Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz appear at Roppongi Hills Arena prior to the Japan premiere of their new film "Knight and Day" on Tuesday night. The pair spent an hour on the red carpet signing autographs and chatting with fans, including former yokozuna Asashoryu. Cruise, who has been to Japan to promote his films 14 times, said he has a very special relationship with his fans here (having taken them on chartered plane and shinkansen rides in the past), and apologized for his short 14-hour trip this time. The 48-year-old star arrived by private plane at Haneda in the morning and left right after the premiere for Prague where he is about to start filming "Mission: Impossible 4." Diaz, 38, who lived in Tokyo for six months when she was modeling at the age of 18, promised Japanese audiences "a blast" when they see "Knight and Day," which opens nationwide on Oct 9.
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She's still hot
Is it me or do Tom Cruise and Sylvester Stallone look like they are hitting the bottle a plenty?
SS more so I have seen alcoholics with a better face.
@thepro you should see her without makeup.
Saw this flick the other day while on a plane myself (no, not private). And here is my damning review. Pointless and ridiculous action flick with a couple of funny moments to keep it from being a complete waste of time. Certainly not a blast other than a few frivolous explosions. Woman has had her day. So has Tom, but at least he has that stare that reminds you he can fly a F-14 Tomcat and feel the need for speed.
Didn't realize how short Cruse was until now.
yeah she is NOT a looker!
Cam's smile doesn't look very sincere.
thick soles on Tom's shoes!
Tom's wearing his high heel shoes and still looks small
Tom looks well, and Cameron looks slammin' in that dress and shoes! Welcome to Tokyo!
CoinLaundry..i thought it was pretty good...I wonder about all the people commenting on their appearance, are you models or something?? And it doesnt look like they have had plastic (and if they had, pretty good job unlike other celebs..hhmm..sly)
Wow he is wearing high heels that makes him look taller
wow !!!! That's interesting !!! Since he makes about $14-25 million dollars for every movie he is featured in. I would think he would be happy with his short stature. Looks like both of them had some plastić done.
Gravity & age always win !!!!
Did anyone see them in Top Gear? They are a lot of fun. Didn't know Diaz was modeling in Tokyo. Probably saw her in Lex
The film is terrible. A typical Hollywood action movie with scenes that are an insult to your intelligence. If you go to watch this, leave your brain at home.
It`s a shallow story, but loads of fun!
Thats alot of botox there Mr Cruise.
I just don't understand it.
Tom Cruise popular with Japanese fans? Yes. Blondes popular with Japanese fans? Oh yes. Action movies popular with Japanese fans? Not 'arf. Japanese moviegoers still got money to spend? Plenty of it. Japan the very last place in the world this film gets released? But of course.
A mate of mine watched this in Indonesia in June. They had subtitles there. Why the delay for this place?
What a fabulous looking couple!
"chatting with fans, including former yokozuna Asashoryu"
And they can speak Mongolian! Cameron must have taught Cruise some of the Mongolian she learned in Charlies Angels 2, ha ha!
Thanks to the 3 out of 18 people who made positive and/or constructive comments. If you cannot be positive or at least constructive why say anything?
Patricia Yarrow
Wish I had been there...would have asked for Asashoryu's autograph, too! Tom is short. So what. Cameron does everything right for that dress. Even the crazy shoes look great on her. I think the haters are just plain jealous.
@RangerMiffy Yes you are probably right about the jeaolusy.Had not looked at it that way. Personally I will be proud if my children grow up succeeding like these 2 have
Good movie I enjoyed it very much.Like him or not he is very professional in what he does...and I think she is just fun on and of the screen.
IvanCoughalot: Well, to be fair, foreign movies to other countries often get the same treatment. It all depends on how long it takes for movie studios to make contracts with international distributors. Look how long it took for the U.S. to get "Sen-to-Chihiro" (or "Spirited Away" as it was called in the U.S.); and it looks as if that film is a lot better than this Tom Cruise flick. I also remember it took a lot longer for "The House of Flying Daggers" (excellent top-notch film) and "Red Cliff" to get released in the U.S. than in Japan.
Not a great actor.
TC usually puts in a good to very good performance. Never quite understood his detractors.
CD, me likes, she's fun.
Because these people expect to be worshiped at the cinemas for 2000 yen a pop, and most of us came to Japan to escape their damned movies in the first place.
I don't want any more H'wood no-talent modeling school dropouts washing up on Japan's shores to prolong their careers.
I don't think I have met anyone who came to Japan "escape their damned movies in the first place." A weird statement, to put it mildly. I was wandering around Roppongi Hills last night and the crowd was having a terrific time.
This is something that people like you will never get. For the fans at these events, the chance to see a movie star close up is a thrill, a wonderful experience. It doesn't matter if the movie is good or bad, or what scandals the stars were involved in back home. I'll go even further: Had you been there last night, you would have enjoyed the atmosphere, too.
Good for Cruise and Diaz.
Tom's jeans look much too long for his (stubby?) legs. It also looks like he may have a prominent varicose vein on his left thigh. His black shoes (although they could be boots) seem to be of the 30-dollar-lower-level office worker variety. Cameron appears a little "broad in the beam", as they say. And one could also say that those smiles seem just a trifle posed. Are they really happy to be here? All-in-all, a very worrying photo indeed for Tom and Cameron fans.
There's nothing wrong with the way Cameron Diaz looks.
I still like the Mission Impossible movies especially 2
I thought Tom was ultra short!!! she must be too.
I can't wait for mission imp 4 but since he is gotten married in the 3rd film maybe his wife will join in the shootouts !!!!
Knight and Day's release is only now?
wholl she is tall!!
Avenger just check her 6 inch heel!
avenger:"wholl she is tall!!"
She isn't tall its he who is short and I do mean short (that includes talent)
TCs hands, the skin all looks funny. Just look at the left hand fingers? Are they real?
@limboinjapan Disagree. He is extremely talented. You may not like his movies but please remember that he just does what the director tells him to
@jkanda Well-spotted. It looks "shopped" - maybe in the original you couldn't see his hand, leaving it to the imagination where it was.
Jkanda, why did you have to mention Cruises' left hand around Cameron's wast, now I'm wondering what the heck's wrong with his hand...
I hear Cruise flew backwards across a table when Cameron karate-kicked him in the chest!
Following the angle of his arm.....toms been a bad boy!
This is really pushing the vitriolic imagination. It's a fold in his jeans, you can follow it down over his shoes and see it on his other leg...