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Not many customers


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Waiting for the punchline...

2 ( +2 / -0 )

25-30 Tokyoites are being hospitalized each day from the coronavirus. Out of what? 13 million inhabitants? The number does not go up and does not go down, regardless of the number of people tested, or the number that actually test positive each day. More people are seriously injured and taken to the hospitals each day from traffic accidents. But people do not stop driving, or walking/bicycling (sharing the road with vehicles) even though there is a greater chance of being crippled or died than from the virus. The culture of fear of the virus here has created an economic catastrophe. All of these poor bar and izakaya owners are facing poverty and ruin because of the sheeple's fear (as are so many other businesses). The only businesses continuing to profit are the online merchants like Amazon and Rakuten.

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