A right-winger gives a speech in Ikebukuro on the decline of the nation and the problems lying ahead. The speaker blamed the international policies of Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama's DPJ-led government.
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May be good for those who can read and understand 'kanji'.
What a bunch of losers. Prior to WWII, Japan's GNP was 6th in the world. After WWII it became the second biggest economic power after the United States. For over 65 years now they've had prosperity without anyone having to die needlessly for it. As if Imperialism and Emperor worship could do that. I admit that Japan needs to become a "normal" country, but not a backtrack toward a failed militarism. As long as jerks like these spout off their right wing nonsense the average J-person goes the other way.
Love the sign up sheet and donation box. I hear AKB48 will bust a move for you for 20 grand.... you may want to start with that to get the majority there, young and old. Depressing photo.
Who is paying them ? I see them everywhere Shimbashi, Chiba, Saitama, every small town and city has these weird individuals. Who pays for their salary, computers, auto paint( black & white paint jobs), body guards, stupid uniforms in very boring colors ( grey,black, green,suits from aoki, with name tags and logo), accountants, sound equpiment, sound & audio crew, sound & audio crew chief, speech writers, location coordinator, who is paying these weirdos ) spouting out "gaikojin go home" everytime the are at a rally. Where did the get the money to pay the police to look the other way. Because everytime these weird people assemble at a public place or private place like JR Stations. Why can't the Police give them fines for disturbing the peace and unlawful assembly.
Are they paying the police to look the other way. Are these guys considered " native " terrorists? Interesting ? Again, I would like to re·it·er·ate Who's paying them ?
Sure, Japan has some loud rightwingers, but how many of them have been elected to office? Now compare the recent Hungary elections, or Austria, Australia, or the Republicans/Tea Party in the US. There the right actually has a strong following. Here we just ignore them.
whiskey... my guess is the underworld aka Yakuza....
Ahhhh my2sense I concur, plus added finacial & poltical support from the government as well. Probably half the clowns are former government employees.
there si a reason they talk with loud speakers.... because nobody wants to hear them.
Japan has become a nation of relentless complainers. If you think something is not going well, go out there and do something to make it better. Complaining does not achieve anything.
"Disturbing the peace" and "unlawful assembly", what fascist state do you want to live in. Just because you don't believe in what there preaching doesn't mean they shouldn't have the right to speak their minds. I am happy to see that some Japanese people finally have to balls to come out and express their true feelings. Maybe the other side should come out and do the same, or would you have them arrested as well?
Complaining gets you money.
I always find it amusing that a large number of those fellows are actually Koreans. A show of being political organization once in a while and they can get on with their more lucrative extortion work. These aren't the guys you have to be worried about. It is the ones lurking on the Internet that really believe their own ideology who who are unpredictable. These guys on their trucks aren't sneaking up on you (you can hear them coming for sure!).
@johnnydesu. I don't mind them speaking but blaring is another thing!! People have the right not to listen too. Blaring is selfish, ignorance at it's best. Japans political regime (all warps) seem to know no one will listen so they turn up the volume. So I'm with others, they are too loud and should be shut up
They give absolutely no reason for why these things (foreign pandering) are contributing to Japan's decline. Just good old fashioned fear-mongering.
What, no big black bus this time? I too find it hard to believe that these fools would expect that the "Japan of today" can even read their message in Kanji since most are barely able to read a daily newspaper. Now write those right winger messages in 'text chat' format and they'll be understood but most likely not agreed with unless it's a 2ch nutjob.
I don't want to live in a country where people are not allowed to speak their political opinions freely.
Isn't that the idea, that if your voice is not being heard you scream louder. You make people hear what you have to say. If this ever happened, I doubt any of the social change that happened in the US during the 60's and 70's would have ever come to light. Imagine telling Dr. King to keep his voice down. (And before any of you come on here and give me crap, I am not comparing these guys to Dr. King, they are now way near the same league, it's the concept of making yourself heard) Of course most of what these guys are saying is incorrect, which is why more people need to stand up and debate the matter. As long as they don't turn to violence or disrupt businesses, let them be.
johnnydesu; Try working of having an office near Kamiyacho, I did it was on the 9th floor of a building half a block from the corner where the Russian Embassy is and when these truck would come down the road and try to force their way to the Embassy all the traffic would have to be stopped and even on the 9th floor with all the windows closed we still could not use the phone because no one could hear us and we couldn't hear them, and this was a weekly thing.
correction - second line: "If this NEVER happened
What is it with right wingers and a profound lack of common sense or insight to history?
Japanese right wingers dream of a return to the nationalist or imperialist history of Japan. Doing so they completely ignore the fact that the rulers of that time nearly obliterated the country. And they fail to see that the second world war was lost before the first bomb dropped on Pearl Harbor. Japan did not then and does not today have the economic power, natural resources or military capacity to go it alone and dominate the Asian region.
