Japan Today
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Message for Japan


A girl takes part in an anti-Japan protest in Taipei on Sunday. Hundreds of activists marched through the streets to protest against Japan's purchase of the disputed islands - called Senkaku in Japan, Diaoyutai in China and Tiaoyutai in Taiwan.

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Stupidity! J-politicians now feed hate to ever-friendly-to-Japan Taiwanese people including young kids against Japan. Why don't I hear any voices from Japan criticizing those J-politicians in mass media? I can see Taiwan is a democratic country having the freedom of speech.

-10 ( +10 / -20 )

Stupidity! J-politicians now feed hate to ever-friendly-to-Japan Taiwanese people including young kids against Japan. Why don't I hear any voices from Japan criticizing those J-politicians in mass media? I can see Taiwan is a democratic country having the freedom of speech.

?? Your priorities are totally in the wrong order here. How about the mis-use of placing a young child in a political rally? The Japanese politicians (in your words) did not involve this young Taiwanese child, the childs irresponsible parents did. And as for your description of Taiwanese being democratic and free, nobody has let themselves down more during this 3-way dispute than the Taiwanese. Despite decades of pleading to the US and the world to protect them from mainland China, what do they do? Join forces with the so-called bully neighbour when it suits them.

16 ( +25 / -11 )

This is probably the firs time in many years that Taiwan and Communist China has agreed about anything. Also the child in the picture, I am so sure that she really cares about some islands she never heard of until her parents started hate mongering against Japan.

27 ( +28 / -3 )

Before this issue happened, not many people in Taiwan ever suggest to cooperate with commie China for any international matters. Probably it's the first time I see.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Way to go Taiwan. Teach them to hate at a very early age. Worked out just fine for the Nazis.

14 ( +17 / -4 )

The Japanese politicians (in your words) did not involve this young Taiwanese child, the childs irresponsible parents did.

According to the slogan the demonstration is organized by China-Taiwan (both side) intermarriage support group. It appears that the parent of this child is Chinese and Taiwanese.

1 ( +3 / -3 )

For China this is just 1 dispute with another country about islands, use of the sea etc..the Philippines, Vietnam etc...are also pissed off at China.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

LOL, I have no doubt this child has studied the related history and came to her own conclusion all by herself with no influence whatsoever from any adult

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Love it when kooks send their little kids to do their dirty work.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Time to pull our people from Taiwan and drop all trade. If they want to be our foes then let it happen. Their government is playing with fire. They need the goodwill of Japan over these rocks. After all we can prevent the Americans from using bases in Japan to help them in case of conflict. As in Korea we need to be neutral in their civil war.

-8 ( +9 / -15 )

greed is sowing seeds of division across the horizon as far as the eye can see.

what be the harvest pray thee tell.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Remember Japan, Taiwan gave billions of aid to your country during Fukushima crisis. Respect your friend! Oh yea, you won't. ha

-10 ( +8 / -16 )

The President of Taiwan last week (there is an article here somewhere) said he wasn't going to become involved for fear of hurting ties with Japan. I guess that still gives people on the street to voice their opinion in a democratic country - without being paid by the gov.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Remember Japan, Taiwan gave billions of aid to your country during Fukushima crisis. Respect your friend! Oh yea, you won't. ha

You mean when Japan went to aid Taiwan in 1999 because of the earthquake?

9 ( +11 / -2 )

I have no doubt this child has studied the related history and came to her own conclusion all by herself with no influence whatsoever from any adult


Sadly your comment mirrors Japan as well, a country that doesnt teach its own history, further influenced by adults who white wash as well & here we are, sad all round if you ask me

2 ( +9 / -7 )


Remember Japan, Taiwan gave billions of aid to your country during Fukushima crisis. Respect your friend! Oh yea, you won't. ha

You mean when Japan went to aid Taiwan in 1999 because of the earthquake?

Acts of kindness are acts of kindness, why are you even playing this card?

Plus, these people's views don't even represent the masses. It's the vocal nutters that make the most noise and are thus the ones that are bound to be noticed. It's the same in Japan, its the same in Korea, its the same for China.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

breakingpointSep. 24, 2012 - 09:14AM JST Remember Japan, Taiwan gave billions of aid to your country during Fukushima crisis. Respect your friend! Oh yea, you won't. ha

So you believe that if you help someone you can make insane demands later and they should not question you?

With friends like you, who needs enemies.

BTW Japan has thanked Taiwan for the help many times over.

9 ( +11 / -3 )

Using children for this fight is low...

13 ( +12 / -0 )


Uh...how does a protest from a small group of people equate to making "insane demands" ? I am truly perplexed.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Taiwanese people, It's China that is being aggressive, not Japan. Chinese fishermen slammed their boats against the Japanese coast guard within Japanese territorial water in 2010. That kind of violent act scared Japanese, however, the Japanese government tried to hide the video which showed what had actually happened. To many people, that looked like the J gov. was acting in favor of China. This incident in 2010 prompted Tokyo Gov. Ishihara to make a purchase plan of the islands, and his bold suggestion made the J gov. to purchase them instead in a hurry to prevent people with unknown motives to buy the islets.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

I cant believe a chinese parent would brainwashed thier child to do this while the other Taiwanese one agrees with him/her. bunch of chinese ppl using Taiwan's resouces while doing things that hurt Taiwan, if they like china that much they should just all move to china and see if they get all the good stuffs like they have in Taiwan.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

@breakingpoint according to wikipedia: Japan aid to Taiwan earthquake in 1999 - $500 million Taiwan aid to Japan in Tohoku earthquake - $ 240 million

So not only are incorrect in saying that Japan didn't aid Taiwan, but you totally overestimated how much Taiwan gave.

The people of both countries appreciate whatever aid they can get, no matter who its from. That's the important thing

5 ( +7 / -2 )

...and I thought Taiwan is a respectable country...but now seeing this...

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

...and I thought Taiwan is a respectable country...but now seeing this...

if your opinions are so easily swayed, I suggest growing a thicker skin and reading the actual discussion going on above before posting such a naive remark

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Give it a year. This'll be old news. This is all posturing and the Chinese version of politicians and/or the army / security forces to get more power during the next regime change. This sort of thing happens all the time. Here in the States, every election year you hear politicians bashing China for insert issue du jour (outsourcing, currency "manipulation", etc etc etc). No one side really wants war (bad for business = bad for $) and is just using the population for the politicians' desires.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Taiwan is no longer Taiwan but China.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )


0 ( +0 / -0 )

A small child voices is sincere and louder than the adults.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

A small child voices is sincere and louder than the adults.

The voice may be hers but who's words is she speaking?

4 ( +7 / -3 )

"This is probably the firs time in many years that Taiwan and Communist China has agreed about anything. Also the child in the picture, I am so sure that she really cares about some islands she never heard of until her parents started hate mongering against Japan".

Every country educational institutions, parents and guardians educated their child since childhood specially in history and geography. Even the childrens in Japan the childs began to learn their owns history and geography. But the education should based from the truth!!!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

S.Korea, China, and other SE asian countries that were invaded by Japan gave billions in aid to Japan while Japan still denies their crimes. Pitful. This is Japan everyone!

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

No one should be against people expressing their opinion on this matter. Peaceful demonstrations, rational expressions of opinions, and calls for dialogue are wonderful things. The child holding a sign is in Taiwan, not red china.

However, repugnant mobs in red china resorted to mayhem and destruction at the behest of their vile corrupt government. The recent vulgar incitement to violence again Japanese people by the red china government is a different matter altogether. Red china has declared it wants Japanese people killed on its government sanctioned banners - it is the enemy of the Japanese people.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

To take part in a protest in Taiwan is just like to join something like walking party, since there would be no violence and only opinion presentation, why not parents take their children together? otherwise to let a kid stay in home alone might be more dangerous, isn't it?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

I'm pretty sure China has a "behind the scenes" hand in this. Taiwan overall is very friendly with Japan.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

@YiCheng LuSep. 24, 2012 - 10:10AM JST

I cant believe a chinese parent would brainwashed thier child to do this while the other Taiwanese one agrees with him/her. bunch of chinese ppl using Taiwan's resouces while doing things that hurt Taiwan, if they like china that much they should just all move to china and see if they get all the good stuffs like they have in Taiwan.

