A vending machine, brought inland by the March 11, 2011 tsunami, remains in an abandoned rice field inside the exclusion zone at the coastal area near Minamisoma in Fukushima Prefecture.
© Japan Today
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A vending machine, brought inland by the March 11, 2011 tsunami, remains in an abandoned rice field inside the exclusion zone at the coastal area near Minamisoma in Fukushima Prefecture.
© Japan Today
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Chuichi Hashimura
No customers, but it just cannot be ignored in an abandoned rice field inside the exclusion zone at the coastal area near Minamisoma in Fukushima Prefecture.!
Sometimes you do actually come across vending machines in the middle of nowhere and sometimes in the most unlikely places.
Not sure if Coke is going to be happy about this pic or not.
Replace that vending machine with a copy machine and I'm reminded of Office Space.
Great pic!
This photo is one of a series seen here:
Very depressing, yet heartening too.
After humans are wiped off the face of the Earth due to radiation poisoning, and aliens come and visit, they'll find this coke machine in the middle of nowhere and assume it's some kind of tribute to a god.
And they'll be right.
Alex Einz
gaijinfo, they would most likely to believe its a kind of chemical waste.. have you looked at ingredients of those things...
I'd say great subject matter, but not a great pic, to be honest. The composition is amateurish. Don't know if he couldn't get closer, or couldn't be bothered getting closer, but that's a missed opportunity imo.
Very existential.
Thanks for the link Maria. Some great photos, but that poor dead cat!
Here's a closer shot: