? If they have to recover the money elsewhere, then they shouldn't discount the self-payers. If they were recovering the money buy over-charging health insurance companies, the health insurance companies would sue for being charged for covering non-clients.
I would rather read my health insurance paperwork, as it's bound to be more accurate than any Michael Moore film, but thanks anyway.
I know this is a difficult concept for a Leftist to absorb, but I can take pride in paying my own way and not being a burden on others.
Nobody. It wasn't billed to anyone. See my response to yabits. And yes, it was a nasty break, requiring surgery and metal implants. I'm not looking forward to my next commercial flight...
Actually, my insurance covers 100% of my bills after my deductible. And yes, all for less than $100/month.
Interesting, living in a place with national healthcare, I actually don't mind part of the taxes I pay going towards the hospital bills for those less fortunate, sure their might be lazy people but there are also the elderly, children, working poor and so on that deserve care that they couldn't pay for.
How nice. But you could pay money to a charity and do the same thing. Besides, most children are already covered under their parents, and for those who aren't, every state has some kind of coverage for children, plus there are many excellent charities. Also, many elderly (like my own parents) have saved up over the years to cover their health costs in their later years. As for the working poor, I'm currently one of them, and I can pay for excellent coverage for myself and pay for the surgery I had when I didn't have coverage. Of course, I don't have a big flat-screen TV, and I drive an old car (bought my bike used too)...
And there is where you find the "hidden" expense in so many of these social programs. If you take away those who could buy health insurance but spend their money on luxury items instead, those who have saved, those who are covered under their parents, and those who are in the U.S. illegally, you'll find that the truly needy are far fewer than the fear-mongers claim. Our private-sector charities (where people give because they care, not because the government forces them to) already address the truly needy.
Again, another point that is difficult for Leftists to grasp, as their default solution is the government.
[another point that is difficult for Leftists to grasp, as their default solution is the government.] This is true WhiteHawk and to think they are the first to criticize the government but oh so expect it to give handouts. Hypocrites and the leftist can't see the forest for the trees when it comes to hypocrisy.
Where are they getting the other $45K from? Are they just printing the money? I believe anyone can see that a risk pool contains very little in the way of capitalism in its concept.
I haven't seen you put up any numbers. Just random musings from an over-active imagination, without any basis in reality.
Well, it seemed to be a good enough solution for those staunch proponents of capitalism on Wall Street! Some of them couldn't get to DC fast enough.
That is actually quite a funny sentence. I suspect that most liberals can look into a forest of right wingers and pick out the biggest blockheads.
Capitalism rocks. It, along with American hard work and ingenuity, is what has made the United States of America the #1 economy in the world.
And capitalism in the U.S. is in danger of being destroyed by Barack Obama and the Democrats.
[That is actually quite a funny sentence. I suspect that most liberals can look into a forest of right wingers and pick out the biggest blockheads.]
I can look on JT and see the head in the clouds liberals who expect utopia from their government but on the other hand blame it for all their woes anyway. Damned if you do and damned if you don't when it comes to governing these bunch. Good luck on that Utopia you thought Obama was going to bring you.
I am so glad we're having this conversation. This exchange has explained a lot about our previous debates. Now I understand why you are a Leftist.
Perhaps you don't understand capitalism then. You don't have to join, companies compete for customers by offering various incentives to use their service, and sometimes customers have to show they are a good risk for the companies. It's a market with competition, choice and risk, and that's capitalism.
A centralized bureaucracy forcing you to buy insurance or pay a government fine (or go to jail), while confiscating money from society's productive members to subsidize society's unproductive members is what, exactly? Capitalism?
Perhaps you should read up on Tenncare. Our Democrat governor here in Tennessee, Phil Bredesen, opposes Obama and Pelosi's attempt to federalize healthcare, and it's because of his experience with Tenncare. If you were as open-minded as "progressives" claim themselves to be, you would ask "why?" and do the research.
Considering how difficult it has been to explain to you just the basics about how private health insurance operates, putting up any numbers would merely be a wasted effort.
And some of them were forced to take bailout money by the Obama administration. That's not capitalism either.
I guess you are trying to say that the $45K comes out of the pockets of those who maintained their health and didn't get into accidents. (I knew you could do it.) Your admission that "sometimes customers have to show they are a good risk" means that, in your definition of capitalism, companies can offer a service to the general public and then deny it to some people. Since Tennessee is largely a conservative state, I suppose that the legislature has done away with the insurance commissioner in order to let the market rule.
Perhaps you should attempt to put forth some of your "facts" on Tenncare. I've read about it and could debate you.
With the banks, you are forgetting about TARP, which happened before Obama. And while a handful of banks wanted to opt out of getting bailout money, the fact that most did shows that capitalism is essentially bogus when push comes to shove.
Your point is...? That health insurance companies are "evil" for charging people for insurance? That the $45k should come from taxpayers -through the government- instead of from a private sector business? Just what is your point?
They have the right to refuse service, as does any private sector business. Don't tell me you've never been to a restaurant that had a "no shirt, no shoes, no service" sign out front. I can't be the only one old enough to remember those.
Really? You read about it? So you know about the fraud and abuse that occurred under Tenncare? You know how people got bogus prescriptions and sold the drugs on the street? You know how certain Leftist groups (exploiters of the needy that they are) fought Bredesen when he tried to reduce such fraudulent practices because they were bankrupting the state? You know about non-Tennessee residents and illegal aliens filing for Tenncare? Great! I can't wait to see you defend all of it and make your case for all of the U.S. adopting a similarly expensive, unmanageable and vulnerable plan.
