Japanese volleyball players Arisa Sato, left, and Yuki Ishii show off their McDonald's french fries while eating lunch at the athletes village in Rio de Janeiro on Wednesday.
© Japan TodayNice lunch for athletes
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Japanese volleyball players Arisa Sato, left, and Yuki Ishii show off their McDonald's french fries while eating lunch at the athletes village in Rio de Janeiro on Wednesday.
© Japan Today
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You are KIDDING me? wither this is a straightforward ad or what on earth are top athletes doing eating Makku?
Matthew Simon
Its free for Olympians Wakarimasen.
Ridiculous! What kind of example are they setting for yonger fans. Why not have a cigarrette with your after meal coffee?
Their coach is just out of shot smoking some Mild Sevens.
Nice lunch? Please check the definition of nice.
Looked em up, and they got it wrong. Yuki Ishii is the one on the right. lmao
Moderator: Thanks for pointing that out.
ah the breakfast of champions!! I always find a big McDonalds is great before sport!!
Let them enjoy their food, they are old and "wise" enough to decide what they want to eat.
I'm not lovin it.
Mike L
Not a chance of winning a medal, so might as well enjoy the perks!
Had a happy meal after my workout today.
Spot on. They probably drink alcohol and smoke too.
Why are McDonalds and Coca-Cola - purveyors to the discerning diabetic - allowed to sponsor the Olympics?
Louis Amsel
McD is usually the go to food when you go to a third world country, especially given Brasil is plagued by the Zika virus. I had a whole month of McD when I was sent to India to work. It was awful but beat diarrhea or having even more nasty illness
You should be asking why Brazil is allowed to hold the Olympics at all.
Eating the Mac stuff is one thing -
but waving it around showing everyone is something else.
I bet the Mac publicity people don't mind. Doesn't affect me but to be fair I agree with @ifd66 & @kawabegawa198, also waving around a durry and a tinny each would be a nice touch.
It's precisely because McDonalds and Coca-Cola sell products that everyone knows are unhealthy that these companies sponsor the Olympics. It's a purposeful re-branding of image. Japan Tobacco used to sponsor volleyball here (maybe they still do).
that picture just earned them thousands of dallars. long live makudonaldo!
Christopher Glen
Those fries are going to do wonders for their aerial prowess. What a joke!
Look at all these posters with their panties in a twist. Everything in moderation.
Ill bet most here braying on about McDonalds eat there or some other fast food joint once a month
MacDonalds is not food! I wonder if their trainer is aware they are chowing down on this garbage. They should be careful the chemicals don't show up in a doping test.
Jeez lighten up!
These two athletes seem to be a few fries short of a happy metal.
"McD is usually the go to food when you go to a third world country, especially given Brasil is plagued by the Zika virus. I had a whole month of McD when I was sent to India to work."
Hmmm it defeats the purpose of traveling don't you think?
Maccas have been sponsoring the Olympics for a long time, same with other major sporting events. That's their 'we are with healthy ppl" card. Hope the 2 girls are taking the mickey.
Unfortunately not. They'll see nothing sinister about fast food chains.
Disgraceful to see adults eating this crap. I nearly dropped my Cup Noodle in shock.
Who knows, they might not even be eating it. Just trying to pay for their upgrade to Business Class. Did the "MEN" fly first class I wonder.
Alex Einz
you mean eating garbage?
I've never seen anybody show off their frenchfries before, lol
These fries are necessary for stamina so these girls can beat Brazil for the gold.
I was more fussed that this is a blatant advertisement by JT, less so that these "athletes" choose to eat tit.
Moderator: But it isn't an ad by JT, whatever that means.
Yet, they're healthier than any of us, so wouldn't worry about it
Given that these two women probably train six hours a day I doubt this one meal is going to have that much of an affect on their performance or their body weight. I am pretty sure they have their diet under control, despite what all the experts on the internet have to say.
I know they are top athletes, but they are allowed to live just a little bit.
I'd say they burn enough calories every day in training so a bit of Maccas won't hurt them.
Note to self: "Watch female Olympic volleyball"
Are any of us non-Olympians sitting in front of our computers really able to see this picture of two young women in top physical condition representing their counties in the most important athletic event in the world and feel that we can pass judgment on what they choose to eat? Does anyone here happen to know everything about their diet and their daily calorie intake and how much they burn? Do you believe that these ladies do not get adequate nutrition? Are we so horrified seeing Olympians eating fast food that we cannot decide what is good to eat for ourselves?
Ronald McDonald and Happy Meals may be priceless cultural artefacts to some, and our challenge sacrilegious.
But the cynical propagation of unhealthy eating practices, be it through using athletes or hooking the poor on the dollar menu, leaves a decidedly bad taste in the mouth.
