Actresses, from left, Japan's Sora Aoi, Fish Liew from Malaysia, Kwok Yik Sum and Mak Tsz Yi from China pose for photos during the opening ceremony of the 28th Tokyo International Film Festival in Tokyo on Thursday night.
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I bet Sora gets a lot of questions about her former life. I wonder if she is going to be able to make transition in to more traditional acting and be a success at it too.
Classy is so attractive! Sora is not it! In white is nice.
Mak Tsz Yi nice
Give me Mak Tsz Yi from China anytime. Natural beauty at its best.
Geoff Gillespie
The Japanese lass looks like a girl in the company of women. Very typically Japanese....
Aoi Sora she is the porn star right?
Couldn't someone have picked a better dress for the Japanese girl?? She looks like a little girl compared to the Chinese women.
Who wants a porn star? She shoved anything and more inside her....
About Sora, we must move on from the excessive focus on her past.
why what's wrong with being a porn star? she is proud about that, the more you would ask people to move on the more you would make what she did before was bad...
Being in Japanese porn is the best way to become a mainstream actress someday, look at Maria Ozawa , she is now doing some mainstream movie in the Philippines ... for now let 20 guys use you at once, later one you will walk on red carptet and just laugh about those memories in the past . like a cinderella story... ;-)
Isn't porn like prostitution? Sex for money?
With porn, they are acting, yes the sex is real, but for them, it's just like a show / performance. The purpose is not to give sexual services to any various individual clients, but just to entertain viewers. it's "ART"
Black Sabbath
Don't feed the trolls.
And porn is not art. Its porn.
Haaa Nemui
One man's trash is another man's treasure.
I don't know who the two Chinese women are, but judging by their names, they probably come from Hong Kong, to be more exact.
Why are they excluding Sora? Girl in red is like, 'Don't touch me.'
Not judging Sora - more power to her elbow for graduating into the mainstream. However, what does this photo say about Japan?
One woman's nudity is another man's prudity.
Black Sabbah
Define ART please.
Nice Bust-Line on Mak Tsz Yi. The two in the middle are good too, long legs. Sora is cute but way too short, she seems out of place compared to the other 3.
13 year old wanna bee, woman, woman, woman ... nuff said.
For a moment I thought all of them were Chinese, before reading, but then the one on the left had a different body size. Maybe the legs were shorter.
The two in the middle should be Bond girls. The one on the right should be on my arm. The one on the left is thinking, "I am waaaay out of my league."
Aoi should help fund research into surgery for extending legs. Seriously, look at the upper to lower body ratio of the two in the middle. That's why as often as I see women in Japan wearing short skirts or just shorts, their legs are often still too short for me to think it's sexy (cute, yes, but not sexy).
Sora Aoi has done VERY well for herself and is probably one of the most popular asian pornstars in Japan and has a huge fanbase overseas. Kudos to her is she is trying to take a different path, people should stop complaining about whether or not she is a av star. All the luck to her.
Fan of Sora's old work. Not the best outfit here for her, but all stunning ladies.
From left to right: pretty, butterface, butterface, pretty
Haaa Nemui
For me... smiles make a huge impression.
Right or second from right but I would gladly accept advances from any of them.
"Looking good"
I canna disagree.
A desperately sad photograph! Shame on Japan!!! :-(
You obviously have zero idea of what you are talking about here. Google the name Sora Aoi, but watch out opening anything at work, it is definitely NSFW.
harvey pekar
Aoi Sora is a beautiful woman and an unabashed porn star. She wouldn't be as successful as she is today without her AV past.
She's smart, savvy, and used that negative "porn star" label to her benefit and is now incredibly successful, especially in China where she's beloved.
I'm not at all saying I'd want a child to emulate her, but for other "porn stars" out there, they'd be wise to follow her lead.
a good lesson that AV is not there to give a good lasting image and peace of mind,,, hopefully Aoi set an example for more to stop showing off their various techniques and start transitioning out of the shadows.
Here is to hoping that she doesn't follow in the footsteps of Ijima Ai, who like Sora started in porn and tried to switch to being a being a main stream actress and ended up as a talento, quite popular too. (Past tense)
I'm so glad I choose Japan instead of Hong Kong, China or South Korea. LOOK at those monsters!
how come that some people here see porn as a negative thing!? whats wrong with sex? you are all hypocrite... they are willing to show their sex.. so, let them be... its about time that people should be open about it...
It's true that most people want to make their sex private , but the truth is there are also people out there who don't mind showing their sexual intercourse to others! it's not shown on prime time and mainstream TV, it's all meant for adult's only and you have the choice to watch it or not! It doesnt pop up on your Children's morning shows!
Aoi Sora didn't do anything wrong, she likes being used by multiple men in front of the camera, she enjoys it, and what is wrong with that? no one forced her or raped her...she is just being true to herself and at the same time enjoying what she does for a what are you guys saying that "we must forget her past and move forward BS?" she enjoyed those and without those experiences, she will never make it on that red carpet today...
Westerners often say that Asians "all look the same", but just look at this photo. There is such a contrast between them all.
I would like to add that they all look very nice.
Have u gone mad? LoL, of the 4 gals, Sora is the least attractive.
@noypic: You have a refreshing way of looking at life, and occupations. One rather very old one....
I believe the "Han" genpool creates some lovely woman. Agreed?
..of the 4 gals, Sora is the least attractive.
But she is so KAWAIII!
I guess. Some guys don't care about the "kawaii" look. But rather long legs and bust lines like Mak Tsz Yi's.
Evan Hayden
I think they're all lovely.