How on earth you potrayed other children as branwashed! If I call your child like that you will be offended. Taiwan is free society therefore everyone has freedom of rights to express their opinion. Whether you agree with them or not is entirely yours. If you are desendent of Han race, you will be called as traitor or collaborator in Ancient time. In the civilized society, people are free to go or move whether PRC or Taiwan or Japan as they wished. It is nobody business.

Founding fathers of Taiwan of ROC put their differenence aside with Communist Chinese during war time. They firecely fought with aggressive invader for honor of their ancestors. Those scarfice will not vain like smoke. All Han people from world wide are willing to fufill the their unfinished dream. Desendents of Dragon will not be bullied or intimated from no one else. It is a pround moment for that child and her family for paticipating the symbolic protest. Who cares about what the other people think or criticize? They do not owe them for their living!

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

@yosun: I personally believe that parents should take their children to protests with them as long as it is peaceful. I do the same with my own. However, my kids aren't allowed to carry signs or banners and are there to observe. When they are old enough to understand and can properly form their own educated opnion then can they hold up a sign for what they believe in. For all I know we will not agree and they may be standing on the other side and that is okay. Children are their own persons and have thoughts and opinions of their own. Parents should not force their own political beliefs on them and use them as their personal mouthpiece.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I'm sure if this were happened during japan's rule of Taiwan, this little girl would have been beheaded immediately. Maybe raped before beheaded.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

I would hate to imagine what would have happened if it would have turned into a violent demonstration. She could have been hurt or worse, stupid shameless parents.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

This showing of this photo is designed to provoke an emotional response from readers.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

First, I'm pretty sure that child can read. Second, you don't know if that child's family had suffered losses, rapes, or brutality by the Japanese when you guys colonized Taiwan. Third, there are probably citizens of Taiwan that genuinely hates your guts for what you did to their people. Fourth, there is nothing wrong with protest at any age in a democratic country. Anyone who is questioning that do not understand what democracy means. Lastly, Taiwan is probably the only nation in Asia that is friendly to Japan. Due to your common hatred of the Communist China. Lose Taiwan as your friend, you have no one else on your side in Asia. Forget the Philippines, they are flipfloppers. Vietnam on the surface hate China but deep down they know they depend on China for everything. Indonesia is China's new buddy, as well as Malaysia. Singapore is too weak for anything. Thailand has always remained neutral but its entire military is supplied by the Chinese. Forget Burma, Laos, and Cambodia. India got Pakistan to worry about. S. Korean and N. Korean hate your guts.

You don't have a friend that will sacrifice for you or will come to your aide. All your self proclaimed friends just want your money. China got Pakistan, N. Korea, Laos, Cambodia, Burma, Indonesia. Why, because those countries predominantly depend upon China's economy and military support.

You only have us, the US to have your back. You started this mess, so freaking fix it so we an pretend to have some normalcy.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

For all of you still hurting yourself with memories you didn't even encounter emotionally, why are you still living in the past? If you want to go further, think of Genghis Kahn (do we hate Mongolia?), Vlad Tepest, Napoleon (do we hate the French?), Joseph Stalin (do we hate Russia?), Pol Pot (what about Combodia?), Ivan the terrible (also Russia), Ruhollah Khomeini (don't get me started with Iran), Attila the hun (most Ueropean's....), and Tomas de Torquemada (hey what about Spain) and many more. They are responsible for so many deaths and countless atrocities. That still doesn't give us any reason to hate the people from their respectful countries. Lets just stop this nonsense and get back to work. China wants to be considered number 1 but with their attitude and senseless thinking, they will never get there. In fact, there are MANY companies that are starting to pull out of investing in that country because of this and many other reasons but this is the straw that is going to break the donkeys back.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

There are also marches in other cities by ethnic Chinese who have not been "brainwashed" by the CCP, eg. New York. The island is more than a resource claim, it also determines how close the Japanese ships & planes can reach the shores of China and Taiwan. The strategic position of the island could be used to make up a part of the island chains that's intended to blockade Chinese navies & planes from entering the Pacific freely. Thus this is also an encroachment, a military maneuver on the part of US-Japan.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


They have simply forgotten the reason why their parents and grandparents fled China in the first place.