But if you go to Alabama you will find the same mental breakdown with the right wing Americans who are still dreaming of the restoration of the Confederacy, a nation that had exactly the same economic and industrial failings that promised a loss of their war as well.
Nazis in Idaho and Germany, Imperialist types in Russia and the list goes on and on. It looks very much like Right Wing thinking is some kind of mental disease fueled by fear, hatred, elitism, a total lack of realism, no grasp of practicality, no understanding of history or economics and selective memory that is astounding in its ability to ignore the facts.
These guys are a joke, world wide.
hokkidoguy. I agree with you, they have the right to speak. I do wish they would play one song or speak one at a time so we could understand what they are trying to say. This is just a preference for being able to hear clearly. But if they like loud garbled messages, who am I to stop them? Long as the knock it off by bed time.
This is "creating a public nuisance" , "noise pollution" , they should tone it down or be fined.
People are saying they should be able to speak their mind, other say they are too loud. Well take this into consideration: If their message is on a billboard or piece of paper, don't read it. If it on the TV, change the channel or mute it. Same for radio. They blast your ears out and even if you ran as fast as you could, you could not tune their message out. It is the same as tying you to a chair and forcing you to listen. That is THEIR freedom of speech, but where is MY freedom to not listen. ON THE OTHER HAND what about the dude who drives around my neighborhood selling oishi imo. Should he and other similar vendors be shut down too... maybe. I am not sure if I appreciate food menus or political agendas in my ear when I am trying to watch a movie in the privacy of my home. It is their right, but where is my right to peace and quiet in my private home?
Freedom of speech is one thing, in most cases any of the effective movements as someone said hear during the 60's and 70's that actually made any real difference were conducted lawfully with permits and well organizes.
These guys have nothing to do with freedom of speech they travel around primarily form one Embassy to another (that they view as enemies of Japan) rushing their tucks at the police barricades and blasting their speakers at over the 80 decibel maximum allowed by law and safety.
Anyway this is not the 19th century when will people like these and politician get into the real world and start using modern media if they actually want to get their message to people.
Check their reaction when you waltz over to the table to sign your name on the paper.
was thinking the same thing mate....
kujiranikusuki; "what about the dude who drives around my neighborhood selling oishi imo. Should he and other similar vendors be shut down too... maybe."
Well hear is a bit of information for you if this vendor was blasting his speaker at the same level as these guys yes he would be shut down or fined.
If you have ever looked at the politician vans that give speeches in front of the stations you will notice at regular intervals a police officer with a decimeter making sure that they do not exceed the legal limit, you will also notice at many construction sites a digital decimeter on or near the safety wall also to insure that the noise is not above the permissible limits.
When I asked the police why they do not stop these guys or at least fine them I was told that they are trouble and the policy is not to provoke them and just let them scream and then they move on.
They sure look like a bunch of intellectuals don't they? Let the losers have their "vowel-movement", it just show their stupidity!
No, here we (or should I say, the Japanese public) let them get anyway with anything and everything. In other countries, there's a backlash or a response or a reaction. Like you'd get a slight reaction from a half-dead person.
Yes, free speech is alive and well in Japan....but only for the right-wing. Criticize them and you risk being killed.
I doubt it. Yakuza, maybe, but right-wingers? You're getting the two mixed up.
These people are sad. They want a return to the old militaristic Japan - but there is no way in hell they will ever be able to rule over the rest of Asia again. It's funny how these people want foreigners out of Japan, and yet they don't tell their countrymen living abroad to return home - they can start with spreading their message in Shanghai and NYC where they have the largest ex-pat communities.
Why has one of the hinomaru's been turned into a 'no entry' sign?
"What, no big black bus this time? I too find it hard to believe that these fools would expect that the "Japan of today" can even read their message in Kanji since most are barely able to read a daily newspaper. Now write those right winger messages in 'text chat' format and they'll be understood but most likely not agreed with unless it's a 2ch nutjob."
What do you know about the japan of today???
These sad people apparently call themselves the Hinomaru Social Reform Movement.
They're against the DPJ, separate surnames for married couples, a national monument for the war dead and voting rights for furriners. And they want all the furriners out of Takejima. There's something about the Supreme Court too, but I can't read whether they think it's a Good Thing or a Bad Thing.
That lad standing at the table looks really forlorn. If he could get a girlfriend he probably wouldn't be wasting his time with those losers.
When the nutters notice that they'll probably include in their 'agenda' having all the traffic signs changed to something less disrespectful.
To these guys, Japan started going downhill from 1868. They haven't had a new idea since the Russo-Japanese war.
Freedom of speech is ok but freedom of noise shouldn't be. @ratpack: so you would sign it eventhough knowing that the banner on the far right is against foreigners voting in local election?
Maybe the a group of us gaijins should line up and sign it. Now a video of their reaction would be priceless. Youtube-worthy.
They think they're the answer, but they're part of the problem. Some Japanese reflexively think this will bring back the glory days, but it's a complete fantasy that they can't seem to let go of.
dude that is so worth it lol a ahole gruop of gaijin signs the paper just to see their WTF face lol
Some mentioned about who pays them. Maybe some of them do this for the money and don't even believe the crap they scream.
kujiranikusuki-san brings up an interesting, and not completely unrelated, point. (although the moderator will probably tell us to "get back on topic people")
The freedom of speech elemenet is important, but in Japan there is a serious lack of respect for peace & quiet. Buses with never-ending recorded messages. Shinkansen and train conductor announcements which repeat the same information that the automated recording just finished spewing. Retail shops with constant and overly loud music/announcements/jingles.(Grocery stores and electronics shops being amongst the worst offenders. . .)
It's not near as loud as the system music in Bic Camera.
Are they the equal, but a rather polite version, of Japanese Neonazi?
Just a couple of points:
The line between right wing reactionaries and organized crime in this country is very blurred indeed. When these chaps are not pouncing about in their black/white trucks, you can probably find them down the local gang headquarters.
With regard to the banners, here is some insight into their views. Takeshima is an issue with South Korea. Unfortunately, however, whining will achieve nothing. The South Koreans have facilities on the island and "occupation is nine-tenths of the law." Furthermore, neither side gives a squat about the island itself, both are interested in the fish/mineral resources in the surrounding waters.
There is a banner against the idea of a national war memorial. Yes you read correctly. These people are against a national war memorial (one actually does exist already). This is because any national war memorial would undercut the prestige of Yasakuni Shrine (and the national association of bereaved families). As such, right wing groups and certain LDP politicians are in cahoots with each other on this issue. The interest of the LDP is that the bereaved families represent a reliable support group for the party.
AudreyRugburn at 09:31 AM JST - 13th April
This is "creating a public nuisance" , "noise pollution" , they should tone it down or be fined.
I agree 100%
Nope. Both are full of Koreans.
Some sources: One in English web.archive.org/web/20011217234057/http://www.asahi.com/english/weekend/K2001120900069.html
One in Japanese
They are just a bunch of sad, uneducated, smelly little men.
The best tonic for them is walking by their vans - Japanese girl at your side - and pointing and laughing. They never seem too happy when I have done this, for some reason!
Everywhere in Japan is noisy - even the escalator shouts at you. These guys are living in the past but it is a lucrative one - they get tax breaks and are often used as means for Yaks to launder money. If you are a loser then driving around in uniform, shouting and getting attention, getting free lunch and some booze, hanging with like minded losers all sounds pretty cool. As if Russia is going to give back the islands or China is going to roll over because some fools shout at their embassies. Only one who suffer are us when the J-cops close the roads and pavements or when these loonies spot a foreigner and start making personal comments.
I live near the Korean embassy so it's a weekly occurrence for me. I don't care if they do it during the day but they wake me up on Sundays with their incomprehensible blaring. And I live on the 16th floor! Nothing is worse than waking me up early on weekends...
These dudes are always really loud. Especially in Shibuya in front of Hachiko.
I suggest all of go to Hakaido and catch a ferry to Russia. Make love. Ok. you feel better.
What do you mean, "finally"? This isn't a new thing, these guys have been at this for decades. And as for disrupting business, I don't stay long in a shop or restaurant if a loudspeaker is blaring a distorted speech or martial music outside the door, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. If that isn't disruption of business, I don't know what is.
What Kujira said.
And thank you, Timor, for your explanation.
I'm pretty rabidly in favor of free speech, but when they pull their noisemobiles in front of my apartment, it stop becoming speech and starts becoming harrassment. Also, they are famous for wanting to limit other peoeples speech through violence and otherwise. People like this are a blight on any free society.
If your date is more than two hours late and you keep standing close to the auditory assault, the "Shinkoku-Juku" (Divine Nation Taliban) may very well render you as deaf as chuuken Hachi-ko.
Erin Okamoto
Knock down the Minsyuto, foreign power opposition hoo-hah...Same old, same old. Just keep walkin'...
The former Public Security Intelligence Agency investigator, Mr. Suganuma Mitsuhiro gave a talk at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan a few years ago that the right wing bodies are mostly managed by Yakuza, and that 60% of them are Dowa-related (historically discriminated people), 30% Korean residents (Zainichi) and the remaining 10% is non-Dowa Japanese and Chinese. What seems to be the alienated part of the population worrying about the decline of this nation while revering the emperor seems rather intriguing. I sometimes wonder if they are out there to derogate what they have to advocate. BTW I think it's Shinpu-Juku (kamikaze or divine wind school).