The point, once again, that the concept of a risk pool is more socialistic than capitalistic. When the principles of equal access and equal opportunities are applied, it becomes even more "socialistic."
We're not talking about skantily or improperly clad people trying to get service in a restaurant. What your venture is more like are the exclusive clubs who only let the "beautiful people" step behind the rope.
Hold those points on Tenncare and lets resume on a topic whose subject is the health care plan.
When the principles of competition, choice and risk are removed, then yes, it does become less capitalistic. But your attempts to equate private sector business with confiscatory totalitarianism are as transparent as they are ineffective. ;)
Oh, how dramatic! Embellish much, yabits? Are you suggesting that only a tiny minority of Americans can get private health insurance? That's what the fear-mongers (such as the often-debunked Michael Moore) suggest, isn't it?
Surrendering so soon? What's the matter, did Michael Moore not cover Tenncare's failings in his movie Sicko?
I don't like my efforts being removed as "off topic."
Your example was refusing service due to lack of shirt or shoes. Anyone can put on a shirt or shoes and thus receive service. You can't get past the "rope" than an insurance company puts up quite so easily.
Medicare and veterans' care works. They are not perfect, but veterans' care ranks as the most effective of just about any health care service you would want to compare it with.
Not all insurance companies have their "rope" set at the same height. That's part of competition. But apparently you would rather have the government remove the principles of competition, and start rationing and denying healthcare, leaving the poor you express so much empathy for without an alternative.
I don't think you want to bring up Medicare. Even writers at the New York Times know that it's "headed for a financial abyss". So no, Medicare isn't working.
And the VA is notoriously bureaucratic and inefficient. Every veteran I know (including both of my parents) avoid the VA hospitals and opt for the private sector hospitals and doctors every time they need medical care.
Again, these are the standards you want for all Americans?
Michael Moore is considered a clown here in the US
I like the Girl....She should find a better class of people to pose with!!
Only by ignorant people.
The left hand margin of the posts is cut off to the point where it is difficult to make them out.
As far as "writers" at the NYT go, your article is quoting top Bush administration officials -- who are hardly neutral on the Medicare program. The article makes some very good points: "But the administration’s cuts were too deep, and it refuses to consider reducing the unjustified subsidies granted to private health plans that participate in Medicare." So we see some collusion between the Republicans and private insurers to gut Medicare.
Your article concludes: "Although political rhetoric often focuses on “runaway entitlement programs,” it is important to recognize that Medicare’s financial woes are not intrinsic to Medicare. The relentless rise in health care costs are driving up premiums for private health insurance and employer-based coverage as well. Medicare will not truly be “fixed” until those costs are brought under control.
Not intrinsic to Medicare -- very important to note.
You're not seriously suggesting that Medicare was fine and dandy until the Bush administration, are you? Wait, you are, aren't you?
So you're going to ignore how Democrats and Republicans didn't prepare Medicare for the arrival of the baby boomers? You're going to ignore the neglect and bureaucratic mismanagement Medicare was subjected to be decades of Democrat-written budgets? You're going to ignore how Democrats used Medicare as a vote-buying scheme?
So the world was perfect... until Bush was elected. Is that right?
You see a conspiracy. That says more about you than it does Republicans.
It's true that, until there is tort reform (and immigration enforcement, etc.), health care costs will do nothing but continue to rise.
Speaking of "rising health care costs", I can walk to my local grocery store and get most prescriptions filled for $4. I couldn't do that prior to (cue dramatic music) the Bush administration. Coincidence? Conspiracy? ;)
So you're willing to post about health care, but not Tenncare. You saw Moore's film Sicko, am I right? Did he or did he not cover Tenncare in his movie?
I would like to change the name of documentary name as Sayonara Capitalism. Because Capitalism has finished like Communism or Socialism. No system in this world has been perfect. The world needs more practical and workable system. Wall street crooks broke US and the world. Many Retiree lost their life time saving. Countless citizens lost the job and home.
Capitalist US has been transforming like Socialist nation since the financial Crisis. Government is taking private companies under state control. Working class are struggling however fat and greedy CEOs are enjoying with tax payers bail out. Even they got bonus and pay rise despite their misconduct and poor performance.
I like watching his Fahrenheit 9/11 and I would like to watch asap for his new documentary. Moore is a gifted director and philosopher.
I saw Sicko when it first came out. There was no mention of Tenncare in it to the best of my recollection.
Your 2008 article stated that Medicare's funding woes are not intrinsic to the program. It also stated that the Bush administration refused to consider reducing unjustified subsidies to the private plans that participated in Medicare. If you don't like it being quoted from perhaps you should not have posted it.
Back to the theme of capitalism, what you actually appear to believe is that the health care system (and insurance systems) will run optimally when every slick suit is trying to milk them for a profit. I believe the events of the past year have proven you woefully wrong, despite your four buck prescriptions.
Such as...?
Not all by themselves. They had plenty of help from Democrats in congress.
Painfully true.
Not entirely true. The AIG "bonuses" were actually deferred salaries. What the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac execs got, however, were bonuses. But since FM/FM is overseen by congress, they didn't get the manufactured outrage and ACORN protests.
Though a misleading and inaccurate one. Perhaps you should watch Fahrenhype 911 too.
And now you know why, thanks to my 07:16 AM post. You remember, when you said you could debate me, a Tennessee resident, on it?
Do you remember when you posted:
Well yabits, I haven't seen you put up any numbers. Or post any reference sources. Just "random musings", as you would say.
Here are more links for you. In which you'll find Democrat opposition to reform: He blames years of political rancor, including a 2005 standoff during which Democrats sank reforms proposed by President Bush, arguing that his forecast of a funding crisis was fabricated and that both systems would be financially sound for decades.
And where you'll find political neglect and the baby boomers: "Everybody knows that there are a couple of 800-pound gorillas under the rug, but nobody wants to talk about them because that is not the route to the Oval Office," said economist Robert D. Reischauer, president of the Urban Institute public policy center. "The situation is unsustainable in the long run, but the long run is in the future, and our political system operates very much in the present."
Yet baby boomers will start retiring and signing up for Medicare in 2011 -- during the next president's first term. And the program faces double jeopardy from rapidly rising healthcare costs and an aging society. Indeed, the trustees' report released Tuesday showed that Medicare spending will surpass Social Security in 2028, and grow to almost double the cost of the pension program in 2082.
Did Moore cover any of that in Sicko?
Bush's biggest (and probably only) contribution to the instability of Medicare was the prescription drug program for seniors. Another entitlement plan that one would expect from a Democrat. Proving both that Bush wasn't the right-wing extremist the Left portrays him to be, and that I can indeed be critical of President Bush.
Oh look, wild speculation based on stereotypes! No, I believe that the health care system will run optimally when there is choice, competition and risk. If you want to find slick suits milking a system for profit (a codeword for "evil", apparently), look to the malpractice area of litigation. The financial burden for which rests on the private-sector healthcare providers. There cannot be healthcare reform without tort reform. It's simply not possible.
No, if anything, the events of the past year(s) have proven that congressional meddling and a lack of tort reform have been fundamentally destructive.
I have my own health insurance for less than $100/month and prescriptions for $4, all of it through the private sector, and you're telling me the system is broken and I need Obama, Pelosi and Reid to come to my immediate rescue? Really?!?
And the Republicans at no time in the past two decades could have done anything? Right.
If Tenncare was not the subject of a Micheal Moore film then too many details on it will likely be thrown out as off-topic. As health care progresses through Congress, new topics will appear here that can cover Tenncare. That's where the debate on Tenncare can take place.
Yes, in a way. He shows examples of several nations whose demographics are similar to the U.S. and who successfully deliver quality health care to the vast majority of its citizens for far less cost per capita than the U.S. does.
I'll bet you can't provide any statistics as to the percentage of the increase of health care costs caused by malpractice litigation. Keep in mind that nearly all these malpractice cases have to be put before a jury of the people.
You want doctors who commit horrible mistakes to get away scott free?
Your implication is that anyone can have health insurance for $100 a month. This is the position taken by someone completely out of touch with reality.
The financial burden for which rests on the private-sector healthcare providers. There cannot be healthcare reform without tort reform. It's simply not possible.
If private-secotr healthcare is suppose to operate in a free market system, then medical malpractice suits shouldn't be interfered with either. If one party breachs thier contractual obligations then the courts should be free to decide what damages it believes should be awarded. It doesn't work to say that one side gets to operate freely, while the otherside should be restricted. It's a design flaw in both tort reform and Obamacare.
Are you suggesting they never tried? Fascinating.
I look forward to it.
And do those nations have attorneys advertising "you don't pay me unless I win your lawsuit"?
Oh boy, here we go again with the "I'll bet you can't provide..." Excuse me? I'm doing ALL the providing here. You haven't provided anything but your opinions and prejudice. Of course you expect me to do all the providing. I'm the right-winger and you're the Leftist. My job is to provide, your job is just to make demands and complain.
Fine. Here's an article:
Good Jorb:
Here's the thing: Even lawsuits that get dropped without being settled or going to court still cost an average of $18,000 each to defend. What does it cost the plaintiff to file a claim that gets dropped? Nothing. According to the AMA, doctors are found not liable in more than 90% of the cases that do go to trial, but the cost of defending each case averages over $100,000. Again, what does it cost the plaintiff? Nothing.
A "loser-pays" system would prevent a lot of these claims where either the client or the attorney knows it's a bad claim. Now, attorneys advertise "you don't pay unless I win", and attorneys use extortion-like tactics to get settlements for claims they know won't make it to trial, much less win one.
Then, energy can be directed on resolving when a doctor really does make a mistake.
Apparently, I'm not completely out of touch with reality, seeing as I have health insurance for less than $100/month, and I'm a middle-aged man who just recovered from surgery following a bad motorcycle accident. If I can get it for that, most Americans can as well.
Maybe I'm just out of touch with your reality? The one where Nancy Pelosi and a freshman senator/president with no executive or private sector experience knows what's best for everybody?
Regarding the impact of malpractice claims on total health care costs, both the GAO and Republican-led (2004) CBO found the following: "When the CBO attempted to duplicate the Stanford economists’ methods for other types of ailments they found found no evidence that restrictions on tort liability reduce medical spending.
“In short, the evidence available to date does not make a strong case that restricting malpractice liability would have a significant effect, either positive or negative, on economic efficiency, ” the CBO said.
Your article contained nothing in the way of statistics as to how malpractice impacts the cost of medical care. The following link, from which the above quotes were taken does a MUCH better job providing real numbers.
Baloney. I don't know what your medical history is, or that of your parents and grandparents, or what you mean by "middle-age"? (Less than 40?) I can guarantee you this: by the time you start reaching the "middle-age" of 50 and beyond you will be paying far more than $100/month.
White Hawk
I have watched Fahrenheit 9/11 for eleven times already. It was five years ago. I can not wait for watching Capitalism love story soon. Could you give me the information about DVD?
Painfully true for US is becoming socialist nation. It is a consequence of Neo conservative reckless spending and loose financial policy. Last 30 years US economy was based on Reganomic economic theory. According the Reganomic, government was a problem for market economy. The market will be better without the government interference. He even said that market has own magic. Let 's the market wild. Prosperity will fall from sky. On the contrary financial crisis occurred last year. Some misconduct and fraud of investment firms has been exposed. Previous admin was so corrupted with cronyism and nepotism. The world has lost the confidence of US monetary policy and financial regulation. At the moment, investors are losing the confidence and patience of US dollar. Current deficits of trade and budget of US are unsustainable.
Conservatives financed the two long wars. They gave construction and security contracts to their friends and business partners with mate rates. For example Dick Cheney has major shares in the company which has expertise in extinguishing the burning oil fields. Cyclone Katrina victims are still homeless after the many years of disaster. However huge amount of public finance has been spent for reconstruction. It is a consequence of incompetency and misconduct of previous admin.
Democrat government has Herculean task for fixing for previous administration mess. It is true that Democrat controlled congress passed the bill for sub prime mortgage. They wanted to give some hope for poor and underprivileged. It was a mistake they made it. However Republicans is more guilty about creating the mountain of debts. They are born with silver spoon and do not understand about the real world.
Moore is right about portraying the inequality and injustice of the society. You do not have to like his documentaries. You do not need to watch them if you dislike him. However I like his bluntness, criticism, openness and humors. How can you say I was misleading and inaccurate. Traffic should be two ways. You have your choice to watch the movie you like. I have my choice too.
But Moore's film on capitalism only brushes on the main truth regarding the sub-prime lending: The lenders KNEW that a high percentage of people would default in advance. What they did not plan for was housing and property prices falling -- after all, the cost of housing had not depreciated to any significant extent in U.S. history. People who blame the loans are just ignorant. It was the bets/hedges that were placed on property values continuing their decades-long rise in value.
Over 40, with one cardiac arrest and a risky lifestyle (pilot, motorcyclist). Again, I'm offering hard stats and you're offering nothing but your opinion. Buh-bye.
There is nothing conservative (neo- or otherwise) about Obama, Pelosi or Reid.
The problem is, the US stopped adhering to the Reagan principles several years ago. And the Democrats regained control of congress at the beginning of 2007, which is when spending increased yet more, and the economy really started collapsing. It would have been nice if Bush (ever the moderate) had vetoed some of those spending bills, but he was making deals to get the Democrats on his side. Not that it worked, of course.
And this one isn't?!?
That's because in most cases, Halliburton was the only company in that field. Besides, where was the outrage when Eleanor Roosevelt had a stake in Halliburton?
The Katrina "refugees" were overly dependent on the government to begin with. Prior to Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans had been a den of crime and welfare for decades (again, run by Democrats for 60 years). More money was spent on rebuilding that part of Louisiana than was spent on rebuilding 16 countries after WWII. The difference is, at some point, the people of those countries got back on their feet and did the work themselves. Many New Orleans residents have no work ethic because they've been coddled by the government for generations.
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
Both Republicans and Democrats in congress spent too much. Republicans were responding to a terrorist attack and going to war. Democrats were (still) trying to buy votes.
But now, Republicans have little or no say in D.C., and spending has, just as I predicted, skyrocketed. Our deficit will triple, and generations will be more in debt when they are born than the average American now makes in five years. This is your idea of an improvement?!?
That's funny! Who leads the Democrats? Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, John Kerry, Jack Murtha? Yeah, not a silver spoon in that bunch... /sarcasm. By contrast, the most popular Republican these days is Sarah Palin. Not born with a silver spoon at all. And unlike Obama, she did not receive funding to Harvard from a mysterious benefactor. She paid her own way through college.
It's one thing to bring attention to what one considers inequality or injustice. It's another to use hyperbole, manipulation, and misrepresentation to get that attention. Those are just some of the tactics Moore has been accused (and proven) of doing, time and again.
If you've read this far, you've seen how.
Yes, it should, which is why you should get an opposing viewpoint. That's how informed opinions are made: Not by watching one perspective eleven times, but by getting more than one perspective.
Neo Cons think they are superior and more intelligent than anyone else. I do not encourage you to watch the documentary if you do not like. However you can not accuse for someone misleading and inaccurate for being fond of something you dislike. As an fully grown adult, they can make their own decision which program or movie is suitable for their taste. If you think readers will accept your comment without the conditions, you may be from another planet. However I respect your opinion. You have rights to say how you feel.
I am not interested in Brain washed propaganda for attacking someone art. It is just a piece of art or entertainment. He is doing the business so his interest is getting attention and return for his investment. There is nothing wrong with it. Negative feedback are also welcomed according his marketing press. Without the media freedom, watergate affair or conservative corruption will not be exposed.
Moore has right to create the inform the audience what he think it was a sin. Grown up audience will absorb what they think something right. They will also reject something immature and exaggerated. Such as you are attacking someone art baselessly.
During John Kerry campaign for white house, he was attacked for not being real hero of Vietnam war. He was being attacked for misleading and misinforming the public. In my view, he may not be real war hero, he went to front line at least during his prime time. Not like Bush, Cheyenne, Rumsfield or Karl Rove who has never been to war and hiding somewhere for avoiding the draft. Sad truth is just a dirty politics and smear campaign. Such as you are attacking Moore with personal hatred.
