Japan Today
picture of the day

Maid to order


A girl dressed in a maid's uniform rides an escalator in Tokyo. Lolita fashion, which has many sub-styles, is a popular form of fashion in Tokyo among the youth.

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Guy on the down side is calculating whether he could get away with vaulting the barrier, just in case.

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Nice looking legs...

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Did that guy give his permission to have his photo taken? I'd hate to be him and has his wife see this picture. She might get angry that he's oogling some teenager (even though he appears to be looking at the dude)

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I don't think he is looking at either of them actually. Great pins!

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The down dude is wondering just how dumb and dumber the next generation can be. Nice legs, though, for a cosplay freak!

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Some of these girls feign this air of innocence, coquettishly dressing provocatively . It's another form of sexual exhibitionism .

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She might get angry that he's oogling some teenager

Or the fact he's not really standing on the left, and may cause inconvenience to others.

a popular form of fashion in Tokyo among the youth.

If 1 in every 10,000 girls counts as popular, sure.

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She is dressing outlandishly. And normal people will look - - - even stare ! ! ! . . . . There are men are not attracted by sexually immature tarts who think it is cute and sexy to dress & act like a School-girl doll - and not like a WOMAN.

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Women like this set the women's movement back, back, back. How can any rational adult take this particular woman seriously, other than as a sex object. If J guys started dressing up as.....what....sexy butlers, I think women would have the same problem. What next?

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Yeah, I see the oji-san has his hand in his pocket reaching for his camera.

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Love it!

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escapism –noun the avoidance of reality by absorption of the mind in entertainment or in an imaginative situation, activity, etc.

Cosplay is not a trend. It is a disease!
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The guy going down is looking at the guy going up and wondering, 'Why isn't he standing behind her?'

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You can get a costume like this at a sex toy store in US. Is this a fashion trend in Japan? Sick.

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It is sad she wants to attract attention in such a sad way.

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Did that guy give his permission to have his photo taken? I'd hate to be him and has his wife see this picture. She might get angry that he's oogling some teenager (even though he appears to be looking at the dude)

I doubt she'd have a problem with it. The expression on his face says, rather clearly, "Kids these days...!"

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Some of these girls feign this air of innocence, coquettishly dressing provocatively . It's another form of sexual exhibitionism .

I agree and it works on me. What is interesting is how women hate it when men are aroused by this sexual exhibitionism.

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From the back, she could be 15 or 25 yrs old.. men aren't to blame for their feelings.

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I usually write a first response directly to the article or photo, then read poster's comments and I was just formulating such a response when the bold in Disillusioned's post caught my eye: THAT exactly. Cosplay is not a trend. It is a disease!

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Both the girl and the guy going down are standing too far in the center. They are inconsiderate of the harried people might suddenly appear and be walking up or down on the right side.

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The oyaji was looking with disdain at the boyfriend, not the girl. That says something about what he's thinking.."This reminds me to tell that useless son of mine to get a job"..

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This is not cosplay. Is she dressed up as a particular character in a manga? No. This is just a fashion choice. And a rather attractive one on her ... from behind anyway.

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That's not a dress. That's just a short shirt with some bloomers. Ugh, not classy.

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Japanese girls love showing what they have for men - and I applaud them for it! Another wonderful photo to go with the Triumph one yesterday, JT. It's what the fans want!

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" weirdo !!! " She probably graduated from Waseda Univ. The expression on(old man right) his face is Priceless. I can't stop laughing !!!! Great picture. All the above posts are correct

This 20/30/40 year old (girl) set Japanese women back 50 years. I can only imagine what her room must look like ? P-I-N-K everything ?

Looks like the old was overhearing the idiotic & stupid conversation coming from this girl-woman's mouth.

She probably uses Kawaii in every sentence!!!!!

I wonder does she grocery shop with that outfit ???

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I need to get me one of them

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Wow! She is a hotty!!!

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I have two questions: How much? and give it to me?

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Hey, if you don't like then that's fine but I love the fact that some people in Japan dress in really strange styles a la Harajuku. It must be a great feeling of non-conformity which I applaud.

As for the negative comments; And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee. Really, the only harm this girl is doing is exposing your own negativeness. Chill and let her be.

And finally, the old guy's face...yeah that is classic.

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The old man is jealous of the young guy b/c of the airhead.

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Japan is like Disneyland, it's all a surreal image but with a sexual tone. Japanese people used to have character but now Japanes people are characters, weird characters acting in a strange fashion play. If Japan is to pull it's self out of the economic funk it is in, the younger generation needs to get serious and stop playing around and grow up.

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Cosplay is not a trend. It is a disease!

Oh come on! It's just a bit of harmless fun. Lighten up man.