Stephen Jez
ROR nutjobs!
johnnydesu - Yes they are disturbing my peace. I can't yell with a bullhorn what I don't like about Japan. Why should they have the right ? All they do is preach hatred and stupidity. These idiots have no solutuions to the problem. Please invite them to your neighborhood and stop traffic. You have no idea what your talking about. They want you out of the country johhnydesu. Your the problem you take away the jobs of the Japanese.
Thank you for the two links. I quickly scanned through them. In the first one, it just seems that a frustrated Korean woman said that some of the right-wingers are Koreans. In the second one, which Seiharinokaze talks about, I couldn't find any reference to right-wingers - only bouryokudan and yakuza.
I have no idea why ethnic Koreans would want to join these scumbag right-wing groups. It makes less sense than black tea-baggers or republicans hiding in the closet. Can you imagine a Jewish group within the British National Party, or Jessie Jackson hiding under a KKK gown? There's one thing more despicable than these groups - and that's people who betray their own and are in self-denial. There must be a lot of self-loathing happening there - be it a question of race, skin colour or sexuality.
For entertainment purposes:
How some right-wingers bid farewell to South Korean tourists who have come to Japan to do sightseeing and spend money:
Here's that fat racist sod (who tried to terrify the 16-year old Calderon Noriko) giving a speech in one of his finest suits acting like an academic:
Well the country certainly is in decline but these guys don't offer any viable options.
I am glad people are standing up for Japan - There is a decline and there is a problem with the country. Japan needs to have national pride. Some how, having national pride, is a bad thing in Japan - or at least expressing it is.
So, is it bad that someone is doing this - no.
Is his method affective....doesn't seem like it, especially if his way is harassment, upsetting the public and causing more harm than good.
Still, realize that people hate change and some hate being bothered. So, unless some people are "harassed", they will never pay attention or notice the issue and/or a potential solution.
Do I agree with these guys - I don't know, I don't know what they stand for...but I am glad some people are standing up for Japan...the People of Japan, especially the young, need to be proud of their race, culture and country....
But they also need to be taught balance: ** It's OK to be proud, but not OK to be racist.
The decline of Japan happened when they joined WWII. It recovered after WWII ended. Ironic for a right winger to be opening his mouth on this.
My understanding is that these guys will pop up in front of businesses whose owners they dislike for some reason or will "shake down" some businesses to not show up and disrupt commerce. I just ignore the idiots. They are "standing up" for Japan in a counterproductive method.
Shouldn't all their flags be written in katakana and hiragana if you're so purists and anti-foreign?
Patricia Yarrow
Noise pollution #2 source after the sound vans: Akiba's Yodobashi is the tops for nonstop sound pollution. I prefer Kinshicho's as it is quieter. I also laugh at the idea of police checking that the sound is below legal limits. If that is legal, what good is the law?
Hint to rightwing loons, its not 1930 any longer.
These guys are the equivalent to the US teabaggers but are better organized and of course directly linked to the Yaks. The teabaggers are linked to the Ringling Brothers.
smoke and mirrors ... ever see one of these trucks when they've stopped for a cigarette break? maybe three people inside tops, usually two. I think it's a hoot as none of them look like they'd make it running a mile. and sure, they target companies, institutions of their peculiar displeasure with noise. lots of it. anytime a chinese delegation is in town, a japan teachers' meeting etc. nutters pure and simple ...
nutsagain: looks like 3 people in this picture....you have already discounted yourself, "Maybe three people inside tops". Well, unless one of the 4 walked to this event, there would be 4 people inside this time....
According to their banners, these guys are opposed to voting rights for foreigners, separate surnames for married couples and the JDP. They are in favor of respecting the gods and emperor. Though they are dressed like janitors, they are in fact the "Rising Sun Movement to Put the World Right." I'm all in favor of putting the world right, and we could start by taking all the megaphones away from religious and political whackos of every hue. Japan is far too tolerant of this noise pollution.
Why aren't they smiling!?
these twits are nothing new or recent they have been embarassing themselves & Jpn for a long long time now
@CandleStickPark: "the People of Japan, especially the young, need to be proud of their race, culture and country...."
Japanese is not a race. What race were you referring to? Asian?
@zurcronium The Tea Party rally's have nothing to do with race. If you believe otherwise please present some proof.
yeah more noise pollution. J-ppl just l-o-v-e public announcements, it's everywhere, on trains, trams, streets, all neighborhoods and too loud. Is that to make up for all the conformity and silence? when do ppl actually have a decent conversation, let alone think quietly to oneself?? FT