You have asked me about the replacement of Capitalism before. My answer is here. To be honest, semi controlled state economy has performed better than capitalist free market economy. Reganomic was a fantasy. It is not adaptable for the manipulating and speculation of the cruel reality. Market will have frauds and misconducts by the nature. Political connection will make someone winner. For example, who get the information about interest rate hike. It can be called as manipulation as you said. US Market needs transparency and prudent disciplines. Market likes a wild bull if it is not controlled he or she will kill the crowd as spanish bull fight.
Everything has to be transparent and orderly in the semi state control. Now a days sovereign funds or state control investment firms have been operating successfully globally for decades. Such as Taesmask of Singapore, conservative beloved friend saudi oversea investment, UAE multinational and Agriculture and commercial bank of China. No wonder Obama is transforming the corrupted and manipulated US economy under state control. History will judge who broke and mess US economy and who fix it.
dOver 40, with one cardiac arrest and a risky lifestyle (pilot, motorcyclist). Again, I'm offering hard stats and you're offering nothing but your opinion.
LOL!! The only "hard" fact you could offer is the name of this dubious insurance company so that folks could independently check on the price of a policy would cover someone who wasn't from the planet Krypton. The "stats" you offer have to fact-checked.
It must be noted that your link with ZERO "hard stats" could not stand up to my response with a link with hard facts from the CBO and GAO.
LOL!! What a fantasy world some people live in.
Moore documentaries are successful so far. I wish him more success about his new one.
Republicans went to war for making business. Irag has no terrorists but they have second largest oil reserve in the world. Conservative delivered contracts for war to their buddies. They wanted more public funding for their cause. Irag war alone costed one billion for a week for security since 2003. No wonder US got high volume of huge debts. They knew Irag has no WMD before the attack. They had admitted later on.
It was a old fashioned stereo type argument and offended the people of New Orleans. This area has high unemployment and poverty. It does not mean everyone is lazy and begging for handouts. There are some honest and hard working people. During the Hurricane, the people with cars survived because they can ran faster. However the people without cars had died. You can not blame someone for not buying the car. Reconstruction projects were also incompetent, corrupted and full of mismanagements. It was a legacy of incompetent Bush admin for last 8 yrs.
During the French revolution, French Queen said to the noisy people on the road as "If you have no breads to eat, why not buy some cakes to eat it". I understand why Reps are so out of touch and lack of compassion. They have never been in the victims of natural disasters. Mostly never worked as private sector employee. They are political opportunists who like sucking public finance for their interest. It is the tradition of GOP. No wonder they lost so much seats in the election!
Are you calling me a "Neo Con"? If so, which definition of the term are you using? The literal definition? The latest version on Wikipedia? One of a variety that have been posed by any number of Leftist bloggers or columnists? I would like to know, so I can prove you wrong without having to cover them all.
I don't consider myself more intelligent than "anyone else", but I am certainly more informed than anyone who watches a heavily-flawed propaganda film eleven times but refuses to accept any contradicting information.
No, I don't think that, and I don't know how you got that idea.
Thank you, but if you respect my opinion, try not to misrepresent it. See "personal hatred", below.
I most certainly can accuse someone of misleading or being inaccurate. That's free speech. Especially when I can back it up. If I were deliberately claiming false information about Michael Moore, he could sue me for libel.
Art? Entertainment? No, that's Roger Moore's movies. Michael Moore's movies are marketed as documentaries. He received an Oscar for one of his movies in the documentary category. If you want to find his movies on Amazon, they're under "documentary". Same for IMDB (where is no. 2 on the list of "Luminaries of the Genre". People take him seriously. Posters on here take his movies as gospel truth. You (and others) treat any criticism of Moore and his tactics as "attacks" "with personal hatred".
You've watched one example of his propaganda eleven times. Don't look now, but your brain has been washed.
You could prove me wrong, and watch Fahrenhype 911. Please.
Which makes him a capitalist.
Apparently not. Moore employs immature exaggerations in his films, and you haven't caught on to it. Oh, and then there's that Oscar thing. So you're not the only one who has been fooled.
Remember that when you wait to watch coverage of "Climategate" on ABC, CBS or NBC on your television. So far, you could only see it while watching FoxNews. (CNN will finally have something on-air tonight.) In fact, if it weren't for the media freedom which allows FoxNews and right-wing talk radio to exist, there would be a LOT of liberal/Leftist/Democrat/"progressive" corruption you would never hear about. But, obviously, you're still free to ignore what you want to.
Actually, Bush did volunteer to go Vietnam, and CBS News' Mary Mapes (Dan Rather's boss) knew this when CBS was preparing its National Guard "scandal" story (complete with bogus NG paperwork) prior to the 2004 election.
I know you'll complain about the source, but I don't care. Just like Michael Moore, his fellow Leftists at CBS, NBS, ABC and CNN don't publish facts they don't like when they think nobody will notice.
I'm saying Moore is a lying propagandist. I never said I hated him, and however I may feel about him, it doesn't change the fact that others have pointed out his deliberate misrepresentations and inaccuracies. But if I did hate him personally, I would attack him personally, such as making derogatory comments about his appearance, or tossing his luggage in the dumpster. (I would like to clarify that I am not an employee of any airline, specifically any whose name begins with J and end with L.)
Stupid things Michael Moore said (during a 2 minute, 36 second interview on CNN's Larry King Live):
1. Capitalism is a legal system
If you are going to make a movie about something shouldn’t you know what the word means? Just as a beginning point at least. A quick Wikipedia search of the word tells you that it is an “economic and social system,” not a legal system. To be sure there is a legal structure that is needed to make capitalism work properly, but that doesn’t make capitalism a legal system itself.