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Interesting comments from The rat and Hawkeye. It's actually a great picture but I think she is a little early for Halloween! Freedom of expression is a wonderful thing and who knows what this girl does from Monday to Friday. Perhaps this is her way of escaping from reality on the weekend. But don't we all do that at least a little. Some go shopping, some play video games or watch TV, some drink, and some (like me) go dancing!! Or maybe she really is a maid on her way to work!!

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silly people. Nation of 12 year olds.

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aha! didnt take long, same brilliant crap

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@bicultural: Know this culture, cosplay is a type of performance art in which participants don costumes and accessories to represent a specific character or... and here's the nail... idea. She is dressing up to express herself as a maid, i.e. a concept. QED. It is a disease, a mental one, escapism of the masses, it's not even an opiate it's a placebo. Would look great in a bedroom, but out and about? La-la land.

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The photo has a sense of sadness to it. She could be smiling, laughing, speaking, begging for forgiveness or crying...who knows she could even have buck yellow teeth and acne. It appears she is looking at him and maybe he is disgusted or saying something to her as the guy on the right is glancing at him. Must agree with Hawkeye also...

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There's nothing like a little escalator eye candy to brighten one's day! Let the lolitas enjoy their fashion! I for one won't complain!

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Cosplay is not a trend. It is a disease!

The only "disease" is the bout of ignorance that a lot of self-proclaimed "otaku" I've met seem to suffer from. It spreads like a cold, and it's even harder to get rid of.

Long story short, I've got nothing against dressing out of the norm. However, many of the American "otaku" that I know of go prancing around in these outfits and cause a ruckus in the worst places at the worst times.

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Live and let live people. And she is one cute eyecandy for sure.As we say in french: "miam miam".

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Those are some legs. Ouch!

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Those are some legs. Ouch!

Legs? What legs? All I see are sticks coming out of White boots! Ouch is right!

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This shows how difficult photography can be. Wait another two more seconds, and if the guy then takes the photo of the girls A--, well, there could be a discussion. Teachers and cops get busted for this all the time.

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I think that the couple are on their way for a photo shooting session. The young man should be carrying a camera in his bag.

They could be doing it for fun but I'd rather think they are doing it for money.

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Women like this set the women's movement back, back, back.

Who knew that an attractive girl in a maid's costume had all that power?

The posts about it being exhibitionism and not classy make me laugh as most of those posters live in countries where women wear their thong straps out of butt-crack jeans, have antlers, miles of cleavage out, have all their bra straps exposed....

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Such sad and lewd comments from the JT gallery today! You cannot even see her pantsu.. just her buruma ne? i wore less during taiiku. I think what is more of an issue is that so many women STILL dress this way even in their 20s ~o_0~ the obsession with prepubescent looking appeals to pedophiles - THAT is an actual issue. Until this girl turns around all i can see is a maid.. if she turned around and i saw a child i would think that is cute.. Those men that look at this little girl image and see some thing sexual.. and those women who still dress this way intentionally just to excite chikan - those are the real issues to me.

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Sweet. The women here do wear short skirts well and with a twist of the theatrical and a hint sensuality and a dash of elegance. Certainly not explicitly sexual as in the West. Nothing like being behind a girl such as this on the escalator or station stairs to get your heart racing in the morning and what a wonderful start to the day.

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Until this girl turns around all i can see is a maid.

Um, I think those heels give away that she's not actually a maid.

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After growing up and watching Japanese no brainer TV programs, a shorter school days and a family without value teaching, well, this is an outcome of Japanese youth. Sad. This said all.

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Nothing like being behind a girl such as this on the escalator or station stairs to get your heart racing in the morning and what a wonderful start to the day.

Are you serious? All I see is a (little) girl's legs and I don't get what is special about that.

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amazing some folks are assuming the front looks as good as the back xD. I just can't get over those danged platform stiletto boots she's got on. I hope they have weights in those things as it will give the girls that like them strong leg muscles muahahaha!

Either she's dressed for a maid-cafe job, or thats her "normal" fashion. I hope its just for work.

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Are you serious? All I see is a (little) girl's legs and I don't get what is special about that.

She's quite obviously not a little girl. Japanese women tend to have thin legs and she's wearing 6 inch heels to boot. That doesn't make her a 'little girl'.

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She's probably either going out for funsies or for a concert or something like that. God forbid women wear what they want to. I've never seen a maid cafe that had a dress showing that much leg. And no, bloomers are not panties. Bloomers are part of the outfit just as much as the dress and apron are. They're meant to be visible.

And those are not stilettos. Just, for the record.

I agree that the pre-teen kawaii thing for 20-30s is weird and psychologically disturbing, but when was the last time you saw a 12-year-old maid??

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I don't see what the big deal is.

People ought to be more offended by the caption.

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Is the dude on the down elevator wishing he were on the up elevator? What kind of expression is that? "I'm looking but I know my wife would disapprove."

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I can dig it.