Jumping the bandwagon for the flavour du jour if you will.

I guess burning all those books does wonders for making everyone forget in a generation or two.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Before anyone of you criticize the Chinese, not that they don't deserve to be criticized since that's not the point here, I want to ask this question to all ethnic Japanese or Japanophiles:

How many of you have learned about the accurate history of Japan's invasion in Asia and what they did to the average civilian, especially women and children in Asia.?

How many of you have taught your child, if you have any, about the horrific rapes, murders, human testing, and heinous crime against humanity in Asia?

If you have not done so, when will you do it and why are you talking right now?

-2 ( +2 / -4 )


They have simply forgotten the reason why their parents and grandparents fled China in the first place.

And what has that to do with the issue at hand, i.e. Japan's annexation of the islands which were claimed by China?

The overseas Chinese fled in many waves, for economic as well as political reasons, dating from the Opium War, the degeneration of the Qing Dynasty, the invasions and colonization of China by the 8 nations, Japanese invasions, China's civil war, CCP ascendance, Culture Revolution, etc.

I don't think hatred for the Communists and their deeds account solely for the Chinese diaspora - it has been a long history of China being subject to horrendous historic events for 2 centuries.

Of course many overseas Chinese, including many Taiwanese, do not support the CCP today, yet they protest Japan's claim over the islands. Of all of the horrors that ordinary Chinese were subject to in the past, most would agree that the Japanese invasion and occupation tops the list of historic suffering. These are not from CCP textbooks, but familial accounts among those born and raised overseas.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Being a european, asian, etc. asian history was rather brief we mostly focused on europe.

Said that I also took another class called 20th century history and we covered it all in depth including Vietnam(most current history). My History teacher at that time was Jewish and I helped him prepare an exhibit covering all the massacres of that time-period.

Learned more about Asian 20th century history after I left school(plenty of books/recordsin Japanese museums).

Schooling can only cover so much, the rest is up to the student and I found that Japan has a ton of official records available that anyone can access.

So the records and books are legally available in Japan for anyone to read. Very little is suppressed.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Just a reminder kids. Taiwan is not supporting the mainland at all. They are supporting the claim for those islands for themselves as an independent country, thus, the different name.

6 ( +6 / -0 )


" Stupidity! J-politicians now feed hate to ever-friendly-to-Japan Taiwanese people including young kids "

Yes, stupidity. But whose stupidity? Did Japanese politicians abuse this little kid for political propaganda, or his parents?

I find it disgusting to drag toddlers into this.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

This is why Japan's encroachment with its territorial claim over the islands has a particular resonance - the fact that the immediate territorial waters around Taiwan and Coastal China are now to be patrolled by the Japanese Navy is simply unacceptable to the Chinese. It picks at the festering wounds of WW2 and further deepens the anxiety among the Chinese that the Japanese are unrepentant over their imperialistic expansion. Many here insist that Japan did renounce its imperialism, yet by allowing the Rightwing to dominate Japan's politics, to the point where Niwa is fired for voicing a truthful opinion - that the purchase of the islands would lead to deterioration - is a development that leads to justified alarm among the former victims of Japan's WW2 Fascist Rightwing.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

How many of you have taught your child, if you have any, about the horrific rapes, murders, human testing, and heinous crime against humanity in Asia?

callmeB I come from a country which has a long history of suffering because of invasions. My country people have suffered a lot – we have our long history of horrific massacres and rapes and the evidence is still there for everybody to see. Yet, we have never received an apology for anything and though the aggressor demolished most of the infrastructure and wiped the largest part of our tangible cultural heritage, they have never paid a dime in reparations after they lost a war and eventually left the country.