I do love porn, but nobody is going to take Sora Aoi seriously if she want to be a model outside Japan. If youve seen any of her movies all you can think about when you see her is with no clothes on doing the dirty. Mak Tsz Yi is the most beautiful of the four, and probably classy too.
i would hardly consider sora an "actress" unless you consider faking and O acting.
The three Chinese girls must be promoting their film "LAZY, CRAZY, HAZY"... and Sora is probably there because she's popular with the Chinese. I think the girl in red has been replaced by a fembot... bland expression with just a hint of menace. Kwok Yik Sum is by far the most attractive of the three (IMHO) but Sora looks the happiest.
I read "Actresses....."
then read "Sora Aoi".........wait, what? Is this an AVN festival?
I agree with many of the other comments, the pic clearly shows the difference between Japan (where "cute" reigns) and....everywhere else (where women understand "sexy"). That said, they are all, ahem, acceptable for recreational use.
later one you will walk on red carptet and just laugh about those memories in the past . like a cinderella story. problem with porn stars is many fail to think about the future, one they wont be doing porn forever, 2. if they decide to start a family what does one say to there kids if there bullied at school, "your mum has slept with 100s of men" do you say its perfectly fine to be a porn star, hoping they dont follow your path, or tell them its bad, meaning mum did bad things!? Id hate for my children to be subject to problems that may arise from my past if I was in porn!?
Why do so many of you put down the cute little genius Sora for her ability to generate income for many and make her a star at the same time.
She is cute...yes...but more than that, extremely smart. She has got I be 100% of the guys that read this article googling her and clicking on links and making her even more rich.
She has got I be 100% of the guys that read this article googling her and clicking on links and making her even more rich.well if shes that smart she should be able to make her fortune elsewhere also, doesnt take skill to open your legs for the camera, problem with porn is those images will last forever, even when /if she decides to have children, imagine her teenage son googling porn and bumping into mum in the process. At least when your a prostitute its mostly hidden with very little images, unlikely to catch up with you in the future. Paris Hilton is rich and famous, not famous for the good reasons. I personally you prefer to be just rich without the fame
I don't have problems with cute, and I think Japanese women are the most attractive on this planet, but in that particular photo I just think Kwok Yik Sum edges it.
Sora Aoi was young (18) when she started "modelling" and she was VERY, VERY popular because she looked VERY, VERY much younger... ;-)
She's 32 now. Well done to her for surviving!! :-D
Mak Tsz Yi - my spouse is japanese born chinese bred. so much cultural variety in beauty within and physical as well. The Japanese counterpart are all to expectable.
The Apartment
not the worst thing to look at first thing in a morning !!
Vernie Jefferies
Just googled and bookmarked Sora Aoi on my computer. Thanks guys.
One woman's twerking is another man's perking
Oh Traci Lords
Sora Aoi has been on TV in the past. I fell into lust with her when she was in that mizushobai drama series from around 2005. Many hot women on that show but she was the hottest.
The problem with eating Chinese food is, 1/2 hour later you're hungry again. Wink wink nudge nudge say no more.
of the 10,000+ J women that have done and do porn theres very few that actually make it as a celeb after porn. So its not as lucrative a business to be in unless your actaully the production company owner. average working life of a porn star is less than 10yrs. So youd have to ask yourself if the short term gain is worth the potential long term pain!? I doubt there are that many companies that world hire a person who has "porn star" on the resume
I hadn't heard of Aoi Sora before. So I looked her up on the Google and watched some of her videos. I really liked her very much. Thank you Japan Today for bringing her to my attention.
@wtf. You're always spot on the money. Too much praise in this thread for Sora. She really aint' "all that" . . . . I give credit though-
The funniest thing is that I think that for the Chinese audience, Sora Aoi would probably get the most praise among everyone else in that photo op. In any case, good for her, and for all of them actually.
Some people are a bit hypocritical here - they'd quite happily watch Sora getting rogered and groped by hairy blokes, and yet when she rises above that, makes a new career for herself all of a sudden she's somehow dirty or spoilt goods, not permitted to come into polite society.
LoL, Japan-China's neighbor- just happens to be the 2nd Largest Porn Hub in the world.
With that in mind, I'm willing to go out on a limb and say that there probably aren't any homegrown chinese porn stars to appease the chinese audience anyways. There probably is no (legal) porn industry there. Isn't everything censored there?
So of course they would admire japanese AV.
Don't understand why you got the thumbs down. I thought it was funny. To each his own right? But I will 100% disagree. OK, the lady on the right IS beautiful, but the two in the middle belong in a Close Encounters movie.
Yeah right! Cute-n-sexy vs octopus arms? Time to step out of the HG Wells aname fantasy.
Nice that so many experts on morality are here to impart their wisdom. Thanks.
All women are beautiful in their own way. Lacking any real knowledge about any of these women, I'm in the Mak Tsz Yi camp based solely on appearance in this photo.
Black Sabbath
Oh, I like porn well enough. It's just not art. Anyone who thinks it is, understands neither porn nor art.
And there it is....the Chosen One telling us all how to think.
and I'm telling you that you are misguided freak
So of course they would admire japanese AV.
Yeah, that's what I meant. In fact, they're so popular and have such a huge following there that they can get high-paying business or work contracts in China, like being a model for lingerie and clothing, or even acting and singing. So apparently, not everything is censored since Japanese porn is viewed a lot there. Well, I guess the censorship is not deeply enforced even though it's still technically illegal. Maybe it's one of their ways of preventing a huge population of their country (males) from becoming crazy, angry, and violent.