2. Regulation and rules that use to keep them in check are no longer keeping them in check
There are no more regulations? That’s news to me. I think it would also be news to the thousands of small and large companies that have to suffer increased costs due to mind numbingly dumb regulations.
3. Rich having more is anti-democracy
What is anti-democratic about someone having more stuff than me? Or even having a lot more stuff than me? I guess it is only democracy if we all have the same amount of stuff...oh wait isn’t that called something else?
4. Not only against democracy but against his personal values
This I admit is a bit of a cheap shot, but did you notice how he made a distinction between his values and democratic values?
5. Against the values of people
Yes because lord knows that capitalism goes against the very fiber of America society. The free exchange of goods and services is universally condemned by every right thinking American. The USA hates freedom and capitalism that’s for sure. That’s why they were so friendly with the Soviet Union.
6. Jesus wouldn’t approve of a hedge fund
How the hell does he know what Jesus would think? Capitalism wasn’t even an abstract concept when Jesus was alive, so how can we possible discern his opinion on that never mind his opinion on hedge funds. You know what, 2 can play at this game. Jesus hates tax collectors therefore Jesus likes capitalism.
7. Replace capitalism with democracy
What the hell? Democracy is a political system. It isn’t even a legal system. So how can he even conceptualize replacing capitalism with democracy? What do we do? Vote on what job someone will get, how much they get paid, how much his groceries will cost, and so on?
8. How can we call it a democracy just because we vote
Because that’s what democracy means? Sure there has to be a couple more requirements to fully qualify as a democracy in most people’s minds; such as competitive elections and the rule of law. But voting is the fundamental core of every democratic system.
9. Don’t want to lose his democratic rights when he goes to work in the morning or go to the bank
At this point it is pretty clear he doesn’t know what the word democratic means. Even the Greeks wouldn’t stretch it to include commercial activity. He is just using it as a buzz word to avoid using the word socialism. This kind of demonstrates just how stupid #5 is.
10. Stop the debate between capitalism and socialism
Umm...okay? One system is based on voluntary individualism and the other is based on coercive collectivism. There may be a wide spectrum between two extremes but how exactly do you propose breaking this paradigm? Wouldn’t involving democratic voting in commercial activity just lead to the coercive model? Or did you think people wouldn’t notice?
11. We are smart enough to come up with a new system that is fair to all people
Demonstrably untrue; people have been trying to do this for thousands of years. Why do you think just because it is a new century we are suddenly smarter? I’ve seen no indication of this increased intelligence.
12. It’s time to start sticking up for the little guy in this country
This isn’t so much stupid in itself but stupid in the context of the rest of the clip. Socialism does not benefit the little guy. And let’s be real here, it is socialism and not some sort of commercial democracy that Michael Moore is advocating. Every socialist system has shown that it ultimately benefits a select group of elites. You want to protect the little guy’s interests? Protect capitalism.
If you're going to accuse me of lying, then have the courage to come out and say it.
I've provided all the personal information on this website I am going to do. You can go looking for the company the same way I found it, by browsing a website where one can shop for private health insurance, such as Someone would have to be an idiot to not figure that one out. And since you didn't figure that one out...
"ZERO hard stats"?!? Obviously, you didn't bother to read the article at all.
Otherwise, you would've read this (among other stats):
Meritless cases must be investigated and defended resulting in the outlay of what is known as allocated loss adjustment expenses (ALAE). According to information from the Physicians Insurers Association of America (PIAA), an organization consisting of many of the physician-owned liability insurers, of the more than 10,000 claims closed in 2005, only 24 percent of these cases had an indemnity payment. Yet, the ALAE paid for those claims totaled more than $172 million, averaging almost $21,000 in expenses per meritless claim.
As I said before, I now see why you're a Leftist. It's one thing to be ignorant, but you're deliberately so.
I overlooked your response with the link. So I went to the site and read the article. Then I read the CBO report itself. Why didn't I read the GAO report? Because stated that GAO only determined:
Because this study was focused on only one condition and on a hospital setting, it cannot be extrapolated to the larger practice of medicine. Given the limited evidence, reliable cost savings estimates cannot be developed.
Yes, because the risks vary from one specialty to the next, extrapolating the data from one is not an effective way to make an estimate.
So what did I find in the CBO report that was left out of the article? That malpractice insurance premiums rose an average of 15% percent for all physicians between 2000 and 2002. In some specialties, some physicians saw increases of 22% and even 35%. In two years. Physicians aren't going to continue paying such increases and watch their incomes shrink. The increases will either be passed on or there will be fewer doctors
Also, they make this statement:
Second, evidence suggests that very few medical injuries ever become the subject of a tort claim. The 1984 New York study estimated that 27,179 cases of medical negligence occurred in hospitals throughout the state that year, but only 415--or 1.5 percent--led to claims.
The problem with that statement is that it only considers negligence which leads to claims. It excludes claims which are filed when no negligence is reported, which is the vast majority of claims. And I have already covered the costs of those claims, both in responses to you and to Good Jorb.
But since you like the CBO for this, would you mind if I refer to them when they contradict the economic predictions of the Obama administration?
Welcome back
I most certainly can accuse someone of misleading or being inaccurate. What authority did you get it from? From Senate or high court? By the common law, everyone has presumption of innocence. You can disagree with someone. It does not mean you can accuse or downgrading someone opinion!
My previous one was mixed with Quote and Unquote. It is my edition.
It is like a Karl Rove propaganda smear campaign attack to John Kerry Vietnam war record. Are you Karl Rove by yourself? By the way What is the meaning of libel?