Today, I am grateful to my grandparents and their whole generation because they chose to educate their children and grandchildren in a way which broke the vicious spiral of hate. We all know that those things happened in the past and we cannot hold the grudge forever. Those who do not let go of the past do not get a future.

We have not forgotten but we have gotten over all the painful memories and nowadays we get along with the people of that country quite well. Because the people who live today are not the ones who killed and raped our families in the past. Never forget that hate only tears at the heart of those who hate.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

It's not uncommon to see children and dogs marching with their families during demonstrations in the US.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

If you do not regard the censure of Niwa as a roll-back of freedom of expression in "democratic" Japan then of course there is no further room for discourse about the trajectory of Sino-Japanese relations. If all of Japan supports the suppression of opinions that favour a more conciliatory approach from Japan towards China and Taiwan, i.e. to let the hornet's nest rest unmolested, then a head-on collision most likely awaits our future. Both the PRC and ROC/Taiwan agreed to abide by the bi-lateral agreements signed with Japan on fisheries (1997 China-Japan Fishery Agreement) and other areas of potential maritime conflict. There has been diplomatic and political channels established to deal with fishing trawlers and such, but this recent gambit by the Rightwing in Japan ups the ante on a STABLE status quo respected by the Chinese side. If the Japanese public wholly supports the robust and aggressive move spearheaded by their Rightwing hawkish politicians, and punishes and censors opinions that call for a stepping back from the brink, it spells trouble for the region.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Are there hawks in China advocating more aggressive moves towards the islands? Of course there are and there have been through the years. However, they are held back by the cooler heads who are in favour of more positive engagement with Japan, such as those through economic and diplomatic avenues. If China had wanted confrontation and an escalation, it would have done what it is now doing, i.e. sending patrol ships to the islands, many many years ago. Now those in China and Taiwan who advocated better relations with Japan and suppression of nationalistic instincts over the islands have egg on their faces.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


We have not forgotten but we have gotten over all the painful memories and nowadays we get along with the people of that country quite well.

This has also happened - Chinese and Japanese have enjoyed peaceful relations for the past decades. However, how would you react towards the former aggressor of your country if their government now nationalizes part of the border territory it annexed from your country? Will you say, please take it?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

^ Then please explain to me what justifies China for doing the same to Philippine, Vietnam, and Malaysia.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

YiCheng Lu

[I cant believe a chinese parent would brainwashed thier child to do this while the other Taiwanese one agrees with him/her. bunch of chinese ppl using Taiwan's resouces while doing things that hurt Taiwan, if they like china that much they should just all move to china and see if they get all the good stuffs like they have in Taiwan}.

Those Chinese ppl who lives in the Mainland and Taiwan are all Chinese. Read your own surname, it spell "Lu"..U are Chinese.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Using kids for such things is indeed disgusting but many nations, including probably our home countries, have idiot parents with agendas to push. Politics and kissing babies, right?

What concerns me are the posters on here who are so ready to jump and scream anti-Chinese and anti-Taiwanese rants while failing to realise that this makes them exactly like the people in the picture. A few groups of people do not represent the country as a whole. The right wing idiots are not representing all of Japan. Nor are these people representing all of Taiwan, just like the rioters in China don't represent all Chinese.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Chinese and Japanese have enjoyed peaceful relations for the past decades.

There has certainly not been a war but I would not say that the two countries have actually "enjoyed" their relations after WWII. The last several decades have been anything but easy and it is mostly because the anti-J education has always been part of the curriculum in Chinese schools. Playing the anti-Japan card in times of economic crisis and/or political instabitlty has always provided the C-government with a means to avert the dissatisfaction and anger of the ordinary people from the government and its policies. The Chinese may think that they are a great power nowadays but the country is heading in the direction of economic slowdown which will influence the life of those who are venting their anger and frustration by protesting against another country now. China is seen as the aggressor at the moment by several Asian countries who have been suffering from its bullying behavior. How come you fail to see how aggressive China has become in the recent years and what its real face is?