This was clearly a random shot by a photographer and not a commercial. I cannot explain ( although I suspect I know) what the bad taste in your pie hole is...
I'm lovin' it, I just AIN'T EATIN' IT!
McDonalds' fries are Russet potatoes (food) sliced then blanched in a beef broth (food), then frozen and shipped to the local franchise. At the franchise they are fried in a vegetable oil (food) then allowed to briefly drain and then salt (spice) is added before being served. Potatoes are starch. Rice is starch. I don't hear many people railing about all the rice eaten in Japan.
I suppose nobody would believe me when I say I've been eating two McDonald's Double Quarter Pounders for lunch almost every day since February of this year and I've lost 25 pounds since then, but it's true. I did it by eliminating grains and starches from my diet and not worrying about fats. No grains means no bun on the hamburgers, and no starches means no fries to go with the hamburgers.
Yuki Ishii looks to be eating a salad along with her fries and McCafe drink. That seems to be a reasonable lunch (though it all depends on what the rest of her meals during the day consist of).
All of the snark on this board...equals a bunch of smug expat westerners doing what they do best, dishing on anything no in the mainstream, center-left spectrum of good/bad. I for one think that these Olympic athletes have proven themselves enough, way beyond what most of these drive by critics on this site have, to be trusted to choose what they want to eat. Good for them! Criticism is cheap and common.
For all you Mac haters, these girls look and are stronger than all of you and they're eating Mac.
Probably not a lot of food choices around. Athletes burn through a lot of calories more than sedentary humans so I wouldn't get too excited. It's hilarious for them and they're having a good time. Wish them well
Who among us, while traveling and surrounded by dodgy food offerings, hasn't chosen the golden arches? I know I have, and I don't burn nearly as many calories as an Olympic athlete. People need to relax and cut these ladies some slack. Besides, being in the athletes village, I'm sure the meals were free.
Compared to them, I'd be more worried about you people here, who may eat healthy but don't exercise as much as they do
The McDonalds at the Athletes Village is hugely popular. TV showed a long line in front of it.
Black Sabbath
Sounds good to me! And a shot of single malt!!
Just kidding. Kind of.....
There's Nothing wrong with eating a McDonald's meal even if you're an athlete.
Jokes about McDonald's are the jokes made by stupid people. By now I'm sure everyone's heard of a cheat meal.
I just wish the photo had been of the athletes enjoying local, real food, not corporate chow. And, wontond is wontond wrong with the assertion of, "Who among us, while traveling and surrounded by dodgy food offerings, hasn't chosen the golden arches?"...
I, for one, chose to avoid the golden arches every time. Ever read or seen the movie, "Fast Food Nation"?
Sure, those young athletes look fine now, but look at older people at those corporate feeding stands. Same for older smokers...not pretty.
Anyway, I hope the gals learn to appreciate real food soon and meanwhile, have a great time at the Olympics!
Black Sabbath
Right. I hear ya. Really. I'm all about farm to table. Total foodie. Bourdain's worst nightmare...well, not really but, yeah.
Bottom line: Mickie D's sucks. Industrial food, chemicals, and most importantly, tastes like blech. (Not like Burger King. hmmmmm industrial pink slime goodness. Alahahghhgghhghghglll) BUT
MD's the fries tastes really good.
Just sayin.
Jason Lovelace
Cute girls! Best of wishes to them and their teammates in the Olympics...
But the $100M sponsorship isn't. Even the IOC leadership self-censors on the issue:
But later retracted in this email:
Big Food can rest assured there'll be no such debate in 2020 Japan.
with all the great Rio food the best they could come up with is McDonalds! I love Japanese food but most Japanese can't begin to understand what awesome food there is outside of Japan, Also if you can learn to stomach spicy food your menu just increased by two, Indian, Thai , Cambodia, Malaysian, Vietnamese etc spicy food from these countries is just plain frigin awesome!!
It's all about WHAT you eat, not who made it. You can eat a perfectly healthy meal at a McDonald's as long as you pay attention to WHAT you're eating. You can also go to a 4-star-rated restaurant and eat the absolute worst thing for your health. If you load up on starch and other carbs, you'll quickly become obese, REGARDLESS of where the food came from.
Exactly. Political correctness means an Olympic athlete cannot eat french fries because it goes against the prevailing leftist orthodoxy. Even these athletes whose body fat is less than any average person must be reprimanded for not toeing the line. Makes no logical sense - but orthodoxy is always more important to them than logic.
What? Mc D's French Fries are a heart attack in a box. . . . oh well. Guess its okay for athletes to cheat once in a while. Back in Japan, you just know they were eating tofu, natto and rice all the time.