According the Zenpun comment, Irag war alone cost one billion dollars a week since 2003. Democrats are not saints. They may make mistakes and errors. However Conservative went to two wars with without proper planning and exit strategy. Their infrastructure projects were all down the drains. Someone has to take responsibilities for mismanagement. US is owing huge debts to foreign nations. During the Clinton administration, US enjoyed the golden age of peace and prosperity. Bush excused himself as war president. However he has no wisdom about the consequence of his messes during his term. The sad truth is US is no longer a rich nation anymore. History will judge to the conservatives extremism. They are the one broke the economy and reputation of once mighty nation.
Bush Daddy was a powerful congress man back then. In 1960s every young men had to serve the draft. However Bush Senior choose him to serve as national guard instead of the high risk and high demanding front line. Bush himself admitted he was AWOL and got a pilot license without flight hours. He was privileged young man who had avoided draft without penalty. Pentagon has his military record. They did not want to offend the head of state and they just kept them in their files. Not only Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield and Karl Rove avoided the draft. They are not real patriots.
If you have evidence, you should report to Media about Moore LOL. Moore is not genius. However he has won some awards for his art. As a human being he may not be perfect. Whether he wear the business suit or pajamas, it is not my concern. He is not contesting the American idol. I just wanted to watch his art as an fully grown adult. As you said you have a freedom of speech, why not allow him to criticize someone he dislike! It is fair enough.
Capitalism is better than Socialism. However unbridled capitalism will not be successful.
In Australia, they have " Prudential Regulatory Authority" who is controlling the banking and markets on the behalf of government. In Singapore, they have a central provident fund who is protecting the retirement funds or old age pension under the radar. Because of their financial discipline, their losses during the crisis was tolerable. Their banks have healthy surplus and balance sheets. Reserve bank still move around their interest rate as necessary. Their currencies are getting stronger.
Economy is a back bone of strong nation. Without the healthy economy, the nation will not survive as fully independent nation.
Now a days, Sovereign investment firms has performed better than private banks. Former is community oriented and later is self interest. If someone will be rewarded with huge payout regardless of outcome, he or she will not care about shareholders or investors suffering. The moral of financial crisis was not every trader or investment firm is honest and decent as Reganomic principle. Some are frauds and criminals. Toucher regulation and law is required for not repeating the crisis again.
You many not be Neo Con however you are fans of Neo con. As a grown up adult does not need lecture from anyone to watch any media as how many times they wish. It is their choice. They do not need baby sitter. however if you are professional media critic you can comment in the flims or documentaries reports. It is more sensible.
Thanks, it was a fun weekend. You?
The Bill of Rights, First Amendment.The document does not grant rights, but recognizes and protects "creator-granted rights".
I think you're confusing accusations with convictions of guilt.
Then can you explain to me how someone who watches one side of a story eleven times and refuses to watch an opposing perspective once, can claim to have just as valid an opinion as someone who watches two opposing perspectives?
Take a playground see-saw (also known as a teeter-totter or teeterboard, depending on where you grew up). Put a similar-sized rock on each side. That is balanced. Now put eleven rocks on one side, and leave the other side empty. See if it will balance. What you're doing is claiming the see-saw with eleven rocks on one side is just as good as the see-saw with similar-sized rocks on each side. Do you still wonder why I'm critical of such an unbalanced opinion?
No, I am much thinner and have a full head of hair.
1. defamation: a false and malicious published statement that damages somebody's reputation. Libel can include pictures and any other representations that have public or permanent form.
2. attacking of somebody's reputation: the making of false and damaging statements about somebody
3. written statement: the plaintiff's written statement in a case under admiralty law or in an ecclesiastical court
If there was a war that ever went according to plan, please let me know.
I guess you haven't noticed this, but those debts have gown exponentially since the Democrats started doing the spending, just as I predicted. They've grown to such an extent that those foreign nations are resisting buying any more of our debt.
Can you name any legislation Clinton signed which created that peace and prosperity? Any foreign policy actions, perhaps?
None of your response changes the fact that Bush did volunteer for Vietnam, but was passed over for pilots with more flight time. Nor does it change the fact that he did not avoid risk by being in the NG, as he was flying a fighter jet that had a reputation for being difficult to fly.
Oh, but you've seen it?
The evidence is already available, in abundance. You just refuse to look at it.
Actually, I've been very critical of G.W. Bush on some issues.
As long as they don't go around claiming to have an informed opinion and accuse others of being brainwashed. You don't need a lecture? Sounds like something my niece would say. What you need is constructive criticism. Actually, you need to tell the difference between being criticized and being lectured.
Chronologically you may be an adult, but to watch a flawed piece of entertainment eleven times, then accuse anything critical (which you refuse to watch) of that entertainment as "brain-washing propaganda" is not a sign of maturity. It is reactionary. You've created, with Michael Moore's help, a worldview you want to live in, and you lash out at anything that dares challenge or question the accuracy of it.
You have a right to your opinion, and you have the right to form that opinion any way you choose. But you don't have the right to insist it is just as good as anyone else's opinion. Your right to an opinion is guaranteed to be as equal as anyone else's. The value of your opinion is not.
Since you freely offered the information that you were paying a certain amount for health care insurance, declaring now that you will make it impossible to verify if the claim is realistic does not earn you points for honesty and integrity. As we all know, the price of health care is determined by many factors, but mainly by personal and family history – something that someone screening on eHealthInsurance might have to lie about in order to “simulate” your circumstances through guesswork. Since the site requires establishing an identity before quotes can be screened, you appear to be endorsing unethical and dishonest behavior.