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I think that the guy on the escalator is wondering whether the girl is working as a hostess and the guy is like her loafer boyfriend trying to figure out ways to scam and sink further into idle dependency, not able to do anything worthwhile in society, and certainly nothing but a corrupting influence on the young lady. not that i think she is all innocent if she is in fact in the, shall we say, stimulation and distraction trade. all of this stuff about "Lolita fashion" is just media hype promoting the sale of these garbage outfits. What is Lolita about a 20-30s aged women working in a cafe or bar wearing revealing clothing to attract customers using sexuality? this phenomena is a symptom of a deeper level of dysfunctionality overall with respect to leading a normal, working life in adulthood.

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The guy with the lolitapop avoids looking at the old man on the other side knowing it's his own fate as to where she might be asking him what's wrong with you ?

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Picture of the month more like! Great photo. That bloke's expression is priceless.

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It is sad she wants to attract attention in such a sad way.

Are you jealous at how well she pulls it off, or how much cash she raked in that day?

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seasonedVEt; Some of us put things such as morals and ethics before money. As for girls working in maid cafes, they advertise for staff in Osaka Namba area and i have yet to see over 1,100Yen an hour offered for pay.

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Some of us put things such as morals and ethics before money

Ahh values of the 60s are so refreshing on a Sunday morning.

Now I don't like getting all serious and boring, but please explain how this maid hottie is violating any morals and ethics, other than yours.

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If you are a parent of a teenage daughter.. would you rather see her go out of the house dressed like some lolicon pedophile bait, or dressed in a komon?

It is generally parents and responsible adults who are offended by girls or boys dressing this way in public.

Part of being a rebellious youth is intentionally dressing up to scare and shock your parents and fitting in with your peer group - these are the things most lolicon girls are thinking about.. but sadly that look is literally throwing dry wood on a fire for the chikan.

Parents and responsible adults DO think about such things when they see a young person dressed this way.

The perverts just look and lust and do not think much deeper than the depth of their pants pockets.

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1 - She is obviously old enough to make her own decisions. We don't really know if she is a pre-teen or a woman, so all discussion on age for this photo is null. 2 - Can't a girl wear what she darn well pleases?!? Who cares if it doesnt fit the norm.. If you're not being forced to wear it, then don't worry about it! 3 - The Lolia trend is only seen as 'creepy' to those who are having the inner battle of feelings themselves. You can not misconstrue your own projected emotions as fact. Fashion is an artform, therefore the beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 4 - Live a little! Geez! Next time you see someone wearing loafers, or a simple polo. Take a picture, then blog about how you think their outfit is causing an unhappy stir in your soul.. ;P


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lol! Actually many of these young lolicon girls take these costumes with them in bags out of the home.. they change from their street clothes in the restrooms and then appear in public this way.. then change back to acceptable clothes for going home - there was even a JT article about a neu place that was opening in Harajuku with dressing rooms and lockers special just for the cosplayers to change their clothes and keep them safe!

Can't a girl wear what she darn well pleases is the question.. well actually a minor is subject to the wishes of her parents as well as the public decency laws.. adults are only subject to the public decency laws.

The loli trend has its basis in Nabokov's book 'lolita' about a man who becomes sexually involved with a 12 year old child.. the very word lolita is synonymous with a sexually active underage child. The lolicon clique, is mostly tame at least from the views of the barely pubescent children who are involved in it - many of them have not even experienced puberty yet and so are not as likely to even HAVE sexual connections with lolicon at least at first - unfortunately there is so much loli-porn in Nihon that to dress up that way is easily confusable with Nabokov's pedophile and child whore.

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Oh dear, just what we needed: a pedantic diatribe about how this all Nabakov's fault.

Look, I guarantee you that no J-girl wearing this stuff has half a clue who Nabakov is. His novel did not come with pictures, so no, this is not his work directly. It was other people who matched the look with Lolita. So no, its not even his work indirectly. And it was yet other people who came up with the look and recognized the attraction, totally independent of Nabakov. He is no basis. Heck, I don't even think the book remotely suggests Lolita dressed this way.

Basically the J-girls saw the fashion, whether in Goths or old pics from the 20s, and either liked it or saw how it could benefit them.

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@talking2U: If you read the lower part of mai last post, you will see that you wrote nothing i did not:

"The lolicon clique, is mostly tame at least from the views of the barely pubescent children who are involved in it - many of them have not even experienced puberty yet and so are not as likely to even HAVE sexual connections with lolicon at least at first "

So thank you for agreeing with me i guess? And again, since i guess you missed the point of that post as well as HALF of it.. let me try to reiterate in simpler terms..

It is the public perception of the lolita, NOT HOW THE YOUNG CHILDREN PERCEIVE IT, that is connected directly with pedophilia and pornography - that is the problem.

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I were loli style all the time, I like laces and bows, doesn't make me creepy or carazy.

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