Japan Today
picture of the day

Liberty lady


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Why visit New York , see statute of Liberty in TOKYO itself ?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

When I first saw this, I thought 'what a joke'. I still do.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I've heard this replica came from France. So Japanese did not make a fake. New York's statue is also a big replica presented from France. France has a real statue of liberty is much smaller than one in New York. Replicas are all over the world.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The one in America has been covered over by Trump.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Beautiful, timely.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Why did Japantoday use a photo which was not up to the standard: the statue's face is too dark and the environment is not high spirited? Does Japan Today have its own photographer?

From a better picture of the statue displayed elsewhere, I found that the text on the tablet indicated 'IV juillet 1776' (the US Independence Day). Considering Japanese Edo artists were well-known for their mitate-e (parody) techniques, I wonder whether the US Independence Day is really relevant for Japan.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

New York's statue is also a big replica presented from France. France has a real statue of liberty is much smaller than one in New York.

The NY statue is an original - it's not a replica of anything in France. That was intentional:


A figure of Liberty was also depicted on the Great Seal of France. However, Bartholdi and Laboulaye avoided an image of revolutionary liberty such as that depicted in Eugène Delacroix's famed Liberty Leading the People (1830). In this painting, which commemorates France's Revolution of 1830, a half-clothed Liberty leads an armed mob over the bodies of the fallen.

Laboulaye had no sympathy for revolution, and so Bartholdi's figure would be fully dressed in flowing robes. Instead of the impression of violence in the Delacroix work, Bartholdi wished to give the statue a peaceful appearance and chose a torch, representing progress, for the figure to hold.

The original designers didn't want a warrior Liberty - they wanted a peaceful Liberty. So they didn't want to copy the French Liberty

0 ( +0 / -0 )


Thanks about your information of the statue. I've believed the wrong information somehow for a long time. It seems many many people believe what I believed. It came from France anyway.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I miss the good old days when I was able to climb up Lady Liberty's arm and see through the torch. Nothing like it!

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