Another type of dishonesty in the form of misrepresentation is your stance that because health care costs X amount for you, that it will be equally affordable for anyone else who applies. Furthermore, that health care policy you have will certainly increase rapidly in time. I’ve just been told by my agent that the “sweet deal” I received with a 2-year guaranteed price can be expected to increase by 30% or more during the next renewal period. (This is not due to medical malpractice lawsuits.)
Also, I know of several insurance companies that are undergoing financial rehabilitation and that are seeking takeover by stronger companies. There is no way we can know if your company is one of those weaker ones. But if they are insuring 40+ former cardiac patients who are accident-prone motorcycle riders for $100/month, I would not be surprised to find them on the list.
Maybe they should be checking out the internet to screen for more affordable insurance policies. Or perhaps the price-gouging that the companies are doing to those with the deeper pockets help to subsidize those nice one and two year teaser rates on the kind of policy you are currently enjoying.
First of all, the statement is considering the fact that very few instances of malpractice actually lead to tort claims.
As for your second sentence, your own referenced article proves you wrong. As it says, referring to the Harvard study cited: “In their study, the authors determine that in over 33 percent of the claims, there was no medical error, and readily point out in most of these, the claimant did not receive any compensation, either in the form of a settlement or court judgment.”
That would make 67% of the claims, or the vast majority of them, grounded on medical error, aka negligence.
You are funny man like Jean Kelly. As you said creator has granted rights. Because of your negative posts he may lose some income and markets. According the common law, you have damaged someone business image. You are not creator. You are critic of creator.
Actually I even have not watched his capitalist story. You have said I was misleading and misinforming to readers. I have not given any compliments about his new product yet. If it is not accusation, it will be called as lost in translation.
I watched five years ago. At the time, I was a late night shift salesman at shopping mall. The shift manager played that DVD eleven times with wall mounted TV. I could not offend my boss to tell him not to play again and again. I watched eleven times means I was so fond of it. Anyway it make me awake at night shift without tea or coffee.
Take a playground see-saw (also known as a teeter-totter or teeterboard, depending on where you grew up). Put a similar-sized rock on each side. That is balanced. Now put eleven rocks on one side, and leave the other side empty. See if it will balance. What you're doing is claiming the see-saw with eleven rocks on one side is just as good as the see-saw with similar-sized rocks on each side. Do you still wonder why I'm critical of such an unbalanced opinion?
I am too old and frail to go and play see-saw. I have been to real world and wars. I have survived the natural disasters. I have saved my sleeping neighbors together with my dog. I have got many injuries and served the nation with duty and honor. It is pretty sad that younger generations are so narrow minded and confrontational.
Second world war and first gulf war. US joined the second world war later. However it was the best performer. Normandy beach battle was so swift. Okinawa was a bit longer. However only for a few months. Second world war lasted only for three years. First gulf war was properly planned for resources because of Bush Senior and Margaret Thatcher wisdom. Before the war started, they have already co-ordinated the finance for war, time frame, exit strategy and man power.
During the 1990s, US debts was not so huge like now. The administration was also democrats too. Clinton cut the defense spending and rise the tax to wealthy. US had a healthier balance sheets and account keeping rules. His election campaign was "Economy was stupid" to Bush senior. Like father, Bush junior destroyed the economy. During his term debt become like a mount everest.
Clinton was a wise man in action. He did not waste money and man power for unpredictable military adventures. It was his unseen legislation of peace. Russia has spent the fortune for Afghanistan war before. However they broke and retreated. No amount of money can decide the winner of war. For the prosperity, he encouraged new competitive industry such as IT and entrepreneurship. GDP and employment growth during his term was really amazing.
Bush was mysteriously absent somewhere during his national guard service. National guard service was for US base. Not for fighting Vietcong. John Kerry and John McCain did not see him in Vietnam. They even asked where and when did u see him? According his fellow class mates, Bush flight hours were less than theirs. Anyway he got a pilot license within a short time. It is not my concern whether he was a real Top Gun or not.
Of course! Back in 2004! I can not remember where.
I am not a marketing manager of Moore. Convincing me alone will not enough for stopping his marketing. You have to expand to wider audience. Such as TV or Magazine!
I have not seen anything so far.
As long as they don't go around claiming to have an informed opinion and accuse others of being brainwashed. You don't need a lecture? Sounds like something my niece would say. What you need is constructive criticism. Actually, you need to tell the difference between being criticized and being lectured.
Chronologically you may be an adult, but to watch a flawed piece of entertainment eleven times, then accuse anything critical (which you refuse to watch) of that entertainment as "brain-washing propaganda" is not a sign of maturity. It is reactionary. You've created, with Michael Moore's help, a worldview you want to live in, and you lash out at anything that dares challenge or question the accuracy of it.
You have a right to your opinion, and you have the right to form that opinion any way you choose. But you don't have the right to insist it is just as good as anyone else's opinion. Your right to an opinion is guaranteed to be as equal as anyone else's. The value of your opinion is not.
I have never said that I am the best poster. I have mentioned I am curious about watching his new product. Even censor board has allowed the audience to watch it. Just being curious about new product is not crime. Since I posted, you lectured me countlessly for being brain washed person. Even I do not watch his product, other people will watch anyway. There were many posters who like to watch his documentary. So your argument is not sensible. You feel you are more superior and knowledge able than me.
However I think you are so confrontational. You do not need to comment someone personality instead of his comment. Therefore you crossed the line with excessive manner. You compared with me your niece who is a young adult. It is downgrading me as immature minor person. I have said Democrats mistakes before. You never said Reps mistake. Your comments are biased and pro conservative. It is counter productive too.