As for the ancient Chinese territory (the disputed islands) you mentioned, China started making claims only after it became clear that the waters around them might be resource-rich. And as for Japan annexing the islands from the territory of China, this issue has been discussed in a number of other threads so I will not start arguing about it again.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Did anyone read the Cairo Treaty? Churchill asked Chang 3 times to take the islands back after the war and Chang offered to joinly manage it with USA.

How did China become the bully neighbour? it use to get picked on for past 150 years by everyone and now its standing up for his own rights and now all of a sudden China is a bully. Funny.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

If the kid were saying something like let's kill Japanese I'd be against it. Anyway, I've seen Japanese kids in silly rallies telling Fuji TV to stop showing Korean dramas.

It's not looking good for japan that Taiwan is also against them, and the rest of the world wishes the problem would go away.

I don't see many other countries outraged about the Chinese dispute of the island. If Japan stops trading with everyone who protests against them, we might have to go back to the edo jidai.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

@JaneM did you study in China?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Also, I don't know what the Chinese nuance is, but "get out" is probably not the worst thing they could write in English.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


The last several decades have been anything but easy and it is mostly because the anti-J education has always been part of the curriculum in Chinese schools.

Hmm, is education about the Holocaust "anti-German"? If the German Prime Ministers and politicians pay yearly respect at a shrine dedicated to Goebbels, Himmler, et al, along with other WW2 German soldiers, is that acceptable for most Americans and Europeans?

Personal dislike for Chinese and China aside, I wonder how many here are truly objective in considering both sides of the WW2 legacy, and the onus and responsibility on the part of both aggressors and victims. Asians are a pragmatic people, which is why despite Japan's perpetual claim over territories it annexed during its imperial expansion era, despite Yasukuni, Japan has enjoyed good economic relations with its former victims. However, to change the status quo thus is crossing a red line. There is documentation, historic, geographic, legal, etc. from China's side, including post-war treaties signed by Japan. Of course you can refuse to accept them, but it doesn't mean they do not exist. Most Chinese refer to these documents when they come down on China's side of the conflict.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I do not see aggression from China re the islands simply because I see a peaceful attitude in approaching the hornet's nest, such as the signing of the 1997 Fishery Agreement, etc., to expressly avoid potential conflict. Nationalists from both sides will always attempt to land on the islands, however, it is the action and words of the Governments that have genuine bearing on the status. In this case, Japan's government decided on a Kabuki with the Rightwing to forward a more aggressive claim, thus initiating a game-changer. Japan could have easily banned the attempted purchase by Ishihara, who first proposed it in the US, to scale back tension. Based on this act by Japan, I would opine that Japan has been more aggressive in this instance, not China. However, China/Chinese = Wrong, Japan = Right, always, so no wonder there is no conciliation possible.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Same old same old. It was WAR back then and gruesome stuff happened. My parents were teenagers during the japanese occupation in my country. Yes, the women to avoid being raped and etc, etc, had to marry in their teens, as did my mum at sixteen. They never touched you if you were married. Gruesome, horrible stuff happened but like i said, it was war and the rest of SEA has moved on. For the life of me i can't see why china and korea keep harping on the same old line! Move on already!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Wake up people.... the reality is that people of a country... small in numbers as they may be.... are being ALLOWED and in most cases ENCOURAGED by their governments to "continue"... WHAT DOES THAT MEAN....?

Have you thought about what is actually happening other than idealistic moralizing and rationalization?????

You have expressed your views with emotion and obvious bias toward one sentiment or the other using past history and what ever you can get your hands on to justify your views, but the fact is there IS PENDING CONFLICT that CAN result in OUTRIGHT military conflict we call WAR!

The only country that has held back is our host country Japan.... regardless of the reason.

This article has opened up a new dimension.... WHY IS TAIWAN NOW ISO NVOLVED?

What are they trying to do?

How is China, S. Korea, N. Korea, and other SE Asian countries looking at this new development?

Why did the USA allow this to continue? The promise to build a radar system which will take years to build and set up is worth nothing should there be a conflict now. Why did the USA take a "hands off" approach that somehow enticed more conflict in this region?

This article is a report on an occurrence that points to a larger scenario.....

Could you address that IMMEDIATE and urgent concern?

0 ( +0 / -0 )


" How did China become the bully neighbour? it use to get picked on for past 150 years by everyone and now its standing up for his own rights and now all of a sudden China is a bully. Funny. "

The citizens of Tibet would hardly agree with you that China only became the bad bully "recently".

The diffrence is that when tangling with Japan, Communist China bosses are tangling with another major regional, and not with a bunch of third world peasants and monks that they can brutalize while the world looks the other way.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

TokiyoSep. 24, 2012 - 10:00AM JST @JoeBigs Uh...how does a protest from a small group of people equate to making "insane demands" ? I am truly perplexed.

Yeah insane demands as in asking for something that is not theirs.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

wow.~ yeah go ahead teach your kids hatred (-_- #). over stupid islands sheesh..

0 ( +0 / -0 )

How did China become the bully neighbour?

The people of South east Asia would answer that.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this isn't a case of Taiwan agreeing with China. I believe Taiwan ALSO claims the islands as their own. So rather than a "Japan vs. Them" situation, there's a three-way struggle for the islands. I have to admit that if we go strictly by proximity to the islands, Taiwan has the strongest claim.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


" Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this isn't a case of Taiwan agreeing with China. I believe Taiwan ALSO claims the islands as their own. "

The ironiy is that China also claims ALL OF TAIWAN as its own. It is kind of bizarre seeing Taiwanese activists agreeing with Peking here... suicide wish?

" I have to admit that if we go strictly by proximity to the islands, Taiwan has the strongest claim. "

Reall? I thought proximity to Japan is something like 150 km and proximity to Taiwan something like 200. How does make Taiwans claim stronger?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

How can you tell if these people are not from mainland China? Japan will just keep cool and stay on its own Senkaku.,its perfect legal.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Bring it on Taiwan and China . Japan is not afraid of two Chinese countries

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Reall? I thought proximity to Japan is something like 150 km and proximity to Taiwan something like 200. How does make Taiwans claim stronger?

Are you counting Okinawa as part of Japan? Silly Human! Ask any Okinawan and they'll tell you they're not Japanese! ;-)

But seriously, I'm talking about main land masses, not claimed islands, when I'm looking at "proximity".

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this isn't a case of Taiwan agreeing with China. I believe Taiwan ALSO claims the islands as their own. So rather than a "Japan vs. Them" situation, there's a three-way struggle for the islands. I have to admit that if we go strictly by proximity to the islands, Taiwan has the strongest claim.

Unfortuantely, the proximity claim won't get you that far in terms of international law.

"Title based on contiguity has no standing in international law." Island of Palmas case.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Im from Japanese Descend.


1 ( +2 / -1 )

In my country Asians are like: 0.01%Japanese, 0.01 Korean and 1% HanChinese. To tell the truth. Its easier to find a Japanese married to a local than Chinese or korean. Japanese here make Cultural exchange, Public parties, etc involving Local people. I have yet to find a Single cultural exchange from koreans or Chinese. I would say that Koreans and Chinese are the most racist people in earth.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Unfortuantely, the proximity claim won't get you that far in terms of international law.

"Title based on contiguity has no standing in international law." Island of Palmas case.

True. If proximity meant anything, Japan wouldn't be having issues with Russia over the Kuril Islands (closest point: 16 kilometers from Hokkaido)

0 ( +0 / -0 )

True. If proximity meant anything, Japan wouldn't be having issues with Russia over the Kuril Islands (closest point: 16 kilometers from Hokkaido)

That's a different issue. Those islands were part of Hokkaido (Northern territories) and were taken by force.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I asked a question earlier. Only one person answered.

What are you afraid of?

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

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